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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hopeandfaith

  1. Went to Water Aerobics this morning at 6 am....boy do I feel GREAT!!!

  2. Couldn't WAIT to get up to try my SUGAR FREE Raspberry preserves with eggs! LOL Sad isn't it?! It was really good...I've MISSED jelly! LOL

  3. hopeandfaith


    OMG NO REGRETS!!! This is the BEST thing I've EVER done for MYSELF!!! Just remember these KEY THINGS!!!! 1. WALK ...force yourself...you have to get rid of the GAS..it is about the only pain you will feel! 2. SIP SIP SIP...at first you can't drink much so SIP ALL DAY!!! 3. EVERY SINGLE DAY you FEEL BETTER!!!! For me the third day was the WORST...just like when you work out real hard...the third day you are more sore. Then the next time was around the 10th day....but I got out here and some told me why....I was DOING MORE..MOVING around MORE!! LOL OH and I guess there really is a number 4. You can always POST any QUESTIONS on the website and get all the SUPPORT and HELP you need!! EVERYONE on here was SO SUPPORTIVE and HELPFUL!! I could not have done it with out everyone on here!! NO questions are SILLY...TRUST me I asked them all!!!! LOL GOOD LUCK!!!!
  4. So yesterday was my Birthday and my Sister in Law works with me. She called my daughter the day before and asked What kind of Cake does your Mom like. My Daughter told her I can't have any Cake because I can't eat sugar. So they thought maybe an angel food cake would be good. Well my Sister in law brings me a RED VELVET CAKE with ICE CREAM. She said HAPPY BIRTHDAY...and I said well thank you but I can't eat that. She said THAT IS OK WE CAN and it's your Birthday!!!!! She said I brought you this....Chocolate Mousse yogurt! So while they ate RED VELVET CAKE with Ice Cream I SAT and watched and TRIED the yogurt! I know she meant well but it was CRUEL to me! I LOVE CAKE AND ICE CREAM but I'm only 10 weeks out today and CAN'T HAVE ANY!!! I'm I WRONG to feel like that was Cruel? Also, I have ONLY had Fat Free Yogurts. After I took a few bites of this chocolate Mousse my tummy didn't feel right so I stopped and put it away. All day I was nauseated....could it be too much sugar in the yogurt or just a bug? I was sick the rest of the day....got off of work at 5:30 and went to bed at 6:30!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! LOL My husband said, Damn your only a day older not at year!!! LOL Have a GREAT day everyone!!!
  5. hopeandfaith

    my secret.... 8(

    This Journey is a ROLLERCOASTER RIDE but it is the BEST THING I've EVER DONE FOR MYSELF!!!! That is the KEY you are doing it for YOU and nobody else! Some of my family was on board with me and some weren't. Just like with ANYTHING you can't PLEASE EVERYONE!! You do what is BEST for YOU!!! I'm on the LOSERS TRAIN and ENJOYING THE RIDE!!!!! Come on aboard!!! LOL
  6. hopeandfaith

    The best NSV thus far ! ! !

    OMG that is GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!! I"M SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!
  7. hopeandfaith

    told my parents

    THAT IS GREAT!!! Being a parent I can understand their CONCERN but you have to support your kids! My Mom was SCARED because of the way my Sisters Gastric Bypass went ...she had complications but is fine now. The doctor came out and told her and my husband it was the BEST thing I could have done for myself. I found out I have Visceral fat which is Fat surrounding my organs and it could chock them....he said it would have chocked my heart! So they were VERY HAPPY I had the surgery!!! Like Bilka said everytime she sees me she is SO HAPPY I DID THIS!!! I'm very HAPPY for you! KEEP IT UP!!!
  8. hopeandfaith

    Phase three food ideas

    I was Sleeved on 1-11-11 and I use to LOVE BEEF...ONLY thing I would eat BEFORE surgery. Now I eat chicken and Fish!! Beef hasn't sat too well yet....REAL HEAVY!! I am planning on trying it again tomorrow night at steak nigh with my friends! LOL Just can't get much down and it HAS to be SMALL BITES!! I do Yogurt when I want something sweet and LOVE THEM NOW...didn't before. My Taste has CHANGED a lot but for the better!!! I make a LOT of Chicken salad...Rotisserie Chicken, boiled eggs, relish and LIGHT mayo! I could live off this...oh wait I do! LOL Egg whites with cheese and low sodium honey ham in the mornings! I LOVE Baked Cod!!! You can do instant oatmeal with sugar free syrup...it's YUMMY!!! Hope this helps!!!
  9. hopeandfaith

    Getting Sleeved Young

    I really does matter how much you have to lose but I don't think age has anything to do with it. I too wish I would have done something sooner! At my age now the skin doesn't go away as easy! GOOD LUCK on your JOURNEY!!! We are HERE if you need advise or just need to VENT!!!
  10. hopeandfaith

    Guess what?!

  11. Only lost 1 pound this week....must workout more!!! Have a GREAT day everyone!!!

  12. hopeandfaith

    7 months, 67 pounds down....what's next?

  13. Singing Karaoke!!! I'm in the MOOD!!! LOL

  14. hopeandfaith

    2 week visit - I am happy

  15. hopeandfaith

    Back from surgery

    Every day gets BETTER!!! Remember to SIP SIP SIP and MAKE sure you WALK!!!
  16. This is the BEST THING I've EVER DONE FOR MYSELF!!! NOT my husband, NOT my daughters, for ONCE I thought about MYSELF!!!! Hands down this SAVED MY LIFE!!! I'm 8 weeks out today and have lost 50 pounds! My family didn't want me to have the surgery either but I did it anyway and now they are SHOCKED at the change!! Not ONLY my weight but my attitude! I FINALLY had to sit my youngest daughter and husband DOWN and told them IF THEY DON"T HAVE ANYTHING POSITIVE TO SAY THEN DON'T SAY NOTHING AT ALL!!! I NEED SUPPORT NOT NEGATIVE FEELINGS!!! It was an EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER and I needed HELP!! This website was my LIFE LINE!!! They HELPED ME LIKE NO OTHER!!! You can ask ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE, ANY FEARS YOU HAVE, and NO ONE JUDGES YOU!!! GOD also played a HUGH ROLL. I prayed and prayed about it and he was with me every set of the way!!! I was up and walking down the hall 3 hours after surgery!!! I was getting to a point I would come home eat and go to bed with a bottle of wine! Now what kind of life was that!! Now I come home and eat a bite...can't eat more then that LOL...then go work out! I FEEL GREAT!!!! Your wife is the one being selfish but she will come around! You NEED to get healthy for your family. Everyone is scared of change and TRUST ME once she sees the change in you she will want the same. Everyone just has to hit ROCK BOTTOM first! It sounds like you did and you are ready to BETTER your LIFE!!! GOOD luck and HANG IN THERE!!!
  17. OMG OMG 8 weeks out today and 50 pounds gone forever!!!!!!!! Can you tell I'm just a LITTLE EXCITED!?!?!?!

  18. Good Job Kim!! I'm sure you were sore from being out and about. The same thing happened to me and I was scared but someone told me on the website it was because I was moving around more. Keep up the good work!!!
  19. So today was my weigh day and my SCALE is BROKE!!!

  20. hopeandfaith

    Got My Date!!!! March 21

    AWESOME you will LOVE the SLEEVE!!!
  21. hopeandfaith

    4 days post op

    I would put Miralax in my drink....any drink is fine. It really helps and has no taste! GREAT job on the weight loss!!!
  22. hopeandfaith

    Back to square one

    thinoneday .....THANK YOU SO MUCH you are SO SO SO SO RIGHT!!!!! I've been eating between meal...like a cheese stick or two and then yogurt or pudding in the afternoon. The thing is I'm NOT REALLY HUNGRY I just THINK I need it! I am going to try to BUCKLE down and do EXACTLY what the NUT told me NO IN BETWEEN MEALS!!! Maybe it will come off faster during my HONEYMOON stage. OLD HABITS are SO HARD to break!!! Chilo1 I sure hope this helps you too! I will keep you in my prayers that we can OVER COME this food DEMON!!!
  23. hopeandfaith

    Back to square one

    Thinoneday I found it....I hope you don't mind me posting it for Chilo1 From: THINONEDAY I can so relate to what your saying and it's not fun. . .unfortunately we are given this sleeve as a tool only, what we do with it is our decision. . . since last october i've fallen off the wagon pretty badly and gained quite a bit of weight (not tons but enough to shock me) and i had to think about what it was that i had been doing wrong. . . i found that i've come under A LOT of stress both at home and at work. . . so being a emotional eater, guess what????? I was eating all the time not realizing what I was doing. . . it didn't seem like much at those times, heck a small bag of pretzels here and small bag of licorice there. . . pork rinds EVERYDAY up to 2 bags of them, lots of alcohol, going out to eat more often. . . you get the picture. . . well i would weigh myself and couldn't understand why the heck was i not moving off the same weight i was on for the past few months so I stopped weighing myself as well. . .(oh and to mention I stopped exercising too) well then here at the end of february I got up onto the scale after not being weighed for a few weeks and oh my god I thought i was going to die, have a stroke, or both but I had gained soooooooooo much weight (25lbs, no the scale was not wrong). . . but how was that possible? Well it is and it will happen to all of us if we don't get a handle onto it. . . the sleeve is only a tool it's not a miracle thing that will make us loose weight we are the ones who have to work with it in order to loose the weight. . . well i got back to basics (and let me tell you it's extremely hard now) but since i have i've lost 4 lbs in 3 days, i will continue to eat Proteins first and ONLY 3 meals a day without Snacks like it was recommended by my nut back in the beginning. . . This is a big set back for me, I was soooooo close to my goal and now have to work 2x as hard to get there but i will get there. . . I didn't spend $15,000.00 of my hard earned money to regain my weight! So I hope that this story helps you out a bit, maybe scares you a bit, but it's true and very real. . I'm living through it now and was really embarrassed to talk about it, but the best therapy is to realize what is happening and get it out into the open . . . so here I am telling you to be really careful. . . don't sabatoge yourself. . it's a lot harder if you do. . . good luck to you and to EVERYONE here. . . .
  24. hopeandfaith

    Back to square one

    Girl you are NOT alone!!! The "food DEMON" is HELL!! I'm 7 weeks out and can eat pretty much ANYTHING and not get sick....which is BAD!!! Well I haven't tried Sweets and I'm NOT going too because I'm SCARED they will do just fine too! I SO HOPED that when I got sleeved I would get sick from the food and not go back to my old habits. I mean THANK GOD I can't eat as much!!! chips has ALWAYS been my WEAKNESS. SO I bought pork rids but I ate too many of them so I stopped buying them. Found Baked Cheetos ...just had to have my CRUNCH! I just HATED MYSELF afterwards...How can I be SO STUPID!! Sorry just venting!!!! I hope someone out there can give us some advise!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
