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LAP-BAND Patients
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About versatility

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  • Birthday 05/14/1979
I was terrified after having 3 days of non-stop heart palpatations.  I got off my high horse and schedule a doctor's appointment.  It was crazy.  I was immediately sent to a cardiologist the same day.  I had a chest x-ray, EKG, Echo Cardiogram, blood work and was sent to work with a heart monitor which I had to wear for 24 hours.  When I came back the next day to have the monitor taken off, I was told that I needed to go see another cardiologist.  Of course I was nervous and almost in tears, thinking the worst.  I was then told that I needed to have a heart catherization because from all of the test that I had taken, it seemed as if my heart was working at up to 30 percent instead of the normal 60 percent.  I never thought it would be that bad.  I had the heart cath done and they said I have SEXY arteries and no blockages were found. THANK YOU JESUS.  But I wasn't out of the woods yet.  I was placed on 2 medications from my caridiologist - Coreg and Altace(a heart medicine and a high blood pressure medicine).  He also told me that my heart is just weak (caridomyopoties)and if it gets worse that I would need to have a pace maker put in.  Scary as hell! What's even scarier is that 3 weeks after finding this out, my grandmother called to tell me that my father was in the hospital and had to have a pacemaker put in.I had a follow-up with primary physcian and he told me that my weight  was just exasperating my heart condition, so what ever I could do would be best.  He asked me about previous weight loss attempts that had all failed.  Then he suggested bariatric surgery.  Up until this point I was a happy fat girl.  I loved me, every inch of me.  Then to find out that this was potenially killing me-it shook me to the core.  He didn't recommend any specific bariatric surgery.  He just suggested that I look into it and get back with him if and after I had schedule anything.I had a co-worker who was in the tail end process of lap band surgery and she was my saving grace.  She is a hard-core kind of girl, sort of like me.  I trusted her opinion and fished her for any information that I could get.  She recommend that it would be perfect for me.  I was given the contact and website information of her doctor, Dr. Agulia. I registered on his website and then called them about 15  minutes later to see about an orientation that they have.  I was told that they had just verified my insurance infomation in that short amount of time.  I scheduled to attend one of the orientations that they have periodically.The orientation was a blessing.  I was on the fence before the orientation and immediately after I was siked and ready to go.  What helped the most was knowing that the receptionist, Tina, was also a lap band patient.  She easily understood how we all felt and knew what we would be going though.  She was also a fighter with the insurance company for you.  I could call her or email her with any questions and not feel silly about it.  The weight was being lifted off my shoulders.  I started amping myself up, constantly telling myself that I can do this and this is a piece of cake.I thought the 6 months of weight management would be a hassle but now that it is over, it feels like it flew by.  I am scheduled for surgery on 8/26/2010.  I hate the shakes but I know it's worth it.  I am not nervous or excited.  I just want to get it over with.  I have pre-op appointment scheduled for 8/23/2010.  I believe once I have that appointment that I will then get nervous and excited and a little scared.  TO BE CONTINUED......

Age: 45
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Starting Weight: 337 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 310 lbs
Goal Weight: 150 lbs
Weight Lost: 27 lbs
BMI: 50
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Pre Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 01/22/2010
Surgery Date: 08/26/2010
Hospital Stay: n/a
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
versatility's Bariatric Surgeon
Tampa, Florida 34741

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
