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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lunarose

  1. lunarose

    Hair Loss

    I am almost 5 months out. I have always had very fine and very thin hair so this has been a major worry for me. Knock on wood so far no hair loss.
  2. lunarose


    Hi All, I am wondering how everyone else is dealing with their rings and sizing. I am about half way to goal and my wedding band has gotten real loose. I don't want to get it sized because I am hoping to lose anymore. I don't want to put tape on it or stop wearing it what all do you do? Nancy
  3. Carbonation. I can drink a little but it doesn't sit well so I avoid it. But other then that there doesn't seem to be anything I can't eat.
  4. Hi, I am 4 1/2 months out. My biggest issue was portion control too. I don't know about stretching but you can eat around your sleeve. Candy high sugar things go down way too easily for me so I have to stay away from them. Making it a habit to eat your protein first whenever you sit down to a meal helps because it fills you up quickly after a sleeve.
  5. lunarose

    New Hair

    Very cute! I love the cut and color I wish I could get my brillo pad hair into a cut like that.
  6. lunarose

    Real Meals protein powder

    I haven't tried this one. For pre-op it should be okay but I suspect it might be too heavy for early post op. It also is kind of high in calories if you mix it with skin milk it will come to around 450 for a full serving.
  7. Hi. My starting BMI was 38 I am 4 1/2 months out and I have been averaging 10 lbs a month
  8. How are you doing?

  9. Thanks+ Jesse my son is a little freaked by the idea that he will be doing rehab for a year. He has had surgery for some major breaks in his arms (the boy has broken an arm 10 times in his 28 years) and even the last one which happened in Iraq when an IED blew up under the vehicle he was driving and shattered his elbow was rehabed in 4 months. He goes in on the 14th.

  10. lunarose

    loose skin ?s

    Hi All, I have a few questions about my loose skin. I am older 54 I've lost 50lbs so far 4 months out and would like to lose another 20-25kbs. Anyway one of my questions is how long does it take for whatever may snap back to snap up as much as its going to snap back? Would wearing compression wear help at all? I could live with my bat wings if the skin wasn't so crinkly Even my knees and thighs have wrinkles will that ever even out?
  11. lunarose


    Hi, I am a little four months out and have no regrets. Sure like everyone else I spent the first week asking myself what in the world had I done but that was the only time.
  12. It's snowing! It has been off and on all day! It was so much fun going on my walk in it...who knew it was so slippery!?!

  13. lunarose

    loose skin ?s

    Hi, I figured that but what is the time frame when will it get as good as it will be? Months or am I already there?
  14. Best thing about Christmas post sleeve I no longer have to stress about being around food. Hope everyone has a great one!
  15. lunarose

    My life changing year

    You look beautiful! But I have to ask how the hell are you able to keep your boobs!?!
  16. Went clothes shopping today first time since my sleeve. Size 10 jeans a tad loose tops large. Pretty wild.

  17. Hi, I was a diet soda fiend pre-op I'd drink a big 3 liter bottle of Shasta a day and have been since I was 14 that means 40 years. I did not cut back on them pre-op and stopped the day of my surgery cold turkey. I was pretty miserable the first week and I suspect a lot of it was withdrawlng. Be sure to pick up some liquid tylenol for the headache do not take any asprin or motrin or aleve this close to your surgery date and after you are not allowed to. I am now four months out and I have had a few sips but I find the carbonation even leaving it open a bit uncomfortable and even after it is flat I just don't want it. I've got to tell you I sleep so much better now. I like sweet too and here are some of the things that really helped me post op. sugar free instant pudding with Protein added saved me. I like Unjury's chocolate protein I mix it with skin milk and add Nesquik's Sugar Free Chocolate. I also will mix it with Trumoo. I like grape flavor so instead of my shasta I drink 3 liters a day of grape flavored crystal lite. I also had some Isopure Grape Frost early on. I hate the taste of broth so I would drain a can of chicken noodle Soup freeze the noodles and chicken and mix in unjury chicken flavor protein (you have to be careful to not let the protein get above 130 it changes to grossness if you do). With the Greek yogurt I used Tarino (sp?) sugar free syrups.
  18. So today I went in for my four month post op visit. My bp was 109/73 I have been off my blood pressure pills since September. My latest labs are all good. From the day I first saw him in late July I weighed 208 today I weighed 159! I am beyond happy and the icing on my cake an ultimate NSV my surgeon asked if I would send him a before and after picture on his web site!! My feet still haven't touched the ground.
  19. I just read about your DH's surgery our youngest is having his shoulder operated on in 2 weeks. How is it going?

  20. Hi, I have been using it now for close to a month .......is it working? I have no idea but then I am still losing. I am also taking collagen capsules.
  21. You are not asking too much. Have you tried to ask him why he hasn't been supportive and how it feels like he is trying to sabotage your diet. As far as working out is there never a time when all three are napping? Can you take them to the park? What would happen if you waited until he walks in the door and give him a kiss and head out the door for a run? I don't know about these days but some gym memberships used to offer free childcare while you work out.
  22. lunarose


    I have been using plain old skin milk to make my shakes I will add sugar free Nesquik (sp?) and recently tried Trumoo chocolate milk made with fat free milk.
  23. lunarose

    My hair is falling out :(

    Hi, Knock on wood I haven't lost any yet I already have very fine and very thin hair losing as little as 5% would leave me with bald spots so I have really tried to be as proactive as I can. I started biotin pre-op I get mine at walmart 2500mcg. I also take collagen caps, b12, b complex and still drink protein shakes most mornings. I also have been using Nioxin shampoo and conditioner which I swear by.
  24. lunarose

    90 lbs

    Wow 90lbs in six months that is fantastic!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
