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Found 158 results

  1. summerseeker

    4 months post-op

    Yes exactly this. This is so very tiring. Your brain is going a mile a minute and must be burning so many calories. I get B12 shots every 3 months at my doctors. If you have bariatric surgery here it seems to be the norm. These are like liquid energy and I don't need to check my calendar when they are due for renewal. The last two weeks are hell, I drag myself around. I had similar issues to you in my first year. I really struggled to eat and my calories were so low. I tired easily too. My team and I decided that it would be best for me to eat tiny meals, 6 times a day. My menu would be, meal 1, protein yogurt 2, homemade lentil and veg soup 3, scrambled egg 4, Fish in a sauce 5, Some jerky or cheese 6, a latte or some watermelon. This, in my mind gave me everything, I nutritionally needed but my calories were about 500 a day. I started to do full fat everything and upped my calories to 800 slowly. You will feel regret, its a lot to deal with. Every week gets easier. Once you master drinking enough you will leap forward.
  2. Did not get answers that sufficiently addressed my concerns with OCC. Decided to go with Renew Bariatrics and Dr. Rene Armenta. MGB surgery is scheduled for September 2nd. I will report back on experience post surgery.
  3. Hello BariatricPal, I have narrowed my sergeon selection to Dr Ariel Ortiz at OCC, and Dr. Rene Armenta at Renew Bariatrics. I have GERD and require daily medication. I was originally going to get the MGB, until I came across the IGS. Has anyone had the IGS at OCC and is your reflux resolved? Comments appriciated.
  4. Very few pictures exist of me at my heaviest because I always used to avoid being in pictures. Have you ever noticed that a lot of people’s “before” pictures are from weddings (either their own or a part of someone else’s wedding party)? I’m guessing that’s because weddings are among the few times you can’t really refuse to be in pictures. I wish I had more “before” pictures so I can appreciate the difference. It’s certainly jarring to see how big I was. I got passport photos taken when I was at my heaviest (one of the only pictures I have of myself at that weight), but I didn’t get around to renewing my passport until several months later, after I had already lost a lot of weight, maybe 100 pounds, so I decided to get my passport photo retaken, and the side-by-side difference was striking. Well, I look at the SECOND passport photo now and compared to how I look currently (200 pounds down from my heaviest), the difference is incredible. One of the reasons I used to hate being in photos is that I pictured myself as a lot smaller than I was, so seeing myself in pictures forced me to see how big I really was. What’s weird is that now I picture myself as being bigger than I actually am, so seeing myself in photos now is also surprising, but in the opposite way. There’s not that big of a difference between the way I imagine myself now vs. how I imagined myself at my heaviest, even though in reality, I look like a completely different person. The last time I went to my surgeon for a follow-up, the nurse called me back and looked confused when I got up and walked over. She kept looking back and forth between me and my chart and then asked me to verify my date of birth, because my chart had my picture from my initial consultation and she couldn’t see the resemblance. And this is someone who works in a bariatric surgery practice, so it’s not like she doesn’t often see people who have lost a lot of weight!
  5. Doesn’t look like Renew Bariatrics does the mini gastric bypass. If any of you had this procedure in Mexico, where did you go?
  6. Renew Bariatrics in Tijuana is where I ended up going. Dr Perez. Omg AMAZING! They have a very active FB group too. Love it!! On it all day every day lol anyway, stitches dissolve on their own. No need for follow-ups really. Pretty quick n ez procedure n I'm 3 weeks post op as of Saturday. I pulled the trigger shortly after making this post - down 23 lbs so far🎉
  7. At Renew Bariatrics they do bypass and gastric and some ball one...🤔 and the band. Most ppl get gastric (they even have mini gastric) or sleeve. Renew is right across the boarder too. Literally a 7 min drive once through the boarder. I was anti Mexico but omg these guys are AMAZING! Can't express that enough. Best decision ever. Anyway. Gotta go weigh myself 🥳🙏
  8. Christina1985

    June 2022 surgery buddies

    I went to Renew Bariatrics in Tijuana Mexico. AMAZINGGGG! Dr Perez is the best! Double board certified in the US and Mexico. $4,600 total. Includes pick up from San Diego airport, surgery, 2 nights hospital stay, 1 night hotel stay (optional, I opted out to get home:) and transportation back to San Diego airport. Absolute AMAZING experience. I can't express that enough. I'm down 22 lbs in 16 days and started with a low BMI, 31. No pain after surgery whatsoever. Swear I was questioning the doc like, did you even do anything lol Best experience ever. The worst part was the 2nd night at the hospital bc I felt so normal I just wanted to go hommmmme lol Feel free to email me. I'll send pics n all. They have a FB group that can be joined where thousands of ppl share their experiences. Here's my email to reach out directly. Totally forgot I even joined this forum until I got a random notification today lol Cjones61985 @yahoo.com
  9. I just went to Renew Bariatrics in Tijuana Mexico on 6/4. YOU WILL NOT FIND BETTER DOCS! Look em up on Google. They are double board certified in the US and Mexico. They all speak English. It was $4600 and that includes transportation from hotel or San Diego airport to the facility and then back to either one after 2 nights in hospital. One night hotel stay included but I opted out. I wanted to get home to my baby's and felt no pain after surgery whatsoever. Dr Perez was AMAZING!! He only did 2 incisions bc my liver was so small 😍🙌 They have a Facebook group and all where THOUSANDS of ppl have gotten the surgery. Before and after pics. All diff questions answered. It's so awesome! I'm 16 days post op and down almost 22 lbs. Feel free to email me personally, I'll send pics n all. Totally forgot I even joined this group until I got a notification today. Would love to help all men and women go to Renew Bariatrics! Seriously you won't regret it 🙃 cjones61985 @yahoo.com
  10. So I ended up going to Renew Bariatrics in Tijuana Mexico. Dr Perez. 6/4. Omg BEST EXPERIENCE EVERRRRRR!!! No pain waking up. Seriously felt like they didn't even do anything lol $4,600 in total. Doc only did 2 incisions bc he said my liver was so small. I'm down 21.5 lbs in 16 days. Seriously the best decision ever. Email if yall want any info *see below. Look em up on Google. Fabulousssss reviews. Pics n all. They pick you up from airport. Take you across boarder. 2 nights in hospital then to a hotel (which I opted out of) then back to the San Diego airport. Super smooth process!🥳👏👏👏 Cjones61985 @yahoo.com
  11. Guys I need your help ,does anybody have or know abour doctor Perez Corzo in tijuana from RENEW BARIATRIC??
  12. I'm not sure if you will get any responses right now about Renew Bariatrics, but if you use the search tool here on BP you can find threads from the past, which might give you some insight about your topic... Best wishes. https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=renew bariatrics
  13. I spoke to their coordinator and she is lovely! Certified docs. Etc etc. But when I googled Bariatrics in Tijuana a few deaths popped up but it didn't disclose which exact establishment. The coordinator advised it def wasn't their location but I'm still nervous bc anyone can say whatever they want lol
  14. Quesodip251

    Gastric Bypass in Tijuana?

    My recovery is great! I had bad acid reflux the first week but it’s all but cleared up now. I’ve received several emails on nutrition since then and reminders, etc. In your case, it won’t matter which of the MGB or RNY bypass you do since you already had the sleeve. The mini can cause more reflux with the remnant stomach backing up into the pouch, but since yours was removed with the sleeve you shouldn’t have that issue. Statistically there’s less risk of complications with the mini outside of that but for either procedure it is very low. My Dr. didn’t tell me he was doing the mini until afterwards. There’s a lot of communication breakdown there but it’s not like they screwed up the surgery or anything. Be very careful with that. The coordinators don’t know anything about the procedures more than we do via google. The renew staff does speak English but they’re a parent co so you won’t necessarily see them 24/7 like you do the nurses. My stomach was partially removed (which makes it a SASI) to decrease ghrelin levels and reduce reflux risk since I already had GERD. They use CER hospital, which is only 7 years old and pretty nice. My bathroom there is nicer than the one back home! One family member/friend is allowed to come with you and stay the night at no charge and if you choose so you get a “suite” which gives an extra space and bed for said friend. The doctors there all speak English well but the nurses speak only a little so google translate helped a lot, lol. Some of the nursing practices are a little dated but I fixed anything that seemed off (I’m an RN). They were very attentive with wound care though I will say. As far as cleanliness goes, it’s the cleanest hospital I’ve ever seen! Sheets, towels, trash, etc are changed daily. I didn’t even use all of my towels bc I didn’t need that many. One week of meds for after surgery is given to you at no charge which is nice. Getting to know the other people in your cohort was the coolest part bc you all go through it together and support each other! I didn’t receive a video/Skype call from the Dr. beforehand but if you request it I’m sure they could do it. All bariatric procedures are done in the afternoons so he’s free in the mornings (cosmetic procedures are done in the AM). 1 night stay at The real inn hotel is part of your charge and it’s really nice and modern. I actually got mine for free bc one of the coordinators wrote down that I was waiving the hotel for the optional $100 reduction when I wasn’t, so they charged me $100 less but ended up comping the room anyway for me (I told you the coordinators don’t know what they’re doing.) I do wish there was better communication before the procedure so if you can get a Skype call with the doctor beforehand that would be great as communication is the main problem there. If you can get Dr. Green (you better book wayy ahead) then go for it bc everyone loves him. He even takes pics of the sleeve patients’ stomachs and gives them a copy, lol. Sometimes I wish I had him! I’m a lower bmi patient like you-my bmi was 31 when I signed up. I was the smallest one there but no one cared. Overall, it’s a good experience and I would do it again in a heartbeat 💗
  15. Quesodip251

    Gastric Bypass in Tijuana?

    I used Dr. Armenta with Renew Bariatrics in Tijuana. He’s a hottie, I ain’t gonna lie. A lot of people use Dr. Green there but he’s so popular that he’s booked up 2-3 months out. Mine was a week ago so can’t comment yet on results. I had the SASI (mini gastric bypass plus sleeve removal) Cost was $5600 but is $5800 now. Make sure you ask tons of questions of the surgeon bc the coordinators don’t know what’s going on. It was all Americans in my cohort. The hospital policy is 30+ bmi but I’m not sure if they would make an exception for a revision. Worst case scenario is you could gain 10 lbs and then have it.
  16. I meant renew bariatrics also Dr. Jaime Ponce de Leon does it. Dr. Ponce is well know for his expertise. I don't know who does it at renew bariatrics. Hope this helps other's if not you, even though my reply is years later. Hope you found a great Dr. Sent from my SM-G991U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. TheRealPennyD

    Any December 2021?

    My surgery date is 12/2 with Dr. Perez and Renew Bariatrics in Tj, Mexico! So nervous and excited!!
  18. TheRealPennyD

    Gastric Sleeve in Mexico

    My surgery date is 12/2 with Dr. Perez with Renew Bariatrics. I'm on their FB group. Seems like FB is the place to go for a lot of these groups.
  19. Antibody have experience with Renew Bariatrics?
  20. readyforanewme3

    Mental Health

    I'm in the beginning process of my bariatric journey, had my information session a few weeks ago and my big appointment with the surgeon, nurse, nutritionist, etc. is coming up in 3 weeks. So excited! I've been thinking about this health and wellness renewal with bariatric surgery for several years now. I've also been on a journey with my mental health (anxiety & depression) for about 4 years and have made some wonderful progress. I have a good support system of doctors but lately my therapist is making me scratch my head. For those of you on your journey - or that have experience - tell me about your journey with your mental health along with the bariatric surgery process. What I mean by my therapist is making me scratch my head.....so, for the past several years, my therapist has helped me get to a place where I can work on myself and my relationship with my parents (suffered mental/emotional as well as some physical abuse from parents). I made so much progress in 2 years with this...true healing, feeling so much more confident and content with myself. This progress finally led me to go forward with realizing that I was ready to commit to wanting to help myself and begin my bariatric weight loss journey. So, when I brought this up to my therapist, her reaction was not exactly what I expected. (I've read about people's different reactions so I'm of course trying not to let this bother me and feel like I probably need to either move on or realize that's her opinion, not mine). Anyway, when I try to discuss my wants/needs regarding my request for help when it comes to emotional eating/overeating/breaking that psychological connection, she's not really wanting to go there with me. She gives me very little help and keeps saying, "maybe you just won't have this surgery"...and suggests calling local weight loss places that focus on holistic methods of weight loss, etc. that cost $$$. She keeps telling me I need to read all of these books on "miracle weight loss", "medicine is bad", etc. ...ok, so....I know if someone is offering you some "magic unrealistic" guarantee if you "buy their program" they will promise you guaranteed weight loss for life....Ok, that's not for me. I've been there, done that, time and time again. You know the story...the diets we've all tried, the books we've all read, the shakes, you name it. I'm pushing 50 years old...been around the block with weight loss, like all of us here and I'm just not buying it. But, I did try to hear her out. What I'm disappointed in is that I feel that this relationship with this therapist is not helpful. I think I probably need to find another avenue of therapy. I know my hospital offers some group therapy, which I plan on doing. I'm grateful for this website and forum for help and support. If anyone has any advice - therapy suggestions, books/podcasts, etc. to work on my mental health with the emotional eating connection - I would be so grateful. I am working hard already at trying to change these things for myself now so I can be successful. Thank you again for your help!!
  21. SAMMC Bariatric Clinic: Weight-loss Surgery, Nutrition and Hair Loss (whmcbariatric.blogspot.com Weight-loss Surgery, Nutrition and Hair Loss by Jacqueline Jacques, ND Original content: http://www.obesityaction.org/magazine/ywm22/wlsandhairloss.php Typically, about 90 percent of hairs are anagen (in a growth phase) and 10 percent are telogen (in a dormant or resting phase) at any given time, meaning you are usually losing a lot less hair than you are growing so you don't have noticeable hair loss. But sometimes this can change. A common fear and complaint of bariatric surgery patients is post-operative hair loss. While for most of us as people, our hair is an important part of our self-image and body image, it is not very important to our bodies. For this reason, nutrition can have a great impact on hair health because when forced to make a choice, the body will shift nutritional stores to vital organs like your brain and heart and away from your hair. Hair loss has many causes. The most common type of hair loss after weight-loss surgery is a diffuse loss known medically as telogen effluvium, which can have both nutritional and non-nutritional causes. Growing and Losing Hair Whether you are aware of it or not, for most of your life you are always in the process of both growing and losing hair. Human hair follicles have two states; anagen, a growth phase, and telogen, a dormant or resting phase. All hairs begin their life in the anagen phase, grow for some period of time, and then shift into the telogen phase which lasts for about 100 to 120 days. Following this, the hair will fall out. Specific types of stress can result in a shift of a much greater percentage of hairs into the telogen phase. The stressors known to result in this shift, or telogen effluvium, include: High fever Severe infection Major surgery Acute physical trauma Chronic debilitating illness (such as cancer or end-stage liver disease) Hormonal disruption (such as pregnancy, childbirth or discontinuation of estrogen therapy) Acute weight-loss Crash dieting Anorexia Low protein intake Iron or zinc deficiency Heavy metal toxicity Some medications (such as beta-blockers, anticoagulants, retinoids and immunizations) Weight-loss Surgery and Hair Loss Nutritional issues aside, bariatric surgery patients already have two major risks of major surgery and rapid weight-loss. These alone are likely to account for much of the hair loss seen after surgery. In the absence of a nutritional issue, hair loss will continue until all hairs that have shifted into the telogen phase have fallen out. There is no way of switching them back to the anagen phase. Hair loss rarely lasts for more than six months in the absence of a dietary cause. Because hair follicles are not damaged in telogen effluvium, hair should then regrow. For this reason, most doctors can assure their weight-loss surgery patients that with time and patience, and keeping up good nutritional intake, their hair will grow back. Discrete nutritional deficiencies are known to cause and contribute to telogen effluvium. One would be more suspicious of a nutritional contribution to post-bariatric surgery hair loss if: Hair loss continued more than one year after surgery Hair loss started more than six months after surgery Patient has had difficulty eating and/or has not complied with supplementation Patient has demonstrated low values of ferritin, zinc or protein Patient has had more rapid than expected weight-loss Other symptoms of deficiency are present Nutrition Iron Iron is the single nutrient most highly correlated with hair loss. The correlation between non-anemic iron deficiency and hair loss was first described in the early 1960s, although little to no follow-up research was conducted until this decade. While new research is conflicted as to the significance of ferritin as a diagnostic tool in hair loss, it has still been found that a significant number of people with telogen effluvium respond to iron therapy. Optimal iron levels for hair health have not been established, although there is some good evidence that a ferritin level below 40ug/L is highly associated with hair loss in women.1 It is worth noting that this is well above the level that is considered to be anemia, so doctors would not be expected to see this as a deficiency. Zinc Zinc deficiency has been tied to hair loss in both animal studies and human cases. There is data linking zinc deficiency in humans to both telogen effluvium and immune-mediated hair loss. Zinc deficiency is a well-recognized problem after bileopancreatic diversion/duodenal switch, and there is some indication that it may occur with other procedures such as gastric bypass and adjustable gastric banding. In 1996, a group of researchers chose to study high dose zinc supplementation as a therapeutic agent for related hair loss2 in patients with vertical banded gastroplasty. The study administered 200 mg of zinc sulfate (45mg elemental zinc) three times daily to post-operative patients with hair loss. This was in addition to the multivitamin and iron supplements that patients were already taking. No labs for zinc or other nutrients were conducted. Researchers found that in patients taking the zinc, 100 percent had cessation of hair loss after six months. They then stopped the zinc. In five patients, hair loss resumed after zinc was stopped, and was arrested again with renewed supplementation. It is important to note that in telogen effluvium of non-nutritional origin, hair loss would be expected to stop normally within six months. Since the researchers conducted no laboratory studies, and there was no control group, the only patients of interest here are those who began to lose hair again after stopping zinc. Thus we cannot say that zinc would prevent hair loss after weight-loss surgery, and further study would definitely be needed to make this connection. A further note: The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for zinc is set at 40mg in adults. This study utilized a daily dose of more than three times that level. Not only can these levels cause gastrointestinal distress, but chronic toxicity (mostly associated with copper depletion) can start at levels of 60 mg/day. Information related to this study has made its way to many a support group and chat room – even to doctor's offices – with the message of "high dose zinc will prevent hair loss after weight-loss surgery." Patients should be advised that high dose zinc therapy is unproven and should only be done under supervision due to the associated risks of toxicity. A lab test to check for zinc deficiency would be best before giving a high dose such as this. Protein Low protein intake is associated with hair loss. Protein malnutrition has been reported with duodenal switch, and in gastric bypass to a much lesser degree. Little is known about incidence, as only around eight percent of surgeons track labs such as total protein, albumen or prealbumen. Limited studies suggest that patients with the most rapid or greatest amounts of weight-loss are at greatest risk.3 With surgical reduction of the stomach, hydrochloric acid,4 pepsinogen5 and normal churning are all significantly reduced or eliminated. Furthermore, pancreatic enzymes that would also aid in protein digestion are redirected to a lower part of the small intestine. It is thus likely that maldigestion, rather than malabsorption, is responsible for most cases. Some studies have also implicated low protein intake.6 Research also indicates that low levels of the amino acid l-lysine can contribute to hair loss and that repletion of lysine stores may both improve iron status and hair regrowth. In a study of anemic patients with hair loss who were supplemented with 1.5 to 2 grams of l-lysine in addition to their iron therapy, ferritin levels increased more substantially over iron therapy alone.1 Many individuals believe that supplementing with or topically applying the nutrient biotin will either help to prevent hair loss or will improve hair regrowth. To date, there is no science that would support either of these presumptions. While biotin deficiency can cause dermatitis, hair loss is only known to occur in experimentally induced states in animal models or in extreme cases of prolonged diets composed exclusively of egg whites.7 Other Other nutrients associated with hair health include vitamin A, inositol, folate, B-6 and essential fatty acids. Hair loss can also be caused by systemic diseases, including thyroid disease and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and is influenced by genetics. Conclusion Hair loss can be distressing to bariatric surgery patients and many will try nutrition themselves to see if they can prevent it. Unfortunately, there is little evidence that early hair loss is preventable because it is mostly likely caused by surgery and rapid weight-loss. Later hair loss, however, can be indicative of a nutritional problem, especially iron deficiency, and may be a clinically useful sign. Educating patients about the potential for hair loss and possible underlying causes can help them to make informed choices and avoid wasting money on gimmicks that may have little real value. About the Author: Jacqueline Jacques, ND, is a Naturopathic Doctor with more than a decade of expertise in medical nutrition. She is the Chief Science Officer for Catalina Lifesciences LLC, a company dedicated to providing the best of nutritional care to weight-loss surgery patients. Her greatest love is empowering patients to better their own health. Dr. Jacques is a member of the OAC National Board of Directors.
  22. Josie_Grossy

    Renew Bariatrics - Tijuana, Mexico

    Hi! I just got done going through using Renew Bariatrics. They were fantastic! It is a company based out of the US that connects you to doctors in Mexico. They have payment plans available (no need to put everything down immediately), but require it be payed in full 10 days prior to surgery. I actually had to change my day of surgery and my coordinator was extremely flexible and helpful. There is Renew Bariatrics staff on sight to help with any issues, they check on you daily. I had Dr. Perez and the total came out to be $4199.00, and he is amazing as well as the staff. I did have someone come with me, but there were a number of people there who came alone. I was up and walking very quickly after surgery which helped tremendously with the pain and gas. Hope this helps
  23. Has anyone had a gastric sleeve in Renew Bariatrics? If so go much did you pay? Did you pay in a lump sump? And what was your experience? Thanks!
  24. Hi. I was scheduled in OCC with dr Ariel Ortiz in July. They’ve been closed throughout the pandemic. Now that they’re re opening in July they came out with a tremendous amount of new requirements that are making it very difficult for me. (For example need to be there 2 days before surgery) I’m strongly considering switching to Tijuana bariatrics with dr Garcia or renew with one of their doctors. what are your thoughts? I’m so confused. 🤦‍♀️ I just want this done already!
  25. Hi all! I will be getting my VSG with Dr Jorge Green at Renew Bariatrics this July. Any past experiences or testimonials from patients would be greatly appreciated

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