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Found 738 results

  1. Paula Hushy

    Alcohol?? 🤔

    Hi I am 5 months into my journey after a bypass. I'm having a few issues but doing ok. I was wondering why alcohol isn't allowed for 12 months? Does it damage your new pouch or is it normal health advice? Can anyone shed any light on this please? Thanks 👍
  2. I share this story in hopes that it may help someone to never pick up a drink after VSG or to at least be hyper-vigilant about the dangers of drinking post weight loss surgery. I was sleeved in August of 2015 @ 310 lbs. Quickly lost most of the weight needed and began running 5k. Not really setting the world on fire, but it was really good for me. Prior to surgery, I had always enjoyed drinking with friends. Typical guy stuff - couple beers @ a football game or watching the game on Sunday, meeting for drinks after work, etc. Never an issue or problem. Never anything that i had to have. My doctor warned me against alcohol, sodas, and transfer addictions, but I thought "never me". WOW, was I wrong. I remember the first couple times I had a beer after the surgery (I waited 6 months), it was very fizzy and uncomfortable. I convinced myself that it would get easier, and unfortunately it did. Next came the rum and coke zero. Wow, that tastes great, and I get a buzz very quickly. That fast buzz turned into getting very drunk, very quickly. Our new bodies absorb the alcohol in 1/2 the time that a normal internal system would. Over the last couple yeaars there have been many episodes of drinking way to much, blacking out, and not remembering what happened. I have had to apologize for my behavior more than once after a night of drinking. I even started drinking every day. I would make a drink as soon as I got home each day. 1 turns into 2 or 3. Just like lays potato chips you can not have just 1. Alcohol consumed my every thought. When can I have a drink? How can I make sure I can get a drink? It amazed me how I was able to justify that if creamer was good in my morning coffee, how great would Rumchatta be (it's damn good, by the way). I am living proof that transfer addiction is a real thing. I am now in counseling for my alcohol addiction. Transfer addiction is definitely a real thing. Prior to VSG surgery I was over 300 pounds because I had an addiction to food, and all the wrong kinds of food. My new addiction is alcohol and it's best friend is food addiction. what goes with beer = chicken wings, or nuts and pretzels, what goes with a margarita = tacos, etc. Alcohol also makes it impossible to lose weight. So if you are really dedicated to clean eating but you drink, your weight may stay the same, but it surely will not go down. I have packed on 60 lbs of the 120 that I lost. And, I am slowly changing behaviors to get back to where I want to be. It is a journey,, but I am worth it. I will overcome. Addiction is sacrificing everything for that one thing ! Recovery is sacrificing that 1 thing to have everything !
  3. Hi everyone! When did everyone have their first sip post surgery? I’m 7 months out now & on vacation. I want to have one cocktail but I’m kind of nervous since I have drank in forever and I don’t eat much.
  4. I'd like to know y'all's experience with sugar alcohols/sugar substitutes. When I was in my pureed stage, my diet/menu information stated that I could eat sugar-free pudding. I had one and experienced harsh stomach pain for the entire night until the next morning. However, I recently treated myself to some plain oatmeal and added stevia packets and had no issues. I looked up the ingredients to the Jello brand sf pudding and each cup has 4g sugar alcohols. It doesn't state exactly which "itol" it has, though. Stevia (depending on how it's combined) is mostly erythritol. I'm looking for some dessert-ish foods that can satiate my sweet tooth (also trying to help my 16-yr-old daughter by replacing her regular foods with low calorie, low carb, low sugar options). When I started on my WLS journey mid-May, she became inspired and has lost 17 lbs so far! Ideas? Suggestions? Experiences?
  5. I was told absolutely no alcohol until 6 weeks post op, if you can believe it :-( might have t o cheat a little on that one. LOL

  6. I haven't had a sip of alcohol in 8 weeks. I don't miss it. Thought I would. No more beer for me....but a nice glass of wine now and then will do the trick.

  7. Omg....let me die....no good comes of that much alcohol......

  8. Well, I decided I'm not having any alcoholic drinks tonight. I'm not a drinker anyway and it's just not worth the calories to me.

  9. lovecats85

    alcohol tolerance

    It's a funny thing! So I learned last night that the 6 weeks of not drinking before and after my surgery apparently brought my tolerance DOWN! I was toast after 1 1/2 drinks - I mean you would not have wanted to be in public with me! Next time I go out I'll try 1/2 a drink at tops!
  10. Anyone else noticing that as they address the food issues, and can no longer use food to compensate, that alcohol has gained in attractiveness? Seriously I used to drink once every six months. Now I find I am looking for booze a couple times a week. Any one relate?:faint:
  11. I'd like to know about people's experience with alcohol post-op. How much do you drink? Last night while I was on a plane back home to LA I ordered a mix drink with my dinner, after 4 ounces I knew I'd reached my limit, I felt very sleepy lol.
  12. Hello everyone. This is more for the longer post opers. Have any of you tried drinking alcohol? If so, how was it? I like to drink the occasional beer or 2 and want to know what others have experienced. Thanks!! Sent from my LG-D800 using the BariatricPal App
  13. Hello...I have 8 years clean and sober and I am being banded in Mexico on April 16, 2009...I feel like I am checking back into rehab now that I have a surgery date...I am looking to see if there is anyone local to me who would be interested in correspondence/support. It seems like staying clean is easy-just stay away from it, BUT WE ALL HAVE TO EAT!! UGH...I am taking it second by second.HOLDING ON!!!
  14. hayleylamas


    Also I heard briefly you can never have Motrin again? Ever. What pain killers are allowed after surgery
  15. Hey everyone I was wondering when is it ok to go out for drinks like beers or liquor I'm 2 months out I know I sound stupid but it's gonna be 4th of July and I want to Celebrate Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. I stumbled on this support section on the forum last night and feel it was for a reason... I need some help . I am feeling like presently I am not only using food but alcohol as well to numb me and stuff everything down. I have had some complications and have been basically unrestricted and going crazy eating since May... I gained like 35 back now.... I also have been drinking as well all along and even when I was close to goal for the past four years... I am at a point emotionally where I realize I need professional help for my head and that I really need to sort out the baggage. It can't be pushed down anymore if I am using food and alcohol as my only source of comfort. Even when it was only a three ounce piece of salmon and pureed vegtables it was my source of focus and soothing always with an "expensive" glass of wine or more...Going "out" to a nice place was a n entire experience for me to make myself feel better... Is this so wrrong? I guess when you can'e control your eating and drinking it is... I am considering a 12 step...I have been to AA before a few years back but of course decided that I really did not have a problem ... I also had trouble finding a group I felt comfortable with. The person I asked to be my sponsor flaked out and I was scared off. I have been to Food Addicts for awhile. I have never tried OA . I just need some advice and connection with someone on here. I am banded ,,,soon to be re-banded and not your average case. I am feeling awful right now.
  17. Jennifer Todd Harris

    Alcohol Drings

    Hi, I haven't had my sleeve yet, I just did step 3 my psche eval, he told me I could never have alcohol drinks again, not that I drink alot but at celebrations I like wine etc, is it true that you never can have it again? just thought I ask, I'm going thru old posts to get all my answers but just thought I post, also no gum or straw uses? thanks for help Jenn
  18. Banded 9/4, first fill was on last Thursday, 4cc. I don't feel any different since the fill, but I always take small bites and eat slow:-) Went to a wedding last night, I was nervous about what they were going to serve to eat. I had chicken, green beans and mashed red skin potatoes! No problems with any of the food, thank goodness. I did have my first cocktails since being banded and I can drink just like I did pre-band:-) I only drink on occasion, had water with black cherry mio and whipped vodka, yummy! Low calorie, non carbonated:-) danced the night away (cardio) and had a blast! Now I know I can survive a get together just fine with my new band:-)
  19. when are you allowed to drink after being sleeved? I am 4 weeks out now.
  20. Hi everyone. So far, so good...3+ months out and just over 48 lbs lost. I feel great and am exercising nearly every day. My question is - I chew a lot of sugar free gum. I also have been having problems with my stomach for the last two weeks or so. I saw where someone else called it "unconstipation". That is a very good way to describe what happens to me. It's several times a day, very nasty and somewhat painful. It just occurred to me in the last few days that it could be from the gum. I've always been sensitive to the sugar alcohol in SF candy, etc., but never really thought about the gum. Is it possible? Any opinions? Thanks! Stephanie
  21. Seven weeks until my surgery...so may questions. I enjoy a glass of wine occasionally, say 1 or 2 glasses a month. Is drinking alcohol any different post banding?:confused:
  22. Freddy Henin


    So I'm the at Busch tour in STL, beer is everywhere...I'm on my liquid diet right now...I've taken a few sips from family and stuff, I feel fine (just burping) but is that ok to do? I'm not saying I'm drinking an entire cup, just like 20 sips on a 3 hour tour
  23. I am wondering hoe alcohol is tolerated after the la band surgery. I'm not a lush but I do enjoy going out and have drinks with friends. I know that alcohol has many empty calories but other than that ha anyone had any complications with alcohol and the lapband?

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