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Found 17,501 results

  1. Monica Justice

    Pureed foods. Yuck!!

    Hello everyone. I am post-op, had my first doctor's visit one month ago and scheduled for my second on 04/19. I am doing my best to read all of the literature provided to me as well as what I can find online. I am struggling with the thought of pureeing food. I just don't think I could bring myself to consume meat, vegetables or eggs that have been pureed. It sounds disgusting! Is this something that is a MUST or can we supplement with protein drinks? All input is appreciated. :0)
  2. Rose perez

    Quest or pure protein?

    I have been trying to find more protein snacks and sources, i cannot decide between quest or pure protein, which one has more benefits and overall more tasteful?
  3. hayleymarie2703


    How many ounces of puree should we be eating? I don’t want to over do it. I get the full feeling at about 3.5 ounces is that too much too little?
  4. What are safe foods at Mexican restaurants? 3 week post op
  5. I had surgery 3/22/2024 and have only been able to drink a few ounces an hour. This morning I woke up hungry and drank a 12 oz Protein Drink with 35 minutes, I have NOT been able to do that since before surgery. Have I inadvertently stretched my stomach? My eating yesterday was still only 3-4 oz per meal and Water in between. I really don’t want to mess up this surgery. I am 8 weeks post op and I thought my stomach could only hold 4 oz - but the drink is 12 oz.
  6. Rose perez

    Immune beneficial foods

    Hi ladies, so have anyone been trying to find ways to take care of their immune system, what are some foods or healthy habits that have helped your overall immune system?
  7. HI all! I volunteered for my daughters field trip tomorrow, and its hiking. I cannot make my normal meals, they will have to be snacky. So far I am thinking beef stick, cheese stick, protein shake. These might be enough for the day as long as I eat breakfast before I go. It is an all day field trip. TIA!
  8. Rose perez

    Healthy food

    So, i have been dealing with hair loss even though i have a lot of protein and fiber in my diet and seem to always eat healthier options, what am i missing ? just need some advice or feedback if anyone is dealing with the same issue.
  9. Hi everyone, do you have any ideas of healthy fats that you like to consume or eat and what are the best ones for you?
  10. Like weight loss before and after photos but of your new diet ! I'm especially interested in before and after meal photos (take a pic at the point you feel restriction) but it can be of recipe substitutions, your refrigerator/pantry/shopping cart/etc VSG2017 HW 249 SW 238 CW 167
  11. Can someone give some helpful tips or info about ths topic?
  12. Ever since switching to more of a plant based diet, I've noticed some positive changes. For one, its been easier to stay hydrated. I eat quite a few vegetables daily that have the highest Water content of any food. Below is an interesting article that lists such foods. Cucumbers just happen to be number 1 since they are about 98% water. I actually find that I crave cucumbers and apple cider vinegar during the day. Apple cider vinegar is wonderful for vitality and overall health. I've already written a long post about it a few months back, but I do recommend it for decreasing hunger and increasing energy. Ever since hitting goal, I've grown respect for fresh fruits and vegetables. The surgery has perhaps made them more appealing? Anyone else notice this? http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/list-fruits-vegetable-high-water-content-8958.html
  13. What did everyone eat and drink in these stages. I'm allergic to eggs and whey so I'm trying to get my lists together now so when it's surgery time I just have to go to my amazon or instacart and order everything I need.
  14. Rose perez

    Healthy food expense

    Hi everyone, has anyone noticed that everything has risen in prices even the organic products and unhealthy foods too, why is the economy so bad >
  15. I'm currently almost 3 weeks post op and am on 2 oz servings of purees, but I don't know how many per day. I find that I'm not very hungry during the day but by around 7pm, I am hungry. By that time I've already had a "breakfast" puree and a "lunch" puree and will have "dinner" but after that, I am just hungry. Continuing to meet my fluid goals with water and Jello don't really do anything to help. I feel like I need more substance but I am unsure how many servings of 2 oz purees in a day I should be consuming.
  16. What did everyone eat in the liquid week and the pureed food week. I'm allergic to eggs and whey so I'm trying to make my lists now on what I need to stock up on.
  17. I had a question I've had 4 fills so far and I'm 4 months post op. And I noticed that I'm able to finish all my food sometimes and then sometimes I can't. Is this normal? Or do I need another fill? I listen to my body when I'm starting to get full or when I am full but some days I don't be full right away which I end up eat all my food and I am eating my portion sizes so it's nothing that's a lot of food.
  18. Hi , so I'm 5 days post op , I'm on the liquid stage, everything I'm eating tastes to sweet ! So I have been eating, yoghurt,protein shakes, chicken soup, I used to have such a sweet tooth before and now I really don't! My surgeon said I can have anything as long as it's smooth liquid , any ideas what i can have? Struggling here!
  19. I’m wondering how many different foods i should be trying at each food stage. I’ve been eating the same meals for a couple of days (white fish and veggies pureed together) purely because one filet of fish cooked ended up making 5 of my tiny meals. But i wonder if i should be varying meals more ? As in intentionally trying new foods ? I’m moving to soft foods next week so i was looking for meal ideas… Also, how do you you know you’re actually ready to move up a food stage ? I’m scared of soft foods then regular food :O
  20. Hello. I had a conversion from the gastric sleeve (2017) to the bypass on 1/8/24. I should start regular foods this week, however, I am at the pureed thin phase as once I incorporate foods with any weight or texture, such as oatmeal, scrambled eggs, finely blended chicken (not pureed), the food feels stuck in my esophagus and I am vomiting froth and mucous (not the food). Has anyone else experienced this? I have contacted my surgeon, seeing her Wednesday as she was on vacation last week, I have spoken with my dietitian and the center for weight loss and they believe that my esophagus is having spasms. Has anyone else experienced this? I have simply gone back to full liquids as I had no problems with that.
  21. Hi! First off, I'm fairly new here, so if I'm posting in the wrong place, I apologize in advance. Also, VENT WARNING: I'm scheduled to have surgery August 5th and I'm extremely excited! The only thing is, I've been thinking a lot about how much my life is going to change after surgery, especially when it comes to my relationship with food and family. I know mostly everyone here has their own battles with food, but mines start with my culture. To give you a better picture, I grew up in a Peruvian household and still live in one. I also grew up with a lot of other Latinos and Latin food has always been a part of my life. It’s all I know. If I'm not eating Peruvian food, I'm eating Puerto Rican, or some other Latin dish. Food is important to Peruvians... EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, and I can’t stress that enough. Our portions are hugeeeeeee (which is what got me in this mess in the first place) and the food is irresistible. We have a couple hundred different types of dishes (not exaggerating) with such a wide range of ingredients coming from the Andes, the coast (sea), and the jungle. Anyways, I'm getting ready for surgery and I have a regimen to follow. I've been shown examples of portions I will eat after surgery, I've been given ideas to try, and I've been told what I can and cannot eat. A lot of change is on its way. I'm happy I'm taking the steps to a better quality of life, but I feel like I'm getting piece of my heart ripped out my chest!!! When I talk about my food requirements after surgery with my parents, they start crying out of sadness for me! On one hand they are happy for me but on the other they feel bad that I will never be able to eat the same again. It feels like there's a funeral happening in my house. It feels like a part of me is dying, and it feels like a part of my culture is getting stripped away from me . I'm the only overweight person in my family so I can’t relate to anyone. I'm not backing out of my decision or doubting it and my family is very supportive and believe I should still do it. Here are my questions though: 1. Latinos or anyone strongly influenced by your culture: HOW did you cope with losing this part of you? 2. What do you all do at family gatherings, parties, and on holidays while everyone is eating? 3. What do you eat? Recipes are welcomed! I’ve been told to eat yogurt, chicken meatballs, canned soup, and all kinds of food I'm not use to... Have you found a way to make your Latin food healthy? 4. Peruvians or Peruvian food lovers: Can you still eat things like ceviche, aji de gallina, lomo saltado, and anticucho, just minus the rice? Can your stomach handle the spice and seasonings?
  22. Hi. Has anyone else been told to skip the liquid phase and go immediately chewing soft foods? I’m finding that all I can tolerate is toast crunched into a liquid consistency, puréed ground chicken and puréed potatoes. My protein shake gave me dumping syndrome today. It’s only day 5. But I feel like I can’t manage eating. My plan tomorrow is to just do white bland puréed foods. I just don’t think I should be feeling dumping Syndrom when it isn’t necessary. I feel like I’m being asked to skip the first three weeks of healing and my body is saying it needs to go slower.
  23. I had my last pre-op appointment with my dietician and I asked if there was a pre-op liquid diet I needed to do? She said no I can have solid foods up till the day before surgery. She said because I have lost 30lbs, and done what I am supposed to that I am good shape. So yay! My hubbies bday is a couple of weekends before my surgery and for Christmas we were gifted a certificate to a really nice steakhouse so we were planning to do. The food I am not worried about but how bad would it be if I had one cocktail? Then stick with water? TIA!
  24. TW: Mention of ED I’m about 4 weeks out from having this gastric sleeve surgery. Right now I am on the soft foods stage. I have one week of it left. When I was on the liquid diet I was craving food watching food videos and just could not wait to eat again. Now suddenly I am disgusted by all foods, and I do mean all foods even my “favorites.” I look in my fridge and most days I’m just like “I would rather not” and I have to force myself to eat but normally halfway through I’m like I can’t do this anymore. Ive also been experiencing a “twisting” feeling in my stomach when eating or drinking which is very discouraging trying to get the food down. I’ve even been doing this thing where I’ll chew something up only to spit it out. I struggled with binge eating disorder pre surgery and got treatment for it & what is making me nervous is that I heard a lot of people with anorexia/bulimia explaining their eating disorders and some of the things I’m experiencing are red flags for anorexia and I’m just afraid of going from one spectrum of eating disorders to the next. Did anyone else have this same repulsion with food? I am currently seeing a therapist and am planning to tell her all of this so I can get the help that I need. Sorry this isn’t so positive but I am just wondering if anyone else experienced this and if they had any advice or if it got better? Thank you!!
  25. I had my last pre-op appointment with my dietician and I asked if there was a pre-op liquid diet I needed to do? She said no I can have solid foods up till the day before surgery. She said because I have lost 30lbs, and done what I am supposed to that I am good shape. So yay! My hubbies bday is a couple of weekends before my surgery and for Christmas we were gifted a certificate to a really nice steakhouse so we were planning to do. The food I am not worried about but how bad would it be if I had one cocktail? Then stick with water? TIA!

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