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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lunarose

  1. lunarose

    bathroom ?

    Hi All, I have a question for the rest of the ladies. I am 5 months out all is good but I seem to have an odd problem urinating. It feels as if I am unable to completely empty my bladder at times as if I have lost some muscle control and can not bare down. Anyone else?
  2. lunarose

    bathroom ?

    Exactly Globetrotter! Its like there is nothing to push with!
  3. lunarose

    Dont want the Sleeve

    Hi, From my understanding the sleeve was first put into play as a safer way to do WLS on those who have super high BMIs. Depending on your results the bypass may or may not be needed. It sounds like your surgeon is trying to do this as safely as possible.
  4. Surgery went well the surgeon said his shoulder ws worse then expected and will probably develop arthritis later in life. We are flying with him to Alaska tomorrow.

  5. lunarose

    Working Out

    Hi, I am 5 months out I walk 5 miles a day 5 days a week.
  6. lunarose

    bathroom ?

    Thanks I will have it checked out. It has been like this pretty much since surgery.
  7. lunarose

    Fat tumors

    Thanks all. I have had them forever now. Rootman I had one in front of my year my doctor poopoo it turned out it was a mixed cell benign tumor of my parotid gland! Fortunately most of mine are in places that will never see the light of day.
  8. Hi, I haven't tried for life insurance but if they were to reject you because of the sleeve that would mean they turn down all WLS and they are not doing that. I have private health care self pay they did not approve my surgery but they still cover me with no exemptions I even see their bariatric doctor for long term follow up.
  9. lunarose

    Now I'm SCARED!!

    Hi, I was so scared on the days leading up to my surgery I was walking around like a zombie. I think the fear is your inner self just making sure that you have given your decision plenty of thought. This was only my second surgery but I can tell you five months down the line I am so happy I went through it. Nancy
  10. Hi, I am 5' 2 1/2" I started at 208 and 148 now. Last time I was this weight I wore XL now I can wear M not sure how that works out. Originally my goal was 150 but now I have changed my goal to 135.
  11. lunarose


    Hi, I had an On Q pump for the first 24 hours it bathes the surgical area with a lidocaine mix. I was given liquid Vicodin which I took the first couple of nights but after that liquid tylenol was just fine. I had surgery on Tuesday went home Wed and was pretty much pain free by Sat.
  12. Hi, I felt well enough after a week but it does depend on what kind of work. You can not lift anything and bending down is a little tricky the first few weeks. It also depend if you have any complications, if you are getting all your protein and fluids in.
  13. Hi, I feel uncomfortable lying too. After struggling with my weight so long and trying what worked for others and failing and then feeling bad about myself I would not someone else to feel the same because they thought I did it with diet and exercise. I have told strangers about it when they remark how much weight I have loss and I have yet to get a negative comment in response and truth be told even if I got one I won't care because my happiness over the results to date is what matters. The only person I haven't told the truth to is my 83 year mother who would not understand and would worry.
  14. I was just shy of my 54th five months ago. Like everyone else I wish I could have done this 20 years ago but better late then never!
  15. You look amazing! And that is no easy climb!
  16. lunarose

    laser skin tightening

    Hi, I can not wait to hear how it goes for you! I'd love to have it on my stomach and arms.
  17. lunarose

    Final Inches

    It is a laser liposuction that is done with a local and is suppose to be easier on the body then the regular lipo.
  18. Hi All, Does anyone know anything about Final Inches? I like the idea of not being put under.
  19. Hi, I feel uncomfortable about lying if someone asks about my weight loss all those years trying what someone else did to lose the weight and failing have been so demoralizing I won't want someone else to go through that even strangers. I also don't give a sh*t if someone thinks I took the "easy" route I know better and seriously would those same people think better of me if I had stayed obese? I also have these set answers in my head in response to the *why?* I will say about it the first I tell them the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results and for me it was time after decades of dieting and never getting anywhere to do something sane. I also say that I felt I have a choice go in for elective WLS or end up in the hospital through the ER due to some obese related crisis. I'll ask them this if your doctor were to tell you you have a tumor that in time will probably make you sick and eventually kill you would leave the tumor there or be proactive and have it removed> For me eating out was a bit of a challenge early on I'd put a small amount of food on the plate or share a plate a part of me would stress that it wasn't enough food it is easier for me to leave food on the plate. When I am eating with a group I slowly pick at my food protein first. Except for carbonation there is nothing I can not eat. As far as eating at someone else's home there is always something I can eat it helps early on to find out beforehand what is on the menu that way you can mentally plan what you will eat. Hope this helps.
  20. lunarose

    Hair question

    Hi, I am almost five months out so I still have another month to worry but so far I have not lost any. I have extremely thin fine hair so it has been and still is a big worry for me. I don't know if any of the things I did/do are what have saved me or not but here they are: I started taking Biotin and collagen a month before surgery I also had been taking multivits and calcium for years. I started using Nioxin 4 shampoo and conditioner a month beforehand and it has actually helped my hair. I am also still drinking a protein shake each morning and have been almost fanatical about my protein the minute I got home. It does grow back. From what I have read the traumas of surgery and rapid weight lose disrupts the whole hair growth process.
  21. lunarose


    Hi All, Did anyone else watch that new reality series Huge? It was hard to watch but definitely made me glad I decided on the sleeve.
  22. Hi, I was just a walking panic attack in the days leading up to my surgery. I was so scared. But I am so glad I had it done.
  23. lunarose

    It's strange...

    Coops, You are doing great! Remember you are building muscles while losing fat and muscles weigh more then fat so it messes a bit with the scale early on.
  24. lunarose

    18 year old sleeve surgery

    Hi, I love food too and loved to eat. I had Thanksgiving dinner here this year and our annual Christmas Eve party. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I still put way too much food on my plate but I just pick at it slowly so that I am eating almost as long as everyone else. I don't try to clean my plate which is something I still sometimes struggle with. I use to eat a lot of bread and 4 1/2 months out I can eat bread but it really doesn't interest me much anymore. I have to be very careful with sweets they are my weakness. Good luck with your surgery. I love my sleeve.
  25. lunarose


    My surgeon said no alcohol for at least six months preferably a year. Carbonation I still can not do at almost 5 months out it hurts.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
