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Found 1,237 results

  1. catwoman7

    1st month stall?

    it's the three week stall. Almost everyone goes through that. Although you're right, keeping up with your fluids is always important...
  2. catwoman7

    Anyone else stalling?

    almost everyone goes through the infamous "three week stall". If you do a search on this site for you, you'll find over 15,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding...) just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days if you need to. The stall WILL break.
  3. The three week stall like others have said is very real and very common don’t beat yourself up just continue to stick with the nutrition guidelines and exercise and the weight loss will pick back up again. Wishing you all the best!
  4. You won't lose weight every single day. And weight loss stalls happen. The three week stall is very common. I've had several stalls over my journey and the longest one lasted 23 days (that was in month 3), in fact I just got over a two week stall yesterday as I finally lost another pound. Also, since you're exercising you may put on muscle which weighs more than fat so it may not look like you're losing weight when you weigh yourself, but if you take measurements you'll be able to tell the difference with that. Try not to stress yourself out during stalls because the stress can prolong them (almost impossible to do, I know).
  5. catwoman7

    12 days post op and stopped losing weight

    yes. Happens to almost all of us. It's called the three week stall, even though it's not always the third week. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. During week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. if you want to see how common it is, do a search on the "three week stall" on this site. There are 15,701 posts on it, the last time I checked (and no, I am NOT kidding). just stick with your plan and stay off the scale for a few days if you have to. And know that it WILL end and you'll be on your way again edited to add that I thought I'd do the search for you. Here you go: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  6. As stated above, the three week stall is so common! Also, were you on a two week liquid "liver shrinking" diet? If so, you could have dropped a significant amount of weight pre-surgery, which can lower your "weight" loss in the first couple of weeks. Focus on staying hydrated and getting your protein in...it will come off! Good luck!
  7. do a search on the three week stall. Happens to almost everyone. There are literally like 15,000 posts about it here on BP. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale if you have to - and know that it WILL break. It usually lasts 1-2 weeks.
  8. Pandemonium


    One important piece of advice/knowledge that it seems nearly no bariatric program gives out is that stalls do happen, very commonly around the 3 week mark. If you use the search box on here and search "three week stall", you will find THOUSANDS of posts from people who had surgery and then suddenly hit a period of time (anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks) where the weight just won't come off. It is something that is very common but is almost always a temporary situation. If it happens to you, keep calm and keep to your doctor's diet plan. One of the easiest adjustments to make to help get out of that stall is to increase your physical activity a little. Stalls/plateaus are likely to happen but they do not signal the end of your weight loss. It's only temporary. Also, start exploring protein shakes/drinks/powders now, if you haven't already done so. This will be where the lion's share of your protein is going to come from post-op and you will want to find one (or two or three) options that you like before you have surgery. Otherwise, it's a miserable experience to try and find what you like immediately after surgery. If you slip up on your diet, that does not mean it is the end of the world, but it IS something to be concerned about. It is something you will want to take corrective action on right away. The surgery is only a tool and if you don't make use of that tool, then you won't see the results that you want. If you have a slip-up, communicate with your doctor right away. Seek advice and assistance from your medical team (doctor, nutritionist, counselor, etc.) so that you can stay on track. Communication is key especially in this difficult time where in-person appointments are not always easy to come by. Don't compare your weight loss to anyone else's. Every single person's physiology is unique. Your metabolism is different from mine and from everyone else on this site. As long as the numbers on the scale are going down, you are succeeding. Never forget that. Lastly, this journey is a marathon, not a sprint. It is, quite literally, a lifelong journey. Use every pillar of support that you have to achieve success. Congrats on completing your pre-op program and I hope that you get your surgery date soon!
  9. yep - sounds like the three week stall (which can really happen any time within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery). It happens to almost everyone. I wish clinics would warn their patients about this because it's EXTREMELY common, and people freak out about it when it happens if they aren't aware of this phenomenon beforehand. Just stick to your plan, stay off the scale for a few days, and know that it will end and you'll start losing weight again.
  10. The three week stall is experienced by just about everyone but it can happen from week 2, 3 or 4 & can last 1-3 weeks. And you’ll experienced it again along this journey. Yes, it can really screw with your head. I thought of them as your body saying stop. what the hell are you doing to me or it taking a breath as it gets used to the changes you’re making (reduced food intake, changes to activity levels, the surgery, etc.). Leave the scales alone for a few days. Did you take body measurements before your surgery? Sometimes you’ll see changes on a tape measure before you see them on the scales. This is hard work. A lot of reflection, emotional ups & downs, changing habits & establishing new routines but it is sooooo worth it. Best decision I ever made. So many benefits. Keep a list of all your non scale victories a long the way to keep you motivated. Take photos of your shrinking body. You’ll get through this & other hiccups along the way.
  11. Stalls are a normal part of weight loss that just about everyone experiences (search this site for “three week stall” and you’ll see thousands of results). This won’t be the last time you stop seeing your scale move for a little while before starting up again. in your case, though, I’m not sure I’d even call it a stall. This soon after WLS, you shouldn’t even be looking at the scale. Your body went through a lot during surgery and it has to adjust to the changes. While you were in the hospital, I’m sure they pumped you full of IV fluids, and that alone can cause weight gain. I actually weighed more at my one-week follow-up than I did right before surgery (my surgeon didn’t care — at that point, he was more interested in how I was healing from the surgery). You should also be aware that since you’re starting at a relatively low BMI, your weight loss is likely to be slower than someone starting out 100 pounds higher than you, so don’t get discouraged by comparing your weight loss with anyone else’s. A lot of people only weigh themselves once a week so they don’t get freaked out by normal fluctuations or stalls, and you might want to consider that.
  12. nolo56788

    3/4 week stall?

    I was on a three-week stall and when I went in for my 1-month post-op check-in I was down an additional 5 pounds from my stall weight (which I hadn't checked in almost a week). I found the checking every day really messed with my head and led to unhealthy thoughts ie. maybe I should be eating even less, maybe this whole thing was for nothing, etc. So my advice would be no more looking at the scale, stick to the plan and I promise it'll start coming off again. You got this!
  13. Hop_Scotch

    Raw honey

    There is nothing magical about raw honey that would cause any one to lose weight, it is very likely that you were due for a whoosh of weight loss anyway after a three week stall.
  14. sweetsmith78

    Raw honey

    Up date.. my opinion on raw natural honey. I was at a three week stall. I figured I needed to up my protein and water intake. So im drinking protein shakes, and 1 pint water with 1/4 cup of honey Daily. To my surprise woke up this morning to see a 4 lbs weightloss for the week. Finding that raw organic honey is not bad. In my opinion. Im going to continue to drink honey water when I want something different then just plain water. I'll keep this updated.
  15. three week stall for sure. Happens to almost everyone. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days if you have to. Your weight loss WILL start up again. My first stall lasted two weeks (weeks 2 & 3). Once my weight loss started up again during week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days.
  16. Today at my appointment w/my surgeon --- I asked my surgeon if there was anything I could do to kickstart weight loss again since I am in an almost three week stall... and he said there is nothing to be done during a stall. He said just wait it out and I will start losing again in time. 😩 It is so frustrating! I upped my exercise routine hardcore about a week and a half ago... I was on the stationary bike for 1 hour and 10 minutes... and then I went on the treadmill for 30 minutes tonight... 13 miles altogether.. . I am still pushing myself to try to jump start the weight loss again.. Who knows if it will work? But I have been sleeping better at night and feeling more energetic during the day, so it is still beneficial.. Anyway, I have heard people had success intermittent fasting.
  17. You likely hit the three week stall. It's incredibly common and can last 1-3 weeks on average. Stalls are a normal part of weight loss so try not to get discouraged (basically impossible, I know). Your body is just adjusting to rapid weight loss and is just needing a bit of time to process the change. Stalls will happen throughout your journey and it will alternately irritate you and make you question every little thing you do because you'll feel like you must be doing SOMETHING wrong. But it's normal. Just ride it out and continue to eat like you're supposed to and the weight loss will start back up again.
  18. catwoman7


    the dreaded three week stall - happens to almost all of us. Search this site for it - there are literally over 15,000 posts on it just stick to your plan and stay off the scale if you have to. It usually lasts 1-2 weeks, and then you'll be on your way again P.S. it's USUALLY the third week, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. My weight loss started up again during week four, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs in a couple of days.
  19. catwoman7

    Gain 3 weeks out

    yes. Do a search on this site for the three week stall. There are over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding...). Happens to almost all of us... Just stick to your program, stay off the scale if you have to, and trust the process. Your weight loss WILL start up again...
  20. New Me, New Mind

    First Plateau?

    I hit my first stall at weeks 4-5 and it scared me, even knowing it waa called the three week stall mark. Bwginning of qeek five i woke up and had lost 2lbs..still going again:) we've gotta somehow expect this and not let it bother us but it's difficult when the scale is consistently dropping and then it just doesn't for a bit..stay positive! Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. catwoman7

    First Plateau?

    almost all of us experience our first major stall within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. We call it "the three week stall" because it's usually the third week, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 & 3 - it broke during week 4, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days we get a question on this early stall at least a couple of times a week, and if you do a search on "three week stall" on this site, you will see over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). It happens to almost everyone. And just so you know, you'll experience occasional stalls throughout your journey - it's a normal part of weight loss. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a week or two if you need to, and know that it WILL break. They usually last anywhere from 1-3 weeks...
  22. NovaLuna

    So done with this stall

    I never had the three week stall... I had the four (going on 5) MONTH stall. 4 months after I had my surgery I stalled for 23 days! It was soooooo frustrating! I kept thinking what did I do wrong? Why wasn't I losing any more? But then I pulled up my weight loss chart and realized I lost 23 pounds the first month, 19 pounds the second month, 17 pounds the third, and 18 pounds the fourth. I somehow got out of the stall and lost 7 pounds in the last week of that month. I've lost slower ever since, but I still average 1-3 pounds a week instead of the 3-5 like I did in the beginning (i.e. I lost 8 pounds following the stall month, then 10 pounds, and this month I've lost 7 pounds). Stalls suck. They are disheartening and frustrating, but they are just our bodies way of adjusting to the rapid weight loss. It's trying to catch up with us and sometimes our system just needs to take a break. You'll get passed this!
  23. NovaLuna

    4 Weeks and only 10lbs!

    First off lower your calorie intake. You are only a month out so around 600 calories is where you should be at and eventually in the next few months build that up to 800. Second, the three week stall is a thing most people go through. It lasts anywhere from a week to three weeks. You'll have several stalls throughout your journey and yes, they are frustrating as hell, but they happen. Third, although I lost 23 pounds the first month I was also over 300 pounds and depending on your starting weight 10 pounds may very well be exceptional. Be proud of the fact that you lost 10 pounds in a month, that's an accomplishment! Finally, everyone loses at a different rate. Right now I'm 7 months out and lose an average of 1-3 pounds a week (I lost two pounds this week, two last week, and one the week before). The weight WILL come off if you stick to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Try not to stress about it because my doctor said stress can lessen your weight loss (incredibly difficult not to stress about it, I know). You got this! You can do it! I wish you the best!
  24. catwoman7

    Stalled Already!

    it's just the three-week stall. Almost all of us go through it. It's not ALWAYS the third week, but sometime within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery.
  25. catwoman7

    My weights stalled for the past week+

    yes. Probably 99% of us. I just searched this site for you on "the three week stall". There are literally 15,701 posts on this right now. This question is asked probably twice a week. Just stick to your program and the weight loss WILL start up again. I stalled during weeks 2 and 3 and once I hit week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within two days . you'll experience occasional stalls throughout your whole journey - when you do, just stick to your plan and stay off the scale if you have to... https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall

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