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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by lunarose

  1. KKB, I hope all is well and you are way down the road in your recovery.

  2. So today I went in for my four month post op visit. My bp was 109/73 I have been off my blood pressure pills since September. My latest labs are all good. From the day I first saw him in late July I weighed 208 today I weighed 159! I am beyond happy and the icing on my cake an ultimate NSV my surgeon asked if I would send him a before and after picture on his web site!! My feet still haven't touched the ground.

  3. What is the waiting period now after the classes end? You are going to Kaiser Lancaster right?

  4. Everytime my roots start to grow I try to put off doing anything about it until it looks bad. Because of Thanksgiving I waited too long because of course I wanted to color right before. So DH finally notices all the grey and thought it was because I was losing hair!

  5. Hi, Just saw that it was your Birthday! Happy Happy a little late. How is your hair? I am obsessing over mine I have always had very thin hair and even losing a small percentage will be noticeable.

  6. Can you believe its been 3 months!

  7. Wow you look amazing!

  8. Hi, I am doing pretty good my scale keeps doing a two step I'll drop down a couple of pounds then they come back stick there for days and then drops back down! How are you doing? Any better with your energy levels? One thing I didn't expect is how much better I sleep.

  9. Hi, How are you doing? Did they have to go back and close again? Do you still have a feeding tube? I think of you often and hope things are getting better.


  10. How are you liking the options class?

  11. You may want to read this blog from this lady who was sleeved in May and had a link and had trouble getting it to close. She is almost to goal now doing great but I figure you could email her and ask her whatever ? you have:


  12. Did you get the feeding tube out and okay for clear liquids? I hope so!

  13. OMG! I just read what your husband said after watching Nightline! That is so funny! I can not tell you how many times mine has given me the blank stare when I mention something that we had talked about! You thought of PVC me I was thinking duct tape! Congrads on winning your appeal.

  14. Finally posted a couple of pre op pictures....yuck! I look like a whale!

  15. That's Quincy and he is a real charmer that found his way to my front door early this year and it was a good thing that he is a charmer because he had to help me convince my husband that 5 cats really isn't too many!

  16. Oh my look at your beautiful self! 180...that is marvelous!

  17. Been thinking of you and hoping things are getting better and you are healing.

  18. Hi, I am still trying to figure out the changes on the site so if this is a repeat message that's why.


    No problem. I am only two months out so my experience is limited. And forgive me in advance I do tend to ramble.

    I have always been overweight not grossly fat just overweight except for a short period in my mid twenties when I was actually thin. Then i...

  19. LOL! I did not take before pictures sop I am waiting for DH to pull some old pictures from his hard drive! I do want to get some ups.

  20. LOL! I am 5'2" and according to the charts I "should" weigh 125 I haven't weighed that since my twenties! Anyway to me that sounds so unrealistic as a goal so when I did the ticker I set it at 140 a number I will be thrilled to see. I think my feet are smaller!

  21. You new picture looks fabulous! Oh the foamies and slimies are gross! I've only gotten it twice I also seem to get the hiccups with them that just makes all the more gross! I haven't tried diet soda yet but I don't think I'll be able to since the tiny bit of fizz from an airborne hurt! Right now I am at a stall scale wise Very depressing but I know it won't ...

  22. Hi, I can not believe what Kaiser is doing to you. It is crazy that they don't even take us on a case by case basis just lump us into their rigid standards. It just isn't fair! I saw my PCP last week first time I was there since surgery and explained why I went to self pay I told her mentally I just could not purposely gain 20lbs to meet their standards and she said it would be madness to do that because it would put my health in further rick for problems. Anyway I wanted to tell you how sorry I am and to keep fighting!


  23. Thanks for the b-day wishes. While I seem to be able to eat whatever I want I still stress over food all he time. I worry about eating too much because I am not even sure I know what that means. And my head looks at what I eat and tries to convince me that I haven't eaten enough. And of course I worry that I won't lose enough weight or worse I'll gain!

  24. I have such low expectations to begin with losing one pound is a thrill(G) I hate throwing up too I just didn't realize I had eaten too much until it was too late I forget to slow down. I have had bread but only 1/4 of a slice and did not have trouble with it but I hear it is common to have issues. They say to start with toast no crust. Tonight's dinner went well I order a chopped steak ate maybe 4 bites, mashed potatoes 3 bites one bite of bread a couple of green beans and two very small bites of cheesecake (it was my b-day dinner after all) took my time finished the same time as everyone else took to clean their plates. Enjoyed every bite and I did not over do it! For the most part I try to stick with mostly soft foods. I also made myself a small snack spreading a little refried beans on my baked ritz and I am full and satisfied after just 4-5 crackers. I just hope it stays this way.



  25. Hi, You've lost 26lbs what do you mean you aren't losing as you should that is great! I got the okay to start regular food and promptly overate and this time got sick! First time I did that and was a little freaked how quickly it happened. I am having trouble too trying to figure out how and what to eat. We are suppose to go out to dinner tomorrow night and I am kind of scared. I still gets bouts of diarrhea I don't know what will happen now that I am branching out to regular food. I get frustrated myself my head keeps telling me I am not eating enough but my stomach saids otherwise that and I keep forgetting and drinking too soon after eating. It is an adjustment we will do it!



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