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  1. Ugh. I’m defeated. I’m 3 years post op and have been sick for the last 7 or 8 months. Vomiting constantly, nauseous all the time, dropped down to 92 pounds. I got up to 96 or 98 before I finally broke down and called my surgeon. My husband had been on me to call and I just didn’t want to be a bother to anyone and felt awful about myself. I looked terrible. Nothing but bones. Long story short , they got me in the next day and had bloodwork scheduled for the next day and an endoscopy scheduled for the day after that. I had a major stricture at the opening of the small intestine. They were surprised that fluids were even making it through, it was so bad. I’ve had it stretched 3 times and have been put on TPN. It was 18 hours a day and they’ve backed it down to 14 and upped my calories to 1294. I’m up to 111 pounds as of yesterday but am still getting sick on anything that isn’t mush. I feel like a complete failure and so stupid for not calling and getting help sooner. Like, this whole bout of tpn could have been avoided had I not been so stubborn. The surgeon wants me to gain at least 20 pounds. has anyone else been through anything similar and If so were you on tpn and for how long?
  2. I had a gastric bypass 2.5 yrs ago and have recently experienced a 17 lb weight gain. My doctor recommended Topiramate to help get me back on track and advised it’s very successful with bariatric patients however the possible side effects were kind of concerning has anyone taken this? And if so what was your experience? I appreciate your feedback!
  3. I have a question… I had surgery a month ago and lost 20lbs. (That’s it 😒) then this week I weighed myself and I gained 2lbs! Is that normal? I’m doing everything the doctor told me too. Drinking a lot of water, eating a ton of protein and exercising. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you!
  4. So I am 5 years and 2 months post-op RYGB. I made it beyond my goal weight of 170lb to 160lb. Technically I was as low as 145lbs because I was very sick in 2020 then again in 2022, but after getting better, I stabilized at a steady 160lb. Last July I started online streaming/socializing with people. I started snacking more because of nerves and also began drinking quite heavily because being silly tipsy in front of strangers is fun! I had NO IDEA how many calories was in alcohol. Over the course of 5 months, I gained 20lbs. Even more, I noticed that I can eat almost a "normal" plate of food the same size as my family's. I broke the rules and had started drinking fluids with my meals. I think I thought I could get away with breaking rules because I was at a stable 160lbs. Now I am FREAKING out! I hate exercise. I never did it, even with my prior weightloss. I am using a tracking app my husband's VA dietician told him to use called Fat Secret. I am trying to stick to 1600 calories, which is super hard. I feel hungry all the time now. I think I caused pouch dilation. I refuse to be heavy again. My clothes are already getting tighter than I like. I was doing research today on weight gain after years post-op. I basically am reading that I need a bariatric reset. I am going to do a 2-week "Pouch Reset Diet." It's not to make my pouch smaller, but it's to retrain my body to feel full with smaller portions again. I need to go back to the basics, and it's really hard. I also don't get DS with sweets like I used to. Don't get me wrong, I still get sick, but I noticed that my sugar tolerances have changed. It really worries me. 40% of bypass patients fail and bounce back to within 10% of their original weight pre-surgery. I will NOT be a part of that 40%. My support system at home is tricky. On one hand, my husband does support me outwardly. But he himself weighs 415lbs and isn't doing much about his weight. He watched my struggles and drustrations and outright refuses surgery for himself. He's on some stupid intermitent fasting diet, but he still eats way too large portions at meal times. My 15 y/o son is pushing 285lbs, and his only exercise is video games. For me, it's like living around all these food temptations is a struggle. It's like being an alcoholic and living at a bar. I just ordered a crap ton of protein powder so I can jump start this Pouch Reset Diet. I started to push myself on working out at least a little bit. I have a mini stair stepper and an eleptical bike. Anything is better than nothing. I am just wondering if I am alone in my struggles?
  5. I had a DS on 4/19, spent 2 nights in the hospital, and then had to travel 4 hours to get home yesterday. I was disappointed when I finally stepped on the scale to find I had gained 11 pounds!!! Is this normal? Is this because of the IV fluids?
  6. i had a gastric sleeve 10 years ago. i've put back on weight and have a hernia. i guess I failed. Has anyone been subscribed ozempic as a treatment plan? Also on medicare as primary. thanks
  7. Did anyone gain when you first started eating solid and how much did you gain?
  8. Hi All , I am definitely gaining weight .I have been under a lot of stress and started eating low sugar biscuits .I still can't eat hot food and still get sick if I eat too much /too soon have liquid after food .Does anyone else identify with this ? I feel like I've fallen off the wagon and not sure how to get back on .I definitely want to eat more .I'm 20 months post surgery and feel like I'm slipping back .Husband is quite ill , we've just moved and facing financial difficulties .Obviously I'm comfort eating , not sure how to stop ?
  9. Need help, I gained almost all the weight after 5 years.
  10. ccast49

    weight stall

    I am 2.4 months post op and have lost only 39 lbs. I was wondering if this was normal amount of weight to lose at this point or if it should be more. I have been stuck between 198 and 200 for over 3 weeks now. I would like to know others experience on this topic.
  11. Had DS urgery april 2018 .. lost a lot of weight . and well since covid hit I gained almost 20 lbs back in a year i cant believe this happened. what do i do? I am making appointment with surgeon ASAP. I have no idea on how to lose this again and fast! Im sorry I let this happen. 20 lbs is a lot!!!!!
  12. Hi all! Newbie here... I've been lurking for months though. LOL I got notice today that my policy covers the surgery but that I cannot gain any weight the entire time I'm in a bariatric program. I'm curious, how many other people have had this as a clause in their policy? And if so, how did you deal with it? Did you gain weight and get kicked out? I find this to be such an absurd requirement. If I could control what the scale does I wouldn't be pursuing weight loss surgery in the first place! I just gained 10 lbs in the last 3 weeks on a new medication (Lyrica) that I have to stop now because its not worth the gain. Doctors are always playing with my meds, what if something else causes me to gain before surgery?? This is such an annoying detail to have to worry about.
  13. I had surgery May 1st, 2024, I lost 14 lbs the first week, but as soon as I started drinking and eating protein, I’ve stopped losing weight. I’m assuming it’s because I’m assuming it’s the protein intake, and not being able to eat veggies. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyone experience this?
  14. So I eat 4200 calories a day. Long story short. 456 pounds at age 19 had DS 39 now and I weigh 178 pounds I've been working out 3x a week for two years. Lifting weights. At first I lost muscle, because I was eating 2200 calories most days maybe 60 grams of protein. I now I eat 4200 a day and get 250 grams of protein easy but even with gaining muscle I don't gain weight on the scale yet. I've gained in the past but once I started lifting weights I stopped. I just stay at 178ish.. my doctor wants me to take enzymes but I want to be able to gain weight with food... It's annoying to me I can't even gain a pound. I'm slowly raising calories 200 at a time. I wait a month then I'll raise it again but does anyone know how many calories I probably need and can anyone tell me for sure how many calories I absorb and how much fat, carbs, protein I absorb? My doctor says he can't tell me because everyone is different but... I need answers. I find myself scared every day I'll lose weight.. it's crazy to me im eating so much but my doctor's kinda not cool.. so I don't trust him last time I took enzymes I ended up getting up to 240 pounds on accident and the idea of gaining that much weight scares me.. I prefer to do it normally I just wonder what the calorie number is need. What works for you
  15. Hi, looking for some advice, ive had a gastric band for 11 years and had it removed last month due to complications. Im struggling to loose any weight now. Im on a calorie restriction deficit now on 1400 cals per day & not loosing anything. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  16. Hi lovelies, Hope you are all well. Need your thoughts please. Had my VSG 5.5 months ago and these were my stats: Weight: 198/90 KGs Height: 168/5'5-5'6? I started at a BMI of 33, which I understand was on the lower side. Since surgery I have lost weight quite rapidly and I suspect its due to always being at a BMI of 22 my entire adulthood, I ate well, worked out and remained fit even after two pregnancies. My weight issues started 5 years back and then followed by a very bad ankle injury that affected my mobility that I reached my highest weight of 198. I understand that that where my body feels most comfortable at and its decided to take the chance to lose the pounds and run with it. My original goal was 154, and I got there very quickly then I changed my goal many times and settled on 127 which I am currently very close to. My surgeon seems to be a little apprehensive and has told me to try to slow it down and as per him it is very rare that he sees such rapid weight loss on a lower BMI patient. His original comment at 2 months was that the weight I had lost in 2 months was supposed to be my target at 6 months. Last time I saw him he asked me to up my calories to 1500 (currently at almost 800 on weekdays give or take, 600 on weekends because I apparently don't have much of an appetite on weekends). He ordered some bloodwork which I still haven't gone in for. I feel like my health is good, other than hair fall and the customary dizziness when getting up I am in fantastic health, I workout hard, I make good food choices and I prioritize my protein. I also look great if you ask me. My fear is I am losing too much too fast, and from what I hear and see, you don't quite stop losing until at least 12 months post op, which - according to my projections and calculations - will leave me at 110/50 KGs at 12 months out. That is way too low I fear and I do not want to look like a skeleton. Also I feel I have a huge restriction and I can't eat more than a few bites at a time, drinking water has become an aversion, I have to drink BCAA and sugar free iced tea to hydrate and tiny sips of water every hour or so. Other than that I eat very well, except I can't eat enough to maintain due to restriction. I am a little worried of my what will happen as the days pass and where I will end up. I don't want to get sick or too frail to work out and lift weights. I want to look good and feel good and I am not sure where my weight loss is heading but I am quite worried at this point. I also get comments on how I have lost half my body weight from people which is quite inaccurate lol but it's a complete shock when I meet someone who I haven't seen in some time, even my colleagues seem to think I'm looking too skinny. Sorry for typing so much, I thought it would be better if you have the full picture so its easier to respond. For anybody who's experience this, any thoughts?
  17. kamigrisham

    Weight gain

    Ugghhh I am 18 months out and have gained back 12 lbs since May… help!!!
  18. Hi I got my sleeve surgery on August 22nd .. I've lost about 50 pounds but I was in the hospital a few days with sepsis and now I just got on the scale and gained like 8 pounds? I've barley eating so I'm confused any help ? Start weight 302 Surgery weight 288 Monday 251 today 260..
  19. Hi All, I am having my surgery in 2 days (10/1/19) and just need to see some motivation to help me stop being so nervous. Can everyone just provide their first 6 month weight loss stats. Lbs down per month - month 1, 2, 3, etc...so I can be reminded of all the good things I have to look forward too! I am so excited but so scared and this simple thing will help me tremendously. Thanks!
  20. returninghalfherweight

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    Hi, friends! I had the traditional duodenal switch on 04/24/2024 with Dr. Joshua Roller in Fayetteville, Arkansas. My surgery experience was fabulous and I have had zero complications following surgery. I haven't even so much as vomited since surgery. I am 5 weeks post-op and feel great! I wanted to let folks know, though, that it is their "company policy" to only provide FMLA/short term disability coverage for 2 weeks. I had done a lot of research on this surgery prior to having it and was expecting 4-6 weeks for recovery. I had previously (in 2019) had a surgery to remove my gallbladder and 2 weeks was so unbelievably inadequate for me to recover. No one asked me about my FMLA or disability paperwork until my group dietician appointment the day before my surgery (as I was an out of state patient from Ohio). The nurse said, "If anyone has FMLA paperwork, we will take it now. We provide 2 weeks off work. Any longer and we need documentation of complications to extend it." Since I was in a group setting, I felt uncomfortable contesting this. I spent a significant amount of time in distress over this, as I wouldn't even be home a full week or on solids for more than a day before they said I should return to work. They would not budge on this policy. Thankfully, my employer allowed me to take 2 extra weeks of leave, but that was a privilege extended to me and my job was not legally protected during those extra two weeks. Additionally, I was not paid at all for those extra 2 weeks because according to Dr. Roller, I only "needed" 2 weeks, not 4 weeks. I am struggling a lot financially post-op because of this, as my short term disability company has a waiting period and I only got paid for a few days of work while being out for 4 total weeks. Roller's office is phenomenal in every other way and like I said, my hospital stay and my surgery itself have been everything I hoped for and then some, BUT I think that this issue is a pretty big one for some folks. I was in no shape to return to work at 2 weeks post-op and genuinely feel that Dr. Roller's office needs get rid of this policy where they paint every patient with the same brush. I am chronically ill in other ways and I should not have needed to have complications from surgery to qualify for more than 2 weeks off from work. This disappointed me greatly.
  21. I've recently joined the forum and I was adding my details and it asked for a goal weight. I've never really discussed exactly what the endgoal should be so I wondered - is there a way to work out what a healthy goal weight should be? And specifics aside, it is useful to create multiple goals for as you go along or just stick with one 'endgoal'? Just interested to hear opinions on this and also any advice on how to work out what a healthy goal is would be appreciated.
  22. So at this point, I am confused to say the least. Started the bariatric Program: 336lbs Day of surgery: 326 CW:279 2 weeks shy of 5 months post Vsg GW 220-230 In the morning I can not eat food without first, drinking, something hot it’s the only time I really feel restricted. I am two weeks away from being five months out. Noticed I’m will only lose about 1-2 pounds a week but I fluctuate the same 1-2 pounds. I can’t get my protein from real food after eating 3oz of chicken at noon. I can’t eat real food for the rest of the day. Water intake is not a problem. But I have been at a stall for a month!! dietitian does not want me to rely on protein shakes, but that’s the only way to meet my protein goal. Any advice???
  23. Rose perez

    Dating and weight loss

    Hi ladies has anyone found it that they could date or be treated better after weight loss surgery ? would like to know your stories
  24. Hi everyone so many people are now taking Ozempic, some do weight loss surgery to lose weight etc. but now it is more common to use Ozempic, how do you guys feel about this issue and curious to hear some of your thoughts or personal opinions on this topic.

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