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Found 1,237 results

  1. NovaLuna

    Post op SADI weight loss stalled

    Considering the date... I'd say you've hit the three week stall. It's totally normal and happens to most. It doesn't always come on the third week post op, but it's usually within the first month. It skipped me, personally, but my first stall was at month 3 and it was three weeks long. It frustrated me to no end, but now, 14 months out, stalls are very common. Even so, every time I hit a stall I still want to throw my scale (I'm in one now as a matter of fact as March 29th was the last time I lost weight, but considering it was 3 pounds... I'm okay with the stall lol. I just hope it won't be as long as my last one... 27 days was way too long! 😬). Anyway, you'll pass the stall. Just continue to follow your diet, get your protein in, and your fluid, and it'll pass!
  2. You're doing great! You've actually lost MORE than average for the first month after surgery, especially considering that you started with a BMI on the low end. Stalls in the first month are extremely common -- we call it the "three week stall" because it usually happens around 3 weeks post-op. There are a lot of superstitions around how to end a stall, but the reality is that a stall is just your body catching up to the changes, and all you can do is be patient and stick with your program. Don't worry; it happens to almost all of us. I know you probably waited a long time to get this surgery and you're ready to be skinny, but it takes time. Congrats on your success so far!
  3. I was sleeved on 12/28 and so far I'm down about 23 pounds. But I lost most of that in the first three weeks. For the last two weeks I've only lost about 2 pounds and its driving me crazy! I know about the three week stall and I hope that's all it is. I'm 5'9" and started out at 260, now at about 238, but the scale actually went UP a pound over the last few days which really kills me! Anyways, do these stalls break themselves? Do you have to exercise to break out of one? Do you have to go ultra low carb to break out of one? This stall is why I always failed at diets in the past - when they inevitably occur, it's just so demoralizing! This
  4. catwoman7

    Question on "3 week stall"

    yes - they can be that long. My "three week stall" lasted for two weeks - but I have a friend whose lasted for 3.5 weeks!
  5. Gundy

    Weight loss after surgery

    The three week stall is very common. Hang in there! HW: 225 SW: 214 (5/2/2018) CW: 207 GW: 145
  6. Creekimp13

    Not loosing weight and feeling helpless

    Talk to your nutritionist or bariatric team. They can help you sort out a good menu and give you some advice for getting things moving again. The three week stall is so legendary and typical, it has several threads here if you search. Hang in there and try to be patient. You're not alone and it will be ok.
  7. bfriedman

    Frustrated by progress

    Thank you so much! I had no idea there was a such thing as a three week stall!
  8. I hit the three weeks stall...and had been stuck for almost two weeks. Was making me crazy. Totally empathize with those hitting one. Man, it's frustrating! Got my period yesterday and lost two pounds...and woke up this morning another two and a half pounds down! Not an ounce for two weeks....then, BOOM!...four and a half pounds. The legends are true! Be consistent, be patient. Your hard work IS counting...I promise. Scale just needs a minute to catch up:)
  9. So with the exception of the 3 week stall I've been rockin my sleeve! Between thanksgiving and New year's eve I lost almost 20lbs. Then I started doing Zumba and I've hit a wall. Nothing major but ill be 11 weeks post op tomorrow and I'm just wondering if the exercise has put my body into some kind of shock or if I'm heading into a stall or something. I haven't gone 5 days without losing anything since early on. With regard to stalls , (which I understand are normal), I'm curious about what's typical. I am 5'5 started at about 250lbs. Three week stall with tiny losses until about 6 weeks. Then 5 weeks of non stop awesome loss. Now stuck at 201.2-201.7 lbs. For 5 days. Just curious about your thoughts on my progress and where I should go from here. If I am heading into an actual stall, how long does it usually last at this point? Also, I am about 1 week away from TOM. Thanks
  10. I'm so frustrated.... In the middle of the dreaded three week stall. Cash paying for the sleeve, two bites of an egg and I'm stuffed (which is fine by me) supplementing with my protein drinks. Walking at least a mile a day and I gain four pounds. I feel like I have failed at weight loss surgery and I am destined to be a fat girl
  11. One of the ladies on my facebook support group found this article about why we have the three week stall (which I am currently in) http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.php
  12. look up "three week stall". It happens to almost everyone, and it's not always at the three week mark. But sometime within the first month or two, almost everybody has a major stall. Mine lasted two weeks. Just stick to your program - it'll break. After mine ended, I dropped like 6 or 8 lbs just in a couple of days.
  13. You are just experiencing the "three week stall" that everyone goes through. Your body just went through a traumatic surgery and is concentrating more on healing at the moment than anything else. Your job right now is to meet your protein and water goals, and to work through your food stages. This isn't the most fun time in the journey, but it is an important time. You will feel better and better as the days and weeks go by. When you are hungry, have a protein shake (or part of a protein shake). That always helped me. Good luck!
  14. I had my three week stall, and added in working out on the treadmill almost every day. That stall broke, but then I stalled again. I was going up and down the same three pounds when I had just broken into the 200's. My pulmonologist told me to ease up on the workouts and the weight would start dropping again. And, he was right! Since I've backed off the treadmill some, I am dropping again. Why? Because I'm not building up the muscle as fast as I was. At my BMI, the muscle is important, but I want the pounds to come off. I DO NOT want 280 pounds of muscle! LOL OTOH, while I was working so hard, I could almost see the definition in my legs and butt getting better and I dropped 2 pants sizes, so there are pros and cons to each way of doing things!
  15. FrankyG

    Stalls immediately after surgery

    Stalls can happen any time. You should count yourself lucky you actually lost any weight instead of gaining the first week after surgery - many folks experience weight gain from the fluids and meds they use during surgery and may not see an actual loss until 2-3 weeks out. And there is the often discussed three week stall - which can happen at week 2 or week 4 or 5... Your body will not work exactly the same as someone else's body. But just know that you will start losing again unless you go nuts and start eating bad for you foods or not following your overall diet/exercise plan. Your job is to keep track of your food/liquid intake and make sure you're getting your Protein, Water and other nutrients and slowly adding in exercise over the next year. You need to throw out your old way of eating and the foods you used to eat and relearn healthy eating habits and foods and what is a good mix of Proteins, fats and carbs. If you do all of this, your body will do what it needs to do to lose that weight. So deep breath, keep doing all the right things, and trust your body to do it's thing.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Weight Gain

    A little late in the game but I agree with everything mentioned above. Three week stall, watwr weight, etc. as long as you are sticking to your plan it will break.
  17. yep - it's the infamous three-week stall that almost everyone goes through! It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your plan and it'll break. Always does...
  18. VSGAnn2014

    I just want to cry

    What everyone else said above. I'm 3 1/2 weeks out and am currently enjoying my three week stall. Happily, I knew it was coming. Not sweating it at all. And I've lost post-op 9 pounds. So look how great you're doing. I'm not in a race with anyone.
  19. t is the DREADED THREE WEEK STALL, which very few of us have escaped. Your body is making adjustments.
  20. Bufflehead

    Feeling hungry all the time...

    agree with @@M579 -- "empty burning sensation" is very likely stomach acid, not true hunger. Talk with your surgeon about more/better PPI's and see if that doesn't take care of it. The stall in weight loss starting around the third week post op is completely normal. You can search the forums here (or even Google) for "three week stall vsg" or "third week stall bariatric surgery" or "3 week stall weight loss surgery" and you'll see that virtually everyone goes through this. Hang tight and stay off the scale for a few weeks, things will pick up again. Good luck!
  21. Bufflehead

    Very helpful advice needed!

    I practiced the behaviors I knew would be important after surgery. I got a myfitnesspal account and a digital kitchen scale and got in the habit of weighing or measuring my portions on myfitnesspal and logging everything. I stopped drinking with meals and for 30 minutes after. I gave up caloric and carbonated drinks. I started walking 20 minutes per day. And I read all the threads here and on other wls boards -- not just things that were of immediate concern to me, like what to take to the hospital or insurance approval, but I read all the post-op threads so I knew what to expect: things like the three week stall, gas pain from surgery that is only relieved by walking, stuff like that.
  22. vikingbeast

    Feeling awful 6 weeks post op!

    Okay. Deep breath. Exhale. 'Nother deep breath. Exhale. One more. Exhale. If you search these forums, you will find almost 20,000 posts on the infamous "three-week stall". That is exactly where you are, and sometimes it lasts a few weeks. Stay on your plan, stay OFF the friggin' scale except ONCE a week, and just be patient. The constipation is almost certainly part of the issue, though you're not eating enough to really be backing stuff up. But you can go and get an enema at any drugstore; sometimes it just "packs" and you have to break the pack. (Gross, sorry, I know, but facts.) You're also almost certainly not getting much if any fiber. It does get better. One thing you might want to try (though who knows if it'll work for you) is INCREASING your food a little bit. I know it sucks, but anything helps. Soup. Tomato soup. Cream soup. Whatever. Just increase calories to about 500-600, in concert with your nutritionist's guidance, and see if that moves things along.
  23. Four years out. Keep trying different protein shakes until you find what works for you, because you will! I had to try like 15-20 varieties. Powders, pre mix, waters, etc. Nashua Nutrition online sells a sucker serve sample of anything they carry for $2. You trusted your surgical team to cut you open, trust their nutrition plan! It may be totally different than anyone else's but it's YOUR plan! Follow it for at least the first year, make the most of that window, then you can experiment after you've changed your whole relationship with food and broken all the habits. Know that early put acid can mimic hunger pangs. If you feel a gnawing sensation in your stomach that feels like hunger, try a proton pump inhibitor or another acid reducer. The three week stall is real. And it ends.
  24. hyggelieg

    Not losing weight after sleeve

    This is so normal, there should be and entire website on the "three week stall." Mine hit at 8 days. So frustrating, but completely normal.
  25. VSGAnn2014

    Not losing weight after sleeve

    Google "three week stall." You're right on schedule.

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