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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Stacy160

  1. Stacy160

    Pounds to Drop a Clothing Size

    The heavier you are, the more weight it takes to downsize. It took me probably 40 lbs. before I went down a size in the beginning... now it takes about 10 lbs.
  2. Stacy160

    sucker punched last night

    Sure you'll be able to have a meal like that.... eventually!! We eat burgers all the time--I just have mine small, and on a plate instead of on a bun (bread is WAY too filling and icky feeling to have much of now, unless toasted). And salad... yummmmmm, love love. At first when you're back on regular solids, you might not get the "mental" satisfaction out of it, even when you can eat it, 'cause just a couple of bites will do ya. But you will get back to the point where you DO feel like you're eating a full meal, even though it might be just 1/4 of what you'd have eaten before.
  3. You need to tell them that you regret letting any of them know about it, that you're proceeding with it no matter what, you don't need their negativity, and that you won't be discussing it with them at work at all from now on... and then stick to it. When they ask questions later on ("So how much have you lost?") give a quick vague answer and move on... let your results and your further actions speak for themselves--that'll shut them up.
  4. Stacy160


    I'm not on anything yet, but at 45 I'm firmly into peri-menopause. Might be getting a period every couple of months... my last one, IF it was even one, lasted about 4 days and I didn't even have to wear anything, it was so hardly there. As I mentioned in the Wellbutrin thread, I'm gonna try that again--not only do I have the irritability, but I also have no libido at all, and can not get this last 20-25 lbs off. Wellbutrin is supposed to be good for both, and I know from past experience it's definitely helpful with bedroom matters! I'm kind of nervous--no, very nervous--about HRT since my mom had breast cancer 10 years ago that was feeding heavily off her estrogen.
  5. Yeah, actually that does sound like a LOT for three weeks out. A 36 bougie should give you tons of restriction. At this point you should still be measuring what you eat (by volume, not by weight)... with severed nerve endings still healing in there, you might not be getting the feeling of being full even when you're stretching your healing stomach to capacity. Last thing you want do do now is bust open the staple line!
  6. Ick, how not fun would that be??
  7. Stacy160


    You know, I was just thinking today that I should go see my PCP and talk about trying Wellbutrin again, for several reasons: I'm peri-menopausal, and while I'm not having wild mood swings or anything, I generally feel irritated a lot of the time, I get mad easier, and I also have absolutely NO sex drive. I enjoy it once we get into it, but have no desire at all to get things started, ever. I had my gyno start me on it a few years ago, partly because I was under a ton of stress at the time and it was starting to affect me, but mostly because I also heard it was great for weight loss (it's also used to help people stop smoking). I was only on it for 3 weeks because after 2 weeks, I started getting really itchy spots all over my ankles, which at first I thought were bug bites.. until one day when I got really hot at the zoo and broke out in hives all over the place. A little online research showed that to be one of the side-effects. Damn! Because I can say that YES, definitely in those three weeks I noticed an increase in drive. Also, hopefully this is not way TMI, but I was able to hit The Big O during regular intercourse, which is very rare these days (God love the 40s, wheee). So yeah, like you I think I may see about trying it again before the weather gets warm, and see if I still have the same reaction (with the hives--I can hope that it still affects me the other way too! )
  8. Stacy160

    Hiatal Hernia repair - healing

    I had one repaired during my VSG surgery and I don't think it affected my recovery at all... I still think I had it really smooth and easy afterwards.
  9. Stacy160

    Sleeve Medicare Appeal

    Last I knew, Medicare did not pay for VSG at all -- if that's changed, great!! I'm surprised the surgeon's office didn't try to get approval beforehand...I've never heard of anyone getting the surgery and then submitting it to insurance afterward. If you have reasons why you couldn't have RNY (have to take NSAIDs, for instance, or other intestinal problems keeping you from being bypassed) then you might try an appeal based on that... people have won their appeals in the same situation with other insurances.
  10. I'm right there with ya too, buddy... I only have 10-12 lbs to get to my original goal--but that's been for the last 6 months. Thankfully I've learned that I can maintain beautifully, but dammit I'm not done!! My hubby is naturally thin too and at 40, wears the same size pants as he did in high school. The creep. (He's wonderful.) He also has the sweet tooth from hell and is a monster chocoholic--right now there are Hershey bars, double chocolate chip Cookies, and half a chocolate cherry cake right out there in the kitchen in plain view. *sigh* We can do this... we're sooooo close!
  11. Stacy160


    Oooh!!! I want it! Right between the eyebrows is where I need it too. Sometimes I think I look irritated when I'm not, and I think my new glasses only emphasize it. I didn't now that it was starting to get so cheap... hmmmm, think I'm gonna look further into this!!
  12. Stacy160

    Awesome NSV

    5 MILES!! That is huuuuuuge girl!! From hardly being able to go to the mailbox?? Wow. WOW, way to be your own inspiration!! And I have to thank you because this really pounds into my head that I really have no excuse for not doing what I should be doing. So I'm going to finish perusing my online spots, finish having coffee, and at 10:00 I'm gonna shut this thing off, work out, then get on the treadmill and run. Yes, run -- something I tried dozens of times in my life and could never do. And YOU will be doing it too! I strongly advocate the Couch to 5K program. It's what finally worked for me (and I tried running not-fat lots of times too). Thank you for posting such inspiration and way to go!
  13. I make KILLER cabbage soup.... it's more appropriate for when you hit purees and beyond, and I don't know how to make anything in small batches (so this will fill up a big pot) but here's that recipe: You need: 1 head of cabbage couple of carrots one green pepper a medium-sized onion 2 large cans of diced tomatoes about 3 lbs of chicken (I prefer thighs) and a can or two of chicken broth, OR about 3 lbs of ground beef and a can or two of beef broth (I like to make my stuff good and meaty!) salt & pepper, or whatever seasoning you like with the chicken I like to throw in some basil, garlic A1 STEAK SAUCE *or generic equivalent) - - very important secret ingredient!! hot sauce if you like any little zing at all That sounds like a lot of stuff, but it really is quick and easy to make. So, to put it together: - cook your meat, cut up the chicken if that's what you use (you can have it going while you're getting the veggies going in the big pot). I like to season with a little garlic salt too, and a little A1 if it's burger. - dice up your peppers, onions, and carrots and cook them til tender in a bit of broth with a little salt & pepper. When they're done, dump in your tomatoes, juice and all. - you can either shred your cabbage or cut it up... I prefer to cut it into pieces about a half inch wide by about an inch long. Add it to the pot and stir in. Also, add enough broth that you can see it, but not so much that the soup is actually real soupy. Add your meat, about 1/4 cup of steak sauce, and if you like, a little hot sauce. I like JUST enough that after I swallow a bit, there's just the very slightest suggestion of heat there. Once the cabbage is tender you're done! This should puree very nicely in a blender and you'll have enough to freeze and last forEVER if it's just you eating it. As with any recipe, you can add, subtract and tweak ingredients as you please.
  14. I went back at one week, one month, three, six, nine, and twelve months, and now it's every six months for the next year or two. Week one consisted of a weigh-in, drain removal, steri-strip removal, and general chat about how everything was going. From then on it's been basically weighing in and talking about whatever comes up, any questions he has or I have. The follow-ups usually go really quickly.
  15. Stacy160

    Am I wrong to feel this way?

    It sounds like she had good intentions, but is just completely clueless...it was a very stupid, thoughtless thing, with the ice cream and the cake, but she probably doesn't even realize she did anything but celebrate your birthday with you.
  16. Stacy160

    The best NSV thus far ! ! !

    WOOOO-HOOOOO, what great news!! HUGE congrats to you and your family!!
  17. You know, I never tried the kind with honey because although I love honey, the combination just did not sound good to me at all. But at the grocery store last week, they were demo'ing the Fage with honey and the one with strawberry, and I actually really liked the one with honey. That was a nice surprise!
  18. The yogurt that tastes so wonderful right out of the container has already been flavored and sweetened...ya know? ANY plain yogurt tastes disgusting, whether it's Greek or not. On the other hand, it makes a fantastic substitute for sour cream! Try adding some sweetener and flavoring (I like to just use vanilla and Splenda or Truvia).
  19. Am I reading it right that you're just two weeks out from surgery tomorrow?
  20. Stacy160

    Tried Zumba today...

    Isn't it a BLAST?!? I went to my first class Monday afternoon and absolutely loved it. The only things I wasn't thrilled about were that it's inside a roller rink (not a problem in itself) and the lighting was dim, and my eyes are very blurry in dim light. Plus the instructor didn't introduce herself or even greet me, even though there were only about 10 people there and she couldn't have missed me. But, it's only 10 minutes from home and I fully intended on going back Wednesday and getting the 10-session package. BUT, then I found out that a gal from my brother's class in high school, who's danced forever, has won awards, has been teaching forever, has a class that's 12 minutes from here, and cheaper. OMG, what a difference.... it's in an old Arthur Murray building so it's an actual dance studio. Beautiful wood floor, good lighting, mirrors all around... I danced for years as a kid and it just felt good being in there. Plus, SHE was very friendly and fun, other people in the class introduced themselves, and I just had a great time. This class is Zumba Toning, which is still latin dance-based, but they also use these weighted, elongated dumbbell like things to incorporate a lot of upper-body toning while you're dancing, and a lot of lunging and squatting. Oh, and the "sticks" as they call them, have little beanies in each end, so as you're moving with the music they rattle like marraccas! It's a riot. OMG, I'm rambling...sorry, I'm not even through my first cup of coffee this morning so hopefully this has been at least marginally coherent. Anyway, I'm off to class in a little while--Saturday class is 90 minutes, WOOO!!! ZUMBA ROCKS!! Have a great day everyone!
  21. Stacy160

    NEW PCP wants to try Adipex

    Well, what'll happen with the Adipex is that you'll lose weight, all right -- you'll also have hot flashes, get unbearably, painfully constipated, become a simmering pot of fury for no apparent reason, and then when you go off of it, you'll gain back everything you lost - quicky - and then some. Seriously though, that was my experience, totally not exaggerating.
  22. Stacy160

    Daily Carbohydrate Intake

    Those of you who can lose simply with low calories, more power to ya. Unfortunately some of us are VERY carb-sensitive. I can maintain easily enough by eating normally, but I can ONLY lose weight if I keep the carbs under 40 grams, no matter where the calories end up.
  23. Stacy160

    changing sizes......

    The heavier you start, the more weight you'll have to lose (initially) before going down sizes. I started (day of surgery) at 246, and lost probably 30 lbs before my clothes finally got SO baggy that I absolutely couldn't wear them to work any more lol. Then the next couple of sizes were about 15 lbs apart, and now it takes me about 10 lbs. in between sizes. I started at a 20 (really was a tight 20/should have been 22 at my highest of 258) and and now solidly in size 10 at 170 lbs, and an 8 in my lying jeans (Riders). Looking to lose about another 20-25 lbs or so, and the thought that I could be in a size 6 by the time this is over is almost unfathomable. OH, you also asked about buying clothes tight -- I've bought several pairs of pants that were way too tight to wear when I got them, knowing that I would be into them within a matter of weeks. Many of those are now in the Too Big box. As has been mentioned, your best bet is to frequent Goodwill and Salvation Army... spending $3.50 on a pair of pants is much better than spending $20-30 when you're only going to be wearing them for a month or two!
  24. [edited] Whoops, didn't see that you got it resolved. Yay!
  25. Stacy160

    long road ahead

    Nope, that doesn't sound too fun. With all the sweetness you get those first few weeks, from the Protein drinks, Jello, popsicles, etc., what really got me through were the creamed Soups. They're not something you're going to want to have much of once you get more into regular foods, but this early out you're SO calorie-restricted that they won't slow you down (the carbs, sodium, etc). Cream of mushroom, chicken, etc... just make sure you strain them to get the chunks out. My absolute saving grace was tomato Soup. A little tomato soup with a spoonful of plain Greek yogurt (an excellent substitute for sour cream) was heaven for me at the end of the day, after drinking all that sweet stuff all day long! A couple of days before my pureed stage, I'd sprinkle a little bit of shredded cheese on the top and let it melt. At this stage you can also have yogurt. Your best bet is plain Greek (Fage, Oikos), sweetened yourself with whatever you can think of. Some people mix sugar-free jelly in there (probably not jam at this stage, don't want seeds or anything). My favorite thing was, and is, just some vanilla extract and either Splenda or Truvia. If you have Kroger stores where you live, they have a house brand called Carbmaster which is also an excellent choice... high protein, low cal, very low carb (3 grams). That's about all I can remember at the moment! I know the stages seem to last forever, but in a few weeks you'll probably be nervous and think "already?" when it's time to add whole foods back in. Then you can get really creative!

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