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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JoonBug

  1. Let them get upset. Sheesh. I am tired of feeling shamed around medical professionals, like I am a dumb cow who could lose weight if I just tried harder. Not all medical professionals are that way, but the ones who are burn me. Anyway, you had this surgery so that it would help you lose weight, and it is a two-way street and they need to listen to you as well. Tell them you never feel full. Track your food and activity in a journal and take it with you to your doctor's office so they can see the effort that you are putting into losing weight.
  2. JoonBug

    Surgical glue

    I had dermabond on my incisions, and my surgeon ended up taking it off, because it made my incisions look bad. Since the dermabond has been off, my incisions seem to be healing better. I have 5 total, and only one still has the dermabond on and looks normal. The other 4 I just have covered with bandaids. In the ideal situation the glue will eventually just start coming off on its own. My incisions itch too...just part of the healing process! ETA: Try using a cool compress to your incisions to help reduce the itching.
  3. Hello, lapband.com has been useful to me!
  4. You can also do a dulcolax suppository. No fun, but at least you don't have to taste it! Lol. Sorry... Are you passing gas okay? That is a good sign if you are. If it has been 3 to 5 days since your last BM then give something a try. There are also the dissolving Fiber powders to add to Water or juices that can help. Happy pooping!
  5. JoonBug

    Cole slaw question

    I don't think a decrease in your BP med would cause it. Most likely it was the coleslaw. Cabbage can produce a lot of gas and bloating! Hope you are feeling better!!
  6. I have been feeling shaky when I try to do the simplest things especially in the mornings. I am 6 days post op and still on liquids, so I realize I am not getting much energy from nutrients, but please someone tell me this gets better! I am concerned, because I work as a nurse on a very busy unit, 12 hour shifts, and I cannot be feeling like this at work or I'll die. I need lots of stamina, and I know that getting small Protein rich Snacks throughout the day will help and I am going to have to MAKE myself do that. Nurses tend to neglect their own needs at the sake of doing, "just one more thing," and I cannot do that anymore. I'd appreciate hearing anyone's experiences. Thank you!
  7. JoonBug

    Feeling Shaky

    Gracierose: "I'm scared." Those were my exact words to my husband yesterday about going back to work!
  8. JoonBug

    Feeling Shaky

    Thank you for your responses and good advice everyone! I have decided I am taking 6 weeks off in order to transition through each of the diet phases and build endurance. I am pretty sure my surgeon will be okay with that, if not we may have to have a come to Jesus moment. Lol. My managers are nice, but I know once I am back they will expect me to be back 100%. We are always short-staffed as it is!
  9. JoonBug

    Emotional Wreck!!

    Happy for you kms2010!!!
  10. When was your surgery? I had mine on Friday, and the dermabond is still intact. I shower with it every morning. I agree that you should check with your surgeon, because the incisions should be clean/dry/intact with no drainage.
  11. JoonBug

    surgery done Monday

    You just had surgery, so it is normal to feel a little nauseated, sore, and have the gas pains in strange places (like your shoulders). Did your surgeon prescribe anything for pain? Sometimes the narcotic pain meds can nauseate people, so maybe try taking liquid tylenol instead. Keep sipping small amounts of fluids and rest up. Your body needs rest to heal, but getting up and walking a little will help with the gas pains. I also used a heating pad on my back and it helped me greatly. I have had a lot of hunger-like pangs since my surgery last Friday, and it is more intense than any hunger feeling I've ever had before. The last few days have been better though, so maybe it was gas rumbling through my stomach. Try checking out GNC or a local health food store for products that are clear liquid, but contain whey isolate Protein in them. I have been using Isopure, which has 40 g of protein per serving. Best to you! You'll get through this. Take good care of yourself!!!
  12. JoonBug

    Emotional Wreck!!

    I feel for you, and can relate. I started a blog to help me. I used to love to write, and am hoping to restore that hobby. Somewhere along the way, the stress of life took over and instead of turning to my other talents, I turned to food for comfort! I had my surgery last week, and am still on Clear liquids per my surgeon's orders, and it is much more difficult than I thought it would be. Under normal circumstances of stress I would turn to food. Right now I can't, and it is tough cookies! See, there I go referring to food again!!! Lol. You are not alone in your struggle! So take the good advice you get here and put it to use. It is helping me. Hugs! My blog: Lap Bandit Girl I just started it, so there is not much there!
  13. I feel for you. I am 2 days post op and last night I had so much bloating and just a gnawing hunger-like pain in my stomach. I'm still experiencing it today. I am having to force myself to drink, and just take it very slowly. Last night I cried on my husband's shoulder, because I felt like I had made a huge mistake. We'll get through this! Reading this forum has been a big help to me.
  14. JoonBug

    I love my band!

    That is nice to hear. I am one day post op and hating my band, so stories like this bring me hope that each day will be better! Congratulations to you!

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