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Posts posted by Moo

  1. Sounds like your doing great :thumbup: Im about a month post op and im feeling pretty good myself i backed up and am still kinda on mushy foods just cuz i want to give my tummy a little extra time to heal. I could eat anything i wanted and it doesnt bother me but im sure it could do some damage so i just avoid that train wreck lol I bet your going to have an easier time at work in a few weeks you adjust pretty quickly keep us posted :tongue2:

  2. Ohh man i have tons of stories... I can go into a few lolz..

    I was riding the bus in high school and this kid that was not skinny himself called me MiMi from drew carry and i walked up to him on the bus and in front of all the kids i backhanded him and he cried and all the kids cheered.. lol so it took a little bit of a hit to his ego however we ended up being best friends later that year how odd is that one?

    I had this happiness bunny shirt that said yes im perfect now quit staring and this group of guys walk by and they were snickering and they said did you read her shirt and the guys are like Perfect? *snicker* and i turned around and i said yea... and that includes my hearing! they kinda shut it a bit lol...

    On my wedding day in vegas there was a guy that walked by me and my husband after we were married but he was like dont do it man shes a fatty! and i just ignored that one because what kind of an idiot is going to ruin that day for me? nobody thats who....!

    I moved to california and i had a hurt back and i was doing better and this guy in gamestop which was an old used up looking dude that was super ugly with a beer belly had the balls to continuously Moo at me and im sitting here thinking wtf dude... i didnt do anything about it but told my husband about it later and he said he would have kicked his butt lol... Made me feel a bit better..

    The sad one is my husband telling me he wants a trophy wife and telling me how pretty ill be when i get thin and just is focused on then and not on me now and he can say such mean things without even trying and from the one you love that one hurts the most but he had better behave or his trophy will be for someone else..

  3. Well I am doing pretty well im down 16 pounds since my preop diet and surgery etc. I had a silly little argument with my husband and whew it made me feel ill, I am going to have to calm down with that lol... ive been walking and getting in my shakes and eating mushies. I ordered more Protein Drinks online and how irritating they sent it to the wrong address, someone has some dislexia or something! oh well ill live a day without my shakes lol.. Im having a hard time with the motivation to go walking etc. i just want someone to go do stuff with, and i go to the zoo and stuff with my mom like 2x a week but the rest of the week my husband is too tired etc so i just have to suck it up and go alone or get on the treadmill which i guess is ok im doing the best that i can.... I suppose the harder it is on me now the cooler the success story? Cant wait to shop it in the juniors section... Ive never been able to do that and just to think wow haha... Oh I went out to applebees and my waitress i love her shes so cool but shes a bit nosey and asked about my eating.. and i told her what i had done and she was all telling me about her family member that had surgery and lost weight but gained it all back i was like... hahaha when i was really thinking ugh go away i dont need that right now.. But yea.. Im doing ok right now!

  4. i feel you on the workouts....i got my surgery aug. 13th and i still feel weak...i'm gonna try and do some walking on the treadmill each day to regain my energy....i might have to wait until i start some solid foods....

    If you don't start walking to get energy it's still going to be hard after solid foods. You should start taking like 10-15 min or however long you feel comfortable and walk slowly your speed and time will build up and I did this several times a day. I'm a little over a week in and I'm up to walking 2 miles a day little steps make a big difference!

  5. Thanks for the replies and they have had alot more fast food in the house and i just have to get used to the fact that they love food too at least im not starving or anything yet lol.. They dont go out to eat when i cook for them meaning in short they are lazy and if i dont cook someone in a uniform does, but im feeling better ill probably start cooking again monday unless its over 100 degrees aain next week and we dont have an air conditioner i refuse to leave my cold cave of a room then lol i mean i am on solid food again i could cheat but i really dont want to and that there is the most important thing i think!

  6. I don't know if it's just me not feeling good, the smells of the fast food my husband and his brother are bringing home, or my husband going out to eat almost every dinner since I got on liquid diet because I'm not cooking and I guess they are too lazy to do it. When I felt fine we wouldn't go out much cuz my husband would complain about getting fat and stuff, he wears a medium shirt he's just got it all in his head.. But as soon as I'm off my feet they go eat the good stuff and I'm here sipping liquids meh sorry I'm just annoyed and he tells me I have no reason to be and that it's probably just cuz I don't feel good that I'm being unfair... I just wanted to vent that :lol:

  7. So, How are you feeling? Were you able to walk around and take care of "the kids" or were you laied up in the bed right after you had it done. My family is so dependent on me. I'm hoping it's a quick procedure and I'll be back to what I have to do very soon. Am I dreaming??

    I'm doing much better today! You aren't dreaming it isn't horrible laying down for me and getting back up hurt the most but the day of surgery I walked a bit at home the next day I walked a mile and my goal 2 days out from surgery is to walk 2 miles so it really is fast recovery and it's important to move around during recovery the bending stuff might be a bit difficult but I didn't cry from pain or anything I had some gas pain in my shoulders and some other gas pain that I just took care of with gasx strips. I don't have kids but I have a husband and his brother that I cook and clean for and I was ok doing it the next day. :lol:

  8. How exciting. How long is the procedure supposed to last?

    Mind me asking what you monthly payments are? Are your payments for 4 years? I was checking on Care Credit 4 years seems to be the longest Term available. I'll be thinking about you. Good Luck! :cursing:

    We did go with care credit only because it was hard to get credit anywhere else so meh they are ok we are taking out a 401k loan to pay it all off next month the payments would have been 300 ish a month but they charge alot of interest. But they work I'm glad I got it all done all in all :)

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