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Everything posted by thsisme

  1. thsisme

    fifties and pre-op surgery support

    i had my surgery last year in August and i am 52 y/o. Your feelings are normal. educate yourself and continue to go forward. follow your doctor's program, identify your questions and get them answered.everyone has a slightly different experience. hair loss some of us experience it. i did, fortunately my hair loss was medium to the point where you could see my scalp. 7 months out my hair is growing back. make sure you take your vitamins.
  2. do you lie flat? i had to elevate my head when lying down for the first couple of months after surgery. the position gave my stomach a chance to calm down and keep from being irritated by extreme positional changes. also try drinking something warm when you first get up
  3. Babyk welcome back! Forgive your past and know that you are starting out with a new outlook. Look forward and not back. Ristriction is a goal that everyone strives for and is not necessarily reached with 2-3 fills. Some say it might even take 6-8 fills. I believe it is an individual thing depending upon our bodies and it's response to the fluid in the band.
  4. it does get better continue to walk as much as you can. try drinking some peppermint tea, warm to see if it will assist your stomach in settling down. The nausea could be from the stomach being swollen. Hang in there!
  5. i'm finding that there are those (not everyone) who have had WLS are defenders that their way is the only way and all other types of WLS is wrong! Heatherinca stated it best....to each his/her own.... What is right for one is not right for another. We as advocates for our own bodies and psyches choose which WLS is best for us as individuals and it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Whether you are 80 lbs or 280lbs over weight it matters how you feel about yourself and as long as it is appropriate and the method that you participate in is your choice is the only thing that counts. imho.... Sometimes people cannot focus on the bigger picture that what should be celebrated is that both of you are doing something that is positive and will be rewarding in the long run. Don't let her get you down, it is sad that she is in school to further her education, perhaps learn that the world is not as black and white as she has previously been led to believe only to be trapped in her own narrow minded world....With that I am almost done with my own snarkiness! Mrs Cabes " look like a deflated balloon" too funny! LOL you have made my day! I am now done with being snarky!
  6. thsisme

    diet guidance please

    Take a look at your protein intake to ensure that you are meeting your protein goals. if you need to you can increase your protein. I would suggest that you give you doc's office a call too!. Good luck.
  7. mandy congrats! Hoping to get there myself in a few weeks. Been at a stall for the last couple of weeks, but I am determined to get there! Thanks for the inspiring post! Keep up the great work.
  8. 66 thou is a bit high. Usually from the hospital that covers all medications, supplies, etc...however with that said the hospital generally has a contract with the insurance company and the charges are capped at whatever amount has been negotiated. Usually, this means that the hospital inflates their charges and will only see a portion of it and then they charge you a co-pay based upon your insurance and then in writing will write the rest off. Why they do it? I am not a finacial wizard, but you are not seen as a self pay when the insurance is paying and usually more and more hospitals are reducing their costs to the bare minimum (some at cost) and then make it up with other means of payor sources. I think self payers are givent he reduced amount due to the decreased amount of labor put into the paperwork and whatever else goes into generating a claim with inusrance companies. Just my thoughts.....
  9. Happy b-day! have a great one and wishes for many more good happenings in your life for the coming year!
  10. no loss this week. starting interval training this week.Everyone have a great week
  11. I did not have to do any special diet pre-op. just liquids 24 hours before surgery and then nothing by mouth 8 hours before surgery.
  12. Glad to hear that your visit went well! I can only imagine the relief you are feeling. Sometimes the length of the trip is worth it!
  13. PaminL.A. I see that we have the same surgeon! Dr. Korman is the best! I live over in Culver City and work in downtown L.A. I am 52 y/o
  14. Skinny, start at the basics. keep / start a food/exercise journal. call your doc up get an appt. see if you need a fill and think about getting back to feeling good about yourself. As a mom you know that the better you feel about yourself the more it reflects over to your children. Do this for yourself and I wish you luck. let me know how you're doing!
  15. Sandy1, Southern CA here at the age of 52 was banded last August and it was the best thing that I have done for myself. Cheryl1952, you have not failed, just got caught on a bump in the road of life. Start at square one with your physician's plan (like when you were first banded) and get back on track. You can do this.
  16. Amber K I am so sorry to hear of your trials, on the other hand I m glad that you are making a change and seeking adequate and well deserved support and care that you deserve. We have enough to work at without having to battle with our healthcare team. Good luck!
  17. thsisme

    I can't believe this!

    happy b-day neighbor!
  18. thsisme

    BetsyB where are you

    Ditto! Betsy, we hope that you are alright and doing well. I loved your thoughts and reasoning.
  19. i think Zenida has it right. We need to celebrate the weight that we have lost and know that it is weight that we would not have lost before this process. Kelley, I think that you should give yourself a pat on the back for knowing where you are and how you got there. You haven't given up and that is the key. This process is about learning how to deal with the life adjustments that comes with the path that we have chosen to travel. I know that I have been blessed in my journey and that I continue to learn about this process and how my body is reacting to changes that I am making. Am I perfect in this process no, but I continue to learn form others here in this forum and am grateful for the opportunity to not have to travel this road alone. Shadena continue on I share in your happiness for you! How exciting is it to be so close to your goal!
  20. down 5 lbs for for this week! climbing stairs and increasing exercise paid off.
  21. Corinnerae, you go girl! Joycie, keep the faith at least your working the process, nothing is perfect, so we try and try again as frustrating as that sounds. This is a learning process for us all! hnag in there! JanB sorry to hear about your tendon, must hurt like the devil. I am jealous....a holiday trip. what a great goal to work towards!
  22. Jill congrats! you look marvolous! you give us all hope and motivation.
  23. thsisme

    incision opened

    This sometimes happens. keep the wound dry. After you shower (depending upon ypur surgeon's instructions as to when you can shower) pat dry. you might want to go to your local drug store and pick up some steri strips to place them over the incision, good luck.
  24. Molly thanks for doing this! I'm in.
  25. thsisme

    emotions vs food lover

    I too am an emotional eater...especially when I am stressed which is 50% of my work life! I knew this before being banded and started mentally preparing for the what ifs.... Like Jack, I am teaching myself to do other things when I want that chocolate fix or at the end of a long day I want high calorie comfort foods. At work I am fortunate enough to be able to get up and do other things. Instead of taking the elevator, I take the stairs and walk the long way around to my destination, I take my water add cyrstal light or some other flavoring (low cal of course) and drink when my taste buds are demanding snesation and taste. At the end of my day I try to review the things that I did right, things that I should improve upon, and things that I did not do so well with and then start the next day renewed and bouyed by the things that I did right and ready to implement different strategies to avoid the temptation of food. So far for me, it has enabled me to be aware and focus on when I want to reach for the stuff that I don't need and I don't feel deprived or depraved of the things that I used to get satisfaction from because I am finding different ways to obtain satisfaction. Cheri brings an excellent point about food counselors/therapists, they can assist you in finding your relationship and demons with food. I say do or try different things and find what works best for you. Good Luck and much success in your decisions!

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