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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by lunarose

  1. OMG! I just read what your husband said after watching Nightline! That is so funny! I can not tell you how many times mine has given me the blank stare when I mention something that we had talked about! You thought of PVC me I was thinking duct tape! Congrads on winning your appeal.

  2. I can cross my legs again!

  3. Been thinking of you and hoping things are getting better and you are healing.

  4. Hi, I have been good with the protein I think I get in at least 60g a day and I do think it helps with the engery ot lack of (G) I have grape frost flavor isopure and I make sugar free pudding out of the chocolate or vanilla protein powders chocolate unjruy and the vanilla is from about time. I also like the chicken soup from unjury I take a can of chicken noodle strain it so I just get the broth I find it tastier then plain chicken broth. Have you tried the cream soups yet? That is where I started feeling stuffed. Its just so hard to get use to being stuffed by so little I haven't been able to convince my head that a half cup is plenty(G) Feeling full feels pretty much the same as it did before the surgery just quicker no pain just very uncomfortable. So far I have not found anything I can't tolerate but of course the diet has been limited(G)

  5. Hi, I have a friend who is just about done with the options program in PC they told her it will be another 4 months before they schedule her surgery you will meet again with the Doctor when you are just about done with the options program. Anyway I wanted to give a shout out to a fellow Santa Clarita future sleever!


  6. Oh my look at your beautiful self! 180...that is marvelous!

  7. Thanks. Still doing well this heat is making things a bit difficult once I get the drain out and can shower I know I will feel better. What time are you going in tomorrow? Just think tomorrow it will be over and you will be on the loser bench with me.! Your pictures are very pretty. Thanks for the encouraging words.

  8. That's Quincy and he is a real charmer that found his way to my front door early this year and it was a good thing that he is a charmer because he had to help me convince my husband that 5 cats really isn't too many!

  9. My hubby is so sweet. Yesterday he was commenting that he loves that I am wearing for feminine looking clothing (what plus size tents aren't feminine). Love the man he also said not that he didn't love me before but just loves me more.

  10. Hello fellow Santa Clarita sleever, I am being sleeved on 8-24-10 and am so nervous and excited. I am being done at Northridge. Do you have any advice suggestions? Where do you get you supllies out here GNC? Thanks Nancy

  11. Hopefully your surgeon won't be stuck in traffic and make you wait an extra 30 minutes. Boy oh boy the last thing I remember is scooting over to the operating table and an oxygen mask on my face and the next thing I knew I was in recovery I could not believe it as over I went in around 3 and was out awake at 5. I just found out I have to keep the drain in until next week but other then being awkward its no big deal and I can still shower with it. I think the fact that you are young and not super obese should really serve you well.


  12. Did you get the feeding tube out and okay for clear liquids? I hope so!

  13. Hi, I was reading about you getting PLICATION and was wondering about something what about the hunger hormone thing? Just curious I have already been sleeved but have a friend who is considering it.



  14. How is this for an "Ah ha" moment? I am now on maintance and while I do have to watch myself now and then I do feel like I am just eating normally. It occurred to me that what I eat now in calories, quality and quantity would be what I would have to be eating if I had not got my sleeve and "Did it on my own" I know with my whole being that there would be absolutely no way I could ever have done that. I know that my pre sleeved self would never feel anything but deprived eating...

  15. LOL I like my surgeon but I think he tends to be one of those chronically late types(G) Journalling sounds like a wonderful idea.

  16. Hi Ruthi, I am in Santa Clarita too, I'm in Newhall. I am hoping to get Sleeve next month at Northridge. How do you like yours? Any regrets? Any advice?

    Thanks Nancy

  17. How are you doing? Just think this time tomorrow it will be over your journey will have started and I just know you will do just fine.

  18. You new picture looks fabulous! Oh the foamies and slimies are gross! I've only gotten it twice I also seem to get the hiccups with them that just makes all the more gross! I haven't tried diet soda yet but I don't think I'll be able to since the tiny bit of fizz from an airborne hurt! Right now I am at a stall scale wise Very depressing but I know it won't ...

  19. Hi, The isopure isn't too bad not great but tolerable. Last night our oldest and his family came over plus our nephew and my BIL who is here *again* so we took the whole gang to Hometown. I got some chicken vegetable soup a spoon full of mashed potatoes and a couple of pieces of jello and picked at my plate while everyone else ate and it was no big deal I didn't even look at the deserts which is my main weakness(G) When we left I was full but not overly so the chicken and carrots which I cut into tiny bits and chewed well no pain no indigestion. It was wonderful! The bottomless pit finally has a bottom! So far I have lost about 16lbs.


  20. Hi, Just saw that it was your Birthday! Happy Happy a little late. How is your hair? I am obsessing over mine I have always had very thin hair and even losing a small percentage will be noticeable.

  21. That is good news all the way around and how lucky are you to be able to have your surgery so close to home. It's silly but I am just so excited for you after having to fight so hard to get this done.

  22. You are on the loser bench now! Been thinking of you and praying all went well with your sleeve this morning and you are resting comfortably in your room.

  23. We went to dinner the other night with some old friends. One of the wives was the lady who was orginally going to be sleeved with me but backed out after her Options classes, to "do it on her own" and now has regained the 15lbs she had lost during the classes. The other wife has lost and gained the same 75lbs too many times to count. Anyway we are at dinner and they commented on my weight loss and how proud they are of my and how good I am being. This is what got me if our places we...

  24. Today is my second surgiversary! How crazy is that?

  25. It's snowing! It has been off and on all day! It was so much fun going on my walk in it...who knew it was so slippery!?!

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