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Found 1,238 results

  1. Hop_Scotch

    Not losing weight

    Sounds like you are in the three week stall that lot of people experience for up to two to three weeks. As we go through the food stages and probably increase our calorie intake a little, our bodies take time to adjust. If you are concerned speak to your dietician, make sure you are keeping a food journal and are eating the food volumes and type of foods in your guidelines. Also make sure you are getting sufficient non calorie fluids. Keep calm, it will come.
  2. yep - it's the three week stall. Do a search on it - it happens to almost all of us. Just stick to your plan and your weight will eventually start dropping again. Mine lasted for two weeks. and no - increasing calories a bit won't cause you to gain weight. We all gradually increase our calories throughout that first year or two post-op. You can't eat 500 calories a day for the rest of your life. I ate around 600-800 from about month 2 to the end of the first year - then I was up around or a little over 1000 during a chunk of year 2. I continued to lose weight until I was about 20 months post-op. just follow your clinic's plan. The whole "starvation mode" idea is controversial, btw- some people say it doesn't exist.
  3. You are in the "three week stall" zone. Trust the process, you will start dropping again. I agree that a few more calories might actually help things moving again.
  4. alissajs

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    Hey! I had the sleeve done 1/7/20. I’m official down 60 pounds! I did just come off a three week stall which was so frustrating, but then I lost 7 pounds in 4 days 😂 crazy how this works. I don’t get all my fluid, but I try to get close. Only food I’ve had a problem with are the greasy meats. Sausage, bacon, brats, etc. other than that things have been great!
  5. catwoman7

    Weight stalled

    almost everyone has their first stall within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. It's called the three week stall since it's USUALLY the third week, but not always. Just stick to your plan - the weight will start dropping again. Mine lasted for two weeks
  6. catwoman7

    Day 12 feeling really crappy

    the lack of weight loss the last few days could be the infamous "three week stall". I had mine during weeks 2 and 3. The weight loss should start up again in a week or two...just stick to your plan.
  7. you are doing fine. Keep following your program and stay off the scale if you have to! I think people's expectations come from shows like "My 600 lb Life". Yes, those people drop like 30 or 40 lbs the first month, but they also start at 600+ lbs. Starting BMI is a HUGE factor in your rate of weight loss. Most of us "normal" bariatric patients will not lose nearly that fast. At a starting weight of 242 lbs, I would not expect you to lose that fast. You are doing just fine! and yes - almost all of us go through the so-called "three week stall" (doesn't always happen the third week, but it happens SOMETIME during the first six weeks or so post-surgery)
  8. catwoman7

    Stalled for a week

    do a search on the "three week stall". You'll find hundreds of posts on it. Happens to probably 99% of us. Just stay the course, stay off the scale, and your weight loss will start up again after a week or two.
  9. BadWolfGirl

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    I'm in the three week stall too. Surgery on 27th as well. Scale will not move and hasn't for like 5-6 days but I have seen differences so just keep trucking! It happens to everyone. And again at 3 months I heard too . Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  10. catwoman7

    Question on "3 week stall"

    yes - they can be that long. My "three week stall" lasted for two weeks - but I have a friend whose lasted for 3.5 weeks!
  11. catwoman7

    Weight loss Timetable/Stall

    unless you're the size of one of the participants on "My 600 lb Life", your weight loss is normal. I lost 16 lbs the first month. Many of us (probably most) lost somewhere between 15-25 lbs the first month. Stalls along the way are also very normal, the first one usually occurring within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery (often the 3rd week, which is why we call it "the three week stall"). I have mixed feelings about "My 600 lb Life" because I think it gives a lot of WLS patients unrealistic expectations. Starting BMI is one of the factors that influence your rate of weight loss, and the people on that show tend to start out at MUCH higher BMI's than your average WLS patient. As long as your weight is trending down, relax. I was a "slow loser" from the get-go, and I lost all of my excess weight - over 200 lbs.
  12. Great responses so far - agree with all of them. 1. Only weigh yourself once a week - your weight will fluctuate daily and it will be discouraging when you see it temporarily go up. 2. You will have stalls - they are normal. At around 3-4 weeks is when your liver will return to its normal storing of glucose, plus when the liver dumped its stores pre-op it causes dehydration - temporarily looking like more fat loss than really occurred (the pre-op diet shrinks it to help the surgeon) so a stall here is usual. Search "stalls" or "three-week stall" for more posts on this. From what I've read here, stalls will happen occasionally throughout the weight loss process but often the inches will continue to come off. It's the bodies way of taking time to adjust. 3. You didn't mention which surgery you're having. If it's gastric sleeve then initially your sleeve will be swollen so when you start on solid foods it won't hold much at all. But once the swelling goes down it will hold a little more (ounces.) Everyone is different. But don't worry, you didn't stretch your sleeve! That takes "one extra bite at a time over about a year" according to surgeon Dr. Duc Vuong. 4. I started losing right away, and write down everything I eat in a food journal. Don't ever allow fattening, unhealthy foods in again and especially not high calorie drinks - you can override the surgery and regain the weight even eating smaller portions especially if eating every couple of hours. 5. If you haven't discovered him yet, on YouTube I highly recommend watching as many of Dr. Duc Vuong's videos as possible. His breakfast green smoothie is what I've been doing since surgery and plan to continue forever. 6. When your clothes start falling off you avoid spending on new clothes - visit the local Goodwill or thrift store. You'll turn them in for smaller ones the following month after month. It's fun! And costs little. I've found so many nice clothes in good condition available that frankly this will now be the first place I go to shop even when I reach my goal weight. 7. Take your vitamins and get enough protein (and don't forget some healthy fats.) It will help keep you healthy plus temporary hair loss at 3-6 months is frequently talked about here but getting enough protein and the proper vitamins may help either prevent it or make it less than otherwise. They say it grows back - I'm only at two months so haven't reached that point yet. 8. Immediately post-op know that pain meds cause constipation so will keep the gas in causing more pain. By all means if you're in pain and need to take them do so at your surgeon's direction! But be sure to drink enough water/liquids and walk as mentioned by others here. Good luck! Having weight loss surgery was the best thing I've ever done for myself especially for my health. And my knees are no longer aching as well. Whew! Who wants knee surgery?
  13. It has been 43 days since my surgery (Dec. 16, 2019) and I have only lost 22 lbs. Had the three week stall and since then I have only lost 2 lbs. It is driving me nuts. Keeping my calories around 600-700 and started working out twice a week. No change in clothes fitting either. My start weight was 96 kg and I am now at 86 kg. first week was when I lost the most weight. I hope it starts to move soon, been reading all these forums and I haven't seen anyone in my situation.
  14. I have two questions that are admittedly silly. Background: Had a RNY on 12/20/19. SW was 205, CW is 185, stalled for 2 weeks at 185. (I'm female, 46 yo). 1. How much protein should I be eating daily? I've asked my NUT this question, and she says I should be "doing my best" to get in protein, but that they don't give out goal numbers. How am I supposed to know what the number I should be reaching, if they won't tell me? I then asked my surgeon, and he advised me to speak with my NUT. This seems ridiculously silly, so I'll ask you all: How much protein should I be eating daily? I exercise moderately 3x/week and have a sedentary job, if that helps at all. 2. When I visited with my surgeon for my four-week checkup, he said, "You've lost pretty much all the weight you're going to lose due to the RNY. Everything you lose from this point on will have to be through exercise." OK, that sounded really strange to me. I was four weeks out at the time. RNY is a tool, which I'm working, but just because I started with a relatively low weight, it doesn't mean that there's no weight loss, right? Because that's just crazy. I track calories religiously, and I'm averaging 500 cals per day, about 50 grams of protein. I'll lose some weight just because the calorie deficit, I would think. I'll be honest, I wouldn't even be checking with everyone, but I've been in the three-week stall for two solid weeks now, it is making me a bit crazy. I'm ok with a stall, I'm not ok with this being the end of weight loss. In writing this out, I think I feel better about getting medical advice from random people on the Interwebs, instead of my surgeon's office. Sigh.
  15. catwoman7

    WHAT am I doing wrong ?

    do a search on the three-week stall on this site. Someone did one the other day and posted the results - there were like 17,000 posts on it. Happens to almost everyone. Just stick to your plan and it will break. Could take up to two or three weeks, but it WILL break as long as you stick to your plan.
  16. I am beginning the fourth week of my three week stall. I am six weeks post op, and while I know the stall will eventually break, it is really discouraging while it's going on. It's helpful to read about other people's experiences, and to know I'm not doing anything wrong - it's my body fighting back....I mean, adjusting. 🙂
  17. catwoman7

    Breaking the 3 week stall!

    I'd never heard about the "three-week stall" in my pre-op classes so I absolutely freaked when the weight loss stopped during weeks 2 and 3 post-op. I thought I was going to be the first person on the planet whose weight loss surgery wouldn't work. Thank God for internet forums like this one - I found a gazillion postings on here about it. I've been volunteering with the pre-op classes for the last three years at my clinic. Trust me, I tell every group about the three week stall!
  18. catwoman7

    Breaking the 3 week stall!

    it seems like the infamous "three-week stall" (doesn't always happen the third week, though - sometimes it's a little earlier or later) usually lasts a week or two. I know one woman whose first stall lasted 3.5 weeks. UGH! Mine lasted two weeks. Once the weight loss started up again during week four, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days.
  19. Today is day 15 for me. I'm struggling with my energy level and I also feel like I either pulled a muscle in my ab or I have an incisional hernia. I get major pain when I engage that muscle. I'm praying it's just a strain. I'm on soft solids and doing well. Trying to get in my protein. To date I've lost 24 lbs but the scale hasn't moved in a few days. Hoping it's the three week stall everyone talks about.
  20. catwoman7

    Quantity of food

    I agree with this - sounds like the dreaded three-week stall (usually happens during the third week, but not always - the first major stall can happen any time during the first 4-6 weeks or so of surgery). Just stick to your plan and the weight loss will start up again. My first stall lasted two weeks, but once my weight loss started up again, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days.
  21. Taja

    Difficulty eating

    Thank you so much for your thoughts. It is reassuring to know that it happens to others, as well. I keep forgetting about the leftover swelling from the surgery; that's a good point. The three-week stall - yikes! I'll be glad when that part is behind me!!
  22. most of us have our first major stall sometime during the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. It's usually during week 3 (but not always), so we call it "the three week stall". Sounds like you're right on schedule! the increase in weight is probably just water weight. It should come off within a couple of days.
  23. catwoman7

    Im not losing weight

    do a search on the "three week stall". You'll find hundreds of posts on this. Happens to almost everyone. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale if you have to. The stall should break in a week or two. I had mine during weeks 2 & 3. Once my weight loss started up again during week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days.
  24. catwoman7

    Weight loss

    do a search on the "three week stall". Happens to almost everyone. Stick to your plan and the stall will eventually break. I promise.
  25. RobertaMSN

    Weight loss is going very slow.

    You and I have the same surgery date, 12/2! And I've lost about the same since surgery - it turns out there's a standard three-week stall. Check out the discussions under POST-operative weight loss surgery Q & A - they have been super helpful to me. I'm now stalled after three weeks having lost 12 lbs since surgery but only 2 lbs this past week, and 8 lbs two weeks prior. In a couple articles I read online it says the liver was shrunk for surgery but works to get back to a normal size afterward and it takes - yep - three weeks. Sometimes this stall can last several weeks but afterward there can be a sudden, large loss. Apparently there will be multiple stalls along the way. The articles also said not to go below 600 calories a day as that can backfire as the body tries to store what it can during what it perceives as starvation time. I know many don't believe in starvation mode and I'm not sure it isn't just a myth. But to stay healthy it makes sense that at least 600 good quality calories a day is a good idea no matter the reason. Also, the weight loss rate depends on several factors. Males lose faster, those who are much bigger initially lose faster, women after menopause slower (that's me), etc. I'm reminding myself that prior to surgery it took me six months to lose 11 lbs. on my own...and my pre-diabetes and non-alcoholic liver disease labs and my borderline high blood pressure had not improved at all, though my cholesterol levels did. Post-surgery all are now in the normal range! No diabetes looming for me (like my mother), thank goodness. Here's wishing us both good luck during the dreaded three-week stall. We'll get there! I'm greatly encouraged by some of the posts about the three-week stall under the Post-op Q & A where the stats show those posting lost all or most of there weight and reached their goals despite having stalls and slow weight loss overall.

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