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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sparky1582

  1. sparky1582

    First fill shock!

    They put in 4ccs with the 1cc existing for a total of 5cc.
  2. I walked in my first ever 5K today:thumbup: 3.2 miles, 52.23 minutes! Slow I know but it gives me a number to beat in the next race!
  3. sparky1582

    COMPULSION to eat?

    IndioGirl55, Preach it Sister!!!!:thumbup:
  4. I chose 3 simply because of the gas the first day. It was only uncomfortable the first 8 hours. Waking up from surgery my only complaint was I was FREEZING! I walked around the block that evening.
  5. sparky1582

    COMPULSION to eat?

    Thanks for all the responces! I guess tavimew is right "You will always have a compulsion to eat. That's why you have a plastic band around your stomach!" I come from a family where food was the center of ALL social functions. My Mom (rest her soul) was always telling me I needed to lose some weight but then turn around and bring me a 1/2 gallon of home-made chicken and dumplings! As work the vending machine calls my name! I have been able to fight that by leaving my wallet in the truck and all my loose change at home. Plus the fact that I work in a 50,000sq ft computer center with a hall way around the big room and 5 laps is a mile so I get in about 2 miles a night (I work 3rd shift) :thumbup: So far I have been able to fight off my former BFF but I am hoping after I reach the green zone the cravings will pass. Good luck to all of us!
  6. SO far I have lost 12 pounds post surgery. I have my 2 week check up tomorrow. I hope I can keep up. I have been walking 2 miles everyday and I cannot wait to get in to the gym to begin strength training. I could not be happier! Good luck to all!
  7. sparky1582

    Head hunger...

    I work 3rd shift in a 50,000 sq ft facility with a 8' hall way all around the outside and 5 laps is a mile. When I get bored and the head hunger kicks in I walk a mile. My BFF(best friend food) starts calling me from the vending machine I walk. You know that sound, Cheetos, Doritos, potatoe chips, Snickers, Hostess Fried Apple pies, King Dons... start calling my name, I walk. I have begun leaving my wallet and all my loose change locked in my truck outside! I know once I cross that invisiable line I am doomed so I walk. Usually 2 miles a night.
  8. sparky1582


    I thought hookah was something you stepped in in the barnyard! :blushing:
  9. I was banded 9 days ago and I feel GREAT! I flet bloated from the gas for three days. It was uncomfortable but not painful. I stopped taking my pain meds after two days. Just hang in there and keep sipping! This site is a fount of info and encouragment. As for the "what the hell have I done" I cannot help you. I have fought food so long that I was releived to have this tool in my pocket. Food has been your friend and confidante for a while and it is hard to give it up. just don't give up.
  10. sparky1582

    To Weigh or Not To Weigh

    I weigh myself on Monday mornings. I started weighing everyday but the natural fluctuation in our weight I figured out once a week is the way for me.
  11. sparky1582

    Help Need Ideas....

    Use water if you want it a thinner shake or skim milk for a thicker shake. To really make it creamy, add a dollop of SF Cool Whip! :smile:
  12. sparky1582

    Help Need Ideas....

    Try Unjury chocolate protein powder with 1/2 a banana and a tspn of p-nut butter in a blender or strawberry protein powder with frozen strawberry's and a 1/2 a banana.
  13. sparky1582

    Time off from work???

    My work week is Tue-Sat. I took off a week. I will return to work on Tuesday. I could have gone back Friday but chose to take the extra time off. ( I have paid sick time off :biggrin:)
  14. sparky1582

    5 days post-op

    Try unjury chocolate Protein powder with 1/2 a banana and a tspn of p-nut butter in a blender or strawberry protein powder with frozen strawberry's and a 1/2 a banana. Use Water to make them less creamer. Just hang in and hang tough. Just because you don't like something today doesn't mean you wont like it tomorrow. Anesthesia changes your taste buds for a while. It is hard to give up your best friend (food) of so many years. :biggrin: It has been hard to not turn to food every time something came up, triumph or tragedy, food was my "go to bud"! PS-My wife said to go have your nails done! Do something nice just for YOU!
  15. sparky1582

    5 days post-op

    Congrats Lacey! Like I am 5 days post OP and I am doing do great. I have been eating mushies and feeling great. I have been walking and that too feels great. I ate 6 shrimp (chewed VERY well) 1/4 C of mashed potatoes and 1/4 C of pureed peas and I FEEL FULL!!!!!!! Keep up all the good work.
  16. sparky1582

    Day 2

    Day 4 and my incisions are starting to itch! The sorness in my bellybutton is almost gone and the gas is almost gone. I have been sticking to a pureed diet of soup and shakes and chicken salad obliterated in the Magic Bullet! I have walked alot today. My wife has been with me throught this all and what a blessing!
  17. sparky1582

    Day 2

    Day two and I am doing great! I had my first semi solid food, Pureed chicken breast mixed in Cream of chicken soup. The funny thing is I looked at that 1/2 cup of soup and thought I cannot eat all of that! I did eat it all but I took 25 minutes and I feel full, not stuffed but full. I have walked several times outside and did great. I am still a bit gassy but that too is working its way out!!! My incisions are more sore today than yesterday but I expected that but Advil does the trick. So for all you future bandsters it can be a breeze.
  18. I am 3 days post banding and I have the same questions. I have not felt "hunger" yet. I have been taking protein bullets and unjury shakes to make sure I get enough protein. I am eating pureed cottage cheese and peaches and tonight I had pureed chicken salad and mashed potatoes(thin!!). My question: should I eat on a schedule or just when I feel hunger?
  19. sparky1582

    Day 2

    honk- I was banded in the States. My NUT said as long as food was pureed, OK. Cuisinart food processor does the finest pureeing job! zeniada- I have heard this for gastric bypass but not for the band. I will check. lml398- Have you tried Clamato juice? Tomato juice with just a hint of clam juice. It is not as thick as V8 (which I love too) Thanks for the encouraging words.
  20. Everything went as planned! I arrived at 7:30, they wheeled me back at 9:10 and I was awakened at 10:00. No gas pain, no port pain and feeling fine. I do have some gas in my belly but that is working its way out! I have a bit of a sore/scratchy throat form the intubation but that too is tolerable I can tell some one has been pushing my insides around but no pain. I did take one dose of the pain meds when I got home but I don't think I'll need anymore. We'll see. The only problem was the IV team. They had to stick me 6 times to get a line inserted. I have big veins that are close to the top. All in all a GREAT DAY. It has begun! Thanks to all who offered up kind thoughts and prayers.
  21. sparky1582


    I am 12 hours after surgery and I am burping and tooting up a storm:tt2: Luckley my wife is sooooo understanding! So far this has been a very easy time. Been outside for a 10 minute walk and drinking/sipping plenty of Water. Hang in there mondaylady:thumbup:
  22. I check in at 7:30am and am scheduled for sugery at 9:00am. I will be so glad to stop this Medifast soup stuff!!! Let the good times roll!!!!!
  23. sparky1582

    14 Hour Countdown

    Heading to the hospital!
  24. sparky1582

    August rush 2010!!!

    Monday, August 30th is the day! I will be a "bandito" I am so excited. My wife has taken a week off work to be here to "take" care of me. She travels for work S-Th so we will take advantage of our paid time off! I do not think I will need a whole week off but since she will be home... Gonna be a great day:thumbup:
  25. sparky1582

    The Journey has Begun

    :thumbup:FIVE DAY COUNT DOWN!!:tongue2: Monday the 30th I get banded. I am so excited. My wife has the day(s) all planned and has her spreadsheet all updated. She is so orginizied. She is taking time off from work to be here for me. I adore my wife.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
