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Found 17,501 results

  1. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    Eggs have never been an issue until last year. Love omelettes and scrambled eggs were what i ordered if we went out for breakfast. Oh devilled eggs. Used to make them a lot in the 70s can’t believe they’re still so popular. Somethings just always taste good. I do like a fresh prawn salad with a Marie Rose sauce … a prawn cocktail in other words. 😁 $65 for a salad. Yikes! This is what I don’t like. How we get caught with paying a lot for food or alcohol we just can’t eat or drink anymore or subsidising others’ meals (bill splitting). Think I recently shared about wanting to get a single glass of champagne for myself but was forced to join the group purchase of a bottle. I didn’t even have one full glass while they had almost 2 glasses each. My share cost me 1.5 x the price of a single glass I wanted to order. While lovely it was as an expensive bottle. And the bun less halloumi burger I once ordered. Charged the same $18 price & got a slice of tomato, a small lettuce leaf & a slice of halloumi. Sigh!!
  2. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @Noelle74 congrats on your weightloss! @BlueParis you look great btw and thank God I’m not French! 😂 I can’t imagine living somewhere where I felt ashamed of myself constantly because of my weight….. not that I haven’t in the past here in the states but never consistently as you’ve described. It’s interesting bc I’m fairly educated and a registered nurse to boot and still managed to become obese even having a very extensive knowledge of nutrition. I feel like a lot of “skinny” people just think that fat people are lazy and have no self control when often that isn’t the reason (or at least the only reason we are fat). For me at least, my obesity is multi-faceted…. a) I love food, particularly yummy fattening food and sweets and I DO lack self control when it comes to overeating. See d) below lol b) I also have diagnosed PCOS which makes me insulin resistant so I don’t metabolize carbohydrates like a normal person and they make me gain weight fast as opposed to someone who isn’t insulin resistant. This just makes it difficult to maintain a healthy diet for me and others like me in the long term bc you almost have to steer completely clear of carbs ALL the time. And I mean most carbs….bread, fruit, etc. c) Like @NickelChip has pointed out, at least here in the states, its like you’re set up for failure from the get go if your busy……it’s soooo difficult to eat healthy on the go if you don’t prep ahead. Good luck “grabbing” something while you’re running around that’s easy, cheap and isn’t processsed to death and horrible for you lol. And I swear the food in European countries is better than here and less processed. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Who knows? d) I’m flat out a food addict……I have no doubt. I mentioned one time before, I was a heavy smoker until January. I only quit because my surgeon made me. lol. I have tons of alcoholics and drug addicts in my family. I’m someone that truly believes that addiction is partially genetic. My addiction just happens to be food and tobacco. Not to say that you can’t overcome this. It’s just something that is and another hurdle to jump. I mean who knows, maybe if I lived in France I’d be shamed into being skinny? But that just sounds like a miserable position to be in. I’m glad you’re getting tiny again @BlueParis so you don’t feel that way and for your health and cerebral palsy. For now I’m with @LisaCaryl and @NickelChip, I would like to be healthier and it would be nice to be able to buy clothes in the regular store/department and not the fat lady store. At 288# I had gotten to where I never wanted to leave the house bc I was ashamed of what I looked like. But I’m in an 18ish now and at least no longer feel like I have to hide my giant fat self inside anymore. So that’s definitely a win for me right!? @LisaCaryl keep us updated on your knee…..Hope it’s ok, you probably need an anti inflammatory but they’re harsh on the stomach so be careful! @RonHall908 I wish I was like you with your exercising! I envy that strength and drive you have bc I’m lacking that. I did however get my Pilates bar today and did the workout that @NickelChip posted. Now I just have to keep up with it. We’ll see 😉
  3. have you tried taking some alcohol on a q-tip and cleaning it? could be just residual but is it happening alot?
  4. I'm actually amazed. Lost 90 lbs, down to fighting weight based on weigh-in at gym using one of those machines that measures body fat + weigh- in at doctor's with clothes on a day later. Went from 40 waist to 33 (American size), can now fit into clothes I could not wear for quite a while, work out 4 times a week at a serious gym, most sessions with a highly experienced trainer. I haven't done one sit up yet- it's about balance, step up, step down, with kettle bell, 12 reps, 5 sets, squats with a dumbbell, 12 reps, 5 sets, then next exercise, etc. I do my warm up 1/2 hour in advance of the trainer session so I don't waste time--it's all exercise when I work with the trainer. I drink a 30 gram protein drink before and another after, so I'm finally building some muscle on what is now a diminutive appearing frame. I can't quite press my body weight yet, but I will. I have long hair for a guy, and yeah, it was coming out when washing it (not every day, more like every 4 days unless I get sweaty) but that seems to have finally stopped. I have no cravings for foods that I cannot have because I get sick if I eat a slice of pizza with toppings or eat more indigestible foods. So I just stay away from them. I have developed a fondness for medium rare lamb chops and roasted potatoes with rosemary salt. My wife is a good cook but we still eat at restaurants and I'm careful. I found out that alcohol just doesn't work- a beer is too filling and carbonated, for some reason wine doesn't taste good; I'm a high proof whiskey man and it doesn't metabolize. I'm on my ass with far less than what I could normally consume, so I just stopped altogether. (Good because I have Barrett's and alcohol is inflammatory). Punchline- this surgery really turned me around. Trade-offs to be sure, but I feel so much better and look far younger. I can walk fast and not get winded as easily. I'm in my 70th year and don't look like a geezer-- more like a ruffian in rude health. I had targeted 185 as a goal weight and reached that but I still have a small roll of fat around my middle. I figure that I can continue to lose a little more given the surgery stats, and tighten up my core as my work-out regime continues. I'm gonna start swimming this summer-- where I am in Texas it is 3 months of summer and 9 months of hell. Hell is just starting here. The really hardcore stuff is pilates. I used to do that with a women's class and they kicked my butt. I'm planning to advance to that as well. I think the "whole picture" outlook is optimal for me- I don't check the scale at home, I do my thing and get routine blood work done. Though I have a few health issues which come with age, I'm in pretty decent shape now, physically and mentally. Thanks to all you kind folks for your advice and support.
  5. jmorrisbp

    18th June surgery date.

    Week One: Clear Liquids & Protein Shakes Week Two: Full Liquids Weeks Three & Four: Soft Foods Weeks Five & Six: Modified Regular Diet (soft regular foods & soft carbs, if you choose to eat them) Week Seven: Soft fruits w/o skin, ground meat, and moist chicken/turkey Week Eight: Raw & Crunchy fruits/veggies with skin, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit Week 12: Dense meat (like steak), and caffeine and alcohol (if you choose to partake)
  6. NickelChip

    Help, pre-op mistake :(

    @TwinkleToes87 you know yourself and your weaknesses best, but for most people, never having sugar again after surgery is probably taking it too far. I'll grant that there may be some triggering foods that some people would do best to avoid, just as a person in recovery who is addicted to alcohol will avoid drinking, not even a little bit. But giving up all sugar forever, foe most people, is the type of idea that sounds really great when you're planning how perfect you are going to be after this life changing surgery, and quickly becomes way harder and more punishing than you thought it would be when you are on the other side and realize the surgery was on your stomach but not on your brain/personality. I definitely have a sweet tooth, and unfortunately, gastric bypass did not make me hate sugar the way some people do. It still tastes good. But it also takes a lot less to satisfy me now. I can't physically eat two scoops of ice cream. I can eat about 5 bites. So instead of buying a big container of ice cream for home, which could quickly get me in trouble (because I can eat 5 bites at a time, but I could probably eat it 5 times a day, too), I save that treat for when I go out to my favorite farm stand with amazing homemade ice cream. And I split it with someone else so I'm not tempted to take it home for later. I don't buy a big bag of Hershey's Kisses for the house, but I will buy a single truffle from a chocolate shop and savor it. I won't buy packaged cookies, but I'll buy a single cookie from a good local bakery and eat it over two days. For me, the indulgence is now in the quality of what I am enjoying, not how much of it I can consume. It's not "no sugar ever" but "if I am eating sugar, it better be the best and only a little." And just so you know, the day before I had to start my 2-week liquid diet, I went to a restaurant and ordered a massive meal made up entirely of fried appetizers. I felt so sick and gross after, and it was that similar thinking of what if I never have this again. We all have those moments.
  7. fourmonthspreop

    Before and After Pics

    I don't post too much on here anymore because I'm 2 years and 3 months post of from bypass. Life has pretty much normalized and I've reached my goal weight. I would like to get down to maybe 195 lbs but I'm not sweating it too much because I feel the best I've ever been since starting this whole process. I am six feet tall and sit around 198/199 at the moment. I started this journey at around 340 lbs. I lost 30 lbs before my surgery. I have lots of loose skin on my belly, my thighs, and my arms. Unfortunately, I can't afford skin removal but I'm saving to do my arms next summer. After a while, sometimes you have days where you no longer connect to your old obese self. I have days where I feel huge and ugly still. It's easy to forget where you came from or how far you've come. What helps me is now and then I check my old photos and make comparisons so I can see my progress. The body dysmorphia is so real and something I know most of you if not all can and will relate to. Losing the weight did not fix my body image but it's different for everyone. Some things IT DID improve however: -Improve my joint health (daily knee pain gone). -Took up running. Avid runner now. Have done races and run regularly outside. -Lowered my blood pressure. -Lowered my heart rate. -No longer profusely sweat or turn red from basic activities. -No longer use alcohol and food to cope with anxiety. -So much energy to move and do chores/tasks. -Healed my obsession with food. I love seeing everyone's progress and reading your stories. Getting the surgery is not a fix-all. We have to do the work to eat the right foods in the right portions and get exercise regularly. It's easier the first year but I can tell you it gets harder and harder. Every day is a battle when you're trying to escape obesity. That's not a bad thing. It's rewarding and you learn so much and become a more resilient and deep person. So keep remembering why you did this, where you came from, and how much better life is getting for you!
  8. 1. What was the best part of surgery for you? The best part is also the hardest to explain. The best way I can put it is that pre-surgery, I had a demon in my stomach. This demon demanded rich foods and thought that if one of something tasted good, then four of something would taste amazing (this made the demon a liar, but I had to obey these lies). The surgery removed the demon. I no longer feel controlled by cravings. 2. What was the worst part of surgery for you? The 48 hours prior to the surgery were miserable. I could only have water, Gatorades and black coffee. Then I had to take strong laxatives prior to the surgery, so I was defecating so much that my body was expelling food I hadn't even eaten yet. And I couldn't go to sleep because any flatulence had the potential to be ... explosive. So it's 1 am, I am starving, dehydrated, sitting on the john and I need to be at the hospital at 5:30. 3. Did you have any complications (minor or major) during or after your surgery? Nothing major. I greatly underestimated how sore my stomach would be and how long it would take for the soreness to go away. I am a stomach sleeper and it was three months before I felt comfortable sleeping on my stomach. 4. How has adjusting to your new life been for you? I love the new life. I am able to exercise (bike, jog, lift weights) like I never have, I have great energy. I can shop at pretty much any clothing store. It has allowed me to become a better version of myself. 5. How long did it take you to feel comfortable eating food? It was probably 8 months to a year before I felt like I could try any food and not have to worry about my stomach having trouble. 6. Is there anything you can’t eat anymore that you used to enjoy? Can't eat, as in, I physically cannot handle it? Nothing. But there are plenty of things that I used to love that I am uninterested in. Like I have no desire to eat a donut. Just seems like pure sugar to me. 7. What was your recovery like? Any vomiting or dumping syndrome? I did not have dumping syndrome (although some sugar alcohols hit my stomach hard). I did have some vomiting, but it was either due to eating too fast or eating a food that my stomach wasn't ready to handle yet (I had some stewed beef at like the 90 day mark and I wasn't as ready for it as I thought I was. 8. How long did it take you to feel semi-normal after surgery? I would say 90-120 days before I felt physically normal (could sleep on my stomach, could handle most foods) 9. Did you experience higher energy level post surgery? In the immediate aftermath of the surgery, no. This was my first (and so far, only) major surgery and I really underestimated how much it would sap my energy. I was walking gingerly for a while. But once I fully recovered, I have had way more energy. 10. Did surgery affect your mental health? Yes, in mostly good ways. The pre-surgery success-failure cycle of yo-yo dieting impacted my psyche way more than I realized. So this state of long-term success helped greatly (and success, both great and small, is an excellent anti-depressant). Will it cure your depression? Absolutely not. To the extent that you think your problems in life are caused by your size ("I'm single because I'm overweight" or "My weight is why they won't give the promotion" or "my weight is why my mother is passive-aggressive toward me"), the surgery will not make those problems go away. I'm very lucky and very blessed to live an amazing life and the weight-loss has only further revealed what an amazing and blessed life I have. 11. Do you regret it? Would you recommend it? I do not regret it. I make it a personal policy not to outright recommend it to anyone because everyone has their own journey. For many years, I saw bariatric surgery as a last resort, a kind of "pull in case of emergency" lever. I realized that I was 40+ yrs old with a wife and children and no diet had ever worked for me and I was only fooling myself if I thought the next one would do the trick. I had to either pull the lever or make peace with being morbidly obese for the rest of my life. I pulled the lever and I would pull it again without hesitation.
  9. I had sleeve surgery July 2023; 1. What was the best part of surgery for you? Everyday things, like my backside no longer taking up more than one seat on the bus, being able to comfortably close belt on plane seat, being able to walk with a bounce in my step, I now love clothes shopping etc. 2. What was the worst part of surgery for you? Severe complications from the day after the surgery which went on for months 3. Did you have any complications (minor or major) during or after your surgery? Yes, suffered from severe pancreatitis, had a leak in my stomach (twice), allergic reaction to medication given to me in hospital, blood infection. Ended up spending three months in hospital over a period of four months. Had to have another procedure last month also. 4. How has adjusting to your new life been for you? Life after so many months in hospital meant it took a few months to get energy back and was on a sick cert so not able to do anything but rest. Now almost 11 months later I feel great for the most part. Have found it difficult at times to cope with the food choices but now that I am on regular food I just have to try and stick to the smaller portions, eating slower and only an occasional alcoholic drink. I don't let anything stop me now, always carry a protein bar with me just in case I end up some place where the food isn't suitable. 5. How long did it take you to feel comfortable eating food? Months as I was on a feeding tube in the hospital and then the times they took me off it I had to go back to liquids and start the reintroduction phase all over again. Since February really that I am comfortable and now I am even trying foods I never ate before (I had homemade egg muffins today - used to hate eggs). 6. Is there anything you can’t eat anymore that you used to enjoy? I used to consider popcorn a food group in its own right and ate way way too much of it so now just have had it a couple of times. I love potatoes but try to stay away from them. But these are my choices, not a case that I can't tolerate them anymore 7. What was your recovery like? Any vomiting or dumping syndrome? Vomiting a lot when ill, couldn't even hold down water, but as part of eating only a few times and I know that it was because I ate too quickly. No dumping syndrome. 8. How long did it take you to feel semi-normal after surgery? 10 months 9. Did you experience higher energy level post surgery? Yes but only now 10. Did surgery affect your mental health? Yes, I fully believe I suffered PTSD as a result of the complications 11. Do you regret it? Would you recommend it? I regretted it for approx 9 months post op and was very annoyed with myself for deciding to have the op but that was only because of the complications and crap-fest I went through. Now I am through the worst of it I am starting to feel better about it all, I no longer blame myself (but haven't really forgiven the doctor yet) and I would recommend it if it is something you need in order to achieve a healthy long life.
  10. SaraSara4

    Nicotine testing

    I wasn’t tested for drugs or nicotine. Just basic metabolic panels vitamins ect. I dont use any drugs or alcohol and I quit smoking in 2017 so I guess it just wasnt on their radar
  11. (I feel like everything I ever see Arabesque comment is 100% brilliant) Can you reach out to your care team as well? My team only technically offers medical care for a year after surgery, but said I can call if I need guidance after that. They may be able to offer referrals if needed, etc. I think it's important, too, to make sure you don't punish yourself. (I don't know if you are, but throughout my lifetime of weight struggles I feel like many of my friends and relatives reluctantly admit to the same thing, where you look down at yourself / judge yourself or even 'punish' yourself for what you perceive as failings.) We're all a Work In Progress. Food can be an addiction just as much as drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or any 'bad habit'. One of my old therapists said that just like many AA members consider themselves 'in recovery' for the rest of their lives, we should look at our relationship with food also as an ongoing journey. You've got this.
  12. BigSue


    It's not just you! I have had a similar experience... I've never been a big drinker, and even when I was 300+ pounds, I had a pretty low alcohol tolerance. I typically only drink a few times per year, usually a glass or two of wine on a holiday (I don't normally keep alcohol in my home). After surgery, I went a long time, I think 2+ years, without drinking at all because I've been told that gastric bypass makes alcohol have a stronger effect. Then I had house guests and bought a bottle of red and a bottle of white for two different meals. Tried a small glass and was ok. Then I had leftovers after the guests left and drank the rest over the course of the next week or so. And like you, I noticed that it felt nice going down -- which really concerned me because I didn't want to develop a drinking habit. So I enjoyed finishing off those two bottles, but once they were empty, I did not buy any more. Since then, I've continued to have only a few drinks per year (wine on special occasions) and I've noticed that I have a VERY low tolerance. A single glass of wine leaves me barely able to stand up. I'm not even sure what point I'm making here, but I guess I'm just saying that I don't think it's your imagination that wine can be soothing to the pouch, but the negative effects outweigh the benefits, at least for me. And of course you want to be careful of developing a transfer addiction.
  13. Hi @Emilieh26 I've smoked a few joints since surgery but not until about a month out, I have gotten munchies once or twice but have been fine. I'd just make sure you have healthy things to snack on. Personally I wouldn't mix alcohol + THC so close to surgery, but thats just me. I have no advice on molly or coke, they're both appetite suppresants so I can't imagine you'd get hungry however I'd be careful to not get dehydrated with molly, remember you probably won't be able to tank water if you get thirsty. Stay safe!
  14. Elizaventy94

    Alcohol?? 🤔

    Education is key, right? If you're interested in learning more about alcohol and its effects, you might want to check out this article on alcohol poisoning from https://fherehab.com/alcohol/alcohol-poisoning/. It's always good to stay informed.
  15. So I'm home! I'm 72.5kg (159lbs) this morning so I've made it halfway to my goal like a true @NickelChip twin. I'm home until Thursday when I fly off again but It's going to be a hectic few days ( and I don't even want to think of all the laundry I have to do!). Thats means that in the last ten days since I was home I lost 1.7kg or 3.74lbs which is less bad than I thought. @NickelChip The travelling is hard, I'm usually in hotels with client meetings and lunch and dinners most evenings - I tend to tell them I'm intermittent fasting so manage to skip one meal. I'm not against eating in my room in the evening but do prefer to be out because I just hate the amount of time I spend shut in hotel rooms and prefer to profit from the ambiance of wherever I'm staying. It's just such a massive change for me because I've always been a social butterfly out and about where ever I go ... I went to an international school ( well multiple international schools - I was an "Expat Brat / Third culture Kid") growing up so tend to have acquaintance to visit most places too, or have a random packet to give someones cousin/friend/old neighbor and food and alcohol have always played in a big part in that for me. Eating alone inside isn't really my thing. I've actually got an airbnb for Athens because it's a longer stay so should be able to cook in the kitchen there, and I reckon there will be better salads, but it's a good idea to keep a tub of hummus and crudités in the fridge, I'm not a great fan of yogurt berry combos, but might try... I have perfected my smile and head tilt for when people I meet say "oh my god thats so lucky you get to travel so much" 🙂 @gracesmommy2 I'm not a fan of chips but could go for edamame! I come from a family of tall thin women with massive boobs - I'm the shortest ( and fattest) by quite a bit, I'm 5 ft 6 and my sisters, aunts etc are between 5ft8 and 6ft and probably have BMI's round 20.... So even when I was skinny I've always had massive boobs, I was a already a double F at 14 when I was 110lbs. When I was up at 200lbs and over they got to ridiculous proportions and I'd have deep dents on my shoulders from my bra straps digging in the whole time. I'm happy they're getting a bit smaller but hope I don't loose too much and that they don't head too far south .. but if they do ..that's what good bras are for. That said I am lucky because they've never caused back pain! Do take pictures if you feel up to it - they are good to look back at to see progress, you too @LisaCaryl ... I'm sure one day you'll like to look back at them! @Briss72 @Noelle74 @Eighmmie How are you getting on?
  16. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Thank you. If you're diabetic watch the sugar alcohol with the sugar free russel stovers.
  17. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Traveling is hard. I used to travel a lot for work and by the end of a week of restaurant meals, I would be craving fruit and veg so much because I could never seem to get enough of that. I have found ordering simple chicken dishes in restaurants with a veg side and skipping the starch has been the best way to get something well-balanced when away from home, and that won't upset my stomach. Can you stop at a grocery store to get Greek or Icelandic yogurt and fresh berries when on the road? I'm not sure how common it is to have a small refrigerator in your hotel room in the places you're going, but a serving of unsweetened yogurt with fruit and a sprinkle of sliced almonds is a great start to the day that requires no cooking or blending. You could also try raw veg and hummus (if you are able to tolerate raw veg). Does your job require going out to dinner with clients? If not, you might see if you can travel with a small electric hot pot to heat your own meals in your hotel room. Maybe bring small containers of your favorite spices to make simple go-to meals on the road. A few times I recall staying in hotels that had true kitchens and being able to buy groceries when I arrived. That was such a relief. It's funny that when you start traveling for work, you think it will be such a treat to go out to eat all the time, and after you do it for a while, it's not fun at all. Congratulations on making it 12 weeks with no alcohol! That's a great accomplishment. I had a single sip of a friend's cocktail this weekend and I have to say, it didn't taste good to me anymore. Maybe it was just a bad cocktail, but hopefully my tastebuds have changed for that. Sadly, I was not cured of my sweet tooth from the surgery. It was such a disappointment when chocolate was just as delicious as before.
  18. Rahhh … I’m still stalled! Trying to keep with the onwards and upwards mentality even if it would be much easier if the scales were going downwards … managed 26k steps yesterday so that’s a plus. Starting to get homesick from travelling so much for work. I get back home to Paris on Saturday and have to leave again Thursday. I then have nearly 3 weeks non stop without getting home again. I’m finding it complicated to make good food choices and have enough protein. I’ve basically been having milky coffee and potatoes as a main food groups for the last few days. I hate protein shakes, I don’t really eat meat ( and strictly no pork), I don’t really eat fish ( and strictly no shellfish or seafood). At home I can do cheese and chickpeas and lentils and tofu etc etc but being out and about so much is complicated. I did hit 12 weeks no alcohol on Tuesday which is a big win for me because I’ve never thought I’d make it so far and the not drinking is getting easier day by day to resist the temptation. And also I sort of told myself that I go 24 weeks (6 ish months rounded down) so I’m half way through.
  19. I have swallowed gum twice accidently! I was so stressed, but thankfully nothing happened. However I have always been a big gum chewer. I quit caffiene, vaping, alcohol and soda. Gum is my only vice LOL
  20. Take advantage of this time to train yourself. I stopped soda, caffeine, vaping, and alcohol when I entered the bariatric program and I am so glad I did. I would have died if I waited to stop after I got the surgery LOL! Honestly I drink a lot of water and chew a lot of gum. If that doesn't work a sugar free popsicle is my go to! Remember no one is perfect, there are up and downs in this journey and as long as you track, eat what your supposed to with minimal "cheating" you will lose weight. What you put into it will come to fruition! I cannot wait to hear about your journey!
  21. My surgery was the 16th. I’m generally okay but exhausted. Food diary is a good idea, here is my yesterday: Coffee Ray fish with fennel salad and potatoes Square of dark chocolate Alcohol free spritz Asparagus and mayonnaise, bread, strawberries and whipped cream.
  22. So, I'm a bad example, I'm really proud of not drinking - It'll be 11 weeks without a drop of alcohol for me next Tuesday and I was quite a heavy drinker so I never thought I'd make it so far. The non drinking I'm proud of. However - I'm still smoking and I know how bad it is, but I just can't stop, I've tried nicotine gum, vaping, patches, therapy etc etc ... and also true to Parisienne form ... I still have 5/6 coffees a day .... and I drink the carbonated diet beverages. But I'm trying to be as kind and non jugemental to myself as I try to be to others and take it one step at the time... I never thought I'd be able to not have alcohol for so so long and so once the novelty of being sober drops off I'll try and reduce the cigarettes ... getting rid of caffeine will be last though, it's cultural here really and I work long hours and swap time zones often so I do use coffee as a crutch ... maybe one day I'll get that sorted but it's not an issue for now for me. My partner is a doctor, not a bariatric doctor for sure, but he's still good a good grip on biology etc ... I had the operation with out telling him and told him afterwards ... but he has said, as has the cardiologist friend he sent me to chat with that it is still better to be a non overweight coffee drinking smoker than an obese, coffee drinking, big social alcohol drinker smoker ... So I'm going with that and trying to tackle one issue at a time ....
  23. SleeveToBypass2023


    A couple of things here.... 1) you might need to stay at the 1200 calories since you're working out. If your body thinks it's starving, it'll hold on to absolutely EVERYTHING. If you're getting in your fluids and protein, and you're working out a lot, then you may need to stay at the higher end of your allotted calories so your body knows it's not starving. 2) what kinds of exercises are you doing? Are you switching things up to "confuse" your body? If you do the same things every time, your body will get comfortable and the exercises will stop being effective. 3) are you using a tracking app to keep track of your calories, carbs, protein, fats? That's so so important, because it's so easy to forget to count drinks or sauces or fruits and veggies. You need to track absolutely everything that goes in your mouth so you can really see what you're eating and drinking. 4) are you getting in your protein and fluids? That's so key, both pre and post op. Protein helps you get, and stay, full longer. And fluids are your best friend. But you want more than just plain water. Gatorade zero (they even have protein gatorade zero) Propel flavored water, sugar free fruit juice, protein shakes, etc... it all counts. 5) start cutting your sugar and salt intake WAY down. Both of those can add, or hold on to, fat and calories. Limit any alcohol you might be drinking. Limit your snacks and be mindful of what you have. 6) No cheating. At all. During pre-op and also the first couple of months of post-op, absolutely NO cheating. That's really important. As time goes on and you're further out, you might be able to navigate a cheat meal here and there, within reason. But right now? No.
  24. SomeBigGuy

    Feeling regret

    Congrats on the surgery and taking a huge step forward in improving your health! Also, welcome to the post-op malaise phase of the process, haha! I was there a few months ago, and I think its a rite of passage to be like "What have I done?!!" somewhere in the first 6 weeks. It does get better gradually, but the first month is the roughest. You will be able to eat "normal" foods again soon. I think I was able to eat most things again around the 3 month mark (mostly excluding carbonated drinks and alcohol). Just take your time and listen to your body. Some things will fight back, and if they do, just wait 3-5 days before trying again. I had a lot of trouble with green veggies initially, but was able to handle them around week 6. Also remember the weight loss pattern will resemble stairs and not a straight line. You'll have periods of weight loss, followed by a couple/few weeks of stalling and slight regain. This is just your body recalibrating itself after a large loss to ensure its safe to continue letting go of fat reserves, because it mistakenly thinks you're in a survival event and doesn't want you to starve to death. Just remember this is part of the process, and its not a failure. This really got me down initially and compounded that regret feeling, but after a long stall I'm making progress again. Also, Cipro is very likely the culprit in making you feel sick. it's a very strong antibiotic, and good at its job, but the side effects can be harsh. I've developed some partial hearing loss because of it after years of taking it for recurring Diverticulitis. Ask your doctor if there is another antibiotic that can do the job, but with fewer side effects. Good luck, and I wish you luck on your journey!
  25. Melissa89

    The unspoken rule

    Hi! Happy to answer this. I am 10 months post op. Had my first glass of champagne 6 weeks out. Sipped it for hours. You will get hit by the alcohol quickly. Alcohol will get you twice as drunk for the same amount due to starvation / not drinking for ages. i am a social weekend drinker and attend lots of events. I can say since then I will have a drink or two every weekend. Without shame or issue. I simply count my alcohol calories. I have lost 30% of my body weight and weigh in the low 60s now. You have to live your life - I’m not into banning foods and rules. This is the beginning of the rest of your life. You have to have fun and enjoy it. Say you drink a bit and it takes you an extra month to reach your target? Who cares. At least it’s sustainable. Don’t feel ashamed for having a drink or two if that’s what you want to do. Just remember you will barely drink anything and feel the full effects. Lol. Best of luck!

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