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Found 3,903 results

  1. Lovey - I am so happy your stall has broken! Mine is seven days strong, and as a matter of fact, I have gained a pound and a half... so three weeks post surgery I have lost..... wait for it............eight pounds....
  2. rolosmom7

    Harder than I thought....

    My scale isn't moving either. I'm just silently screaming at it knowing I shouldn't be paying attention to the scale right now.I feel like I am a fairly even-tempered guy, but I was about to throw our scale off of the terrace by the end of the second week of my "three week stall." But, it finally passed, and I have been in a free-fall ever since. I bet that's going to happen for both of you before too long as well! Now, if I can just get to my next milestone before the stall rears its ugly head again!! :-) Hang in there! I'm with you. Good thing there aren't any neighbors behind our house! One day I'm going to toss that thing in the lake! Not really, but I know exactly how it feels.
  3. I had a three week stall at week three that I just finally have come out of. I tried changing around everything, increasing Protein, walking, Water, decreasing carbs. Nothing helped. I have no clue what eventually knocked me off the stall, but I do know one thing - it sucked! I can't imagine how you're feeling six weeks into one. My clothes don't feel a whole lot different, but I was slowly losing an inch here and there, so if you're not measuring, maybe that'd help you keep going? I know you already acknowledged the low water, but that would be one thing to add. When you work out it can be really important to replace water. Hmmmm...Have you tried switching up the type of workout you do? I know other times I've reached plateaus in diets I was able to get over the plateau by exercising at a different time of day, for example, moving it to early morning to get my metabolism up. Or changing which workout I was doing so that I wasn't stuck in the same thing every day. On that same token, are you eating the same types of foods every day? That's another thing that will throw me into a plateau. My brother is a creature of habit and has the exact same lunch every day. If I do that, I will stay put at the exact same weight. My body likes it when things are consistent and will try its very best to keep them there. Are you getting in enough fiber? That might help keep your digestive system moving. I'm not sure if it will help the scale, but it would be a healthy thing to have in your diet. I'm not sure what else, but you will get through this! If you are doing the right things your body will eventually have to give up and let the scale move. For the mean time, maybe put the scale away (I know this is so ridiculously hard to do, maybe you'll be better at it than I was!), set some fitness goals instead of scale goals, and measure. You can still be successful even when the scale isn't moving.
  4. jess9395

    Plateau during first month

    Do a search for week three stall. Super common and there are scientific reasons for it.
  5. himalaya62

    New member - Dina

    Hi Dina and welcome. You came to the right place. I'm three weeks post op and was in a stall too. I realized I wasn't putting in enough walking so I have added an extra mile to my walk and I walk to the beat of my iPod and I have finally started losing again! Hooray!! I saw my doc yesterday and he told me to do the same. Our body is in shock and still trying to figure out what just happened. Stalls are normal. Just keep plugging away!! you're bound to lose!! Best of luck!
  6. Joy@boman

    3 week stall?

    I have heard of three week stall but I am coming up on two weeks and havnt lost anything so it scares me to stall in 3rd week. I have lost zero since coming home from hospital. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. MisforMimi

    Plateau already?!

    Three week stall? Search the forum it's all around here. Body is in shock and trying regroup. Did not loose a pound on 3rd week postop. Staying off the scale helps if you can. Easier said than done. I'm exactly where you are. I'm 14 down. You will break through! :-)
  8. nathaly

    Please help...

    I weighed Bout the same as you pre op and had my surgery 3/22. First week i lost 15 lbs second week I gained three back. You are not doing anything wrong. Our bodies are getting used to the new program and holding on to everything. I finally lost those three pounds yesterday but only because I walked 5 miles in two days and spent two hours rigorously cleaning. For a lot of ppl exercise will get them losing faster or out of a stall like me. Good luck and don't get discouraged! HW 283. SW265. SD 3/22/13! CW 249
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein and Herbalife

    I am not familiar enough with Herbalife so don't know for sure, but you need to read labels very carefully. What is the carb to protein ratio? Doesn't Herbalife have a lot of carbs? At three weeks out you should be adding more food sources of protein. What does your NUT say? Are you following your program? Are you getting in all of your protein and fluids every day? Are you taking your Vitamins and supplements as directed? Are you avoiding starches and sugar? Are you exercising? Almost everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. If you are doing everything you are supposed to then you just may be experiencing your first stall. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  10. danyelleb

    Six Months Out

    50 pounds is a major accomplishment! Way to go! How many weeks have u gone without seeing the scale move? Are ur clothes fitting differently? I exercise like crazy and am mindful about my cals. I hit stalls pretty often, but they usually break after the three week mark. Keep plugging away and try not to compare urself to others. U really are doing great! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  11. MrsGloMartin

    April 21st surgery

    Thanks Bri, I'm still taking the Fintstones vitamins but I had problems with the chewable ones so my doctor allowed me to switch to the Flintstones gummies. I was stalled for three weeks and I am sure I will experience other stalls as my body continues to adjust and adapt to my new lifestyle, but overall I am pleased with my results so far. I no longer eat anything made with white flour and I have also cut out processed foods. I also accept that if I want to continue to lose weight I may have to add to my workout because I will be only doing enough to maintain my current weight. I need to lose 60 more pounds to be at the ideal weight for my height of 5ft 7in which is 140 lbs. I would talk to my surgeon to ask if the prenatal vitamins are okay. Are you pregnant? they might be okay because you are getting all of the important minerals and nutrients I'm just not sure if they are good after surgery. Have a great day, God Bless.
  12. mountain_lover

    Bariatric Surgeon Dr. John Husted Somerset, Ky

    Hello kteacher, I was doing just fine until Dec.23. I woke up with some chest pains that continued throughout that day and I could not get to sleep. I called 911 at 3:30AM on Dec.24 and had to go to the ER. I was concerned about my heart or a blood clot in my lungs. They took some blood tests and one (D-DIMAR) came back positive so they had to do a CT skan. My heart test all came back OK and there was NO blood clot in my lungs. But they did find a large Hematoma on my spleen. I had to stay in the hospital until christmas day about noon. They said it could be causing the pain in my chest area. The spleen could have been bumped and bruised during surgery, but I am going to be ok as far as I know. It will be absorbed by the body. The only time it usually causes problems is when it is infected or if it bursts inside the body. The doctor said that it doesn't appear to be infected. I had plans to leave on christmas day, to go out of state to visit family for Christmas. I ask the surgeon if it was OK to travel and he said it would be OK. So I went to visit Family and I just now arrived back home from the visit. Other than that, I am doing Ok. I am on my three week stall or either things got messed up from me being in the hospital. Dr. Husted told me that I would only have 1 incision instead of 5. I found out that I was the 2nd patient that he had performed the one incision surgery on. You must have been his first one because you had surgery on 11/20 and I had surgery on Dec.2. I am so thankful that I only had one that had to heal. I do not regret having had the sleeve done. I am hoping that after this stall, I will get back to losing so I will be on my way to my goal weight. I hope that you had a Merry Christmas and that you are doing ok from your surgery. I only have lost 16 pounds since Dec.2. I am going to go back to the Y soon so that it will help to burn some calories. I went to the support group on Dec.14 and I hope I get to go in Jan. I hope to meet you at one of the support group meetings. I will be posting more in a few days after I rest up from my trip. Thank you for your reply and have a nice day!!
  13. I hit my first stall during weeks 2 and 3 post-op. Then I dropped six pounds during week four. It's not uncommon at all (in fact, do a search for "three-week stall"). your body's going to do what it's going to do. Some people lose weight fast, others lose it slow and steady. So many things can affect it (I'm definitely a slow loser, but I've lost 153 lbs in total). Just stick to the plan and you will definitely lose!!!
  14. My surgeon had me walking the day after surgery (It helps in the healing process) I continued to walk after I was home from surgery. Each surgeons’ instructions are a bit different. Your Dr. will release you for lifting and exercise. After you are healed, you will absolutely be able to get into activity/exercise of your choice. Start slow and work your way up. What did my post op work outs look like? My goal after surgery was to run race for the cure 5K in memory of my mother. I started walking 30 mins and worked it to an hour a day for the first three weeks. Third month I had a major stall. I sold my treadmill and bought a gym member ship. Third month: I did weight lifting with an hour of cardio 5 days a week. I mixed icardio up on elliptical, treadmill, stairmaster and treadmill. I took a women’s lifting class. What I learned is too much cardio will slow down building muscle. I altered my workout program. My workouts have changed and evolve over the years. I am 50. I love being a bad ass grandmother. You never know where your weight loss can take you. We are all stronger than we give ourselves credit for. I have completed 5K to a full marathon. Last year, I ran two mountain elevation/ trail half marathons. This year my bucket list run is Revel Mt. Charleston in Las Vegas. Find exercise/activity’s you enjoy and be consistent!
  15. gail_juarez

    Hypothyroids & Weightloss

    I have thyroid problems and it has been an up hill battle to lose weight. I lose 10-15 lbs at the most and then stall...still trying though! I see the psych next week and also the surgeon not sure what is next but I hope with in the next two-three months to see a surgery date.
  16. I haven't even been sleeved yet, but I am so prepared for the dreaded three week stall. I never want to see another post about that again. Thanks for the blog. It was super refreshing and very funny.
  17. I don't know there would be any correlation. From the testimonies I've read the surgery just sacks everything to hell. Some people gain from the fluids. My experience: I lost 27 lbs on the pre op, and another 25 or so in three weeks after. Hit a stall at week 3, but I doubt it's related.
  18. MBird

    Water... ugh.

    Crystal light won't affect the stall. The stall is your body's way of adjusting. Mine lasted two and a half weeks and some have lasted up to several months for others. You want to up protein and be patient. I drank Crystal Light and still do but alternate between that and plain water, with plain water being my main source of liquid. You shouldn't have any restriction on liquid at all. I did cut out the protein shake, which helped me, not sure how much meat you eat so feel unsure you want to cut that out. Walking more now helps, and I'm losing a pound a day. I have no issues, even eating one small scoop of ice cream with a cookie last night, and waking up a pound and a half lighter. (First and last time eating ice cream for a long time, I had no dumping syndrome.) The stalls are hard but normal. There is no dreaded "three week stall", it's just one of several plateaus you will hit. I will say you may wish to not drink crystal light due to fake sweetener that's in it, still having said that I drink it once in a while when water is too redundant. I personally don't think you ought to return to all fluids - you need to eat every three or so hours to keep your metabolism working. It's the yo-yo dieting that ruined the ability to lose to begin with. Just stick with 1-2 oz of food. Measure out 4oz, put half away and eat when you feel hungry. My doctor told me to expect a severe stall after I started solid food and that's exactly what I got. I'm down 53 pounds since May 1st. Good luck.
  19. Hop_Scotch

    Setting Weight Loss Goals

    Did you surgeon give you an idea how much you may be expected to lose over the weeks/months? My surgeon didn't have any expectations (or if he didn't he didn't share them with me). I didn't set myself an amount to lose each week or month, I just kept to my post op guidelines. If I didn't lose one week I knew the scale weight would catch up. Weight loss after surgery is a bit fraught with danger, some people expect to lose a lot of weight quickly, but the reality is a lot different. There is the post op weight gain from iv fluids and inflammation, there are stalls along the way that could last from a week to many weeks, sometimes there will be temporay gains due to various reasons. Some experience a stall within weeks of the surgery....the infamous three week post op stall...it doesn't always occur at three weeks out some experience it a little quicker for others it may be delayed. Some people are fortunate enough not to experience stalls in the first few months. Generally each of the surgeries has an average weight loss after year 1, year 2 etc, but some people will have lost less than that, others will have lost more than the average.
  20. I had the revision on July 10th for the same reasons. High weight before sleeve in July 2014 was 300, lowest after sleeve was 210 and then I regained 40+ and couldn’t get it off. Was 250 when revision was done, weight loss has been kinda slow but they said it would be. Stalled at week three for over three weeks but scale is finally moving again. Down 23 pounds so far. Best thing is my restriction is great, can’t even finish a quarter cup of protein most of the time. I’m glad I had it done, wish I would have gone with the bypass to begin with. Good luck to you.
  21. gaflalo

    Stall Already ?!

    Don't worry, I've been at a stall for two weeks and I'm only three weeks post op. On the up side, I've lost another whole size in my clothes so at least I know something's happening!!
  22. oldoneyoungagain

    Gastric Bypass 11/15/13

    You may not see any loss for a few days after surgery, because you have been pumped full of Fluid. I started losing about two days after surgery and averaged a lb per day for about three weeks. I then stalled for about a week then lost about another 5 lbs and at a complete stall now. Going to have to have nothing but Protein, no carbs to get it moving again. I'm not really one to be compared to as I only had 60 lbs to lose to start with as I was banded until I had to have it removed and had to have bypass.
  23. Dysruption

    3 week stall

    This looks awesome! Do you by chance have the amount of calories in a 3oz serving? If you have this posted on MyFitnessPal, that would be awesome so I can put this in my rotation for pureed. I'm so bored right now of the food I have been eating. I've got 1 more week of pureed and then I'm officially on to softs. I'm approaching the end of week three and I've only lost 3 lbs during this time. I don't expect to lose much more in week 4 but that's because I have to travel on business. I won't be able to put much time into exercising with all day client meetings and nightly outings. There are several reasons why the scale stops moving: 1. Your body needs to replenish it's glycogen storage. This process involves breaking down your fat and storing it as the quick energy your muscles burn when exercising. Glycogen needs water to make it soluable so you may retain some water weight because of this. This process could take a while depending on sleep schedule, water intake, etc. You may not be losing weight during this time, but inches should be shed. 2. Eating the amount of calories, 600 - 800, for a short period of time has the benefit of quick weight loss that is seen in the first 2 weeks. At some point, your body realizes that the small amount of calories you're feeding yourself isn't a temporary situation and your metabolism might slow down a little. That's why when you add some extra calories, as some have posted they have in the form of Protein, they saw the scale move. As someone said before "keep your body guessing" and change it up. Some tips that I have read from multiple sources: Do not drop below 600 calories. This may have the adverse effect and stall your weightless even more. Increase activity if possible. Getting 10K steps in a day is nice and it sure has it's ups, but it does not beat the fast paced walking that lasts for 30-45 minutes straight. Get your heart rate up and keep it at a steady beat. When you're walking fast, it should be hard for you to carry on a conversation if someone was walking beside you. We can make it through the stalls, and in some cases, even push past them sooner!
  24. I'm almost 11 months form surgery and have found that my stalls break when I increase my carbohydrate intake. My weight fluctuates like crazy but the trend remains (so far, thankfully) downward. I am lucky in that my stalls have only lasted a week or so up to now. I have a hard time with the concept to have to eat more to lose more, but it really works. As it stands now, daily I eat a minimum of 120 gms of Protein, 40-45 gms of fat and 100-110 gms of carbs. In calories that adds up to about 1300 a day. I eat three meals a day and then have a mid morning, mid afternoon and post dinner snack (usually fruit, Greek yogurt or a protein bar/protein chips). After quite a few variations I discovered that this eating pace keeps my head (and real) hunger at bay. I also track on myfitnesspal faithfully. I have also been really bad about exercising, although I recently started to reverse that. Good luck and I hope this helps!
  25. reidweaver

    A plateau at 3 weeks out? What gives?

    I had my surgery almost a year ago, so I can share a little about what you are going through. There is a normal stall around 3 to 5 weeks out from surgery. It will last about 2 weeks. You have to remember, this is around the time when you are adding regular food for the first time. Your body is trying to adjust. You are in monitored starvation, you'll start losing again. To give a little of my background, I was 261.5 on July 24th, 2012, when I had the sleeve. In three weeks I had gone down 22 pounds and went from a size 24 to a size 18. The weight continued to go down an average of 11 lbs a month. I am now 80 lbs down without much exercising. (I am gone almost 13 hours a day with my job and have little time at home). My doctor told me when I hit 180 I would hit a wall. He was correct, but I think it is more that I was grazing a little and therefore, eating more. I have backed off of doing that and am losing again. I did not gain any weight while doing this, but did not lose either. My goal is 150, so I have 30 lbs left to lose. Most think I have lost enough, but I am 5'9" and 150 is not an unreasonable goal for me and I see the poochy abdomen and flabby tops of my thighs that could use a little weight loss. I am now down to a regular (not women's) 14 and love shopping for clothes (to my husband's dismay). This past year has been like winning the lottery. It has been a wonderful journey and I would do this again in a heartbeat. Don't despair about the stalls, they are a part of the process - learn the process and you will do well. Determine that you will NEVER go back to the way you were. Enjoy discovering the new you!

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