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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shues138

  1. shues138

    Getting A Fill Prior To Flying On Vacation?

    Wow I never knew that! And you know what's funny, I'm the type of person on a flight I have to drink alcohol to wash down my xanax (I have a HUGE fear of flying) and I noticed the last time I was on a plane, it took me forever to finish a bloody mary. Also, fyi, if you don't live in a higher altitude area, that will mess with your restriction. We went on a cross country trip, and when we were at the Grand Canyon (alt 10,000 feet), I couldn't even eat ravioli! I felt like crap! And on top of that it was TOM which restricts me even more. My dad goes "you know the altitude may have tightened your band up" he was right because when we got to Las Vegas, I was fine! Have fun in San Diego! Good luck!
  2. shues138

    Just Feeling Blah!

    Nothing much to report back on solids again, had a chobani for b/fast with some granola (1 T) and yogurt covered raisins (1 T), was feeling fine until an hour before I could eat again and my stomach is growling, I know that's not "real" hunger but it's annoying. Wooo talking about "real" hunger, um let's see what have I learned this week: headaches and fatigue for me = hunger. On Tuesday, I had a huge headache, I was still on liquids per mds orders so I thought "well maybe I'm hungry" made myself a protein shake and sure enough voila! Problem solved! Yesterday, I was so tired that I ordered a cup of coffee (something I don't usually do after 4pm) and a packet of veggie cream cheese (since I was still on mushies) at D & D and I don't know if it was the coffee or the cream cheese, but once I got home, I was ready to go kick some @$$ at the gym! So, I think I figured when my stomach is growling, that's just my body being pissed off. When I have headaches or am about to fall asleep standing up, that's hunger. Also I ordered a Keurig for my office, I really do think I need a pep in my step in the afternoon. It's 1:30pm here and I'm yawning! Have a good weekend! I'll be back on Monday!!!
  3. I know this may be a dumb question, but I found a vegetable dish I want to try for my 1/2 cup of veggie serving, but there is no nutritional info for the recipe. Should I just figure out what the total calories of the dish are and divide it by how many 1/2 cup servings there are?
  4. Thanks ladies I'm def trying that app out!
  5. UGH is it Friday yet???

  6. UGH is it Friday yet???

  7. shues138


    Good luck you'll do fine! Just write what's on your mind, I just do it for accountability so I don't slack off! So if you don't hear from me, send me a message! BTW I don't blog on the weekends though lol.
  8. shues138

    One Day Closer To Friday!

    It's crazy, every time I get a fill I have to be on liquids the day of the fill, and the day after, and then the next two days on mushies then by Friday solid foods. It's like starting all over again! Keep up the good work you'll do fine!
  9. shues138

    One Day Closer To Friday!

    Nothing new to report, still on mushies, will finally be able to eat solid food tomorrow!!! YAY!!!! From what I've been eating with my mushies, I think I may have hit the green zone, or my stomach could be a little swollen, we shall see, keeping my fingers crossed!!!!
  10. shues138

    18 months Post-Op - A SUCCESS!

    I read your blog religiously it is such an inspiration! Thank you so much! I didn't know you were on these forums too, good to know
  11. shues138

    Waiting On Cigna's Approval

    I work in the healtcare industry and I think it's ricidiculous that doctor's say "don't call your insurance company it'll delay the process". You are paying for your benefits you have the right to call your insurance company, the only delay an insurance rep would have is reading the documentation of who called for what and when. I called my insurance company at least once a day, even though I was denied. Persistance does pay off. I wouldn't suggest calling once a day, but 2 weeks is a long time for an approval, and I would just to be curious. And if they did approve it request the approval letter to be faxed over to the doctor's office asap. Hope I could help sorry about the rant! LOL.
  12. shues138

    What The Heck Happened To Me?

    First of all, it's been so long that I've been on this forum, I don't even remember writing a blog so long ago....wow! It's so sad that I kind of fell off the earth after March of 2007. Well I'm back and I'm going to be blogging every day! I don't care if no one reads this or everyone reads this I need all the support I can get!!!! So today was the first day I was really HUNGRY!!! After being completely unfilled two weeks ago, and then filled last Monday with only 1.75 ccs in a 4 cc band, I was thinking to myself "oh I may be in the green zone I'm not hungry between meals" YEAH RIGHT!!! My stomach is growling so loud I could wake up the dead (I work down the hallway from a morgue in a healthcare facility so it could happen lol). Also my boyfriend took me out to dinner for our anniversary (one year) to a sushi restaurant, and I ate a LOT of sushi, so not proud of that, but it was good. I'm not eating lunch until about 2pm or so since I'll eat dinner late. And also with this blog I'm going to write (type?) down everything I put in my mouth. This may get boring since I eat the same thing almost every day, but here goes nothing: Early AM-1 cup skim milk 1 scoop pure protein powder B (9am)-1 container of peach chobani yogurt 1 T Bearnaked protein power granola 1 T yogurt covered raisins L (2pm)- 4 oz of baked shrimp (jumbo size) 1/2 cup green bean casserole (soooo tired of this if anyone has creative vegetable side dishes please comment!!!) D (7pm)- 4 oz of baked shrimp 1/2 cup green bean casserole Post Gym Snack (who knows what time?)-2 tablespoons trail mix 45 minutes on the elliptical at the gym I find it so funny about what I used to ate right after I got banded and how the rules have changed I guess. It seems like now the majority is 3-4 oz of protein, then a half cup of veggies then if you have room carbs, I'm so not interested in carbs anymore....
  13. shues138

    What The Heck Happened To Me?

    @insanejane there is a recipe floating around this forum for a "pizza" recipe without crust/bread. Basically you take shredded cheese and sprinkle it on a pan, which would be your "crust" then you add your toppings. Try the portobello mushroom pizza it's so good! I love portobello mushrooms though
  14. shues138

    6 Lbs Down In Two Weeks!

    Went to the MD yesterday afternoon, and I lost 6 lbs from my last visit there on 1/16. So proud of myself! Sometime I feel like I'm not working "hard enough" at losing weight, but I guess I am because the scales don't lie! Signed up for the February weight loss challenge, my goal is to lose ten pounds, let's see how it goes. The MD yesterday put 2.5 ccs in a 4 cc band this is the most I've ever had in this band, and she told me I have plenty of room left to be filled, which felt wonderful. The last time the APRN put 2 ccs in and said "there's not much left from here, if you don't lose weight I'm going to have to have an RX written out for diet pills" so I think who you are working with makes a great difference. The MD is definetly more positive than the APRN (isn't how that always goes?) So today, I'm on a liquid diet, Wednesday and Thursday "mushies" and Friday back to normal eating. I'm hoping I hit my sweet spot, but I won't get impatient if I don't. Went to the gym last night as well, 30 minutes on the elliptical, going tonight for 35 minutes. Also booked my trip to Key West we are going March 24-31, and flying directly into Key West, which I'm nervous about since I don't like to fly in the first place and the flight into Key West is going to be on a small plane!!!!! Wish me luck! Have a good day everyone!
  15. shues138

    6 Lbs Down In Two Weeks!

    No I go to my surgeon for my fills and for a while his APRN was doing the fills (now the APRN and another surgeon, who didn't do my lap-band surgery, but did remove my gall bladder and I love her to death) do my fills. The APRN was the one who suggested the RX diet pills, her attitude is "hurry up and lose the weight"
  16. Good for you, I'm on the same boat as you (minus the slip), since being back on the "band wagon" I've lost 19 pounds and a total of 27 pounds since my pre-op weight. I was getting lazy and not going in for fills and I don't think I ever found my "green zone" so far I have 2.5 ccs in a 4 cc band, got my fill on Monday so I haven't had any solid food yet (Friday) to see how it's going. It takes a lot of patience and I'm not giving up this time! Good luck and if you need a buddy I'm right here!
  17. shues138

    Today Is Surgery Day!

    Good luck see you on the banded side!!!
  18. shues138

    Be My Valentine Challenge

    So today is the official start day of the "Be My Valentine Challenge" looking forward to it, my goal is to lose ten pounds by the end of February, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. So glad to be eating mushies today, was on liquids all day yesterday and it was no fun! On top of that I worked overtime, and I did not give up on the gym, and why is it when I'm at the gym there are a ton of food commercials on? Really???? This morning I was up at 3am, I've been doing that every night, I wish it would stop because it makes me so tired in the afternoon! Well time to get my day started, have a sick cat at home (Buddy), or he could be faking it, I don't know. All I want to do is get my day over get home and make sure he's okay, I'm such an animal lover. All he did was cough a little this morning and I freaked out, almost called the vet at 6am! But I'm just going to monitor how he's doing because he's eating and drinking, going to the bathroom, and is not hiding or acting depressed. I think he did it for attention (the coughing) to get me out of bed so he could eat!!! Yes, I am the cat lady (just kidding!) Have a wonderful day!!!!
  19. shues138

    Out Of Surgery!

  20. shues138

    I Beat It!

    Good job! Keep up the good work, it's amzing how our bodies react to doing something that is good for it (ie excercise, eating right) by not losing weight, but 4 lbs is amazing!
  21. shues138

    It Was A Nice Feeling...

    YAY! I forgot how fun the Wii fit was, I have to get some batteries and start it up again!
  22. shues138

    Be My Valentine Challenge

    This will be my first weight loss challenge, so I'm going to give it a go! Name, real or screen~ shues 138 (andrea) Goal weight for Febuary 29th~ 285 Weight on Febuary 1st~ 295 Age~ 28 31(lol) Dietary goal for Febuary~ Stay below 1000 calories/day Exercise goal for Febuary~ At least 4 days a week Personal goal for Febuary~ Not to go crazy lol Date banded~ 1/26/2007 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 27 lbs (fell off the wagon, back on again) Do you have any Valentines day plans (How do you plan to handle Valentines dinner)~ Going for hibachi I think, which I usually take leftovers home for the next day.
  23. shues138

    Weekend Is Over :(

    Had a great weekend, including Friday. Friday I tried to not write down what I ate and just concentrated on how much I was eating, and to be honest I had a really hard time with it. It's definetly mind over matter which sucks and I'm hoping I can work on that eventually. Anyway, Friday night went to the dbf house for dinner, he ordered Chinese, I had crabmeat rangoon and a small thing of pork fried rice and that filled me up. Saturday I was cleaning like crazy all day, I had eggbeaters with cheese and some sausage in the morning, a chobani with some granola and yogurt raisins for lunch and had corned beef, cabbage and carrots for dinner (corned beef is disgusting! Never tried it before, not my favorite cut of meat, dbf loved it!). On Sunday my parents called me early in the morning and wanted to meet up in Newburgh, NY for brunch (Newburgh is halfway between the two of us, they live in NY I live in CT). So much fun I don't know why we didn't think of doing this sooner. It's an inconvenience for me to drive 3 hours back and forth, and I usually have to take a half day off on Friday, this worked out perfect. I had a mushroom and cheese omlette some hashbrowns and rye toast, and that's all I ate for the day, except for a handful of trail mix. Today I'm back at work, I'm hoping the week goes by quick, I took next Monday off, to recover from Super Bowl (go pats!). I have an appointment at my surgeon today at 4pm, I'm nervous to see how much I lose/don't lose in the past two weeks, my last appointment was on January 16th and I was down 21 pounds from my weight on my surgery date. I'm hoping they bump me up to 2 ccs in my band and see if that helps, if not it's only 4 weeks and I go back again for another fill. NOT GIVING UP THIS TIME!
  24. shues138

    Having To Start A New Beginning

    I was in the same situation that you were, and this year I finally "woke up" and got with the program, I've been excercising and eating right, so far I only have 1.75 cc in a 4 cc band, but I'm going today to the mds for a fill. Good luck with everything we can all do this together!
  25. shues138

    3Rd Day Post Op Questions

    With any surgery, your body is going through a major trauma, so your body will adjust. After any surgery I've had, I lose any and all appetite as well. Make sure to drink plenty of Water though, because the last thing you want to be is constipated! It happend to me after my lap-band surgery it was no fun! Best of luck on your new journey!!!! Also in regards to the steri strips itching, don't scratch just kind of tap them, it helps somewhat.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
