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Found 17,501 results

  1. So at this point, I am confused to say the least. Started the bariatric Program: 336lbs Day of surgery: 326 CW:279 2 weeks shy of 5 months post Vsg GW 220-230 In the morning I can not eat food without first, drinking, something hot it’s the only time I really feel restricted. I am two weeks away from being five months out. Noticed I’m will only lose about 1-2 pounds a week but I fluctuate the same 1-2 pounds. I can’t get my protein from real food after eating 3oz of chicken at noon. I can’t eat real food for the rest of the day. Water intake is not a problem. But I have been at a stall for a month!! dietitian does not want me to rely on protein shakes, but that’s the only way to meet my protein goal. Any advice???
  2. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What they don't tell you...

    "I was never told that" and I bet they disagree and say you were? I think that's why my bariatric team now hands out their own booklets, it answers a lot of questions. They also email a PDF version jic! There are still tons of things they don't tell you like the things I posted, but I assume its covered somewhere in the support group meetings (I went to have one - one was all that was required - I'm NOT a support group type person!) Do you still crush your pills? I thought after six months you no longer needed too, should I be doing that!? Now I wonder if I'm getting the full dosage I should be.. 🤔
  3. Well, tomorrow I go in for an impromptu hiatal hernia repair after ending up in the ER over the weekend because I couldn't get food down and water was moving at a trickle... I've been having these symptoms on and off for a few weeks but Sunday was the worst by far and came with chest pain and trouble breathing. The ER PA thinks it is just esophagitis and that the surgeon and radiologist are wrong. But the bariatric surgeon swears it is a hernia, possibly a sliding one based on my symptoms. So he fit me into his schedule this week to repair it! I hope he's right and this sorts it out. He's going to do a scope afterwards to be sure there is nothing wrong with the esophagus. Here's hoping it all goes well!!

    1. gracesmommy2


      Hope you’re doing well!

    2. NickelChip


      I hope it goes well! Sending positive thoughts for a speedy recovery!

    3. AmberFL


      How are you doing? any update?!

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  4. Neostarwcc

    Schizophrenia and the sleeve operation

    Funny you should mention Vraylar. I learned the hard way before I was put on Latuda that I couldn't take that. Why? It caused a 7 month long manic episode that was just terrible. It was one of the worst episodes I had ever had I nearly died from the experience and had I actually passed away from it my wife would have been able to sue the pants off of my psychiatrist for malpractice because she definitely was in the wrong. I was on Saphris beforehand and she took me off of Saphris cold turkey and then immediately stuck me on Vraylar. She later said she shouldn't have done that. Anyway, we're supposed to be talking about bariatric surgery not Psychiatric meds. I just figured I'd share my own personal story since we seem to have similar med history. The only reason I'm concerned about Latuda and getting bariatric surgery is you're right, it needs 350 calories to be absorbed properly and if im on a 1k calorie diet that's going to be problematic because thats almost half of my daily calories. But I do so well on Latuda (it really, really helps stabilize my moods and my psychotic symptoms) that it's really stupid to take me off of it and stick me on something else. So my surgeon and nurse practitioner/psychiatrist have to all work together and figure out how it's going to work. I'm not discouraged by your weight in fact, I wish I was your weight I weight almost 440 pounds lol. But I get what you mean you gained 4 pounds. But that's what happens when you don't follow the diet. I've heard lf many people regaining the weight because they got discouraged. I really hope that once I lose the 200-250 pounds I want to lose I'm able to keep it off!
  5. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Try finding Bariatric Surgery cookbooks. I got one that goes from preop to 6weeks and beyond. Try thrift books stores online. That is where I found my two. I got a cookbook and I got a smoothie book. There are so many. I am trying to set myself up for after surgery success I got a Gastric Sleeve cookbook. If you Google search bariatric cookbooks you should be able to find some great ones.
  6. NickelChip

    So much soup

    I followed a recipe to make soup tonight. It came from a bariatric cookbook so I wasn't really thinking about quantity being an issue. At least not until I was done and went to dish out a serving. This recipe said it made 8 cups of soup. I was able to eat 1/4 cup. At the current rate, that means I will be eating this soup until the sun explodes. Did anyone else struggle with cooking early on? It feels like such a waste of time to make a single, tiny serving, and yet, between difficulties eating reheated/dried out food and being overwhelmed by accidentally making 32 servings of soup, I really wish food would just magically appear on tiny plates in my kitchen.
  7. Shanna NYC

    Dating with excess Skin as a Man.

    Congratulations on your success for starters! I would not say you are weird, the excess skin is a badge of honor and proof of your hard work. That being said I completely 100% understand feeling self conscious of it. I am not a fan of the stomach folds and flappy arms on myself either. However, once you meet the right person, they will look past that to the person that you are. Yes it will take effort and bravery on your part to put yourself out there, but you've been on this journey I'm sure to live your best healthier life to the fullest which includes companionship. Maybe also seek out some therapy or a bariatric support group that can help with your anxiety. You are not alone in your feelings. I know plastic surgery here in the US is quite expensive, but I definitely will be looking into it when i'm closer to goal. If that is something that is attainable for you, may be something you can work towards. But in the meantime try not to hold yourself back from enjoying this new lease on life.
  8. I recommend Dr Matthew Weiner (pound of cure) as an excellent source of all information bariatric. He has videos, podcasts, website, instagram & books. He’s been doing a few podcasts on GLP-1 meds lately you may find interesting. Dr John Pilcher is also a great source of straight forward factual information. John Pilcher: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCA4do-4YA82-BMYBp-WRwVA Matthew Weiner: https://www.poundofcureweightloss.com/ (podcasts can be found via menu) https://m.youtube.com/user/DrMatthewWeiner/videos
  9. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I do tend to weigh myself twice a week. I'm sure that doesn't help. But, it would if the scale would move. I just expected a faster response from the surgery. From October up to the two weeks before my surgery, I had lost nearly 70 lbs. Just from changing my diet and exercise. I'm still doing the same thing, but I'm eating less. May 8th I see the Doctor at the bariatric hospital I go to. That will be my 3 month post op appointment. I'll have another blood work-up then to see if there's any issues with nutrition and vitamin deficiency. I've lost over 100 lbs. since October, so that's definitely a big plus.
  10. I'm so glad you got to see this even though it is annoying to wait for a leak test post op! It really is amazing how quickly the stomach can empty of fluids. I expect for those with the bypass it is even faster because of the lack of a pyloric valve to slow things down. It is such an outdated "rule" that so many people (and doctors and dieticians) push without realizing the science doesn't really back it up. It is one of the downsides to there not being a standard set of rules from a governing body of bariatrics that actually has to use science to back up what they advise!
  11. Yeah, I worry that people, including 'us bariatric surgery patients' who haven't done the mental/headspace work (and I don't mean this in reference to the 2 people you know that have done the weight loss injections) that most of us try to look or are 'made to look at' at when preparing for gastric bypass will have to stay on them 'forever'. Of course, doing a sleeve or gastric bypass is a very permanent 'anatomical' decision that can, if we are not vigilant also not be successful in the long term for people who feel the surgery is the 'only fix' needed. Since all of my health issues are already under control after my gastric bypass - I NEVER had high blood pressure despite weighing almost 400 lbs and I was not a diabetic but I could tell the toll that being that heavy was taking on my body (my knees, sleep apnea, DVT's/PE's, etc.) I was leery of doing anything that would require 'forever' outside of the bypass surgery. I'm looking for a new therapist right now that specializes not only in anxiety and depression but in working with bariatric patients/weight loss as I know I can I have to be constantly vigilant with my headspace or NOTHING will work. I also am not willing to take the shots for the rest of my life for myself. For other people weighing risks versus benefits I can see this being a highly individualized and personal decision especially if weight loss surgery is not an option for them no matter the reason (leery of it, insurance won't pay, BMI not high enough, etc.). Everyone's journey is their own. The only thing I advocate is for everyone to be as informed as possible and to do their research and make the best decision for themselves. I need to do more research about long term implications of these drugs, but I haven't found much data out there (too new to have that much historical data yet). I'm within 10 lbs of when I told the clinic I'm going to that I would be tapering off and ending the weekly shots. Will try to remember to post more when I've been off the shots for more than a couple of months to talk about struggles or successes I have.
  12. The annual subscription for Bariatric Pal Multivitamin One is the best priced bariatric multivitamin you can get. I think all chewable multivitamins taste terrible, so I get the capsules. I suggest you order a smaller quantity to try before you commit to a whole year’s worth. I also use Bariatric Pal calcium chews. I LOVE the French vanilla caramel and Belgian chocolate caramel. They taste like candy. They are lower priced than most other brands, and they often go on sale (I bet they will be on sale for Black Friday!).
  13. LilaNicole20

    HELP with Vitamins!

    My team recently switched me from the handful of vitamins I started with to this one a day vitamin: Bariatric Advantage Ultra Solo Iron. I also take a Bariatric Advantage calcium chew 3x a day.
  14. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Weight loss and menopause

    Perhaps bariatric surgery etc. isn't for you? There is no "fast" way to lose weight that's safe and healthy. If you're not losing as fast as you'd like perhaps you should consult your doctor...
  15. Bariatric surgery of any type is a DQ for military service in the US. However I've heard around that there may be waivers for VSG in particular. Has anyone (or does anyone know of anybody) been able to successfully enlist in any of the branches?
  16. - I found a small digital kitchen scale was my best investment, it helped me get a better idea of portions and made it so much easier to track nutrition stats throughout the day. - tracker apps are great! it took me a while to find one that worked for me personally, but there's a lot out there. I'd suggested testing a few free versions out ahead of time so you're ready before you get there. - bariatric portion plates or just tiny dishes. I actually couldn't find a portion control plate that worked for me (in Canada), but I found a bunch of cute little appetizer dishes and tiny bowls that make me happy to eat from. - if you don't have it, nab a blender or a handmixer when it's on sale. Makes the puree stage much easier, and also helps with smoothies and shakes in the liquid stage. Don't spend a lot of money on one though (unless you honestly feel you'll get a lot of use out of it after you're through those stage).
  17. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    The bariatric center I go to told me the same thing about stalls. But they also added that little things could prolong them. Like I mentioned in another post about the pre workout and post workout fueling (eating). The stalls still happen, but at least I feel a little better from having more energy. That's great you're staying with your brother. That's what brothers are supposed to do! Sounds like you have a good one. You have a very interesting job to be able to travel all over the world. I'm sure there's times the traveling is too much. But, wow. All the places and different people you get to meet and work with. I hope the stalls don't last too much longer for you. From my own experience with them, they are tough to get past, even when you do see other positives going on. I wish you good rest and safe travels!
  18. RonHall908

    February surgery buddies 🥰

    I have yet to get a date. I was trying for the Duodenal switch. Insurance denied, it was expected since that was the only bariatric surgery they don't cover, but it was worth a try. Resubmitted for Rouen-Y gastric bypass. Should hear back in a week or so. Hopefully I can get a surgery date in February.
  19. NickelChip

    Caloric Intake

    Yeah, I would just keep an eye on portion size to avoid overdoing it early on. I have a couple of favorite cookbooks out of all of the ones that I've bought (because I always overdo everything). They are: The Bariatric Diet Guide and Cookbook by Dr. Matthew Weiner (a bariatric surgeon), and Bariatric Meal Prep Made Easy by Kristin Willard (a registered dietician who specializes in bariatric nutrition). I would 100% recommend both of them and you can get them on Amazon. I like Dr. Weiner's book because he gives you what serving size to expect at different stages post-op. For instance, there's a chickpea curry with riced cauliflower. If you're at 1-3 months post op, your suggested serving is 2 tbsp curry and 2 tbsp cauli (which is 1/4 cup total). If you are 3 months to 2 years, it's 1/4 cup of each. If you are 2 years or more, it's 1 cup curry and 1/2 cup cauli. What I like is that it normalizes the reality that you start with really small portions and naturally eat more over time. I see so many people getting so nervous because they are hungrier at 1 year than they were at 1 month, and it's like yes, that's what is supposed to happen! I wish this book had the nutrition facts spelled out for all three portion sizes, not just the largest, because my math sucks with fraction. And I wish it had more photos, although the ones it does have are very nice and the overall quality of the book is high. What I like about Kristin Willard's book is it gives you 6 full-week meal plans and is meant for doing prep ahead, grab-and- go types of meals that you portion out in advance. Also, it is gorgeously illustrated with full-color photos for every single recipe. There is one weekly menu for purees, one for soft foods, and 4 for normal diet. They even include a shopping list for each weekly plan. In my opinion, (comparing to my surgeon's plan and what I see in Dr. Weiner's book) the suggested portion sizes are geared toward a patient who is 1-2 years post-op, so bear that in mind. You would probably get twice as many servings out of each recipe in the first year, and up to 4x the servings in the first few months. And of course both books are likely to have specific foods at a stage that your own program disagrees with, so you have to adjust accordingly. I'm also going to give an honorable mention to The Easy 5-ingredient Bariatric Cookbook by Megan Wolf, a registered dietician and bariatric specialist. The book loses marks for the lack of photos but gains marks for its stage specific portion size suggestions and for all the recipes being really easy to pull-off without buying out your entire supermarket for ingredients. The author is based in Manhattan, and these are definitely recipes you could accomplish with a tiny NYC kitchen and limited cooking skills. Honestly, if I had a friend going through WLS, I would probably give all three of these as a gift, along with a set of small (4 oz and 8-12oz) freezer safe food storage containers. Hope that helps!
  20. I didn't have any pain after my bariatric surgery, but I DID after my first plastic surgery (lower body lift). I also felt like my body was on fire when I woke up. They put fentanyl in my IV line, and it knocked me out. I'm guessing that's what they did to you - that, or morphine.
  21. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Liquid Diet Questions

    I concur with AmberFL, each surgeon has their own requirements. I was on liquid diet for 2 weeks pre-op and 3 weeks after... Hopefully your bariatric team gave you a diet plan for all phases but of your journey! Mine was no caffeine (no teas or coffees), protein drinks, broths, sugar free Jello and of course all the water I wanted! Oh joy!
  22. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Day 5 out of 14 on the pre-op diet and I've settled into somewhat of a routine. I do a Bariatric Fusion cappuccino shake at breakfast with a 20 oz decaf tea that has 1/2 cup Fairlife milk and a scoop of collagen in it. Oikos triple zero yogurt for a mid-morning snack. Bariatric Fusion chicken soup shake for lunch. Jello for snack. 2 scoops Syntrax Nectar unflavored powder in one cup of Pacific Foods tomato basil soup for dinner. Jello for dessert. Sometimes a Good Night protein hot cocoa before bed if I'm hungry. I also take my chewable Celebrate One 45 vitamin, 3 celebrate calcium chews, 2 scoops of Benefiber, Vitagut liquid probiotic, and a liquid omega 3. Believe it or not, all of those supplements add 160 calories and 14g carb to my day! I also drink three 32oz waters with a sugar free flavor packet in each. Total average daily macros: 850 calories, 105g protein, 11g fat, 50g carb Weight loss so far: 7lbs
  23. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I feel your pain with an injury. Tore my meniscus ligament in my knee. They wouldn't let me have surgery on it until I am 40 bmi. I'm there now, but I'm buying some time to be certain I have no issues since my gastric bypass. The surgeon suggested I wait at least three months post bariatric surgery. Trying to walk more is a problem, I can get a mile.or so in walking before the pain is too much. I'm looking forward to get it taken care of. I was wondering how well the vitamin patches work. I'm not having issues with taking vitamins orally. But there's so much berry flavored vitamins you can have before the tastes is meh.
  24. Good afternoon all! I just was thinking of all the surprises I've experienced since WLS...and I wanted to ask others what's surprised them about their weight loss/surgery journey that they weren't told by their bariatric team?! I'll go first: 1. All the aches and pains in my hips and butt. My butt hurts now when I sit since I'm missing my butt padding! Also, since losing weight my posture and gait have changed so now I'm in PT for hip abductor pain. 2. The ever increasing and changing locations of skin irritation. The skin now droops in places I wasn't told to expect and I get red irritation under my butt creases from over lap - sorry for the unpleasant visual! 3. I've shrunk..so driving I now need extra padding to be at my former "sitting height" I feel like a kid driving my parents car now. 4. I've had to buy new glasses, mine were stretched out from digging into my fat head 😋 and now they keep falling off when I look down. 5. I've had to buy new shoes, all my old shoes no longer fit. They just flop around. I was expecting new clothing..not shoes. 6. I feel more clumsy and weak despite working out. My manual dexterity is horrible now. 7. I still feel hunger 😔 These are just a few of the changes I've experienced that my bariatric team never mentioned. Do you have any to add that can take the surprise out of it for people just starting their WLS journey?! I eagerly await your responses!
  25. What are your go to foods / snacks to buy on the bariatric pal website??? Im 2 months post op I really have little to no appetite. But with head hunger Im dying to have coffee & a muffin but want to stay away from high carbs. Sick of protein shakes just need some new things to try. Living off sugar free jello, pudding & 2 pieces of air fried chicken tenderloin. Every other day Is everything on the website ok to eat after Vsg ?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
