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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Linnielady

  1. I've been avoiding coming on here because I can't seem to get a grip on my diet anymore! I've had two fills since surgery and now I'm at 4.5 cc in a 10cc band. I've had a hard time getting a grip since my birthday last week. I feel hungrier than I was when I had less in my band. I feel like I'm slowly losing control and I'm trying SO hard to hang on to this last strand of motivation and control.

    I guess I just needed to vent and put it out there. I hope I'm not alone...because I feel like I am.

    Go get as many fills as it takes to get to that sweet spot. It took me 2 years and about 12 fills before I got the one that hit the spot. You will get there. And you will know it when it happens. Best Wishes to you. Stay strong and believe.

  2. First, let me thank each of you for your responses. They really have been helpful. I will be going to the doctor today for my fill. I do believe that I have not reached complete and satisfactory restriction. I will be getting a fill for sure. I so much appreciate your time and imput. It has been a great help towards me making the decision to get another fill. I do have restriction but was not sure if that was as good as it could get. It seems that from reading your responses I could use a little more help with the continuing hunger issues that I experience. I will let you know how things go. Again, thank you everyone for your help. It means so much to have friends out there who understand our issues.

  3. I have lost 50 pounds so far since 12/09/10. I have had 3 fills and going in this next Tuesday for my fourth. I can eat anything and everything. My question is should I be able to do this? I feel that I'm using a lot of will power too. I would appreciate hearing what the "Sweet Spot" feels to others. Thanks for any enlightenment you can share with me.

  4. My doctor suggests that you have liquids for 36 hours after a fill. NOT EVEN SOFT FOODS !! The stomach needs time to heal. I would suggest just sticking to liquids for that length of time before trying soft things. I always side with caution and so far its been working for me. Hope this helps.

  5. Hi Tara,

    That same thing happens to me too. I just did that twist thing yesterday morning and felt pain in my port area. I have also experienced that gas under my rib cage on the left side. Actually I went to the doctor about it last Thursday because I was concerned about my port. They told me that my port was fine and that the gas pains can come and go from now on. So I don't think you have anything to worry about. I would see the doctor if it becomes a lasting pain and doesn't go away. It weird how you can twist before you know what you just did. I usually have that happen when I first wake up in the morning. I go to roll over and stretch at the same time and before I know it I've got the crazy internal pain. I hope this helped you.

  6. Yes, this is a classical case of cold feet. I think I can speak for just about everyone " Cold Feet " is common before surgery. You've work very hard to get there, then all of a sudden its upon you. The fear of the unknown is always a scary venture. I was banded on Dec 23, 2010 and I'm thrilled with my results so far. I was ready to walk out the day of surgery because of my fear. Thank God I didn't. I will be getting my first fill on February 1st and can't wait to move farther into this awesome journey with absolutely no regrets except for one. Not doing this about 5 years ago when I went to my first seminar. You will do great if you've done your homework. Research and know what is to come and the skies the limit. Wishing you well.

  7. I'm sorry that you thought the band was like the other WLS. They should have explained that to you when you came in for your consult. I am at 7.3cc's and I am able to eat everything that I ate before I had the band. I make choices not to eat those things because I didn't have this surgery just to stay the same or re-gain what I have lost. I have never slimed, PB, or threw up anything in the 10.5 months of being banded. You may be lucky like me and not have any issues eating anything. For some people this is not luck but a curse because they want to have the ill effects of eating certain foods to keep them from eating them a second time. I don't ever want to feel sick! I'm glad that I don't have to get sick in order to lose weight. I can do it by simply following the rules (most of the time lol). If I want ice cream I get frozen yogurt. I am sure as time goes along you will find something that you can substitute your favorite foods for that's better for you. I am not sure what will take the place of a big mac though....:) I hope you have success with your band!

    GREAT RESPONSE !!! You nailed it on the head !!!!

  8. I was put on Optifast for my 2 week preop. It gets better after about day 3. I did the shakes, bars, and Soup that Optifast makes. I found that I was hardly ever hungry. What triggered hunger was when my husband made his dinner. The smell drove me a little crazy. I had to stay out of the kitchen when he cooked. I didn't do any of his cooking for those two weeks and also didn't cook anything after surgery for the first week and a half after. I'm in the mushie stage now and have done some cooking since I can eat too. Hang in there it will get better. And yes, it was very expensive.

  9. Hello Floridays,

    I am 4 weeks post op and was told by my nutritionist to eat around 1200 calories a day. I'm sure that I'm not eating that much. I would say more like 1000. I will go in for a fill on Feb 1st. I do hope for some more restriction with that fill. I am having to use some willpower for sure but trying to keep my Protein high so as to help with hunger. By the way I live in St Pete. Dr. Huguet did my surgery, How long have you been banded for? Hope to hear from you soon.

  10. Hi Lori, remember me. I too was banded on the 23rd. Things are going great with me. I'm down 25 as of yesterday. I don't weigh everyday, don't want to get frustrated in anyway. LOL I'm in the mushie stage too. Not finding it as difficult to find things to eat as I thought I would. I'm counting calories and Protein and trying real hard to make good food choices so I don't gain before getting my first fill. I get that on February 1 and can't wait. I have found that I'm not looking at food the same way as I did before. How about you? Hope to hear from you soon. B) From Sunny Florida

    Hey Kelli,

    Sorry I somehow did not see your reply until now. How are you doing on the next stage? Are you hungry? I am doing OK so far. Not very hungry...but still manage to eat!!!

    I thinik its great that you are down 19 lbs. I am down 23 all together, but I havent lost anything since I started to add food back in. How about you? HAs your weight loss slowed down? I am a bit frustrated by it. I got so used to losing almost a lb a day!! I know its now realistic, but it was nice!

    I hope you are doing well. Let me know how its going!

    To everyone else, I hope you are all doing well and continue to have success. Keep in touch and let me know how its going...the support on this site is great and really helps!


  11. Stephanie I was banded on Dec 23,2010. My gas pain lasted 10 days. Walking definitely gives you relief and taking gasx strips. Sometimes warm broth has a soothing effect also. That last one might be mind over matter. LOL I'm 59 and I think that maybe it might take us little older chicks a little longer to recoup. I feel GREAT now. I've steadily losing and have my energy back. Let me know if you have any other questions I can help you with. There is a beautiful rainbow coming your way. B) From Sunny Florida

  12. Good luck to you Chandra. I was banded on Dec 23, 2010 and feel great. Its the best thing I have done for myself. I'm so excited for you. Things will go great and you will be so glad once the surgery is over and you're on the best journey of your life. See you soon on the other side. Let us know how things go. B) Florida Girl

  13. This post was the bomb. I couldn't have said it better. All those who think that the band is the be all do all need to rethink their thought process. Its a tool that will help if you let it but you need to become its assistant. Thanks for a wonderful posting. You Rock!!!!B)

    I have read again and again on the post-op forum that newbies are "hungry" and "can eat anything and everything" they could eat BEFORE surgery. YES, THIS IS TRUE. Before you have restriction (via fills that tighten the band and press on the vegus nerve inhibiting the hunger hormone ghrelin) you will be hungry and because you don't have Fluid in your band you do NOT have restriction. So, be forwarned that (once the swelling from surgery goes down) if you want to lose weight AFTER surgery and BEFORE you reach (some) restriction, you are going to have to watch what you eat. And, yes, you will be hungry sometimes. It's called "bandster hell", but don't worry it doesn't last forever and we all get through it.

    Also, this is a good time to learn when you are "physically hungry" and when you are "head hungry".

    I am amazed at how many people are surprised that they have to participate in reaching their weight loss goal (i.e., changing their diet, being hungry sometimes). The band is a "tool". It only works as hard as you do. I am more surprised that surgeons are not explaining this to their patients BEFORE surgery. What's THAT about??

    Hang in there folks, barring complications, this is a great WLS. It can "help" change your life.

    As you will learn in the post-op forum, lapband surgery is not for everyone, but many, many people are succeeding with this surgery eveyday. I wish I had done it years sooner.

    Knowledge is power folks ... read, read, read. And, read the post-op forum for experiences and information from those in the "know".

    Good luck to all of you!

  14. One of my very favorite food is meatballs, take some mushroom Soup, breadcrumbs, egg, and hamburger. They are mega band friendly, and I eat them for Breakfast too.....naver have been an egg or Cereal girl.

    I like to make casseroles, stews, Soups, tacos, anything as long as it is balanced. I just eat sooo much less now than before and I exercise for at least 30-60 minutes everyday!

    As far as bread, I use sandwhich thins(multi-grain)....and Pasta I can't eat in front of the T.V. because I have to focus on chewing all the Pasta up or I'm like a mama bird regurgitating to her fledgling...hahahahhahaha If I pb my dog looks longingly at me (I bet she would just love it)! You know dogs always eat their barf anyway!

    If anyone wants my mushroom meatball recipe just respond to this and let me know, you will not be disapointed!

    I did so enjoy this thread....night peeps!

    I would be most interested in your recipe. I love all the ingredents you mentioned. I am 12 days post op as of today. I will start mushies this Friday. Can't wait!! Thanks for the receipt and any others you would like to share.

  15. Losing weight before surgery is good but as far as I was told by my doctor, the real purpose for the pre op diet is to shrink the live. Obese people have fatty livers. The liver lays on top of the stomach were the band is placed. It is much easier for the surgeon to move the liver out of the way if it is not so fat during the surgery. It makes the surgery a more safe procedure by reducing the size of the liver.

  16. It's really up to your insurance company and whatever your surgeon whats besides the insurance company. I had to have 6 months of nutritional education, barium swallow test, sleep apnea test, psych test and exercise counseling. I am so happy my insurance had me do all these things. I went in with both eyes open and an so happy I have made this decision. I am 9 days post op and am thrilled so far. I wish you luck and happiness in 2011.B) From Sunny Florida

  17. I was banded on Dec 23rd and still have some swelling near my port site. I do have some gas once in a while left in my breast bone and left shoulder too. Not anything bad though. I'm still on Protein Shakes, broth, Jello, Vitamin Water, water and popsicles. I see my surgeon next Thursday and will be able to start mushie food next Friday. I have a question for you. Have you gone back to work yet? I'm taking next week off just to make sure all my inside trama has some more time to heal. Hope to hear from you soon.

  18. It has taken us ALL years to get to the morbidly obese size that we find ourselves in. How can we expect to fix it in a New York minute. Yes, this truly is the hardest thing we ALL are going through, but didn't you recognize before taking this decisive,definitive step that this wasn't going to be "A PIECE OF CAKE"... No pun intended. I'm on my post op diet as we speak and my stomach sometimes hurts from hunger. Instead of looking at this as a negative I have chosen to take a more positive outlook and say " Hunger Pangs" !!! Yay for me. Then I go drink some more Protein and it goes away. Protein has such satiety power. Protein is your friend forever, so LEAN on it. As someone told me just recently (Dave) Keep your eye on the prize. B)

  19. Did you have anything for nausea before you had surgery? The first time I had surgery I threw up for 12 hours afterward. You shouldn't be vomiting like this. Have you contacted your surgeon? He can prescribe something for your nausea that should stop all that vomiting. You need to call him immediately. You can made that band slip if you continue this way. Take care and get the help you need now. You will be in my prayers. Hope things get fixed right away.

  20. I think it is an individual thing as to how long one needs to take off. Depending on you type of job has a lot to do with it to. I teach and know how demanding that job is. On your feet all day an such. I had my surgery last Thursday the 23rd and have this whole week off. I could have gone back probably today but would think it may have been a little to soon. By Monday I will be ready to go back. That is when I'm expected to go back also. And, I have told only 1 person at work. Don't wanted to hear anything negative and such. I'm as happy as a clam for making that decision. Its my decision to make and my decision to tell if I so choose too. Good for you and I wish you the best of luck.

  21. I am 1 year post-op and I think I am in in a rut. I need some new recipes or food ideas to spice up my eating habits. I have 8lbs to go to goal!!! ( yahooo!!!), but I feel that I am slipping because I am tired of the foods I am eating. I find that I try new food ( yes I am still "trying" new foods a year out), and I get stuck, or it doesn't go so well. Does anyone have any great recipes, websites, or books to recommend to this bandster that just needs a jump start?


    Talk about a contrasting positions, I was just banded last Thursday the 23rd. I don't know the first thing I will even try to eat, but I ordered these two books and they look like they have some great recipes. The titles are, Eating Well After Weightloss Surgery and Recipes for Life After Weight-Loss Surgery. I've also found this website for healthy eating and have found some things I plan on trying when I'm able to eat again. That website is www.Sparksrecipes.com If you wouldn't mind sharing some of your food choices I sure would appreciate hearing back from you. Thanks for any suggestions you may have. Congratulations on you success. I started out at 282 and am down to 266 as of yesterday. My goal is to get to between 150-160 myself. You are an inspiration to so many of us out there.

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