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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ape087

  1. I had a c section 2.5 years ago and the band 1.5 years ago. In my experience, I would say my C section was the lesser one, but just simply because of the situation. WHen I came home from my C section, I got to rest because my husband was home to help with the baby, then my mother. With my band, I had a 1 year old to look after and my husband was on deployment. I had a friends help, but that wasnt constant. Once I was able to get my first totally uninterrupted day of rest post band, I was great. It wasn't to bad either way. I think that if you managed okay from your C section, you should be okay from post op band.

  2. Well fellow band mates it's been a year and a half and I feel like a lap band failure. I got to my lowest of 252 last year and it seems that a combination of stress and poor choices have bumped me back up to 268. I know t his is my fault, and I have let myself get this way again. I feel like Im starting my journey over again to discover the new me. I need to get out and exercise more and to just CHILL OUT! I think that the stress I create has done me in as well. Im working more on intuitive eating, along with binge eating, and am working on that. Wish me luck friends, as I'm going to need it.

  3. cjett Im in the same boat! I've lost 45lbs as of first of the year, but it's starting to sneak back on. Ive only put 6 lbs on, but that 6 lbs is enough after Ive spent so much time getting it off! I think the fact that we're here admitting we fell off course is a start. Ive started using an online food journal (myfitnesspal.com) and I find that super helpful. It holds me accountable to what I need to eat, and what I shouldnt be. It also makes me more conscious about what is in everything. Im also starting to get back to these boards for encouragement, because I cant keep what Im feeling all to myself, and sometimes family just doesnt understand. Feel free to email me whenever you need to talk, I'd be happy to share the "back on track" journey with you!

  4. Im having the same problem. My clothes are fitting differently (in a good way), my friends and co workers say I look thinner, but the scale doesnt budge! Im just going to go with the idea that Im losing fat, but gaining muscle, so I look better, but weigh the same. It's very frustrating, but the more frustrated and stressed I get about it the worse it is, so Im trying to stay positive.

  5. Hi everyone

    Im glad that everyone is doing so well. I on the other hand am not. I am stuck on the same 15 frustrating pound loss since surgery. Ive had my first fill of 5cc's in december but Ive moved across country and am having an absolutely dreadful time getting my records transferred over, so no help with fills. I hope to get that taken care of soon, so I can mark one more thing off my list.

    I know a big part of my weight sticking around is stress. My husband is currently in Japan assisting in the humanitarian relief, and I tell you, if that isnt stress I dont know what is. Hopefully he will be home soon, and that will be off my list too. Until then, what do you guys do to relieve stress?

  6. Hey Sandy,

    I was banded the day before you, and I feel like Im right there with you. I've got 1 fill and it was 5cc's and Ive only lost 14lbs in 2 months. It is very frustrating, but when I look at it honestly, Im not doing all i could to utilize my band. My life has been in limbo since we've moved cross country, and Im not in a good eating routine, and honest exercise is slim to none (I blame the 5 degree weather outside). I really need to start focusing on me and my band at this point, and then if after exercising and eating right if Im still not losing I'll go for a 2nd fill.

  7. I had my first fill yesterday, 5.5 cc's (3.5 at installation) in a 14 cc band. I was told to do liquids for 2 days before real food. Without thinking, I had a bowl of chili a few hours later! LOL I realized halfway through, but since it was going down OK, I finished.

    I can feel restriction, sort of like after surgery. I had normal needle pain after the lidocain wore off. The biggest difference is that I had left shoulder pain later in the evening! Hmmm. I never had that after surgery, so I'm wondering if it was from being walked by our dog or if it's from the fill. I guess I'll have to wait until the next fill.

    I had my first fill on the 6th, and I felt more gas pain after my fill than I did with the actual surgery! I knew after that what the shoulder pain everyone was talking about. I was not prepared for that. But it wore off after a few days and I was fine.

  8. Im 23 and was banded on 11/10/10. My dr was actually excited to see that I was willing to do it so young. Most people fight a losing battle to their weight all their lives. Why would I want to wait til Im 50 and say "oh Im gonna enjoy my older years but be miserable in my younger years"? Thats just crazy talk! Yes, Im already married and have a daughter, but I want to be around for them when Im 50, and be able to do all the activities and live life.

  9. I have a half a cup of quick oats, with 1/4 cup skim milk and 2 table spoons of spelnda blend brown sugar added in. that usually last me a good 3-4 hours, which is lunch. If I know that lunch will be farther away, I will add a piece of sara lee 45 calorie multi grain toast with some sugar free jam, or a banana (but banana usually uses up a lot of my sugar allotment for the day.)

  10. Im on the nuva ring too. My dr's told me to wait for a month after my surgery to use it again. She said that most people experience their rapid weight loss during their first 4-6 weeks, and that rapid weight loss is when the birth control would be at risk of being in effective. I put mine back in after my 6 weeks, and it seems to be fine, and Im right on track. Like everyone says, if you're worried take a test.

  11. Wwell no one has posted here for awhile, so I thought that I would in hopes to drag some new people here. Ive been banded since 11/10/10, but Ive had some nsv's before and after the band. Here are a few post band:

    • my rings slide around my fingers, and Im gonna need sizers soon
    • the watch that I bought 2 weeks after my surgery left imprints on my wrist. Now it slides around, and I might have to take a link out.
    • my calves dont get stuck when I put my feet into rubber boots!
    • I dropped down 2, almost 3, pant sizes!

  12. I got banded on November 10th, so the holidays hit me hard lol. I still lost, but not as much as I could have lost. As you guys know the head hunger gets most of us, so Im taking full responsiablity of what I ate, and not blaming it on other for putting it out there. I went grocery shopping today and feel positive about what I got and to get kicked started into the new year. Biggest loser also starts tomorrow (yes, Im addicted) so I bought their 30 day jump start dvd and plan on doing that daily, and weighing in on tuesdays when it comes on (my moms idea). Maybe actually seeing that progress will help?WHo knows lol.

  13. Name, real or screen~ April

    Age~ 23

    Weight on January 3rd~ 257.8

    Goal Weight for January 31st~ 250

    Exercise Goal for January~ to complete the cardio, upper body, lower body, and ab work outs (40 minutes) off my biggest loser dvd

    Dietary Goal for January~ to keep my sugar intake to below 30 grams, and get in my 70 grams of protien

    Personal Goal for January~ to have more appreiation for my changing body

    Date Banded~ 11/10/10

    Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 11.2lbs

  14. I guess I got lucky because I can still do bread (just save it for last or only eat one slice). I cannot eat scrambled eggs. No matter how much i chew, they still get stuck. I can do them over east tho (because of the yoke). I can do chicken breast if its baked in Water or a lowfat cream Soup on top (like cream of celery) but sometimes grilled gets stuck if its too dry.Ive only had one fill of 5cc's and have pretty good restriction, but I still have to stop cheating (i've only been banded for not quite 2 months, so Im still learning). I really want this to work, so Ive got the stuff to go back on track with this.

  15. Ive gotten stuck a few times, but it usually passes within a few minutes (thank goodness) The first thing I got stuck on was scrambled eggs, then a piece of bread, then a piece of dry turkey (duh on that one). I have the problem with the last bite. I think "oh last bite that is fine" and it ends up being too big. Ive definately gotta work on that. However, I have found take a couple of drinks helps a lot, especially of a carbonated beverage (which makes you burp)

  16. my problem was the protien. I was eating smaller portions, but the stuff I was eating wasnt the right stuff. We moved of the holiday season, so there was a lot of restraunt food, then holiday parties, so alot of like ham rolls, turkey, ham, potatoes, mac n cheese, the list goes on. I need to get back into a routine, and start exerising, I know we can do this guys, we just gotta stay proactive.

  17. I didnt get my first fill til a month out. Then when I did get my first fill it was a few days, maybe a week, until I actually noticed i "felt" restriction. I had 5cc's put in and I know how I feel, so its hard for me to imagine 6 cc's in right away. I would just talk to your dr. I hafta chart my food and exercise for 2 weeks before they will consider a fill, so maybe do that and they will give another fill.

  18. I got banded on 11/10 and went in for my first fill today. Still not sure what size my band is. The only person I get to talk to at my dr's office is the nutritionalist, and all she says is "it doesnt matter, what matters is that you're following your diet". Either way I got 5cc's today, but Im on liquids so not sure onthe restriction yet. They did say that there happened to be a lot of "air in the system" so they had a bit of trouble filling me, but got it all out. I did have that shoulder pain everyone is talking about after my fill though. Guess thats got something to do with the air in the system. I didnt feel it after surgery, but I got it now, and props to you who delt with it already. You guys are troopers!

  19. I know my dr's told me my pouch will hold up to 4 oz's but I may feel fuller longer. THis is actually what they sent me before surgery

    "To maximize the effectiveness of the band, we recommend you eat solid foods. Eat lean Protein (chicken, turkey, pork tenderloin, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, fish, and beans) first, then your vegetables (salad, crisp steamed vegetables) and at the end of your meal if you have room left have a few bites of carbohydrates (whole wheat bread, Pasta or brown rice). By eating your Protein foods first you are ensuring you get an adequate amount of protein your body needs before getting full. Protein assist with healing, maintaining muscle mass, preventing hair loss, providing a source of energy and it is digested slowly so it helps maintain a sense of fullness."


    "From this point forward your daily goals are as follows:

    1000-1200 calories

    20 grams of fat

    60-80 grams of protein

    150-180 grams of carbohydrates

    25 grams of Fiber

    25 grams or less of sugar (Exceptions: fresh fruit and milk – they contain natural sugars) "

    I thnk based upon those guidelines I have to make my own judgement calls. I was told to try 2 oz (weighed) of protien, then a half cup of veggies (measured) then my carbs (if they fit) til Im full. Obviously I will know (I hope) whether I need more protien if I map out my diet on a regular basis. Hope this helps

  20. I too need my restriction! Ive been eating the recommend foods (pure mushies) but its hard to control portions because I feel like Im always hungry. I need to start watching my calories too. Im only down 6lbs since surgery, but they did warn me that when I hit musies I might gain some, so having a maintain with a little loss still feels good to me. I did also put on a coat that I havent worn in 3 years and it fit! Good thing too because it was an expensive coat, and Im gonna need it, since Im moving from Cali to Missouri in a little over a week.

  21. Im 17 days post op and have felt okay for about 5 or 6 days now. I still burp like crazy, but I think thats expected. THe best advice i have is just to let hte burps out, dont hold them in. I did just about whatever I could to burp, and used the gas x chews (the stips made my stomach cramp up). It does get better, you just gotta keep at it.

  22. I feel like I failed. I havent had a fill yet, so there wasnt any restrictions in my band. I had turkey, some green Beans, corn, and some sweet potatoes. I stayed away from breads, but I did have some cheese cake and a bit of gingerbread dessert :( I know Im supposed to stay away from sweets, so Ima bit upset about that. However, I do feel like today is the exception, and not the rule, and I am back to the stirct diet/exercise plan that is needed to make my band work.

  23. I set my goal at 145, which is at the top of the "normal" chart for 5'2 woman. However, Im not stuck on that number. Yes, it would be nice, because I cannot honestly remember being that small, but if I dont get there, its not a big deal. WHen I graduated highschool 5 years ago I was 225. I would at least like to get down to 200. That would make me smaller than my husband and his family has ever seen me (and they've know me almost 8 years).

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