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Posts posted by blondeej

  1. I am here and still alive!

    Just now got back to my room. Spent quite a long time in recovery. I still can't feel my legs all the way due to the spinal tap, but they're coming back slowly but surely.

    Doc said everything went great, surgery took just over an hour.

    How in the hell do I post a picture in this thing? I wanted to be like Vee and post a pic of me post-op but I can't figure it out lol I have my iPhone tethered and everything, ready to go, but can't figure it out.

    (ETA: Okay, I figured it out!)

    My amazing Doc just stopped by my room to check on me. He's the best. :wub:


  2. I am very much in the closet about my surgery/surgeries. I can count on one hand the amount of people in my life that know about my WLS.

    I am off work until Friday and I told everyone (but the one coworker I feel close enough to) that I am having my gall bladder removed.

    I don't have to worry about them thinking my post-op diets are weird, because they know me as a "health-freak" anyways due to my consistent efforts to eat right and work out with my band up until now.

    Everyone's journey is different. I don't feel it's anyone's business, and I don't think I owe it to anyone to have to share my story either. I am not a walking PSA for obesity.

    Who knows, one day once I'm down 120-130 lbs I might feel like shouting it from the rooftops, and then I will (which I highly doubt) - but until then this is my decision on how to handle it.

    To the OP - the key to keeping this info quiet is to keep conversation about it to a minimum. The less you talk about any of it (whether it be my gall bladder cover story or what not) the less ammo they have and the less info they will search for from you.

    I wish you the best!! :)

  3. Hey everyone... I am here at the hotel night before surgery. Kamloops mom and her sister and stepmom are here at the hotel, too. All 3 of us have surgery tomorrow.

    Getting nervous finally... and homesick as well....

    I don't go in for surgery till tomorrow at 12 or after, I am the last to go due to being a revision, but I will be on my laptop all morning (waiting lol)....

    Hugs to you MinaT!! :)

  4. I'm scheduled for June 14th as well but my husband is worried about me going to Mexico for surgery. I'm also having a revision surgery (lap band to VSG). Does anyone know how far is the drive from the border to the hospital ? I don't mean from the airport. my husband doesn't feel comfortable if majority of the drive to hospital will be inside Mexico as opposed to the US.

    Once you cross the border into Mexicali it takes Ernesto about 10 mins to get to Hospital Almater.

    You could almost literally throw a rock over to the states you're so close. lol When you're at the hospital your cell will still pick up the US towers. :)

    ETA: didn't see Sylvia's post before I posted mine! Redundant info, but I guess you get the point now! lol

  5. Alice - great to hear!!! How are you feeling?? :)

    Edited to add - I know we pay sometimes twice as much compared to other Mexico docs but I am a firm believer you get what you pay for! I am paying twice as much bc Aceves is the most experienced doc in Mexico by far in regards to the sleeve. I'd pay three times as much for his expertise and his team's care. B)

  6. Pdxman

    I should have probably rephrased that. And since you are a veteran of the sleeve, I defer to you. But, what I meant by my poorly phrased statement is that if you follow the rules, you are teaching yourself to eat properly with the help of the sleeve. Thanks for straightening this out!!

    Ssilian - I took your statement as you had intended it. But I can also see how PdxMan and others could of read it differently. :)

    Oh the joys of text-interpretation! LOL ;)

  7. Don't worry about being scared - that's normal. Hell, if you weren't a little scared then I WOULD be worried! lol

    When I went for my band surgery my biggest fear was dying on the operating table. I think that's most people's biggest fear... but then when you think about it, I am something like 100x more likely to die while driving my car everyday over on the operating table during surgery. It's all relative.

    I am so silly... my biggest fear is the possibility of loose skin! LOL I know.... I'm looney. I trust my doc with everything (and obviously my life!) - and that's why I pay him double than other docs in MX because I firmly believe you get what you pay for.

    You will be fine! I think the only worry you should have is NOT having this done and not being able to be around to watch your babies grow up! Obesity is that scary of a killer! :(

  8. I am so sorry on having to put down your best friend.... unfortunately I had to do that while in college with my "childhood" dog that was 14 years young... and my current "kiddo" of almost 11 years is in liver failure so I don't have much time left with her. Hugs and prayers your way.

    Way to go on not giving into your addiction!! I know how strong that urge is to give into the addiction and I also know how awesome it feels once you "get over the hump" and make the HEALTHY decision even when the bad choices are right in front of you and available!! sounds like you got this girl!! B)

  9. I have the same worries... and then think what Sleeve of Steel posted, maybe up my goal to a higher weight. But then I think back to when I was that weight and how fat I still felt and how I would like to get down to my initial goal...

    And then I think of the Dr. Phil episode of the woman that had WLS and was miserable bc of her skin and said she would trade the being miserable w skin to being miserable fat bc she hated the way she looked w her loose skin that much....

    IDK, lots of thoughts going through my head - but all in all I have to not worry about it and cross that bridge when I come to it I guess.... my weight's fluctuated so much in the last 10+ years and I never had saggy skin, but I also haven't lost 130 lbs or so (my goal) in a year EVER.

    Thoughts all around - I drive myself crazy most often!!! LOL

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