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  1. hello fellow sleevers. i am so excited today i lost 5lbs for the week, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. also i am out of the 250's and now in the 40's yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. i also had a nsv. my daughter gave me some of her cloths and there were a pair of tight jeans that i couldnt get past my hip welllllllllllllllllllllllllll guess what they are on me and with room, so exciting when she saw me in them yesterday she was like who is this lady? hee hee hee. i am going to continue to do what is working for me that is eating every 2-3 hrs getting my Water and Protein in. i no longer need shakes because i get it from the food now another yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. doing the happy dance and singing (im so excited, and i just cant hide it) also i lost a total of 30 since surgery and plus the 16 i lost before surgery. 46lbs total yayyyyyyyyyyy
  2. jkl94597

    Good news!

    NSVs = Non scale Victories
  3. joyful noise

    Good news!

    The NSV's are the best. I am 7 weeks out and have lost 31 pounds, post op. But, I went from a 2-3x shirt to a loose(not falling off) x large. My pants (that have remained after disposing too big's) are still bigger than I'd like. Pants went from a 24 to a 20 (maybe 18, if I have an elastic waist).
  4. BLERDgirl


    It i the dreaded stall. Stop making yourself crazy and step away from the scale. Look for other NSV (non scale victories). It could be taking your measurements (neck, boobs, waist, thighs/hips) and measuring the differences. It could be noting the changes in your body; can you walk further? It it easier? Do you have more range of motion in your knees?, etc.... Throughout your weight loss journey there will be stops and starts as your body adjust to the changes you are making. Do not let them frustrate you. As long as you are following the program, the weight will come off.
  5. MyKdsDad

    new to it all

    Question 3, the answer is Lap Band Talk, as in LapBandTalk.com. Question 4, I think the question is what is NSV? They are Non Surgical Victories. Question 2, make WHAT easier, hon? Question 1, not a clue. DW used Dr. Jayaseelan, BlueCrossBlueShield insurance, Pine Creek Medical Center. Good luck with the reduction...
  6. The following are some of the abbreviations used on this website: ACL = Anterior cruciate ligament AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible (crossfit) BB = belly button bc = because BCBS = Blue Cross/Blue Shield BED = Binge Eating Disorder bf = best friend BM = bowel movement BMI = Body Mass Index bp = blood pressure BPD = Borderline Personality Disorder or Biliopancreatic Diversion (Scopinaro procedure) bs = blood sugar btw = by the way CBT = cognitive-behavioral therapy CC = common channel c diff = clostridium difficile cos or cuz = because CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure CRNP = certified registered nurse practitioners cw = current weight CXR = Chest X-Ray Dr. = doctor DS = Dumping Syndrome or Duodenal Switch EGD = Esophagogastroduodenoscopy EKG = Electrocardiography ff = fat free GERD = gastroesophageal reflux disease GI = gastrointestinal GNC = General Nutrition Corporation store GP = general practitioner or family doctor HBP = high blood pressure hr = heart rate hw = highest weight ICU = Intensive Care Unit Idk = I don’t know IMHO = in my humble (honest) opinion IMO = in my opinion IUI = Intrauterine insemination LAP Band = Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band lol = laughing out loud LSG = Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy med = medicine msg = message NASH = Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis nf = non fat NG = Nasogastric NP = nurse practitioner NSAIDS = Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug NSV = non-scale victory (“scale” means “weight scale”) NUT = nutritionist Onederland = a magical place or destination for those trying to lose weight. It might correspond to attaining a weight in the hundreds or losing a hundred pounds. op = operation OSA = Obstructive sleep Apnea Oz = Australia PCOS = Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCP = Primary Care Physician PM = private message (email) PMS = premenstrual syndrome postop or post–op = post-operation or post-surgery PPI = Proton Pump Inhibitors ppl = people preop or pre-op = pre-operation or pre-surgery PTSD = Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PVC = Premature ventricular contractions RA = Rheumatoid arthritis RTD = ready to drink RN = registered nurse RNY = Roux-en-Y s/f or sf = sugar free smh = shaking my head, scratching my head SOB = shortness of breath sw = weight at surgery tmi = too much information TPN = total parenteral nutrition TT = tummy tuck u = You VSG = Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Vit = Vitamin wks = weeks WLS = Weight Loss Surgery WOD = Workout of the Day w/o = without wt = weight or :-) = ☺ = smiley face or :-( = ☹ = sad face
  7. The panic, and last minute nerves are very common!!! I am not on any detailed diet, I eat what I want, when I want---some times not always the quantities I think I want, but then again, that is what got me to where I was!!! The head hunger is more of an issue than the real true hunger. Once I got some restriction, I no longer have real hunger. There IS hope!!! Without a doubt in the world!! I love my band! The thing with these support forums is that when people get their band, and all is going well, and they have full time jobs, or are not a computer addict (like me)---they simply do not post daily. There are more posts with bandsters looking for help with an issue, because they come back looking for help! If all of us not having problems posted new threads every day, there would be page after page of threads like "Another problem free day" "Another 2 pounds GONE!", on and on. But they don't do that! We do have threads for NSV's (Non scale Victories),and we have the before and after--you should check out, it shows some amazing changes, and gives you an idea how many of us are here without issues or complications. I am well over a year and a half out, I am almost to my original goal weight. I probably could have been there, I just have not chosen to be very tight in my band, and have opted to not diet in an effort to speed it up. Instead I have chosen to live these days like I hope to live the rest of my life. In moderation! I eat almost everything. Almost....I refuse to try to eat another glazed donut, it made me sick!!! I ate 2 bites, it felt like I ate a dozen donuts--yueeech!!! Anytime you need encouragement, or assurance it is well worth it--let me know!! PM me, email me--whatever! Hang out, tell us about yourself, and hang on it is an awesome ride, going Down the scale for a change!! Welcome to LBT!! Kat
  8. Guest

    Non Scale Victories!

    I think we already have a thread going on NSV's...it hasn't been posted to in a while, but this will do nicely too! 1. I painted my toenails yesterday, all by myself 2. I am now wearing the smallest clothes in my closet 3. I wore two SKIRTS to work this week. I forgot what my legs looked like! LOL 4. Sitting down and seeing a waistline. Used to be rolls of fat I'd call my "shelf" 5. Crossing my legs - BIG ONE!!!
  9. It's been an awesome past two months. Major life changes that never would have happened 50 pounds ago. I had my surgery last August, and the weight loss has been SLOW. But I'm hanging in there and the rewards have started rolling in. I decided to try online dating in March, after I was able to get some pictures of myself that I felt ok with. Two weeks later, I met an awesome guy and we're so happy together. Right about the same time, some networking paid off and I landed a job interview. The company was pretty slow with the interview process, but last week I was offered the job! The company is really dynamic and high-energy, and I know I wouldn't have been an ideal candidate if I had been at the weight and energy level that I was before the surgery. I'm not saying they wouldn't have hired me, but I KNOW that the weight loss has helped, if nothing else its helped my self esteem and the way I project myself. So, while the scale is slow, and I'll probably never be one of those people who gets to a size 4, it has given me a new outlook on life, and it looks like 35 is finally MY YEAR!!
  10. honeyrubybee

    Was that me?

    NSV for sure! Atta girl!
  11. Wow, liquids kept you full for 10 days?! I feel like they don't keep me full now! Does full feel the same as it did before? I mean, the liquids take away my starving feeling, but I don't feel full at all. Hmm, I may just turn to tuna too! Thanks for replying! Can't wait for a little nsv!!
  12. BenisaMartim4

    Major Nsv

    I chose to have VSG as a last ditch effort to save my life. Not because I was a compulsive over eater, because I was not, but because even eating like an average person caused me to be excessively large. I was a befudlement to my doctors. I had multiple health problems, extreme pain, used a cane to walk (when I could walk) or used a wheelchair. I was on 15 Rx meds and 6 supplements. I was dying. Today I am almost three weeks out of surgery and I am happy to report; I do not use the cane or wheelchair any more. I don't even walk with a limp. I wore high heel shoes to church this morning for the first time in years, walking completely normal and with no pain. I have also quit ALL of my meds- cold turkey. My doc was amazed and to tell the truth, so am I. They never gave me any hope of being able to quit my meds. I only take a ppi and a Vitamin now. It is so great not to be held slave to that pharmacy bag any more. I have not been able to go more than a day without them in years. I feel more like myself than I have in forever. I am not saying I will never have to take meds again, because I dont know. I can't see the future. I am saying that my future seems a whole lot brighter to me now though. I believe that God is still in the healing business, but sometimes it's not in the way we were asking. I think VSG was the miracle of healing God sent me. I feel like I have a new lease on life. Thank you Jesus, I'm LML Sent from my iPhone using VST
  13. RMS

    Nsv For Me Today!

    Congrats. Great NSV. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  14. smmrsue

    3Rd Fill And Nsv

    Congrats!!!! Great NSV
  15. I feel amazing today! I am 3 weeks postop today and am down 35 lbs. from my highest weight (287), 21 since surgery day (273). I had a stall of sorts for almost a week but the scale is moving again now (252). My incisions are completely healed and really feel like I never had surgery, except for the lack of hunger and the tiny amounts I can eat I am still on purees for another week and am doing great - everything has really gone down quite well, I just get full really fast. I am getting in liquids just fine and still struggling to get enough calories and Protein, but working on it every day. I've been hitting the gym since last week and doing just cardio for now - elliptical and treadmill. I am still able to wear most of the same clothes I started in (mostly size 20) but they are getting really baggy and feel way different and TODAY I put on a top (size 14/16!!) I bought quite a while back to "shrink into" and it fits! It is just a stretchy knit top and isn't super loose but with my shapewear (ha!) I feel comfortable and confident in it and that hasn't happened to me for AGES! I am by no means in a 14/16 in pants (I think I am solidly in an 18 now) but I will take what I can get, considering I am only a fraction of the way to my goal weight I think this is just one of many wonderful days to come and I just cannot say how happy I am that I took this huge step for myself and my family - I would recommend the sleeve to anyone contemplating WLS!
  16. greensleeve

    lots of NSVs

    Today I went to a small water park. I didn't feel tired the entire time. I actually fit in the inner tube. I was able to walk up and down stairs and didn't feel tired at all. The suit I had last summer was super loose. I need a new one. I could really tell my chest has shrunk. When I got out of the water that part of the suit looked like a deflated balloon.
  17. HealthyNewMe

    Three NSV's and One Thorn In My Side

    My husband has benefitted from my WLS too. He's eating healthier, cut out a lot of carbs, and joined the gym 8 months ago with me. We go 6-7 times a week...... He's down 50 too. Congrats to you snd your hubby. May there be many more NSV's in your future!
  18. TxArcher

    The little things...

    Do not use this thread... I had no idea what a NSV was... now I know! Use this thread instead.
  19. thsisme

    What kind of eater am I?

    happygirl and Phranp have hit the nail on the head! There are no definitive answers, but there are guidelines and suggestions that will assist one in finding what works best for them. It will take time to learn how not to allow food to rule your life. Food life will go on without you and it will be around you. You will learn your trigger foods and what situations trigger your desire to eat food. You will have to learn how to deal with them and you will have to accept and forgive yourself if or when you fall off the wagon. I know what my trigger foods are and I know what tips me over to wanting to reach for that particular piece of food/snack and I have learned to avoid reaching for the food fix. It haunts me and I have to fight the urge to give in. However, my rewards, though may be small are enough for me, when I get on the scale and I have not gained, when I am ready to go down to a smaller size in clothing, or any other NSV...I give myself a mental tap on the back with a reminder that I probably would not have gotten to that point had I given in as evidenced by my past eating behavior vs my current behavior. I too keep a food and exercise journal and sometimes when I am fixated on eating, i plan my whole meal day or the remaining portion of the meals and then I get moving. If I have time to sit and think of meals, then I have time to walk or do something else. The band is work, it helps keep me on track while I'm working the issues of learning a new life that is free from hip and knee pain, I can now sit in a booth instead of having to ask for a table with chairs, I can fly without having to have an extender and I don't have to cross my arms and manuever my body into awkward postions so that I don't flow over into the next seat on the plane and my newest adventure in lapbandom...I am getting ready to go shopping in a store that is not a plus size speciality shop! If you are ready and you are prepared to commit to this process, chances are that you will never regret your decision, as others here have already said the band is not for everyone and you should do your research to be educated on the risks and the benefits. I wish you luck on your journey!
  20. I'm not really sure if this is the right place to put this, so I'll go on ahead and place it here for the time being. My surgery isn't until the 25th, but (aside from my little valentine's day carb fiasco) I'm finding that I'm not really enamored with food anymore. I'm not really sure how to describe what I'm talking about. I guess it's like......okay, I chart everything that I put into my mouth, and I'm just stunned by how little I can eat and still feel really good. I feel awesome on 1200 calories a day, and as long as I can end the occasional evening with my crystal light popsicle that my sweets craving is nonexistent and everything is right in the world. It's like I've stumbled upon this path, and food isn't a huge part of it. I just want to eat enough to not feel hungry so I can get on with my day and wake up tomorrow one day closer to surgery and to coming out of this on the other side of being sleeved so I can claim my spot on the losers bench. Does that even make sense? I know I can't do this on my own, and that's why I'm getting the sleeve...but it's almost like I don't even have my sleeve yet and it's already working for me. Has anybody else experienced this, or have I truly gone and lost my marbles? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I don't think about food anymore. I'm too busy worrying about my Water intake and making sure I get in 10,000 steps a day and increasing my lung capacity. It feels almost like I got out of an abusive relationship (which I think is a fair way to classify my love affair with food), and I have no desire to see my former significant other anymore. Idk...I'm not sleeved yet, but I'm choosing to call this a NSV. I haven't felt this good about myself and my choices in a long, long time.
  21. chellseabelle

    Kimber-lilly's Slow Loser NSV for today!

    A check out - is a check out, girl. And remember, your brother-in-law is a guy first and you Brother-in-law second. The great thing is he knows he shouldn't be checking you out being he is your husbands brother and he did it anyway because he couldn't help himself and you caught him. That is awesome!!! YOU GO GIRL THAT IS A NSV Be proud.
  22. Hello all..... slow loser here, but! Something kinda significant happened today...... I was upstairs, just out of the shower, in bra and panties--heard someone knocking at the door. Two able bodied people downstairs DO NOT MOVE to answer the door. So I am scrambling around for something to put on....and scurry down the stairs (what I wanted to wear was in the dryer). So I throw the shirt/jeans on as I zipped down the stairs, yanked open the door and there stood my bro-in-law. I haven't seen him in a few months and my DH has 6 brothers and lets just say, he is the least gross of the whole bunch (except my husband who I think was adopted since he is so different from the whole lot of 'em). We have a nice friendly relationship. He totally checked me out! And I watched him do it! And it was fun! I went back upstairs and finished what I was doing after I said hi and my husband finally figured out someone was at the door (duh....). I haven't been checked out in a loooooong time! (even if it was the bro in law--has to start somewhere, right?!) As a side note, DH tells me almost everyday that I look great, etc.. which is so nice, but it's nice when others notice, toooooooo.........
  23. Congrats on the NSV and the anniversary!
  24. alley-gator

    Pre Op Nsv

    Yesterday I packed up my shorts for the year, and put them into storage. I get a sleeve date on Monday, but its so nice to know that I won't fit on those shorts next year, and that I will be buying all new shorts instead. I'll give those to some of my larger friends. Let me tell you, it felt great to know next season those shorts won't be a part of me.
  25. That is a great NSV and made me smile!! good job! Kelly

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