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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Emmster321

  1. Hi guys! I had my 3 hr appt on March 1st. I've been on South Beach and exercising A LOT and I have dropped 8lbs in 9 days. Only 152 to go til I am at my goal lol. I go back on April 11th to meet with Dr. Posner and hopefully schedule surgery. I am reading on here that a lot of you have switched from the band to the sleeve. The thought of having part of my stomach removed really frightens me but I really want to do what will help me reach my goal weight and stay there. Do you think that with a very active life style and strict diet I can loose that weight on the band? Or do you think that the best way to go is the sleeve? Can you tell me the kind of problems that are most common with the band? When I was one on one with the nurse and at the seminar, they made it seem as if the band had least complications. But is it effective? I just want the honest, unsugar coated answer! Thanks ladies
  2. Oh! One more thing. I just had my psych eval and passed with flying colors They just recommend that I keep up with my psycho therapy and medications. She said that many people with bipolar disorder get the band. I don't think you should have a problem not getting approved because of it. They'll probably just be more cautious going forward but it should still be ok.
  3. Hi Mellisa, I also have bipolar and am pre-op. I was diagnosed in July and put on depakote and gained 10 lbs in 2 months because of it! After informing my psychiatrist of my decision to get the band and my strong feelings that the depakote was making me gain weight AND worsen my anxiety (I was worrying about gaining weight lol), she changed my medication to trileptyl. My suggestion is to inform your psychiatrist of your plans to get the band. Mine had many patients that had it done actually and she started changing my medication right away. I haven't had any weight gain on this medication and had enough time pre-surgery to get my body adjusted to the new meds. I know changing can be a pain in the butt, but when the medication is counteracting what you're trying to do with the surgery, it's going to make it much more frustrating and stressful. I hope that helped! Good luck to you!
  4. Emmster321

    One year out movie I made...

    Amazing!! You look so good. You should be so proud of yourself. I am pre-op and cannot wait until I am finally able to look back at my old pictures and say "who is that!?" Congrats to you !
  5. I know that feeling! I hate when I get a surprise nasty full body pic tagged lol. I can't wait until I don't mind anymore. YOU LOOK SO GOOD GIRL!!! Such a motivation.
  6. Phew! Glad to hear your opinion and reaffirmation I am making the right decision. I don't mind having a bit stricter. As a matter of fact, I may need it Thanks again!
  7. Emmster321

    No more truffle shuffle :(

    I can totally relate to this! I come from a family of a very fit mother, and a super skinny sister. I have always been the "chubby" one. And as much as I HATE being this size, I really am curious as to how it will be once I am no longer the fat one. I am so used to being fat, I can't remember a time when I wasn't. It's like starting over in a whole new life and role. It's strange because I feel like even when I get the band (I am still pre-op) I will have a hard time coming to terms with no longer being the fat kid. I am glad I am not the only one!
  8. Thanks for all the helpful info! Do you like Dr.Posner? I had considered switching to Dr. Hoffman after reading everyone's positive feedback on him. I didn't hear much regarding patients of Dr. Posner. I have already switched surgeons once. I was originally going to get it done with Dr. Caruana at Synergy, but my primary physician advised against it and recommended Dr. Posner. Just wondering how his after care is or if after the surgery you are mostly on your own so to speak? My nutritionist told me that his after care wasn't the best so I am hearing all different opinions. I figure the person to really ask would be someone who has dealt with him first hand. Thanks again!
  9. Thanks Val and Vicki for the info! Val- Do you have any suggestion for who I should go to for the psych eval? Could it be any psychologist or does it have to be one that works with BGH? And Vicki- I am having the band! I am really excited, nervous, anxious etc etc! Thanks for your replies!
  10. Hi Everyone! I just got word that I will be attending the seminar on the 27th! I am actually getting my surgery done by Dr. Posner, but it seems that everyone that is getting WLS in Buffalo posts under Hoffman. Anyhow I was just wondering what to expect from this point on? I have Independent Health, so I am not sure what is required as far as a diet before hand? Maybe I can get a head start on it now so I can get my surgery done sooner.. I have been waiting to even get my seminar date since OCTOBER! The woman I spoke to on the phone told me that I could expect a surgery date around end the of March, early April. Does this sound realistic? I am a little weary only because it's taken nearly 4 months for me to even get into a seminar. If anyone who has gone thru this wouldn't mind just kind of giving me a course of events to expect and a rough timeline estimate that would be great. I am just trying to work it all around my work schedule and taking time off.. It's hard having everything up in the air! I am really excited to take this step and change my life so it is worth the weight. I am just a little impatient and frustrated at how slow this process has been. Thanks in advance!
  11. HI everyone! I just got my seminar date for January 27th, along with my pre-approval notice from my surgeon's office and insurance (Dr. Posner in Buffalo, NY). Just wondering if anyone can tell me what to expect after the seminar? Generally how long will it take from the seminar date until I get the surgery? And what will happen as far as appointments and such from here on in? I know it's probably different for everyone based on if and how much weight I need to loose prior to having surgery, but just a rough estimate to give me a good idea of a time frame would be greatly appreciated. Also, my biggest concern is excess skin. I am still quite young (only 23) so my skin probably has some decent elasticity left. I am worried however that I will have crazy excess skin. Any tips to avoid this prior and post surgery? Thanks in advance!

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