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Found 3,905 results

  1. Arabesque


    Follow your plan. This is important because your plan has been designed to aid healing. Remember there’s a lot of stitches & staples holding your tummy together & you don’t want to risk putting strain or pressure on your tummy before it’s fully healed. Listen to your body. It will tell you what you can or can’t do or eat yet. Things are going to be different but you’ll get used to the changes & how your body may react. It’s not a competition. You’ll lose at the rate that’s right for you. You will lose some hair. Can’t stop it because it’s how your body reacts to the surgery & the reduced food intake. It’s just an acceleration of your natural hair loss cycle. The hair loss will stop. Your new hair is still growing in but just at its usual rate which is why your hair may look thin for a while until it catches up. You will have stalls along the way. It’s just your body taking a breath to catch up with the changes. They may last a week or up to three but they do stop & you’ll start losing again. You will experience constipation. Often a lot of constipation. Include some soluble (non swelling) fibre in your diet & have some stool softeners on hand. You may experience a temporary change in your taste buds. Some also find their sense of smell becomes more sensitive for a while. Some foods may suddenly become disgusting because of their taste or smell. Some people find binders useful post surgery as a support while healing. It’s an individual thing. I didn’t use one. Now the bad news - there is little you can do to stop or reduce the chances of having loose skin. It’s why so many have plastic surgery to remove it. The loose skin is a result of your fat stretching out your skin. Think of a hair band that’s been stretched out from lots of use & is loose. Ain’t nothing goes to make that band as tight as it was when it was new. How much loose skin you have depends upon factors like age, gender, how long you’ve been at your highest weight, etc. if you’re young & still have a lot of natural skin elasticity you likely won’t have as much as someone older like me. Don’t mean to scare you just wanted you not to be surprised if these things do happen. While they are common experiences, it seems they are things that many medical teams don’t tell their patients to expect. They can be quite scary when they occur if you don’t know they can. Good luck.
  2. Hop_Scotch

    Gained weight

    It's very likely just a temporary weight gain due to the three or four week stall or just the change from liquids/pureed foods to soft. It happens. Keep on your post op guidelines and you will be fine.
  3. it's just the three week stall - happens to almost everyone. If you do a search on the three week stall on this site, you will literally find something like 17,000 posts on it. All you can do is stick to your plan, stay off the scale, and ride it out. As long as you stick to your plan, the stall will break and your weight loss WILL start up again. many of us experience several stalls along our journey - if not most of us. As long as you stick to your guns, they'll break and you'll be on your way again. They typically last 1-3 weeks. And absolutely you can lose all your weight. I lost all of mine - over 200 lbs. And I had several stalls, like most of us do...
  4. Arabesque

    Lose, lose, stall

    It’s the weight loss cycle. Lose then stall. Lose then stall. Some people will say to increase your calories or increase your activity to break it. I just stuck to my plan & the stall broke. This won’t be your only stall. Some last a week others may last three weeks. They’re just your body taking a breath to catch up on all the changes. You will start to lose again.
  5. Chantrella

    The Frustration

    My surgery was 3/3/21 I was 268 and I told myself aim big so my first weight loss goal was 205. I had a stall in April of three weeks the scale wouldn’t budge to pass 215! Then it began to move only took a week and a half to get to 206.8 and now guess what?! It won’t budge! It refuses to give me my first goal, lol
  6. ShoppGirl

    3 Week freakout (post-op)

    This thread is really old but some new folks say they are having similar issues so I will reply. The three week stall is so common. It can honestly happen before or after but usually it’s right around three weeks. If you do a search on this site you will see how often it is talked about. Rest assured. The weight loss will pick back up. Just stick to your plan.
  7. Some people are fast losers, others are slow losers. You’ll lose at your own pace which is right for you. Three pounds is fine. Don’t expect to be losing 30+ pounds a month like they do on My 600lb Life cause you know they weighed 609+lbs to begin & you didn’t. Follow your weight loss trend not just what you lose every day. Fluctuations are common. Some days you’ll lose nothing then lose 1/2 pound the next. Or you’ll stall & lose nothing. Sometimes for a week sometimes for three weeks. You may be constipated or retaining fluid which can account for a pound or so too. Don’t forget your body is experiencing shock after your surgery too. Give it a chance to come to terms with all the changes & heal. Keep following your plan. Good luck.
  8. Flikka

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    So glad to find this thread! I had my surgery on 4/17 have lost 28 pounds since my pre-op diet started and also stalled just after I started soft food. My dietician told me today a stall at the three week mark is very common and this thread seems to support that! I started at 313lb and my goal is 176lb so a long way to go. I have to keep reminding myself this is a marathon - not a sprint! 🙂
  9. Hopefulin2021

    How long do stalls usually last!

    Omg stalls are the worst!! I’ve had about three since surgery and I now know it’s part of the process and once you start loosing you really lose. I made my husband hide the scale and I only weigh myself once a week. I have lost 50 lbs so far so it is working!
  10. Just be patient. It is impossible to eat as few calories as we eat post surgery and not lost weight. Your body is just adjusting. I have learned from many others on this site that happens to most of us within the first month and is often around week three and called the three week stall for that reason. If you do a search for the term you will see how common it is. Stick to your plan and you will be losing before you know it.
  11. catwoman7


    three week stall. if you to do a search on it on this site, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). It happens to almost all of us. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that your weight loss WILL start up again. It always does...
  12. Arabesque


    Aah, the three week stall. Though it can happen earlier or later than that. Yes, it is common - extremely common. I liked to think of it it as my body taking a breath to catch up with all the changes. You will start to lose again, maybe in a week, maybe two or three & you’ll experience it again. Some people will say to increase your calories or activity levels. Others will say just keep on your path. I kept on my path & the loss started again (the first time after a week, the second after almost three weeks). Congrats on your surgery & weight loss so far.
  13. btw - I just did a search of this site for you on the three week stall. We're up to 17,501 posts on it. Like I said, it happens to the vast majority of us. Stalls typically last 1-3 weeks - and you're likely to encounter more as you move along on your journey. my three-week stall was weeks 2 & 3. Didn't lose a pound. It broke during week 4 and I dropped like eight lbs within a couple of days. anyway, here are the posts about the three week stall: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  14. you wouldn't have gained five pounds of true weight unless you ate 17,500 calories above and beyond what your body needs. It's probably water retention from sodium - or you may be constipated - or it may be hormone-related. At any rate, give it a couple of days and it may be gone. another thought - it could be the infamous "three week stall" (most of us experience that - although it's USUALLY the third week post-op, it's not always - it can happen any time within the first 4-6 weeks post surgery). If that's the case, just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It'll eventually break. It always does.
  15. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall

    it's the infamous three-week stall. You just got it a little early. Almost everyone experiences that - if you do a search for it on this site, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding...). Mine was weeks 2 and 3. During week 4, it broke and I dropped something like 6-8 lbs in about two days. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days if you need to. It WILL break - they always do - and then you'll be on your way again.
  16. that's not dumping syndrome - dumping syndrome is when you eat too much sugar (or for some people, fat - but sugar is by far the most common culprit). The sugar passes into your small intestine too quickly and your body goes into overdrive trying to deal with it. You get heart palpitations, dizziness, sweating, diarrhea. It can go on for quite awhile. Some people get nausea, too - but I don't think what you had was dumping syndrome. is the soup allowed on your plan at 15 days out? A lot of people (but not all...) are still on liquids then. I was on purees then, so I would have had to puree the soup before eating it. a lot of us can't tolerate eggs the first few weeks or months after surgery. Most of us can eat them again eventually. Wait a week or two and try again - but know that it might take longer. I never had any issues with eggs, but I know a lot of people do. anyway, I think the issue is you're progressing a bit too quickly, although the bleeding stomach would concern me. I'd call your clinic and let them know. and yes - a stall at two weeks out is not uncommon. Most of us hit our first major stall sometime within the first month after surgery. It's called "the three week stall" because it's usually the third week, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. During week 4, it broke and I dropped like eight pounds within a couple of days. Just stick to your plan and stay off your scale for a few days. And know that it WILL break. It always does.
  17. RickM

    No Stall

    The third week stall that is so common signals a change in your weight loss character, from the initial loss which comes primarily from glycogen (short term reserves of stored carbohydrate) and the associated water weight to the longer term draw from our fat reserves once the glycogen has been depleted. This can take some time to shift gears (and sometimes very little.) I, too, never had a third week stall, but there was certainly a slow down in loss rate right at the three week mark (fat burns more slowly than glycogen/carbohydrate, on the order of the classic 3500 calories per pound vs. around 2000 calories per pound.) My only real stall (a week without loss, by my definition) was at about four months for a week, when I was travelling, so it was possibly a result of increased sodium intake from eating out more (I usually would gain 2-4 lb on those trips, which would dissipate within a week - classic water weight.) Why didn't we stall and others did? It might be random chance, or it might be that our metabolisms are still fairly robust, or maybe diet is not a low in carbohydrate as many maintain, so the glycogen reserves were able to more quickly return to a functional level. Whatever the cause, enjoy the ride!
  18. catwoman7

    April 6 Surgery - STALLED!!!

    the infamous three-week stall, right on time! Almost all of us experience that - if you do a search on it on this site, you will find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days if you have to. It WILL break - it always does. They typically last 1-3 weeks. And just so you know, you're likely to hit a few of these along your journey. Just hold tight and stick to your plan...
  19. catwoman7

    5 weeks post-op slow weight loss

    No - do not go back to a liquid diet. Stick to your plan. You are in the infamous "three-week stall" that probably over 90% of us experience. Stick to your plan and stay off your scale if you have to. It WILL break. Always does. You will have other stalls along your journey - just stick to your guns. Don't get back into "diet mentality" by trying to starve it away. Just stick to your plan. P.S. Stalls typically last 1-3 weeks. You are just fine.
  20. RickM

    Weight Loss

    It really has nothing at all to do with what phase you are in - liquids, mushes, solids, etc., as the same general timing of loss progression happens even for those of us who never had a liquid phase. Do a search for the "three (or third) week stall" and you will see that most everyone has this problem at around this time. The majority of the weight that we are losing initially is water weight as that is associated with the glycogen (basically carbohydrate stores) that we are burning at first. Once that is depleted, there is usually a pause, and often a pound or two of water weight moves around as your body attempts to restore some of its glycogen reserves as it moves into burning you fat reserves in the longer term. There may also be some hormonal effects that play into this as well, but this is completely normal. The important thing is your loss trend week to week and month to month (which will be declining overall, but usually at a decreasing rate over time.) Day to day, it's anyone's guess and often completely random as to what you might see on the scale, so don't sweat that.
  21. Arabesque

    Is a 7 month stall a thing?

    I too had a couple of stalls. My longest was when I was 1kg from goal! Stalls are common while we’re losing. We all talk about the three week stall but you’ll be bound to experience them again as you’re losing. I never did anything to break my stalls. I stuck to my plan & they just broke themselves. Not sure how close you are to your goal but remember the closer you are the more slowly you’ll lose. A lot of this is because your food intake, which has been slowly increasing, is nearing the point of equilibrium where the calories you consume more closely matches the calories you burn. The closer you are to this point the less you’ll lose or you’ll be maintaining. If you want to lose more weight you can either increase your activity &/or decrease your calories. But then if you want to maintain at a lower weight, you have to decide if your activity level & calorie intake to reach that weight & maintain is sustainable. Unfortunately, while exercising does burn calories it also increases your desire for calories. Plus muscle weighs more than fat. So if you’re building muscle you may be adding weight or negating the weight you’re losing to a degree especially if you’re close to goal. Plus exercise only contributes to about 20% of the weight you want to lose. So if you have 20 more lbs to lose, exercise may only contribute to the loss of about 4lbs. Your basal metabolic rate also impacts your weight loss. Sorry, I sound like I’m lecturing.
  22. catwoman7

    So slow losing

    three stone is more than I'd lost in 12 weeks. You are doing fine. If you've been going up and down 3 lbs for the last two weeks but are following your program, then you are in a stall. Most of us experience those occasionally while on our journey. Just continue to stick to your program, keep tracking your food, and stay off your scale for a few days if you have to. As long as you're following your program, the stall WILL break and you'll be on your way again.
  23. Welcome. You’re likely experiencing what we call the three week stall which can happen before or after the three week mark. It can last 1- 3 weeks where you have no or minimal weight loss. It’s very common. I like to explain it as just your body taking a breath to come to terms with all the changes - the surgery, chance of diet, decrease in caloric intake, etc. It will pass but you’ll likely experience stalls again while you’re losing. Some people suggest increasing or decreasing your food intake or activity level to try to break it. Some of us just stayed our course & it still broke. Whatever you choose to do you will start to lose again. It’s just part of this weight loss journey. Congrats on your surgery.
  24. Arabesque

    Losing hair 3 weeks after VSG?

    It’s like the week 3 stall. For some it’s week 2 & others it ‘s week 6. It’s an individual experience but the hair loss is something almost all of us go through. It’s still a shock when it happens though. Yes, it is the shock of the surgery & the restricted diet. It accelerates your natural hair loss cycle. You can’t stop it because the hair would have fallen out anyway just over a longer time frame. Biotin & other supplements won’t stop what is just a sped up natural process. Plus the hair on your head is already dead. The supplements may only help the quality of your new growth. It will stop. In fact you already have new growth but it ‘s coming in at it’s usual rate - the part of the cycle hasn’t changed. How much you lose is very individual as is how long the hair loss will persist. I lost a lot but thankfully I had a lot of hair to begin. The loss persisted for about three months. At 23 months my hair is as thick as it was before. I did cut my long hair to just above my shoulders so the new growth wouldn’t have to grow as much to catch up to the rest of my hair. I went through a similar experience about 12yrs ago during a very stressful period at work & in my personal life. My body reacted to the stress by more rapidly shedding my hair. I didn’t lose quite as much that time but it did last about 3 months then too. My hair grew back as well.
  25. Day 20, sounds like the infamous three week stall I recently learned about but it happens to so many people here. I had it as well. It lets up. Just be patient. Congrats on the 20 pounds.

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