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Found 17,501 results

  1. Edward

    One year out and hungry all the time

    Can you elaborate on your "My sleeve caused lot's of medical problems) about to have revision from band to sleeve. Thanks
  2. OMG you have been through the wars. I am so happy that you finally got the right diagnosis. I hope you have an easier life after the new surgery. You have found the right forum. There are a few revision patients in here for you to chat to. Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. This sounds miserable. I haven't had bypass so I can't comment on that, but I did just have a hiatal hernia repair due to food getting caught in my esophagus and causing choking and chest pain. Best they can tell it was probably a sliding hernia, so sometimes most food could pass but pills would get stuck, and other days nothing could pass but water at a trickle. It was a really scary feeling and I'm thankful they got me in so quickly! You say you have this pain, but are you having any of the other symptoms of dumping like diarrhea, heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, etc...? I would consult the revision specialist to see if they have run into something like this before. Right sided pain is so non-specific. I have a ovary that hides and when I ovulate on that side it hurt like HELL. I think it was pinned by my bladder and uterus, because after my hysterectomy the pain is much better (they left my ovaries). But that would only be for a few days every few months. Not as frequent as your pain sounds. I hope you find some answers. I'm sorry you are in such pain!
  4. Good afternoon, everyone. I'm new here. I was looking for some kind of forum where I could interact with others like me. I think I may have found it. I live in South Texas, and I had a sleeve gastrectomy in Mexico in 2009 when I was 35. I initially weighed 340 lbs and lost 149 lbs. and went from a size 32 to a size 14. My goal was a 12, but I was really happy. I was exercising 5x a week on the elliptical for a whole hour nonstop! I kept the weight off for approximately 6 years. Unfortunately, all kinds of tragic events started changing my life. In 2014 my father passed away, and I took it really, really hard. I ended up on Xanax and Ambien. In 2015, I got divorced. In 2016, my mother passed away. In 2017, I was transferred from a job I really enjoyed to a brand new location with all different people to work with. Then the COVID Pandemic kept me teaching from home for a year and a half. It was literally one heartbreak after another. Rather than looking for actual help, I helped myself... to pills, alcohol, and crap food. Over the past 9 years, I regained all my weight. Even though I still felt restriction in eating (i.e. only half a burger or 1.5 slices of pizza, with no sides or drinks and I was done). I was 10 lbs away from my original weight before my sleeve. Last year, though, my school district sent out an email stating that WLS was now covered by our insurance. I was so excited! I looked into it, made many calls, and thought coverage was out of the question because I had already had a surgery. Our insurance covers "one surgery per life." However, since my first surgery was private pay, they went ahead and accepted covering my revision to a bypass. Today is my 18th day post op. I've lost 42 lbs altogether since May 11, but only 10 of those lbs since the surgery. I feel a little blue because I was hoping for more than a 10lb loss in 3 weeks. I lost more weight at the beginning when I started a semi-liquid diet to prepare for surgery. I was doing 3 shakes and one solid, no-carb meal. I know that revisions are slower than virgin surgeries. I am doing as much reading and research as I can. I just can't help it, I guess. After my sleeve, the weight loss was phenomenal. Right now I am consuming 450 cals, 60 g protein, and keeping my carbs under 40g. I am walking around my house (not outside because South Texas) 4x a day and was told I could start on the treadmill this coming Monday. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I'm also trying to find ways to consume fiber without a lot of carbs. I've eaten 1/2 cup of pinto beans twice but, man, that's a lot of carbs. I wanted to try raspberries, but I'm afraid of the little seeds getting stuck in my sutures. Any advice, thoughts, suggestions?
  5. Hello everyone! My name is Lorna and I have my RNY Gastric Bypass surgery scheduled for the 10th of April 2024. I am based is Ireland and looking for a surgery buddy. I also just want to open this thread for any questions we can help each other with.
  6. After having my surgery cancelled last month due to the abrupt closure of my hospital's bariatric practice, I have a new date at another hospital in the area and can hardly wait for the time to fly by. I'm scheduled for gastric bypass on February 21. Any other February peeps out there?
  7. auntie4life

    bypass after Sleeve and tricare?

    Hello! I paid for my sleeve out of pocket and looking to get a revision due to GERD as well. I have tricare select. The insurance coordinator said that tricare is really good about revisions. I’d not mention it’s for weightloss but for a medical reason. In your case GERD and sleep apnea. Good luck and I hope it works out.
  8. Elizaventy94

    Alcohol?? 🤔

    Hey, it sounds like you're finding your education classes really valuable! It's great to hear that they're helping you learn more about taking care of yourself, especially as you're preparing for bypass surgery.
  9. Hello, I am trying to find a DS surgeon here in northern KY who can perform my surgery. The doctors I have found so far do the RnY but not the DS. Does anybody have any suggestion? Thanks.
  10. NickelChip

    Pain relief

    There is a Scandinavian study on NSAID use in both sleeve and bypass patients. It was a longitudinal study that looked at records for patients who had been prescribed NSAIDs after these surgeries and compared subsequent ulcer formation to that of the general non-bariatric population with a history of NSAID use. For sleeve patients, there was no greater risk of ulcers than for non-bariatric patients, even when prescribed for regular use of 30+ days. For bypass patients, there was no greater incidence of ulcers if NSAIDs were taken for less than 30 days, but there was a measurable increased risk when prescribed for 30+ days. You might ask your doctor what they think about this study (which they may or may not have read). There seems to be an extreme amount of caution in the recommendations compared to the actual risk established in this study. And while the risk increased in bypass patients with chronic NSAID use, it's worth noting only a small percentage of those patients actually developed ulcers. Do with this information what you will.
  11. My surgeon recommended starting with the sleeve, and then at a later date it can be revised (if needed). If you start bypass then the sleeve would do no good.
  12. either one should do that. For some reason, DS seems to improve (or cure) GERD even though it has a sleeved stomach. And bypass has always been known to improve or cure GERD. You may be able to lose more weight with the DS because it bypasses much more of the small intestine, but then on the flip side, complication rate is higher than it is with bypass (but then again, complications with either surgery aren't very common). another thing that comes to mind is that most PCPs are familiar with bypass, but not so much the DS. So if you have issues, you may have to see a specialist. beyond that, either would be a good option. Check to see if your surgeon recommends one over the other.
  13. Had gastric bypass surgery in 2012. I kept everything thing off until 5 years ago. Now, I'm steadily regaining all of my weight back. I stopped following the "rules". I want to get myself back on track again.
  14. SunnyG


    SIPS revision 1/10/2024 pre-op 230 lbs
  15. Songbird29

    March 23 buddies yet?

    March 7th here for Gastric Bypass! Less than a week to go!
  16. Lorna Nicole

    April 2024 Surgery Buddies

    Hi Elizabeth, Thank you for letting me know! Glad to hear it gets better soon How are you feeling? Did you has the RNY bypass? Lorna x
  17. Sbrown9

    3 days post op

    My surgery gastric bypass surgery was on March 19th. Taking in liquids is still a little difficult but better than the 1st 2 days.

    Bowel movements

    From sleeve to the mini gastric bypass and two weeks later emergency gallbladder removal. I can't stop pooping, this is crazy
  19. summerseeker

    Deciding between bypass & sleeve

    I looked at the price. Sleeve was 5K less than bypass I chatted to the surgeon. He recommended Sleeve I had sleeve. With hindsight, I should have opted for Bypass because I have post surgery GERD I flipped when I should have flopped as we say here
  20. Ooh yea. I am doing fine now. Thank you for asking. I haven’t needed any more NSAIDs. I gained my weight back and I’m facing revision to a surgery where even occasional NSAIDS are not okay though so this is on my list of questions to ask about.
  21. I think that's actually pretty rare. I think I've only heard about feeding tubes maybe two or three times in the nine years I've been on this site (and I don't remember if they were for revisions or "virgin" surgeries)
  22. Okay I am a second timer. I had gastric sleeve 3/9/21 and I gained it back. I am considering the SADI and I am looking for information about it. I have posted on the revision forums and the duodenal switch forum without response. Is this just a really rare procedure or am I posting in the wrong place? I worry that even if this is the right surgery for me I may regret it if I can’t find the support along the way because it is less common.
  23. bypass will usually cure reflux (or at minimum, greatly improve it), but I've read on here of people who had hernia repair which ended up improving (or curing) their reflux, too... Hopefully your surgeon can give you some idea on the best way to proceed with this. Reflux is awful! (been there - that's the main reason I went with bypass)
  24. I am assuming the bypass has resolved the issue?
  25. shawn524


    Hey Fam, I had my Gastric Bypass Jan 13, 2023. I'm now 16months post-op and down 127lbs. Life is GOOOOOOD! I'm now having LOTS of indigestion, gas, bloating etc. On a date with my wife We had wine with dinner. I had 5 bites of food. I watched her finish as usual. While sipping my wine i noticed that my pouch felt so good. Comforted even. The wine eased the bloat and pain and pressure. From that moment on I've used wine to ease my bloating and trapped gas. It even seems to make digestion in general easier. Am i imagining this or is there real benefits to wine after bypass surgies to aid us in digestion?

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