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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by blondeej

  1. LOL Wolfgirl - way to go on possessing the restraint not to pack the scale! I KNOW I would of been SO TEMPTED if I were you!!! lol

    I am down 4 lbs since Monday as of my weigh in this morning!! I cannot BEGIN to explain how much this break in my stall has helped my psyche!!!!! I am down 62 lbs total and 36 lbs since surgery 6/11!!

    I don't have any suggestions on pureed foods as the idea of pureeing anything totally freaks me out and I couldn't do it. LOL I just stuck to cottage cheese, Jello, broths and creamed Soups during that stage. Some people like to puree chicken breast or tuna though, I know that. :ph34r:

  2. You do that now? Im not ready to go that hard. I swim laps 3x a wk for an hour each time, then the other 3 days, I walk with weights for 30-60 min, depending on the heat and my energy level. I dont eat enough cals at a month out to sustain a heavy work out. Soon, I'll be restarting my 30 day shred vid I have from my last major weightloss attempt a couple years ago

    Oh no girl - I am with you - I am not up to near enough calories a day to sustain a workout like that. That is my "normal" regimen prior to surgery. lol I am still battling light headed and faint bouts at 4 weeks out with the light exercise I've been doing. I would LOVE to be able to work out hard like that again but I am not going to push myself now, that's for sure. 30DS I've heard is great, I've had LOTS of friends do it and they loved it! :)

  3. When I do the gym, I do 30 min of cardio, then 30 min of light weights, for toning. Not quite ready for the gym yet, but im getting there! I love my pool time and summer right now!

    I will do 45 min - 1 hour of cardio then another hour- hour and a half of circuit. Each day is a diff part of my body. One day legs. Next day arms, next day core, etc. If I do a class (kick boxing, etc), I will still do atleast 30 mins of circuit afterwards (depending on how tired I am lol) :) :) :)

  4. So I let myself get into a slump for nothing this week due to my slow weight loss since surgery. Had the best weight loss this week since surgery- Lost 5 lbs this week and hit onderland! thanks everyone for the words of wisdom!

    Innerme that's GREAT!!!! So happy for you!!

    I think it's safe to say my stall has broke as well! Have gone down 4 lbs since Sunday!!! B) B) B)

  5. I had my sleeve done June 6th! The first 3 weeks went great! I lost 22 lbs but for the last week nothing! I could cry. Any ideas on how to break it and any one having Constipation issues?

    hey wsmith - sorry somehow I missed your post.

    YES, constipation issues are pretty much a given post-op due to the high Protein diets we're on.

    Depending on what your doc says and what your post-op instructions are, I use Fiber gummies and/or stool softener geltabs once a day. If I take the Fiber gummies I also have to take some sort of gas-x, etc, bc those gummies will cause some pretty major intestinal gas. Whatever you do, don't wait too long before doing something about this! I did that ONCE and it was the most excruciating 3 days of my life.. no joke. And we will just leave it at that.... :huh:

  6. cissie - PRAYERS UP that this is the break you've been looking for!!!! Keep us updated!!

    Amy ~ THAT IS AMAZING!!!! sounds like you've got it going girl!!!!

    As far as me.... I woke up early before my alarm and peed, and of COURSE couldn't walk by and not weigh... so I did. And it was UP .2 since yesterday... wanted to cry and went back to bed for the hour before my alarm was to go off.

    Alarm goes off - get up again and pee - and OF COURSE weigh again (see a pattern here?! lol) - and it was DOWN another lb from yesterday!!??

    I am still SO LEARY to know if this is for real a stall break or not, especially since I started TOM yesterday.... can't wait to see what the next several days bring as far as scale #'s.... I need to see these #s go down more than I've ever needed in in the last month.

    Lots of emotional crap going on in my life right now and I honestly think seeing that scale go back down with help me dig out of this hole I am mentally and emotionally in... so prayers and thoughts are highly appreciated as well! :huh:

  7. Hi all! Completely new to this site...sleeved June 21st and have lost 30lbs so far! Have been at the same number for 4 days now, is that considered a stall?! I haven't started exercising yet and really don't eat much....struggling with getting my Water and Protein down as it is. How long before you can tolerate more than 2 oz at a time?? I am constantly feeling like I took one drink too many...is that normal?

    Anyhoo-- glad to have a place where I can find support....the threads and post are all so interesting. Is there a place I should go to officially introduce myself on this site? I'm using the iPad app( which is great).

    Hi Gen angel! Welcome to VST. :) There used to be a introductions thread on one of the forums, I am not sure if it's still there or not. You can also just go on the post-op board and just make a post introducing yourself if you want. Most of us just jump on in and start reading and commenting though! lol

    It took me till a couple weeks post-op that I could actually swalllow Water and not feel like it was too much, or make a big effort to make sure it was a SIP instead of a drink.

    Now I am getting more comfortable with swallowing normal, but that's lead to drinking TOO big of gulps. LOL So I feel a little pressure in my chest but it goes away once the Fluid is allowed to pass. I still have to focus every single day on constantly drinking, since I can't consume as much as quick as I used to.

  8. I had my surgery June 18th and really really frustrated! totally disgusted and feel I will be the one person who this surgery doesn't work for. I'm getting my Protein in and my liquids and have lost very little weight- i've lost a whole 7lbs since surgery -woohoo (sarcasm). Do I feel a difference in my clothing- absolutely not! the only places I see my weight gone is my face looks slimmer. I'm starting to wonder why I did this. I have been doing everything by the book and would love to have a reward for this but it's going to be 3 weeks tomorrow and I swear if that scale doesn't move I'm gonna scream. Oh by the way I'm not living by the scale as my scale had to be sent back to the manufacturer to be replaced so I'm weighing only once a week at my local Publix. I'm taking my measurements and not seeing much change there either.

    Innerme - OTR had some good words for you. You CANNOT compare your losses/journey to anyone else. Compared to where I started, you have a lot less to lose, so there's no way you're gonna get 30 lb losses in 2 weeks like someone like me had.

    HANG IN THERE - this WILL WORK for you!!! And that's what we're here for... vent, complain, cry - do what you need - we're ALL going through the same thing!!

  9. Hi Blondeej,

    Thanks for your comments! I did do a ton of research and I appreciate what you had to say about the nutritionist. I can easily make sure that I am meeting the guidelines for Protein, Vitamins etc,

    Just out of curiousity what do people talk about in terms of therapy as it relates to Weight Loss Surgery? I know that might be a very personal question so feel free not to answer, but I'm just wondering because I really don't have a lot of tramatic events in my life which might contribute to overeating.

    I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. I eat too much and I love food, which is why I got the gastric band,

    I guess what I'm tying to say, rather inarticulately, is Weight Loss Surgery therapy to explore why we overeat or how we feel as we lose weight? If it's how we feel as we lose weight, I'm just curious if you know what some of the potential problems that people face because for the most part I would have thought people would feel pretty good about it....

    Anyways, thanks for the advice, I appreciate it!


    I am not 100% sure I am positive what exactly you're asking, but I will try to answer the best I can... lol And obviously I am not a therapist, so I can only speak from my own knowledge and experience.

    A lot of individuals that have WLS are not people that have been overweight for a few years and decide to do something about it. Most WLS candidates are people that have suffered for many many years with their weight and all that encompasses - their self-esteem, their relationships with friends, family, coworkers and partners. There is a lot more damage that is done to oneself that has been oppressed by their weight for such a long time other than the physical ailments and issues.

    A lot of people find once they have these surgeries and get to a weight they either haven't experienced since maybe adolescence or maybe can't even remember if there ever was a time they were that skinny - it tends to bring up other issues. Which we are forced to deal with because we don't have our weight and fat and food to hide behind anymore.

    I am a firm believer that everyone eats and becomes obese for a reason. Do we all love food? Well yea, but every single one of us could say "I got fat because I just LOVE LOVE food and I love to eat!" - well the majority of the skinny population in the world I am sure could say the same thing about their love for food and to eat, but they're not morbidly obese and don't have side effects due to that love for food like we do.

    So what's the difference? Where's the disconnect? I believe those questions are ones that we all need to figure out in order to be successful long term in this journey. Successful as a whole. And the majority of the time this isn't something individuals can solve on their own, they need to reach out for professional help to guide them to a healthy and sustaining life.

    I didn't have any huge traumatic events in my life. My parents are still together and in love and married after 30+ years. I had a loving childhood. But I started eating to comfort my emotions at a very young age. I remember hoarding and hiding food as young as 8. I didn't know why I did it then other than it made me feel good. Now that I am an adult I can look back and point out what I think were triggers to my behaviors, and I still need to fix those if I truly want to be at peace with myself throughout this journey.

    Everyday is a battle in more ways than one. It's how you choose to handle it and persevere which will help determine it all.... I hope that one day I can look in the mirror and truly love myself. All of me. I am a far ways away from that now, but I want to get there. And I want to work for it. :)

  10. you're welcome Jlewis!

    So I did it yet again... got up, peed, weighed. Wanted to throw myself on the floor and cry. LOL

    And to those that mentioned - I also take my measurements once a month. Which means Monday I will be taking my 1 month post-op measurements. I know I've lost inches, obviously losing 30 lbs will do that. But my clothes haven't felt any looser these past 2 (almost) weeks I've been stalled.

    Just gotta keep trucking.... :wacko:

    I've even thought about doing that fat/calories switch thing that they mentioned in the article... I figure what can it hurt? The scales not moving anyways?! lol

  11. Amy!! how frustrating!!!

    This morning I woke up and was saying to myself "I'm NOT GONNA WEIGH I'm NOT GONNA WEIGH!!"...and what do I do, walk right on up and WEIGH. Only to see the SAME number I've been seeing for 12 days!! LOL I am such a glutton for punishment.. and a self-admitted scale-wh*re... haha

    I am EIGHT POUNDS from being in twoderville- EIGHT POUNDS!! I actually was as close as FIVE POUNDS away after being desperate and stupidly taking some lasix last week (DUMB, do not attempt... lol)...


  12. I was sleeved June 5th. Lost 32 lbs fast. Haven't really lost any since then. I wouldn't get too discouraged. I think the initial weight loss is probably Water weight we shed. It's going to take our bodies a little time to get used to the sleeve and our new eating routines and to jump start our metabolisms and really get loosing the pounds. But it will happen soon enough. Just be patient and try not to get too discouraged.

    Yep Nate, our bodies are going through stuff in a crazy way, here's a good article that explains the week 2/3 post-op stall in more detail:


    Some good info!

  13. WOW!!!! 30 lbs is awesome weightloss in 2 weeks time!!!! You are doing fantastic!!

    After reading your post I became a little more frustrated and depressed because I lost 9lbs the first two weeks and have lost nothing O since. I was sleeved on June 7th. Makes me think if I knew then what I know now I highly doubt I would have chose this surgery, especially after all I have been through with my whole journey.

    hope2befree- one of the number one rules of WLS:

    You cannot compare your progress to other people's! :)

    I had about 185 lbs to lose initially - so I have a LOT to lose, that's alot of why I will more than likely lose more up front than those that have 80-100 lbs to lose.

    Nine lbs is GREAT!! Think about it, that's almost TWO BAGS of potatoes!! Pick two of them up at the store and feel how heavy they are... you may change your tune :D

  14. Are STALLED, like myself!! That way we can keep each other company before we go bat $h!t crazy!!


    I read ALL ABOUT these stalls before surgery and KNEW I could very well have it happen to me.... but yet I am still depressed and about to pull my hair out since the scale hasn't moved in almost 2 weeks!!!

    Lost 30 lbs my first 2 weeks post-op - but now NOTHING the past week and 5 days!!

    Anyone want to add????

    VENT AWAY!! B)

  15. Hey Kitty! I was sleeved in MX 6/11/12. I also had my band surgery done in MX by the same doc in Feb 2011.

    I (like you I am sure) did a TON of research on these surgeries before making the step and getting them done. I am not a nutritionist, but I bet I could give them a run for their money with my nutrition knowledge. I prepared myself for this due to the fact that I knew I wouldn't be seeing a nutritionist post-op.

    Psychologically, I could definitely use some therapy (for weight loss related issues and other stuff) - but I am a stubborn one, and did not have a very good experience my last attempt and getting therapy, so I haven't been back since.

    I know some people search out therapists that specifically deal with WLS patients, and feel it should be mandatory to do that in order for proper care. I am sure it would help, but I am sure someone would benefit from any sort of therapy help versus none at all (I speak for myself here, too! lol).

  16. Hi cissie.... I will be 4 weeks post-op on Monday. I have been stalled for almost 2 weeks as well. I lost over 30 lbs the first 2 weeks post op now NOTHING. I read ALL about the week 2 and week 3 stalls post-op when I was getting ready for surgery - but there's still no way to prepare for this frustration! If you do a search in the forums here for "week three stall" - you will gets lots of results. It's very common at this point in our journey - but it sure doesn't make it any less stressful. I know better than to doubt my sleeve's ability because of this but I still do! I've only been eating 300-500 cals a day too. Protein first, getting all my fluids in, etc. I know I am doing everything right, now just have to allow my body the time it needs to adjust and try to keep my sanity! :o

  17. Mina - I lost 30 lbs my first two weeks and will be 4 weeks post op on Monday and have only lost about 4 the past almost 2 weeks! I know it's the very common 2-3 week post op stall but it doesn't make it any less frustrating. I actually even went UP 2 lbs from a low I saw last week... I really wanted to be under 300 by my 4 week post op, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I'd have to lose 7 lbs by Monday and at this rate my scales not moving at all! Been eating around 300-600 cals. :( Now I feel for all those people who's threads I read pre-op that were complaining about their stalls - I TOTALLY know how it feels now!! :unsure:

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