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Found 554 results

  1. Good Day All, Long story short, I'd like to know if anyone has heard of a class action lawsuit that has been started? If you haven't but would like to be, I would like to start a petition of sorts so I can get a ballpark of numbers to give the lawyer. There is a good lawyer in London Ontario that I have contacted previously, but unless there are numbers, there's no point. In Oct 2013 I had the band placed in a rush of fury by their lies and pressure tactics. After 6 months of not being able to drink water without it coming back up, they finally agreed to remove it. Shortly after the removal I found out I was pregnant (not expected I could even get pregnant because of the malnutrition), but because I couldn't keep any nutrients down before and after removal, the baby never stood a chance. I had to have a emergency dilation of my esophagus twice and still can't have thick liquids without it coming up. I also just applied to have correct weight loss surgery, and was denied because they won't touch patients that have previously had a band. Now I've reached my limit and reading all of these other horror stories, something needs to be done. Signing on the dotted line in this case is bullshit. The clinic was shut down it was so bad, so clearly these signatures should be null and void too. I am not asking for extensive information, but if you would like to see how far this could go, please just leave your name and year Slimband screwed you over./ Much thanks, and power to us people ;) Holly M - Waterloo Ontario
  2. Hi! I also had the Slimband procedure done. Paid $13K and 13 years later, haven’t lost any weight. I gained pain, IBS issues, severe gas pain in my abdominal and shoulder and vomit continuously. I am definitely interested in a class action lawsuit if there will be one. Thank you.
  3. Happy 41st Birthday Slimband!

  4. Hi Jordhana - I read your post about Dr. Barr doing fills. Do you know if he is still doing them? I got my lapband throught SlimBand - would you have happened to have had yours done there also? I've been to Dr. Barr and I really like him. Sharon

  5. Happy 42nd Birthday Slimband!

  6. Hey everyone! My name is Ellie and I've decided to get a lapband. I've been thinking about getting this procedure for over a year now. I don't exactly like the idea of surgery so I tried losing weight through various ways, but I was always left hungry. My mother has the lapband and she has so far had success with it. But here are my questions! I currently live in Ottawa, and I'm not sure where I should look to get my surgery done. My family lives in Toronto, so I have no issues with going to Toronto for fills/defills, but it would be nice to be able to get those done in Ottawa (in case of emergency). Also, Montreal is also a possibility since its much closer to Ottawa than Toronto. Also, as I'm a student (20 years old) and don't exactly have much/any money to my name, I'm wondering if its worth it to go a place that's 16,000 instead of 18,000? Or is there a vast difference between the two. (I'm under the impression that my insurance covers most of it, though) Currently, I'm trying to decide if I should go with SlimBand (they have a place in Ottawa that I can go for fills), SWLC, or even somewhere else! I met with my doctor today and she didn't have any recommendations for me as she hasn't dealt with lapbands with younger patients, so that's why I have some confusion. Any suggestions? Did anyone have an amazing or craptastic experience with any of these? Also, what steps did you have to go through for your insurance and how long did those steps take for you? Thanks in advance guys!
  7. I am personally disappointed with the new website that TLBC has put together. I find it confusing and it lacks basic navigation instructions. Am I missing something - do others like this new site?
  8. Thanks for your responses! Hmmm, the Pacific NW and Vancouver are both much closer to me (I don't really want to go to Toronto). However, although the price you mentioned, morelgirl, sounds quite cheap, I do know that Slimband has a special on, that the Alberta government gives a small rebate, and that I can claim it on my taxes and get a good chunk back. So I guess it would work out to be a similar price. Running_scared, I imagine you researched SWLC and Slimband, then, and decided on the SWLC? What made you go that route? As I said, I'd rather go to Vancouver or somewhere closer, but the Slimband program sounds pretty good to me. I just don't want to pay for it! lol
  9. No, Dr. Yau, Dr. Cyriac or Dr. Hazrati are the surgeons at the Slimband clinic. I believe Dr. Coburn is with Smart Shape.
  10. I didn't hear about Smart Shape until after my surgery either. I would still have gone with Slimband though as I can get fills locally. I would also be interested in comparing aftercare. Slimband called twice and are pretty quick at getting back to my emails, though I haven't needed much from them The fill nurse in Ottawa is wonderful! I loved her.
  11. Niki Spence

    Prince Albert Surgical Center, Toronto On, Canada

    Hi Dis-S... DM me, I would like to talk to you about your options on having it removed. I am sorry that this happened to you! I have had my Slimband for 11 years and I am trying to offer my support to those that have been feeling abandoned now that the company is no longer doing the surgeries and do not have the support that they once had or promised.
  12. ppaja60@gmail.com

    SLIMBAND?! Don't do it.

    I am on my way to Toronto next Monday to see one of the doctors that Slimband says I am his patient. He as no idea who I am his office says there are a lot of patients being sent to see him that have literally been dumped off to him.I was banned in 2010 the band worked for 14 months then broke and was replaced and was not filled enough to give any restriction looking back I think it never did work after several fills and finally I paid a doctor to defill only to find it EMPTY so I was told my contract was over after 4 years I have a 5 year add in my file which will not expire until end of 2015,so off I go to find out what the hell is going on. I will be contacting a lawyer and if I can gather enough folks we will go for a class action, since the company is located in France that supplies the band it should be an experience but I for one will not let this rest sixteen thousand dollars is not a drop in any one bucker.
  13. sassygirlcanada

    SLIMBAND?! Don't do it.

    Here's the link. http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/02/21/chief-surgeon-at-slimband-weight-loss-clinics-resigns-after-probe-reveals-significant-history-of-complaints/
  14. Cat225

    SLIMBAND?! Don't do it.

    I was banded 3 weeks ago, and I'm so glad that I did not go with Slimband. I was really considering them, but then I spoke to a few people and did my research. I had an uneasy feeling about them, especially Dr. Yau. It was honestly hard to find any positive comments about him online. What happened to the lady in the National Post article was frightening. I went with SWLC in Mississauga. Everything I had read about Dr. Cobourn was very positive, and when I met him I liked him immediately. I feel sorry for the patients of Slimband, and the way they are being treated.
  15. steph2012

    HELP! I need a fill in Toronto!

    Were you banded by Slimband?
  16. Living My Dream

    Sick and my band is too tight, agh!

    Well I have just experienced bandster hell of another kind. I have been sick with a very sore throat and tired then my band tightened so much I was throwing up in my sleep. Horrible. I tried to just ride it out. I tried to eat softer foods and stop eating a couple of hours before bed. Oh, well, I feel better today. I had chills, aches and headache plus a sick, acidy stomach yesterday. The good news is that I have lost a couple more pounds. I am at 162 lbs this morning. I can't believe it. I am sooooo happy. I am aiming for size 12 or 150, not sure which. I'll see when it happens. I never thought I would ever get down to size 14 again and now it's getting loose. I have been buying new clothes and I am thinking about the shame of it when they don't fit and I will have hardly worn them. Oh well, I'll deal with it when it happens. I can actually buy size medium off the rack now and it fits. I am thrilled. Back to my band, I was thinking that my band must have slipped and I was going to call Slimband clinic this morning. My fill nurse, Nancy, told me that the band tightens when you are sick. I believe it. I feel better today and have had a piece of toast and a yogurt so I am fine. Thank goodness. So if I aim for 150 lbs, I have only 12 lbs left to lose. In 2 decades of dieting off and on, I never got to goal on any program before I started gaining again. Life is good!
  17. mousek

    Average cost of a lap band

    Slimband, Toronto, pre and post care, 16,000 canadian, fills for life. Lena
  18. diva2theband

    Toronto Support Group

    Hi There, Were you banded at TLBC and being hassled by Slimband and being refused care? I am in Toronto and would be interested in joining a support group.
  19. Paula... you were banded at TLBC (Slimband) by Dr. Yau? When was your friend banded? Is she in the Toronto or surrounding area? I host several coffee groups... she can join us for coffee... feel free to give her my e-mail address - tomander@rogers.com Did I add you to my lapband e-mail list. I send out recipes and also reminders about our coffee groups... but you can just delete those. Let me know if you would like me to e-mail you a folder full of information I've collected. Tom
  20. ohaw

    Anyone living in canda?

    Live in Nova Scotia and banded by Slimband in Toronto Sherry.
  21. ohaw

    Anyone living in canda?

    Live in Nova Scotia and banded by Slimband in Toronto Sherry.
  22. Bendy H

    5th fill - difficult but worth it

    So I went in for my 5th fill. I got .75cc fill. Felt fine but by that night couldn't even swallow my own spit. I went in the next day and had a .25cc defill. Felt fine and then a few days later the band tightened again had to go back in and have another .25cc defill. Now I am at 8.75cc in a 10cc band and feel great. I think I am at my sweet spot for now. Altogether - I am down 55 pounds as of this morning. What a wonderful feeling. Even though being overfilled was very uncomfortable - to get to the spot where I am at is great. I can hardly wait until summer - going to the beach is going to be a totally different experience than in the past. Before people looked at me like I was a beached whale. This summer I am going to feel awesome and totally enjoy the water with my boys. Thank you Slimband - I Love My Band.:thumbup:
  23. I was banded at TLBC in July of 2007. My band slipped in October of 2010 and was replaced more than 18 months later. The second band has not worked correctly from the beginning. There was scar tissue from the first band that was causing problems. I had repeated defills until my band was empty. It has now been completely empty for more than16 months. I still struggle to eat and have been given no explanation as to why. I contacted Slimband to ask about having the band removed. The said I would have to contact Dr. Yau at his private practice. I am not sure I want him to do the surgery so I asked if they could recommended someone else but they refused to do so. I contacted his office and was told that he wouldn't even see me without a referral from my own doctor. I really want nothing to do with him but am exploring my options. Has anyone had their band removed? Steve
  24. Is there anyone interested in organizing a class action lawsuit against TLBC or Dr. Yau? They are not honouring the agreements any longer since they are now Slimband. I have read multiple posts about this but cant reach anyone to see how to co ordinate a group. Anyone interested???
  25. I was banded at TLBC and I remember freaking out when they changed their name to Slimband. I was banded by Dr. Yau. I was told I am his patient and not slimbands so they will not support me even for pay. What are the TLBC lifer's who now have no support going to do? I am really worried and think I might have a slip. I am afraid to go to the doctor since if they defill the band I might never be able to get it filled again.

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