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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NN32

  1. NN32

    I miss Sushi.... :(

    I love sushi too. I am at 3.4 cc fill and I can muscle a spicy tuna salad in 2 sittings, Usually half lucn half dinner, satisfies the craving get the salad and avocado it comes ith at leas near me. DOnt give up..The SPick tuna salas has very small pieces of tuna, and if you can do the sald your in good shape. Good Luck
  2. No Matter Jersey or Manhattan, I'm in. Will make it a point to get there. Nicole
  3. NN32

    Um, IUD + Lap Band? Any problems?

    i have the mirena, and I made both my Gyn and surgeon aware of the implant. The only thing my gyn recomended was to periodically check that the strings are still there. Feeling the strings will let you know that the device is still in place. The other thing is that with severe rapid weight loss, the device can slip, so if you start to feel weird or have unnecessary discomfort dont let it go. My friend lost 8 oz of blood from a punctured uterus from the mirena.
  4. NN32

    December Bandsters

    You got it Maurdan. BAnded 12/7/06 by Dr Ferzli in Staten Island, NY. I am doing ok. Including pre operative diet, I have gone from 262 to onederland 195, about 67 lbs, and I just had my 3rd fill today and I am at 2.25 in a 4cc band. I would like to loose quicker but there are always those thing we dont like to give up. I love my wine, but alot of empty calories, switched to gin and diet tonic, still alot of calories. Then some time I get caught with the night time binge. I see alot of people post about mind over matter. Your not kidding. Nicole
  5. NN32

    December Bandsters

    Ok, So I am trying to stay on track. Had a good weekend, havent lost any weight, but I am trying to only do 3 meals a day and was able to excercise Sat and today. I have logged all of my calories at mycaloriecounter.com and have managed to drink 4 glasses of water today. I even maxed out on my protein. SO I would say today is a good day. Telling you all makes me accountable for what I have done. LEts see if I feel that way on an off day LOL! :clap2:
  6. NN32

    December Bandsters

    Sorry fpr the double posting. I am trying to work on my settings
  7. NN32

    December Bandsters

    Good Job Denise. Keep up the good work. After writing this afternoon, i made my way to the gym for a quick workout. Burned 200 calories in 18 minutes. That was about all I had time for today. Had to grocery shop and pick up kids. Life happens. Have a great night
  8. NN32

    December Bandsters

    Good Job Denise. Keep up the good work. After writing this afternoon, i made my way to the gym for a quick workout. Burned 200 calories in 18 minutes. That was about all I had time for today. Had to grocery shop and pick up kids. Life happens. Have a great night
  9. NN32

    December Bandsters

    <p>I can totally relateLucky Girl. When I eat alot of carbs, even stuff you dont think is carbs, but has alot of sugar which break down into more crap, I feel sluggish too. Our bodies have been altered. Try to jazz up the dishes, and actually do a bit of cooking. It will make you feel better that there is something exciting to eat. JUst made oven fried chicken last might. Took the skin off the chicken, Rolled it in Bisquick and a bit of bread crumbs salt and pepper, sprayed it with pam, and baked it till it was crispy. Kind of fun. I'm just making a suggestion to try and make food more interesting and not so mundane. Sometimes it works. Good luck!</p> <p>NN32</p>
  10. NN32

    December Bandsters

    Maurdan, I hear you about the head crap. I struggle with trying not to eat. SOmetimes at night it is like someone is luring me into the kitchen and then of course you know how the rest of it goes. Keep up the good work. I little encouragement goes a long way. Remember that you didi this for you and you deserve it, so treat yourself good. NN32
  11. NN32

    December Bandsters

    Yes Lucky Girl. THe port has become much more noticeable for me too. I have lost 30 since surgery 12/7/06, but lost 30 before the surgery, So its about 60 all together. I guess when I look at it that way it doesnt sound so bad. But yeah, the port sometime ittitates me if I wear a pair of jeans with a belt also. Oh well, a minimal price to pay for the convenience NN32
  12. NN32

    December Bandsters

    Welcome Gettin Skinny. I am a returning Dec. Bandster. I have come back for support. Good luck to you
  13. NN32

    December Bandsters

    Hey There All, Its been a while since I've been here. I hope all of you are doing well. Me, Not so good. Having a really hard time with this weight loss. I dont get too much time for excercise, although I really enjoy it, and have been getting pretty good. 29 minutes on an elliptical machine. BUrns 300 calories. Not too shabby when you think about how many calories you consume every day. But I stopped counting, and started doing things like eating cookies and milk. So weight loss is slow, but I'm tying to get back on track. Just Had my 3rd fill Now I'm at 1.75. Feeling a little embarrassed that the last fill was not enough. I dont know. I guess I'll see how it goes for now. NN32
  14. NN32

    December Bandsters in March!

    Hey bandsters, I havent poseted in a little while, thoought I'd give you all an update. I went to the DR Yesterdy for my first follow up since my first fill (1cc). I lost 9 lbs in 6 weeks. I was happy about that, enev though it didnt seem like 9 lbs. He adjusted my band again because of the hunger issue. I get hungry quickly, can eat pizza and just about everything else except Italian bread. BUt now, supposed to be on fluids for 2 days, went against Drs order and had some pizza with the kids,(it smelled sooooooo goooood), well, that landed me with my head in the toilet. So much for pizza. So I hope I am not too tight, but porbabally too soon to tell. I definitely feel different. Other that that, I am trying to wish the weight away, and sometimes when I look in the mirror I feel like it might be working, and then reality sets in. I would like to wear a bathing suit with a single digit this summer, although I dont know if that will happen. As for my march goals, so far so goo, although my schedule is kind of tough. I have vowed no eating after 7 pm. broke that 3 time this week. Excercise 3-4 times a week, no excercise this week, but have scheduled for tomorrow morning, and more Water, right now i am indunging in a cocktail. kids are asleep. So I am trying to keep it together, although my head still wants to eat. My head wants a huge bowl of sugary Cereal, but my body wont fit it. My head also says look for anything else to eat, but my body says "if you do you will be sorry" So for now just the cocktail. 1.5 oz of Gin and diet calorie free tonic. So its not as many calories as it could be. Well, thanks for listening. See you in the morning.:kiss2:
  15. NN32

    December Bandsters in March!

    Bannanie, Im ok on my march goals. NOt perfect, but trying. If I get off track, its tough to get back. Motivation is tough when the scale is not moveing. Just started to see some changes form my goals. I was a lete starter, but so far not so bad.
  16. NN32

    December Bandsters in March!

    Hey jill, its hard to get the metabolism going. I have been reading some literature form the biggest looser. They suggest varying your cardio activities and increase from 3.0 to 3.5 or more and then flip flop. Longer time at slower speed, and then try to burn as many calories as you can in a shorter time frame. You can use that toyour advantage and then trick your body when you excercise at different times of the day. Then your body gets confused and winds up burning more calories on average per day. They put out a little booklet which has these little tips in it. I found it at the grocery store, but you can find out alot of this stuff from the web site although it is limited unless you pay for the site. I chose the 4.00 booklet as opposed to the fee for the month. Also tells you not to eat carbs after 3pm, water consumption, how many calories tyou need to loose weight etc.. Hope this info might help a bit. Good luck. NN32
  17. NN32

    December Bandsters in March!

    Denise, I have had onlt 1 fill and have only lost 15 lbs since Dec 7th, 06. Right now the scale has just started to move, and not because of the adjuxstment of 1cc. Its because I am limiting myself to 1000 - 1200 calories a day using my calorie counter . com and getting excercise in 3-4 times a week. 3 rules I made for march, more Water, excercise 3-4 times a week and no eating after 7. It might be a good starting point for you. I needed to start with small changes so I didnt get discouraged. The band has made me not want to eat bread, it just doesnt agree with me. But I can still eat a whole slice of sicilian pizza. Gi figure. Good luck Nicole
  18. NN32

    December Bandsters in March!

    <p><p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Hey Deb, sounds like you might be in need of scheduling "me time" I can relate to your situation. I have 2 kids hubby wks 2 jobs, and while I dont work full time I do go to schol full time and have to run my kids all over the place. You need to evaluate your schedule and try to fit something in. If I cant make it to the Gym I do the tae boe 8 minute workout. Its not alot of time but if you try to do the excercises best you can you can get your heart rate up to burn some calories. That 8 minutes burns about 175 -200 cqlories. That could be a whole meal when you compare calories. Good luck, and I wish you the best.<img src="images/smilies/clap2.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Clap2" smilieid="217" class="inlineimg" /></p> <p> </p> <p>MArch Challenge</p> <p>No eating after 7:30</p> <p>Gym 3-4 times/week</p> <p>Drink more water</p></p>
  19. NN32

    December Bandsters in March!

    Hey all, I've been gone for a bit ana am so glad to have returned for the motivation that I am lacking. I have been trying to be goo, but had a bad bad, bad weekend, and I am tring to get on track. I would like to state for the record that my goals for March are simple. I would like to excercise consistently 3-4 times a week, drink more water and stop eating after 7pm. I think that these are reasonable achievable goals, and we will see what they yield at the end. Have been following Biggest Looser caloric charts Calories in vs calries out, and keep track with Mycaloriecounter.com. I wish everyone luck achieving their goals.
  20. Sometimes I can eat so much its like I'm not even banded. I am down almost 20 lbs since surgury 12/7/06. I have had a 1cc fill and can still eat an entire slice of sicilian pizza, which I know is a no no , but it was so good! So good that it bothered me for 2 days. Wasnt quite right since this weekend but I am feeling better. I have been trying to follow the caloric intake factors from the BIggest Looser, and have even adapted some of their low calorie east meals like 1 bannana for breakfast with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of crushed bran flakes. Very satisfying and low in calories if you can handle the sugar. Also try to micromanage calorie input vs output, and mycaloriecounter.com is great for point and click tracking. Doing this has made my gym workouts more productive, in that I dont see the numbers dropping off the scale, but my clothes are fitting in a much nicer way.
  21. NN32

    December Bandsters in February!

    I got a really bad cold about 2 weeks after surgery, and It was hell. I was sick and trying to adjust to foods and I was so sor from coughing I thought I was going to rupture the sutures or something. Try taking the cough medicine a little bit before your supposed to so you never hit the end of the cycle of medicine in your body helping to keep the cough at bay so you dont get sore. I'm no Dr, but it helped a bit. NN32:omg:
  22. NN32

    December Bandsters in February!

    Dear Vlynn, I feel like I wrote your message. I have the same food issues and I had a fill 2 weeks ago and I have not lost any weight. I too have been using my calorie counter and find it very useful to stay within a certain caloric range, but I still stray and want to eat everything lately. I hope we all try to stay on track. I am meeting witrh nutritionist on March 5th and then with Dr on the 8th well see how it goes. NN32
  23. NN32

    Why are YOU Fat?

    This is a fantastic thread. It is frustrating when you know why you are fat and then nobody believes you. I have a binge eating problem, and I fear the feeling of hunger. When I start eating I can't stop and even when I tell myself to stop I sometimes cant. I have to verbally tell me to stop, and then try to listen. I have spoken to my psychologist during evaluations for surgery, but she said we all do that to some degree. The nutritionist told me to make a different room in the house my favorite, my husband says I just eat big portions, (thats is because I don't usually binge in front of him). My skinny family doesn't understand why I cant loose weight. Its a battle I am fighting all by myself. I had my first almost vomiting experience after my first fill when I started to binge on cold macaroni. Now when I eat I have to try and convince myself that I will not get hungry right away, or that a cereal bar is enough for me to eat. I was banded 12/7 and have lost 25 lbs, but 45 lbs since I started the journey. I am trying to be the best I can, and I know the band is a tool and I am using it that way, and have incorporated excercise into my normal week, so far so good, but this is really hard, especially when someone says "you can eat that?" or tells me "you cant eat that". I want to scream. I hope you are all well on your journey and thaks for listening.
  24. NN32

    December Bandsters

    Okie : Good job on the meals today. Lucky: How many grams in eggs? Although I should probabally look on the package...in the morning. Thanks for the info. Anybody know if the chat room works? I see people in it sometimes but never see any conversations. Not that there is anyone viewing this thread as we speak at 11:08pm. But if any body knows... Goodnight
  25. NN32

    December Bandsters

    HISNHERS - I hear ya about the scale whore thing

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