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  1. I’m just beginning my second week of my pre op learning and it’s been a fun, interesting week (for me anyway!) I started eating a little better, getting more protein in to my daily diet and logging everything. Good news is that I’m 9lbs down in the first week so I will take that win thank you very much. I’ve also been practicing mindful eating too. My approach to eating was to hoover food up as quickly as possible but, after reading about WLS and what I need to concentrate on post-surgery, I have made sure that every meal has taken 20 mins to eat, that I eat off a plate, put my cutlery down between bites, don’t put more food in my mouth when I already have some food in there etc. Being a sceptical kind of person, I wasn’t really sold on the benefits of this but I gave it a whirl, just to see. I will definitely hold my hand up and admit that my scepticism was misplaced. My head and stomach now recognise that I have actually eaten something and it’s registered with them. I now have a feeling of fullness that I didn’t have before, which really is an eye opener. I know it probably sounds strange but I honestly cannot remember having this? Disordered eating has been such a part of my life for a very long time. I’ve also been giving different sources of protein a try, not for post-op as I’ve really taken on board people’s findings of tastes etc changing after surgery, but for the liver reduction diet and to give myself some variety now as I move towards that. I have tried protein water (a bit sweet but doable) protein yoghurts and protein puddings. Hubby recommended some PHD whey protein but I haven’t tried that yet. The bag isn’t yet open and all I can smell is overpowering vanilla 🤢 I will try it at some point this week, just to see if it tastes better than it smells! I’ve also ordered some 0%-everything flavour drops to try in Greek yoghurt etc, just waiting for those to arrive. My Bariatric plates arrived this week, plus measuring cups and spoons. I’ve been consistently taking my multivitamin, vitamin D and folic acid (because of pre-existing meds) have taken the dreaded ‘before’ photos (and managed not to cry) and generally had a positive week. I know my surgery may be a long way off but things are moving in the right direction and I’m happy about that. Onwards and downwards!
  2. ItsAllJoy42

    1 week pre surgery.

    Front and profile view.
  3. Hi! New here! I had VSG previously and I'm going to have the Overstitch procedure this week. If you've had this done or are thinking about it, I'd love to hear from you! I have not met my surgeon in person (phone consult) and there is a long list of medications. I'm pretty nervous about this non-invasive procedure in a way that I never was about the VSG! It could be the extensive medication list- I didn't need any prescriptions after VSG. Prilosec and Miralax daily 7 days before surgery, Zofran, Emend, and Betyl for nausea and cramping, starting the morning of surgery, and ibuprofen rx for pain. I had VSG in 2017 with no complications. I lost 115 lbs. Fast forward to 2023, 1 years after hysterectomy, I experienced about 30 lbs regain. I was having trouble losing with increased workouts and diet modifications, so I tried Mounjaro. I lost 30 pounds. I felt nauseous and fatigued the entire time I was on that, I subsisted on gingerale (I did not drink any carbonated or sugary drink before this) and cereal or saltines. I went off because I wanted a break from the side effects. I rapidly regained all that I lost and 10 more. After attempts to moderate diet again failed, I went back to my doctor. I'd read about Overstitch, but the information out there is pretty vague. Basically, I know what it is and that it's available. I can't find any decent experience reviews. My doctor expects that I can easily lose between 20 and 40 lbs. Not the significant loss of VSG, but on my small frame, that's a large amount and it would bring me to a much healthier place.
  4. Hi everyone! I finally did it, after chasing this surgery and fighting with insuracne I had t 3/19/24. I"m on day three, and I'm so tired Im' napping more than I"m awake sipping. Did anyone else experience this? Hot long will it take to east up and I'll feel awake agaIn? I assume it has to do with the liquid diet and very little calories and the array of pills they have me on.
  5. KEEP THIS STAGE SIMPLE: Get your FLUIDS. Get that PROTEIN. Get MOVING. Three little things! This is the schedule I kept for Weeks 1 & 2 post-op. I bought 1 oz glasses at Walmart in the baking aisle. I bought 12 of them and used 6 per hour. They only cost me 97 cents each. I drank half an ounce every 5 minutes. After every ounce I drank, I got up and walked a lap around my downstairs. IF you start fiber now, take the fiber sparingly! Don’t overdo it, just get some. You can get constipated/gassy if you have too much. If you’re having gastro issues, eliminate the fiber until you get to soft foods, as your new stomach and sensitive track might not be ready right away. Use apple juice only if you need it for low blood sugar, and ONLY drink half-juice-half water dilution. Don’t drink straight juice. I use Hydrolyzed Collagen, by Codeage. I really like it. Also, drink decaf coffee only, of course.
  6. South Coast Deli brings a superhero flair to fast, casual dining with three locations across Santa Barbara. Dive into a diverse menu featuring breakfast sandwiches, bagels, hearty salads, and a variety of sandwiches, including vegan and vegetarian options. Whether you're craving a classic deli experience or a warm panini, this deli satisfies with quick service and a playful atmosphere. Perfect for on-the-go meals or a leisurely bite, South Coast Deli is your go-to for fresh, delicious fare with a comic book twist.


  7. What did everyone eat in the liquid week and the pureed food week. I'm allergic to eggs and whey so I'm trying to make my lists now on what I need to stock up on.
  8. I am really worried here and I am searching for your advice and experiences. I am 2 weeks post op gastric sleeve and 1 week on purée stage. I am very scared because I do feel hunger and I am able to eat 5 spoons we use for soup (europe) of minced meat cooked without any issue and not taking more than 5 minutes. I stop because I have to not because I feel some extreme discomfort and I am feeling still hungry. (i do not eat and drink at the same time). I can also drink liquids during the day with no issues. What is wrong with me?
  9. I had my surgery (sleeve) 7 days ago. I am moving to California Oct 29th. (Military) We will be traveling for 4-9 days (depending on kids) from South Georgia. I was supposed to have surgery this past summer. Then they made it for august and then covid got worse. So finally last week got it done. But now so many worries. Has anyone travelled Long distance after sleeve surgery? Anyone who has any tips or tricks they learned or have any good ideas. I have no idea how I’m gonna do this when I’m limited on what I can eat and we will be on the road for a while. Just getting nervous.
  10. I am 3 weeks Po and I initially lost 20 pounds but I haven’t loss a single pound in a week! I am following the diet, exercising everyday. I’m getting discouraged
  11. Currently 10 weeks post op Vsg . Haven’t been able to reach my protein goals (can’t tolerate many foods) & just started reaching my water goals. Not sure if this has contributed to my stall but any advice or recommendations on how to break a stall ?
  12. Hi Everyone, Hope you all are feeling and doing amazing. Quick question???? Did anyone have a feeling of being super full or not being able to "digest" regular food between 6-10 weeks post op? The feeling started around 6.5 weeks out and I just feel so UGH... Like anything I eat was just sitting at the top of my stomach. I also have issues being "regular" in the bathroom so I thought it was that. I was able to fix that and the bottom of my stomach got relief but the top still felt full. I was having a hard time eating or drinking only cause I always felt full like overfull. Reached out to the doctor and he said that sometimes between 6-10 weeks scar tissue can develop where the stomach and intestine are attached which can constrict. Has anyone had this and did it go away or get better after 10 weeks? I switched to primarily a liquid diet and it is better but still feel ugh. I feel like Violet in Willy Wonka. Doctor is doing an upper GI x-ray just to be safe but that is a week away. Just want to get ideas from you all. 🙂
  13. monamcd2004

    2 weeks post op

    I had my surgery the 16th of May lost 25lbs the first week (I don’t see it yet) but Im truly struggling to get my protein in and my water. Any advise on this would be amazing! I have spoken to the dietitian and she said it’s completely normal and not to worry but I am really worried I’m not doing this right and I don’t want to fail! My dr has me on the soft diet already and I did explain my stomach doesn’t handle the protein shakes well and he even advised maybe try beans, eggs, etc. just looking for some advice or maybe others who have or are struggling too.
  14. Well I start my Pre-op diet Tuesday . I have to only eat and drink Optifast protein supplements I purchased from the doctors for 14 days. Any tips from someone who have used Optifast .
  15. So my surgery was seven weeks today. For the past two weeks I have been stuck at the same weight OR gained 2-3 lbs. Basically fluctuating the same 2-3 pounds I guess. I wouldn't have thought I would hit a plateau this early. I'm eating the plan they laid out for me. I'm walking when I can (torn meniscus and degenerative disc disease issues). I guess I just don't understand why I'm stuck already. Just frustrated. Any words of wisdom?
  16. Please please tell me this is normal. I've also only lost 12lbs in the first 2 weeks and now in a 3 week stall. I'm glad I've not gained anything cause i think i would be even more disheartened. I'm taking in around 700cals a day, getting my protein in and fluids. I have been doing light exercise on cross trainer but too scared to push it. should i be doing anything different or do i just wait it out? I knew it was coming, but mannnnnn... 3 weeks :(
  17. Almost 5 weeks post op. Occasionally I will start dry heaving or retching. Not necessarily after eating or drinking either, it almost feels random. This happens 3 or 4 times a day usually. I don’t actually throw up, I’ve only puked once or twice post op. 
Is this normal? It really sucks. Reposting in this forum because I had no responses in the other.
  18. Hey Bariatric family!! I’m four weeks post op and the thought of food makes me sick. Protein and water are my best friend. I have had some puréed stuff and a tiny piece of white fish. Once I eat something and put it up for “later” the thought of it disgust me. Will this go away?? Any food ideals?? Besides chili and fish?? The thought of chicken makes me want to pass out. I’m feeling good and everything is going well , just scared that this will not go away. Thanks in advance for all replies . These forums have gotten me through some of the hardest times of my life after vsg surgery.
  19. Hi all I am now 23 days post op and on my 2nd week of puréed foods. I hope Xmas 🎄 has not been too hard on you. I lost my mum back in April, so this is my first year without her and it has been tough. I'm keeping myself busy preparing meals for my husband and it's not really bothered me that I have to purée anything that I am having. What does bother me is that I don't seem to be losing much weight 🤔. My husband and sister say they can see change in me but the scales say otherwise. Since my pre op assessment I have lost a total of 16lb and it just doesn't seem much at all. I don't know if I have an unrealistic expectation of what I should be losing. I think the only thing I maybe doing wrong is not eating enough. I have been lucky ... Although I had bad nausea during my first week post op, I had no sickness nor dumping. I just feel like I am doing something wrong. My dietiy suggested dropping out the homemade smoothies made with fruit which I have done. Is anyone else going through the same issue?
  20. I had vsg surgery on 12/19/23 I lost about 12lbs during the first week and a half but since week two hit I've been seeing the scale not move at all, my inches on my waist was going down so I was to upset. Then I had my post op visit with my surgeon and He told me that I wasn't eating enough, He said that I was losing too much weight and I had told him that the scale hasn't even moved for the past week. But he expected me to hit about 1200 calories a day where I've been eating me 400 or 500. He had said that I should add a couple of snacks in to my meals throughout the day. So three meals a day plus two snacks at least. And it's been a struggle but I've done that and I've been eating around 800 calories a day. Maybe 9:00 but now I'm gaining weight so I'm just unsure of what to do. Should I keep going at this? 800 calorie 900 trying to achieve 1200 so soon after surgery or should I just stick with my four or 500? It seems like so much food for 3 weeks post-op. Also, just so it's clear, I'm pretty much clearer to eat anything I want now just to use discretion when choosing my foods. I am hitting All of my protein and water goals. But I was before when I was getting 400 calories or 500 a day.
  21. Curious to hear what people who had surgery in December 2023 are eating or what you ate when you were 5 weeks out? Sticking to protein and veggies?What is your general calorie consumption?
  22. Atayo

    Week 2 after esg

    From the album: Mavis

    © Mavis Adombire

  23. Hi everyone ! I am a newbie here and English is not my first language so please, bear with me 😛 I am a 24-year-old college student and I'm getting a ByPass on Sept 11th but my classes start on the 14th. I am fully aware I won't be able to go back to college literally 3 days after surgery, obviously ... but I was hoping that I could go back on the 21st. What are your thoughts/opinion ?
  24. So, Ill be 2 weeks post op on Wednesday. Last week on Wednesday I was from 247 down to 227. Now, I'm currently at 230 !!!??? Why? ?? It's so stressful to see that 3 pound gain. I have been following my diet well, with the exception of not always eating 5 or 6 times a day. Is that why? But shouldn't I still lose?? Honestly I just forget because I don't get hungry. Or I'll be busy trying to wrangle 3 children. I can't eat what they eat and it's not very convenient to make pureed foods all the time. It's a process ya know. Some days idek how much liquids I drink. I'm not great at tracking. But I've had a mix of juice, milk and water. Anyway, has anyone else experienced this? Did I already ruin the good thing I had going??? Please help friends! Thank you!
  25. I'm currently 4 weeks post-op and have been having a hard time. I can't get my liquids or protien in. I went to the doctor last week and they had me get IV fluids to help out. I just feel nauseous all the time. I am taking zofran to help with that. I feel like things are never going to get better. Any advice or just some reassurance would be great.

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