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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sparky1582

  1. sparky1582

    Flame on, Johnny...

    Elfiepoo, You are an insensitive, uncaring, mean spirited poo poo head! Just kidding. Some people think the band is the “magic” answer to all their years of bad habits and eating anything and everything. I knew going in that the band was a tool to help me lose weight. I knew I would have to make a life style change. Not a diet but a life style change. I had to exercise and change the way I looked at food, how I ate, when I ate and what I put into my body. While I agree there are some the Lapband will not help, for what reason I don’t know. I think most fail because they continue to make poor choices. I read a post where someone said they could still eat pizza and drink beer even after their first fill. Why would someone try to eat these things after all the nutrition classes and counseling? This person is going to fail unless they get a handle on the new life style they need. Bottom line, the Lapband is not going to keep you from putting chocolate cake down your pie hole or eating anything, YOU have to make the choice. What I know for sure is the Gov’ner is working for me because I work the band. I have changed what I eat, when I eat and how much I eat (thanks to the band!) I also work out 4 nights a week. I have made and will continue to make bad choices from time to time; ice cream, chips… but I know that one slip from time to time is not going to make me go back to the way I ate before. I have made a life style change and it is paying off for me. Good luck to all.
  2. sparky1582


    COOL! NSV's are the best! Congrats!
  3. sparky1582


    Ain't NSV's the best!!! The scale moving down is great but the NSV you don't expect puts it in prespective! CONGRATS!
  4. sparky1582


    I flew to Fl this weekend. #1- On the plane I had about 3-4 inches of seat belt to take up!!! #2- I started getting a blister on my heel. I took off my shoe and sock sitting in the car and put on the band aid! #3- We sat out side at several cafe's and I was not afraid to sit in those plastic chairs with the arms and I fit comfortably! #4- I STAYED ON MY EATING SCHEDULE! I only ate 3/4 to 1 cup of food. And beleive you me I wanted to eat more! Fresh broiled scallops and shrimp! :bananapartyhat:
  5. Congrats!!! I was banded 8/10 and have lost 60 lbs. I USED to wear 54's and my weight was 361. Today I am 286 and can fit(comfortably) into size 48. My dream is to be able to buy my pants at Kohls. Not yet but soon! AIN'T IT GREAT!!!!!!!
  6. All I can tell you is hang in there! There is plenty of complaining post on here. I just try not to read all those. I was banded on 8/30/10 and I have lost only 60 pounds! Six months, 10 lbs a month. Last week I lost 7 lbs. I drank more Water and worked out 4 days instead of 2. These are not huge/ sore muscle/grunt/ groaning work outs, just walking and strength training. Hang in there! The lapband does work. I am sorry to hear your car was broken into.
  7. sparky1582

    Still hate my band

    Ok, Here's my nickel's worth. I was banded 8/30/10. I have lost 60 pounds since. I have 9cc's in a 14 cc band and I feel I am at my sweet spot for now. I LOVE the Gov'ner! I have battled weight all my life. I went into this WLS with the attitude this is a tool. The work is up to me. The band was only there to restrict the amount of food I could shove down my gullet! I do eat 100% different than before WLS. There are things I cannot eat that I used to love. Bread for one. I cannot eat as much of anything as I once did. I could eat a FULL meal and 30 miinutes eat a full meal again. Now I eat about 1 cup (total) of food and I am not hungry again for at least 3-4 hours. This tool is the greatest thing I have ever done for myself. I understand WLS does not work for some. Some people do not "work" their band. I don't make this as a blanket statement to include every one(the OP included). I feel sorry for the OP and others who have not had the success I have had and hope they can find the help they need.
  8. sparky1582

    Does getting a fill hurt?

    I love your disclaimer! I don't want to scare you but... My first fill was kinda rough. The use freeze spray to numb the skin. You will be standing in front of a fluorscope, a type of xray, when they do this. They will then insert the needle with the use of the scope so they can see what they are doing. They actually had me hold the needle while the Dr. moved the scope up. Next they have you drink this berium/liquid chalk. They will then begin the fill. This is where I had problems. They filled my band to full, 14cc's There is a nerve which runs from the bottom of the stomach up to your brain. It is called the vasovagal(spelling?) nerve. When this nerve is pinched off it caused me to almost pass out. I felt light headed and then I started to sweat, then I got clod, then hot. They brought me a chair and I sat down. It felt like hours before I felt Ok again but it was only 5 minutes or so. My poor wife was scared to death. They said this happen somewhat regularly. I wish they had warned us of this. I felt 100% bettrer in 10 minutes. My 2nd and 3rd fills were cake! sugar free cake! No trouble at all. The freeze spray is the most uncomfortable part of the fill and all it does is sting a bit. I posted an account of my story on here. Most people said my Dr's proceedure is NOT normal. Most do not fill the band to 100% and then remove the saline. I would do it all again and again. I have lost 50 pounds since 8/30/10 and lost 5 inches from my waist. Hang in there it will be OK.
  9. sparky1582

    Goodbye 300 pounds!!

    Congrats and Welcome to the "2's". I passed that milestone a few weeks back. I was so happy. I am now wearing size 48 pants, down from size 52 back in August. I have no more smaller pants in storage so the next size will all be new pants!
  10. I am 1/3 of the way to my goal weight! YaHoo! I was banded on 8/30 and have lost 50 pounds thus far. I started at 344 and want to get to 194. I have 8cc's in my 14 cc band and I feel I am close to my elusive "sweet spot". My wife and I went to Breakfast the other day, I ordered 2 eggs over med, bacon and whole wheat toast. I ate 1 egg, 1 slice of bacon and 3 bites of toast. FULL! I knew I could not eat one more bite. Of course I wanted to finish it all but I knew one more bite would have meant that over stuffed feeling so I folded my napkin and stopped. What a victory. This was a once in a while breakfast. I normaly have a Protein shake for breakfast then a Protein Bar 2 hours later. I is such a nice feeling to know I can still eat normaly once in a while and still have control. Me and the "Gov'ner" are best friends now. food is no longer my best friend. I am so looking forward to warmer weather so I can get back out on my bicycle. I hate the stationary trainer but I make it work till warmer, sunner days.
  11. Sorry for the “teaser” subject line! If you want to lose weight; get the flu! I came down with the flu on 12/23, fever, chills and sore muscles. Temp spiked at 102.7 but I am feeling much better. I have lost about 6 lbs over the last 2 days. Before you scold me I have kept up my fluids drinking 2-32oz G2 Gatorades and several hot teas and a Propel or two each day (my wife helps reminding me to hydrate!). I just have not been hungry. Of course I had my 3rd fill on 12/17 for a total of 8cc in a 14 cc band. I have lost 50 lbs! Wooo Hooo!
  12. Congrats!!! I hit that milestone a couple weeks ago! I was banded on 8-30. It has been a great journey so far and it is only getting better!!!
  13. sparky1582

    Don't like the new LBT!

    I don't like all the ads either but it is a way to pay for the site. I can put up with the ads to keep LBT on the web.
  14. WooHoo! I am now under 300 pounds! 298!!!!!!! :thumbup: I bought a bike and I am riding 3-4 miles everyday! It's getting cooler here in Ohio but I have the riding bug pretty bad(or good!)
  15. sparky1582

    Bye Bye 300's

    I gonna order a BIG meat lovers pizza from Pizza Hut! NOT. I don't even want to think how that would go down(or come up!) SW Ohio Congrats! Ain't it great!
  16. sparky1582

    Question on Being Full

    I have to second and third Betsy and vlp. I had my 2nd fill yesterday(No issues this time!) which brings me to 6cc in a 14cc band and have found I eat 1/2 to 3/4 cup(total) of food and I am full for 3 to 4 hours. Not stuffed but like Betsy B said and I'm not hungry. I also eat 5 to 6 times a day but I eat 3 small meals and have 3 to 4 snacks a day. I snack on natural almonds, yogurt, a slice of cheese or Protein bar. I am NEVER starving but I do get hungry. It is so cool to be learning the differance. I have lost 38 pounds since 8-15-10 It has taken over 40 years to put all this weight on and it is gonna take some time to loose it.:eek:
  17. I was banded on 8/30/10 and so far so good. I eat 4-6 ounces each meal (no fill on the band yet) and I feel full. The question is: How do you deal with the COMPULSION to eat? I have always had a hard time with compulsive eating. I could eat something, nibble on something or snack on something after a big meal. I still feel this way. The only way I have been able to deal with this so far is to not have snacky type stuff in the house. I am proud to say I have been a good little boy since being banded but I fear the day when there are some snacks left in the house and I am alone! “Just one bite won’t hurt” I hear my mind saying. One bite has never been one bite. I used to buy the snack size bags of chips so I would eat 3 or 4 bags. There would be about ¼ of a bag of potato chips left and my mind would say “go on, eat them up just to get rid of those things” then I would buy another bag. L I would have a pizza delivered, when ordering they would say the large is only $3.00 more, “well I can’t pass up savings like that, yea give me the large.” All the time I am thinking I’ll eat 3-4 pieces and save the rest for tomorrow. Tomorrow came and the pizza was gone. I have done extremely well so far. No snacking between meals because I feel full. Has anyone had this problem since being banded?
  18. I was just wondering what kind of bike to purchase. Should I but a nice bike like TREK or get something cheaper to see if I like it? What other brands are there? What should I look for in a bike? Thanks.
  19. sparky1582

    Any runners out there?

    My wife is a runner. I joined her on my first 5K walk on 9/25! We enjoyed the day so much, Unfortunatly I hurt my knee and have been unable to keep up the walking. I am starting to feel better and plan on starting to train for the Flying Pig 10 K next May. I am thinking about getting a bike too.
  20. sparky1582

    dang you halloweem candy....

    My wife LOVES candy korn. We have done extenstive research to try to find a sugar free version. Hahahahahahah! there is 4 types of suger in the stuff! Sugar, corn syrup, confectioner’s sugar and honey glycerin. We will not be home this year for halloween so no candy will enter our house! Melissannde, try to cut dh some slack. Just coz we can't eat stuff don't mean others can't. I do understanad the temptation factor!
  21. Wow! What a day! We walked into the Dr's office expecting a needle some cool fluoroscope pictures and out the door. WRONG! The freeze spray was easy. The needle was easy, I actually held the needle in place so the Dr could adjust the scope. She then gave me a Dixie cup of barium and had me drink it. Then she shot all 14cc's on saline to close off the stoma. She was watching the scope and removing the saline to get the flow they wanted and it hit me. I felt a bit lite headed but still OK. She removed the needle and asked me how are you feeling? I said I feel a bit wobbly. Then my vision started to "tunnel" my hearing started to dim, think Charlie Brown's teacher, I got cold, then hot, then the sweat started to pop. It took everything in me to not pass out. I felt my wife next to me, holding my hand and asking me if I was OK. I could not answer, I wanted to but I was trying to concentrate on not hitting the floor. I heard every muffled word but could not respond. After about 5 hours(felt like it to me!), 15 minutes I started to come out of it. The sweats came back. I sat there for about 5 more minutes and stood up and felt OK. My wife looked like she was about to pass out now! She was a trooper. She did and said all the right things. I think she had designs on kicking the stuffing out of the Dr. I wish they would have given us a bit of a warning that this might happen. They told my wife "oh this happens all the time" By the time I walked out the front door I felt fine. My insides were a bit shaky but I well enough to drive. All in all a "fun"day! They told us it was the Vasovagal Response. The vagus nerve runs from your head through your abdomen and when they did the fill, (I'm guessing) they cut off its circulation. They said it's common, but neither of us remember them saying anything about it. Just that he may feel lightheaded. That's an understatement! Any one else have this responce?
  22. sparky1582

    What am I doing wrong!!?

    250? Wow, I was told to keep them under 80 per day!
  23. sparky1582

    What am I doing wrong!!?

    Processed food can say "Lean Cusine" or "healthy Choice" but you have to read the labels. "Healthy Choice" BBQ chicken and rice has 16g of protein but it also has 70g of carbs! 5g of fiber, 600mg of sodium and is 370 cal. LOTS of carbs. Lean and healthy does not mean so. Hang in there:thumbup:
  24. sparky1582

    hunger subside after first fill

    Once you have your first fill you will/should feel some restriction. I sure did. The only thing I am fighting now is head hunger. I can eat only 1/2 a can of soup before I am FULL! 1/4 cup of chicken salad in 1/2 a 6" tortilla is all I can get down. I have had the stuck feeling when I take too big a bite and I don't chew well enough. Good luck.
  25. sparky1582

    First fill shock!

    The reason this was so scary to me and the wife was we were not given any warning this might happen. We were told I might get a little light headed but that is all that was said. They told me the next fill would be only 1-2cc's and I would be laying down. Even with the "shock" of my first fill I am still glad I got the band. I have lost 6 lbs since last Friday. I feel restriction and now I am only fighting the head hunger. So far I have fought the good fight.

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