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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Desiree1970

  1. Desiree1970
    233.8 lbs today

    What a long month.... I'm just plain tired and want a nap
    I'm still losing and happy at that. Thought I had hit my sweet spot, but a little doubtful LOL... maybe so and I'm just tired :car:
    A few guys asking me out now... that's weird and I'm a little scared....
    Well off to work I go :car:
  2. Desiree1970
    The beans and cheese I made last night gave me terrible gas and I was burping up nastiness and had to sleep practically sitting up last night.
    I know the band is tight and maybe a little swollen from my fill five days ago. I feel is... I mean it feels like a little cramp right below my boobies.
    I pureed the Chicken vegetable soup I made... yummo has lots of protein and spinich, broccoli, leek, potato... I'm eating softees for a few days so my band will calm down.
    I've also got a big glass full of ice on my desk. I hope to get down more water today... a few more bites of this soup and I'm done... I try to space them out two minutes to let the food go down. I'm done after 15 minutes Have a great day!
  3. Desiree1970
    :w00t:My favorite Atkins Advantage shake is the Creamy Vanilla Shake.
    That's my lunch today. It's 160 calories 1g sugar and 15 g protein.
    Hope I can get it all in
  4. Desiree1970
    I had a difficult night last night....
    I had some milk about an hour before bed and I kept coughing it up.
    I was so afraid of choking on it....
    No more eating or drinking three hours before bed for me
  5. Desiree1970
    It's actually been four months since my initial consult with Dr. McCoglan and today it was my honor to meet the Dr. who would be doing the cutting: Dr. Carson Liu.
    He answered my every question and I felt so much peace. I'm excited about my lapband and can't wait till insurance gives me the green light.
    My friend Andrea got her okay yesterday....YAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
    Andrea is a sweetheart and I'm glad she held on a little longer. I so can't wait to see our transformations.
    Today it was also my honor to meet Holly. Holly had the procedure in August and she answered so many questions and even let me see her scars (what scars) and feel her port. I'm so very excited to get this done.
    Another thing going well is things at my work. I believe me and my manager have come to an understanding. This is not a vanity thing for me. This is all about being healthy and re-gaining my life. I'm happy in all aspects....
    Now if I can only get my love life together LOL:p
  6. Desiree1970
    Wow 219!!!! A welcoming number, now I'm finally in the two-teens!!!
    Had trouble drinking water again last night and coughed up water while trying to sleep gain.... tight adjustment....
    Will try tonight to not eat or drink three-four hours before sleep.. so most likely I'll probably just drink a protein shake before I leave the office at five... let you know how it goes... need to go to curves so I don't know.....
  7. Desiree1970
    It's a new day!!!!
    Well here's what's on my agenda today.... I'll try to behave :mad: I'm doing a lot of packing this weekend. So glad I'm moving home for a while. Now I can pay bills and get back up on my feet.
    Advantage Atkins Chocolate Royale Shake: 15g protein/160 calories
    Designer Protein Whey "Natural" flavor (three scoops- mixed with water): 55.5g protein/300 calories
    Cheese sticks
    Refried beans and cheese
  8. Desiree1970
    I'm a little on the tired side.... I know this is not very good and I need to seriously take my vitamins... I'm naughty about that.
    If I was to self "doctor" myself, I would say my iron might be low....
    Still I'm down 11 lbs from a week ago, not bad huh?
    I slept a little better last nigh not too many episodes with the coughing up of residual food... I even think I took in more water yesterday. My skin is snapping back, so I'm not dehydrated thank God.
    I have a serious craving for Watermelon, so I think I'll swing by Vons this morning and get some for breakfast yumoh!:w00t:
  9. Desiree1970
    Today was so stressful....I went to see Dr. Liu, not aticipating that my appointment had been cancelled....
    This week has been difficult with the "Maniac" questioning how much time I've been taking off for my doctor's visits. If you have a good superviser, treasure them and if you have one like mine....:faint:
    I hav to scramble this week and have loads of tests done so I can still have my surgery mid January...just a little stressed now, but eventually I'll be able to exhale:clap2:
  10. Desiree1970



    HEIGHT 5'9"
    WEIGHT 247.01 LB
    BMI 36.5
    FAT% 50.01
    FAT MASS 123.5 LB
    FAT% 21-33%
    FAT MASS 33.0 - 61.01 LB
    I'm doing great, no AMAZING loss, but I'm consistant and steady...
  11. Desiree1970
    Had a Happy NYE with my sis and good friend Jennifer! we had very little chinese and cheese fruit and crckers. I managed to avoid alcohol Yaaay me!....
    today is my moms seafood gumbo OMG how good, but I'm gonna behave and no rice... okay very little rice.... OKAY NO RICE geesh! LOL
  12. Desiree1970
    Hi Everyone! Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers....I haven't been on in a while and need to update my journal.

    Day 2 Post Op

    March 13, 2007 @ 5:51am

    Woke up about a quarter to six, my usual time... God blessed me so... I made it through the night without too much discomfort. The gas is probably the most uncomfortable thing, but Sue has me walking , sipping and taking in protein to relieve that gas. I'm glad she's here. She's my best friend and she had the gastric surgery and looks like a million bucks! It's nice having someon understand y'know?
    This morning I'm able to sit up on my own and draft this journal entry before entering it. I'm on some water-laced with crystal light's fruit punch:) ...doing breathing exercises every so often and trying to cough, burp or fart...the farts are easier:) . My hair is still a mess, but mom's going to style it...so much fell out pre-op due to stress... ooh weee there goes my first sneeze... I had to hold myself for that one.:eek:
    I'm still going to take it easy today, but I'm going to try for more water and protein;

    Day 3 Post Op

    March 14, 2007 @ 7:09am

    VERY SORE!!! :faint: Anestesia has definately wore off and i've been taking tylenol to ease the pain(Really wish doc prescribed Vicodin). I'm holding my stomache alot. Walking is much easier and i"m really trying... I'm sipping on water more today.
    Congrats to me, I had my first Post Op Bowel movement!:biggrin1: Maybe it's because I slightly feel like poop?:!:

    Day 4 Post Op

    March 15, 2007 @ 6:05am

    I am in so much discomfort :sick and can't at this time tell if it's the gas or the surgery sutures... I broke down today and took a gas strip... I know doctor Endres said no, but I couldn't find any relief(It didn't work anyway) Gonna try to take things easy again...I really think I've pushed things.

    Day 5 Post Op

    March 16, 2007 @ 8:25am

    Last night was horrible! :angry I couldn't sleep comfortably. Felt like I had a big gas bubble in the middle of my boobs!
    I'm also tired of all the phone calls from collections-- Got a bit behind-- these people don't care when I said I'm in recovery from surgery Monday...I see my attorney tomorrow...unfortunately I will have to file BK for all the bills that are too much for me to pay:cry
    Because I sat up half the night, I'm seriously with the bags. Hope to update all this entries in my journal today :biggrin1:

    Day 6 Post Op

    March 17, 2007 @5pm

    Happy St Paddy's Day!!!!!!

    Still have that gassy feeling in my belly-chest-sucks. Should be gone soon. I really can't wait to eat--- not really hungry, but miss the taste of food. It's a good thing I can start mushy foods Monday. I'm so longing for some pureed eggplant YUM!:hungry:
    Haven't been able to eat a full cup of jello and weirdest thing of all is I'm watching a lot of the FOOD NETWORK..... I NEVER watch the FOOD NETWORK:omg:
    Luv and all that,
  13. Desiree1970
    This is soooooooo Yummy! I tried the Crystal Sky flavor today and I'm loving it.....now the smell is not so pleasant, but the taste is out of this world:hungry:
    I'm trying fuzzy navel tomorrow and ordering some more....
  14. Desiree1970
    I hate to think what the cleaning people in my office think when emptying my garbage.... at times I find I have to PB (is that it) in my garbage can... as gross as this sounds, and I know it's TMI, I just have to get that "slime" up out of my throat....
    very little food comes up, just a bunch of nasty slime... I'm sure this is the lubricant trying to get the food all the way down to my stomache.
    So this morning I ate a boiled egg and a few slices of bacon in the car on my 45 minute drive to work... I was fine... then I got to my desk and started to feel it and had to PB.... or is it PM... whatever, I had to do it....
    So I'm down to 203! closer and Closer to breaking 200! Oh Praise the LORD!
    Gotta work now so latas :mad2:
  15. Desiree1970
    I slept so much better last night! I think what helped is I stayed up later... I went to bed around midnight after staying up to watch wrestling... I know I'm wierd LOL...
    I had a little burp this morning that woke me up, but nothing with the up chuck... I have to get rid of this cough... I caught a friends cold a few weeks ago and this caugh is trying to take up residence in my body and I'm just not having it LOL....
    I am feeling very lonely... I know that things with Dave were a farced and he took advantage ofme wether he wants to believe it or not.... I haven't talked to Andre in days and Joel? Well.... I think it's fair to say he's not interested. Isn't that funny.... three guys were after me and now they've fallen off the face of the earth it seems.... maybe I just need to go this alone and if Mr. Him comes along he does.... it just sucks not having someone to share my life with.... but no PITY PARTIES here! I mean I'm at 217.4 Baby!!!!:w00t:
  16. Desiree1970
    Wow 215.6 This is Amazing! I'm definately able to eat a little better and drink more... my family is a bit aggrivating argh!:w00t:
    I've added Folic Acid and Biotin.... Have a Blessed Sunday!
  17. Desiree1970
    I'm starting over, or at least trying my hardest to undo the what I've done the past few months.
    What happend with Dave really effected me negatively and I'm not blaming my behavoirs on that, but they did make a difference.
    So I had my last fill of the year yesterday... I'm down a pound and so far today I've had some tomato soup, protein nectar and now I'm eating some refried beans with a bit of cheese... softies for at least two more days.. I'm going home and break out my hip hop abs dvd. Time to get my rear back in gear :eek:
  18. Desiree1970
    Well I hadn't planned on having to postpone my appointments this week, but after much consideration and financial issues, I really need to cancel my follow up with Dr. Linder and consults and reschedule for a better time... :smile2: I'm not totally happy avout it, but I realley need to get my stuff together... bummer!
  19. Desiree1970
    Good Morning,
    I'm getting ready to go to Orange County for my adjustment with Dr. Liu... weighed in at 216.5 this morning... ugh but hey it is what it is....
    I'm going to tell him about the heartburn I had last week..OUCH and I'm going to ask, when can I start consulting for further surgery... I still feel I have a loooooot to do, but I'm a dork LOL:tongue_smilie:
  20. Desiree1970
    Today, I'm attempting to do protein nectar all day with water.... I'm still fluctuating and haven't dropped below 200 and it's frustrating.
    This may be a good thing, because I'm broke and protein is about all I have lol....
    So I'm gonna finish this cup on my desk and then have another for lunch and go out to my car and chill.....
    We'll see how this goes:unsure:
  21. Desiree1970
    This morning I woke up with that feeling of something stuck again.... after a little .... upchucking it looked like the itsy bitsy piece of bbq I had on Sunday! OMG! are you kidding me????:crying:
  22. Desiree1970
    Finally I am out of the 200's!!!! :thumbup:I can't remember when I was at this weight, probably high school or early college! This feels soooo good, so I'm chuggin the water today and making sure I stay on track...
    My period has also decided now is the time, so I'm going to not weigh myself again until after Christmas!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
