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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MinnesotaMama

  1. MinnesotaMama

    Christmas Challenge

    I'm in! I was banded on 10/1 and the weight loss has started slowing down. I've lost 21 since surgery and want to lose 16 more by Christmas. Totally doable!
  2. MinnesotaMama


    Same boat for me. I'm 4weeks post-op and my weight loss slowed down quite a bit the third week. It's still coming off-just more slowly. I've been walking some, but probably need to do more. My calories have increased to about 800-900, which was more than I was having the first few weeks. I'm not too disappointed, but it sure was nice watching those pounds melt off for awhile! My surgeon doesn't give fills until 8 weeks post-op, so I have quite a ways to go before I feel much restriction. Try not to get discouraged. Think of what it would have taken to lose 21 pounds before!
  3. MinnesotaMama

    Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

    Hi Bella Luna, I had surgery on 10/1/10. I've also had 2 C/sections and have a 14 month old. The surgery went fine, besides some gas pain for a couple days. The C/sections were much harder to recover from in comparison. The hardest part has definitely been not picking up my baby. My husband has been really helpful and has been doing the drop offs and pick ups from day care because I really don't see my 14 month old crawling up into the car seat himself (without it taking half an hour). I told myself that I would be really good about not picking him up for 2 weeks and then see how it goes from there. If you are able to have your family or friends help you in this regard, I really suggest it. I can manage to change his diaper on the floor and feed him while he stands next to my chair (lol), but when he's tired and crying and just lays there on the floor, I feel like a terrible mother not picking him up. That said, I'm 3 weeks post-op and have picked him up about 3 or 4 times. I'm very careful about it and I try not to carry him for long. This past weekend, I think I pushed myself too hard and was sore for a few days after, but I think this was due to cleaning the house rather than picking the kid up. This month is hard, but it's relatively short in the whole scheme of things. If nothing else, my little guy is learning some independence!
  4. That's so funny, I just went in for my post op appointment and they handed me a bag full of Lap Band materials. I was like, "no, I had the Realize band". That's what they told me I was getting. Apparently, everyone at who got banded on October 1st got the Lap Band because the surgeons needed to get re-certified at putting the Lap Band in. WTH? I'm not upset that I have the Lap Band, but rather the fact that they talk up one product and give me another without telling me. Oh well. I'm doing well, I guess, but I don't feel much restriction. Did you all count your calories in the first few weeks. My doctor says that 600 calories a day is about average in the first month. That doesn't seem like very much to me, but I'm trying...
  5. Hi Bootiful Bandsters, I was banded on the 1st. No major problems, but I am having difficulty not picking up my 14 month old. I was really good about it the first two weeks--had my husband or other family pick him up from day care, etc. Today, however, I didn't have anyone to help me out and I ended up picking him up about 3 times. I'm feeling a bit sore now and hoping that I didn't mess anything up. The pain feels lower than where the band is, so I think it's just the internal incisions. Anyone else have little kids they are dealing with during recovery? Way to go, by the way, for all of us!! I'm down 23 from my seminar weight and 13 from the day of surgery.

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