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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Desiree1970

  1. Desiree1970
    I'm meeting Dr. Linder today. I'm so excited, my dad is driving... one question is why are we leaving so early? 8am? For a 1pm appointment when my appointment is in Beverly Hills not Utah LOL!
    I'm hoping to work the money thing out... I only have the 5k now... hopefully some in house payment plan or financing can be arranged.
    I'll keeep you updated :thumbup:
  2. Desiree1970
    Here's my new recipe:
    I'll be celebrating the Holiday with my own "mock"tail
    Pierced Belly Button
    1 scoop syntrax "fuzzy navel"
    1/2 cup Orange Juice
    3/4 cup Lemonaid or Limeaid
    lotsa crushed ice
    Blend Blend Blend
    Served in a margarita glass with a wedge of orange and umbrelly
  3. Desiree1970
    I re visit Dr. Liu on the 13th and get my first fill....I'm super excited, my friend Andrea is getting her second on the same day
    I also had my first whistle in a lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng time the other day. I was wearing some cute sweat pants with a butterfly tattoo along the butt and walked past this cute guy and he whistled That was nice.
    I also start Hip Hop Abs on Monday....seems interesting
    For my birthday I would like to get a tattoo....I'm finding other ways of rewarding myself instead of food.
    God is sooooooooooooooo Good and I want to wish you all a very Happy Easter.
    For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotten son. So that whomsoever believeth in Him shall have life and more everlasting.
    Give your life to Jesus- You won't regret it!
    I don't
  4. Desiree1970
    I had a difficult night last night....
    I had some milk about an hour before bed and I kept coughing it up.
    I was so afraid of choking on it....
    No more eating or drinking three hours before bed for me
  5. Desiree1970
    It's been about 6 months since my lap band, and I'm still kicking LOL. I'm very happy with my decision as I feel tons better and see some beautiful curves :mad:
    The things I'm noticing that I'm not too happy is my hair is shedding.... :crythat means I'm not getting in as much protein as I need. Bad ME!!:eek:
    So today I'm gonna change my ways... so far today I had 26 g of protein via Protein Nectar's Fuzzy Navel drink. Two more of those today and I've hit my 60 grams per day... I'll be tooo happy!:whoo:
    I also bout liquid multi vitamins, I'm not too happy with the chewable.... I've been taking the Centrium chewables and they are not that tasty after all....:eek:
    I'm still watching a lot of the FOOD network LOL:madgrin:
    Hey I also found out yesterday one of my FAVORITE singers in the WORLD!!! Ann Wilson had the Lap Band! Ann has been such an inspiration in so many other ways as sucha strong independent woman to me. I love Hart and she has such a talent.
    Cheers to you all!:hungry:
  6. Desiree1970
    The last two days haven't been so bad after all. I wasn't very hungry, of course when my sister talked about getting an IslandBurger, I started to shake a bit LOL, but I came through good and stuck to the plan to the letter.
    Here's the 2 day Clear Diet:
    Breakfast: Water, Broth, Diet Jell-O (I used sugar free- 10 calories)
    Lunch: Water, Broth, Diet Jello-O
    Dinner: Water, Broth, Diet Jello-O
    I stuck to strait water too....
    All though now that I'm looking at this Ahem...:faint:
    I notice at the bottom it says A day before suregery, continue clear liquids: (this inclueds apple juice and diet 7 up); drink at least 8 8-ounce glasses of water...Eat nothing after midnight...
    YAAAh cos I sure would like some Apple Juice:heh:
    I'll be leaving to my parents house in a bit. They're driving me to the surgery center in the morning.
    Thanks for all your prayers!!!
  7. Desiree1970
    This morning I woke up with that feeling of something stuck again.... after a little .... upchucking it looked like the itsy bitsy piece of bbq I had on Sunday! OMG! are you kidding me????:crying:
  8. Desiree1970
    This is soooooooo Yummy! I tried the Crystal Sky flavor today and I'm loving it.....now the smell is not so pleasant, but the taste is out of this world:hungry:
    I'm trying fuzzy navel tomorrow and ordering some more....
  9. Desiree1970
    Found this Sauna in Riverside I wanna check out:

    Kyoto Sauna
    10600 Magnolia Ave #D
    Riverside, Ca 92503

    They have some good prices and I wanna start utilize the Sauna in my new regimine...
    OMG I'm watching too much UFC LOL, but I have a few friends who are fighters and they're pretty smart... :thumbup:

  10. Desiree1970
    I woke up today tired and it wasn't until after I put on my white pants and began my 45 minute drive to work, that I started to feel like my cycle was beginning....
    You know that crampy feeling you get? Well it hit me hard somewhere around Lake Elsinore :Banane10:
    This is a good thing...so I thought, I was trying to plot my cycles start from when the last one ended. I'm early....oooh wee, but all I have to do is look at a calendar and aunt flo comes for her visit...so I thought... it's now almost 8P and no period....I hope it doesn't wait till I'm on the table having Dr. Liu pokin around in my belly:faint:
  11. Desiree1970
    It's almost been a year and I've been trying for the last four months to get an appointment for an adjustment. My last adjustment didnt' take at all... big bummer.
    Finally I was able to get an appointment, but not for another month.... I'm not gaining, but not losing... stuck around 226 and 230 and it really SUCKS!
    The one good thing is my new romance... well at least so far so good LOL

  12. Desiree1970
    I went to Curves this morning and had a very good workout....
    Bad me... partially because I've had such a terrible time getting an appointment for a fill (last one in October!) and because the scale is my worst enemy now (stuck at 231! OMG I was 227, no I'm up to 231!) I'm taking Lipo6... I know I really ought not too, but I am...
    Weighed myself after my workout and I'm at 231... that just sucks... I really need to monitor what I put in my mouth! I had an Advantage chocolate shake (160 calories and 15 grams of protein) and now I'm having water and totally considering going back to nutrisystem.... lots of stuff on my mind...
  13. Desiree1970
    Yeah I did it...I broke what so falsely has been accused as the stupidest thing you can do when strapped for cash....
    I took out a payday advance.
    No gravy, I asked for $300 ... got it the next day and when payday rolled around was given the opp to pay the $300 back (plus a fee...hey they did loan me cash quick!) or pay the fee and extend my loan another week. I opted to pay the $375.
    The good out of this kids.... I was able to pay the bills I needed to and avoid the late fees...get my hair "did" and put some groceries in the house.....
    Not bad for a cash advance.....:eek:
  14. Desiree1970
    I'm fighting the good fight cos on my lunch break I so wanted ONE TACO... then I said no, then I said, well I'm gonna move my car cos I've got these 3 inch heels on and I'm parked far away, it'll be dark after work... so I move my car and there's no close parking spots except by the AM & P.... no big, but I now want Munchos... I fought the impulse, only to get to my desk and count out nine dimes and two nickles... enough for a bag of Munchos... again I fought the temptation and reached for the snack size can of tuna in water in my desk... and now.... yes I'm still thinking of Munchos, but I'm settling for the tuna LOL:w00t:
  15. Desiree1970
    238.9 !!!!
    I'm absolutely loving being out of the two forties!
    Work was such a crappy thing yesterday. It never helps when you work with lazy people and are so expected to do all their work, that you never finish your own work.
    I know I need to pray for these people, but can't they still tick me off LOL
  16. Desiree1970
    In conjunction with several aspects I'm just bumbed this morning.... I reached 201 and was positive my next step would be down and then below 200... so why the crap am I 203?!
    I'm frustrated! I'm waiting for an auction win on ebay to pay and I am FLAT broke! :thumbup: Got bills to pay and my weight is not doin wha I want it to... so here I am today watchin Ultimate Fighter and just chillin out in my apartment... I feel a little retarted, cos here i am lounging on my couch watchin Spike and bloggin when I should be out enjoying life.... did I mention I've got my hoodie on... okay yep I need to let go of this depression!:cursing:
    Now.. I have my consult with Dr. Linder on Monday and I am excited about that! I'm gonna explain to him what I'm looking for and let him know I am experiencing extreme back pain I believe due to the sagginess of not only my belly but my breasts. My lower back is giving me every day pain...(right now I have a heating pad on my lower back) I just wanna be happy and right now I'm not...:cursing:
  17. Desiree1970
    Get a part time job
    Write my letter to insurance
    Schedule consult with Dr. Karyotakis and Dr. Uyeda in Los Angeles (shoot for same day)
    Schedule appointment with Dr. Saab about my rash and back pain... ask him to refer me to chiropractor to see why I'm having balance problems.
    Follow up appointment with Dr. Liu and Dr. Linder
    Get letters from all Dr.'s and get insurance started and appointment set.
  18. Desiree1970
    I have a pre-screening appointment on Friday "Thank You Jesus!" I also had a talk with our HR director about my idiot manager who's had problems with me going to the doctor "All the time"...
    I can't wait to have this done
  19. Desiree1970
    I don't enjoy eating, I'm throwing up and just not very happy.... it seems as if nothingwill stay down or that I've grown an imulse to throw up ... I don't like that and think I need an unfill or perhaps to visit my doctor for something to take for this cough.. I swear this cold seems to be holding on for dear life and I'm just sick of it :crying:
  20. Desiree1970
    Hi Everyone! Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers....I haven't been on in a while and need to update my journal.

    Day 2 Post Op

    March 13, 2007 @ 5:51am

    Woke up about a quarter to six, my usual time... God blessed me so... I made it through the night without too much discomfort. The gas is probably the most uncomfortable thing, but Sue has me walking , sipping and taking in protein to relieve that gas. I'm glad she's here. She's my best friend and she had the gastric surgery and looks like a million bucks! It's nice having someon understand y'know?
    This morning I'm able to sit up on my own and draft this journal entry before entering it. I'm on some water-laced with crystal light's fruit punch:) ...doing breathing exercises every so often and trying to cough, burp or fart...the farts are easier:) . My hair is still a mess, but mom's going to style it...so much fell out pre-op due to stress... ooh weee there goes my first sneeze... I had to hold myself for that one.:eek:
    I'm still going to take it easy today, but I'm going to try for more water and protein;

    Day 3 Post Op

    March 14, 2007 @ 7:09am

    VERY SORE!!! :faint: Anestesia has definately wore off and i've been taking tylenol to ease the pain(Really wish doc prescribed Vicodin). I'm holding my stomache alot. Walking is much easier and i"m really trying... I'm sipping on water more today.
    Congrats to me, I had my first Post Op Bowel movement!:biggrin1: Maybe it's because I slightly feel like poop?:!:

    Day 4 Post Op

    March 15, 2007 @ 6:05am

    I am in so much discomfort :sick and can't at this time tell if it's the gas or the surgery sutures... I broke down today and took a gas strip... I know doctor Endres said no, but I couldn't find any relief(It didn't work anyway) Gonna try to take things easy again...I really think I've pushed things.

    Day 5 Post Op

    March 16, 2007 @ 8:25am

    Last night was horrible! :angry I couldn't sleep comfortably. Felt like I had a big gas bubble in the middle of my boobs!
    I'm also tired of all the phone calls from collections-- Got a bit behind-- these people don't care when I said I'm in recovery from surgery Monday...I see my attorney tomorrow...unfortunately I will have to file BK for all the bills that are too much for me to pay:cry
    Because I sat up half the night, I'm seriously with the bags. Hope to update all this entries in my journal today :biggrin1:

    Day 6 Post Op

    March 17, 2007 @5pm

    Happy St Paddy's Day!!!!!!

    Still have that gassy feeling in my belly-chest-sucks. Should be gone soon. I really can't wait to eat--- not really hungry, but miss the taste of food. It's a good thing I can start mushy foods Monday. I'm so longing for some pureed eggplant YUM!:hungry:
    Haven't been able to eat a full cup of jello and weirdest thing of all is I'm watching a lot of the FOOD NETWORK..... I NEVER watch the FOOD NETWORK:omg:
    Luv and all that,
  21. Desiree1970
    I'm trying not to be too discouraged. My weight keeps fluctuating... I've been wanting to leave 230's behind me, and actually weighed in at 228 a few days ago, but today I'm back at 230.5 :girl_hug:
    But hey I've come a loooong way for 270's and my lower belly is shrinking
    It use to feel solid and now it's just a soft spongy feel.
    I'm still glad I got the LapBand
    I go for a fill with Dr. Liu in Newport Beach on friday and I'm excited about saying, "smell ya later 230's" for good!

  22. Desiree1970
    It's funny...I have a tentative surgery date for next Friday.... funny that my insurance says we haven't recieved any paperwork....Yeah it's all just...Funny...not....
    But I can at least laugh about it right :mad:
    This will doggone make me stronger..
    I'm ready y'all, I bought my goodies, broth....protein (Protein nectar and isopplus) Liquid tylenol, gas ex strips...liquid calcium vitamines...the kind you take by spoonful.... I'm Xcited LOL
  23. Desiree1970
    I'm finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    All test are done and now i'm just waiting for my insurance to give me the okay!!!!
    My friend's appointment is set and I'm so excited for Andrea, it's been a long journey even this far for her!
    Met with a wonderful doctor yesterday for my Psyche eval.... very cool, we went over so much stuff and she gave me her green light....
    We also were able to discuss the difficulties I've had in my new office.... Just when I think things are getting better, some idiot rears her ugly head. I actually had a rep recieve a bad review and she blamed it all on her assistant...me? So I got re-assigned and a little "un-pep talk". I'm too through with this Comcast vs Adelphia bullshit in my office-- it's so like a three ring circus-- too much drama for this girl:cool:
  24. Desiree1970
    Every since I hit 212, it seems as if losing has been such a pain in my tush....
    Still my goal is to hit 199 but WHEN!?
    I am beyond frustrated and a little lost:sad:
    I have a consult with DR. Linder on the 15th to put into works plans for having the loose skin removed and my boobs lifted, but truth be told, if I can't lose the 50 lbs Dr. Linder wanted me to back in OCTOBER:eek:....
    Fat Chance.... yeah I said it FAT:Dancing_unhappy:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
