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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MRSKOUBiK


    ? For the women

    Yes, I've had it happen to me. Our bodies are just in shock! It's ok! It sucks! But, what can ya do!?

    WTF did I do to myself?

    I felt the same way at two days post op. The third day was MUCH better. Each day from there on out was a little better than the last. I hope yo ustart feeling better soon!

    60lbs Obliterated!!

    Awesome! COngratulations!

    When I realized....

    Good luck to you

    Changed Surgeon's??

    Good for you for listening to your gut! I hope the new surgeon works GREAT for you
  6. You look GREAT!! Congrats

    New to the Forum

    Welcome and good luck getting them to extend it!!

    excess body skin anyone?

    I think if you work out the excess skin shouldn't be too bad. You're young... and unless you've lost and gained a lot of weight repeatedly your skin should be okay! I am 23... I do have some excess skin on my arms.. but it's not too bad. In my mind I'm losing quicker than I can tone. So I'm going to work on it for awhile to see how it responds ! Good luck getting approval! For me the first two days were THE worst. Then each day I got better. I didn't have any incision pain. I thought I had 4 incisions until one day my belly button itched and I discovered one more in there LOL! I had about two weeks to recover.... and, like I said after the first two days I was moving around more.... going out, etc!

    My "Non-Scale" Victory

  10. It was less than two weeks. I received a denial at first... and was soo scared I wouldn't get it appealed in time before my intended date. But, they didn't make me appeal it. I just had to send the missing info to their additional information department. I faxed it off on a Thursday, was PRE approved Friday and REALLY approved on Monday BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!
  11. I originally was going for the band until the NUT told me it wasn't likely I'd lose the weight I wanted to with it alone. I came here and read as many things as I possibly could and decided I wanted the sleeve instead. Mainly because I knew I wasn't going to be happy with just a 50 pound loss with the band(on average). If I was going to have WLS I wanted something that would make me successful. Today I'm 69 days out, and 71 pounds lighter. I have lost 5 pounds more than my mom in 2 months than she lost in an ENTIRE year with her band. Plus the band just has too much maintenance for me. I'm glad I didn't go that route. Especially when I see my mom constantly struggling with hers. But, at the end of the day it's YOUR CHOICE! I'm simply giving you the reasons why I chose the sleeve over the band. GOOD LUCK!
  12. You can drink. But, most people wait until they reach goal or they are a little farther out. You probably wouldn't want to drink something that has too much carbonation because it won't feel so great. Overall it's a personal decision!

    I fell off the pre-op diet wagon last night.

    We are human. We make mistakes. Today is a NEW day which means NEW beginnings. You didn't ruin anything... You just have to use today to learn from yesterdays mistakes I know it's hard to stick to the diets, I had one HECK of a time. But YOU CAN DO IT! If you're going to cheat, then try to pick something healthier! Such as I was allowed to have raw veggies... Eventually I grew tired of them(and everything else on my PRE OP DIET)... so I'd allow myself to have 2 tsp of LIGHT italian dressing. Or, I'd allow myself 1 serving of PLAIN chicken. It's all about making the best choice you can. I am not sure how I did it but even through cheating a little I lost 25 pounds and my surgery went off without any issues! Life after surgery IS easier. You don't have to battle the hunger...
  14. They're in you for good. But, your stomach will eventually cover them up! At least that's what I was told/read.

    Acidic Foods

    I would say WAIT. Unless you're brave. I had some lemonade... it was light lemonade... 5 calories per 8 oz's It tasted sooooooooooooooo good. Made my thirst disappear. An hour later I thought I was dying. NOT COOL! I'm two months out!
  16. Absolutely NOT! I work out 4-5 times a week. I make sure I'm eating better food. Overall making BETTER decisions. The sleeve only offers back up assistance lol
  17. almost weighs as much as her husband! F'REAL! I've always weighed MORE than him! Now, it's like 8 pounds or so between us! :)


    Introducing Jess... just Jess!

    Hi Jess! I'm Jes too! I'm from Baltimore. And, I was sleeved on December 20th. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE my sleeve! Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. If you need anything JUST ASK!

    Chewing Gum

    I just started to chew gum again, I'm 64 days out. I don't chew it long because it makes me nervous. I'm afraid I will swallow it or something
  20. Hi! I am Jes... I was sleeved on December 20th 2010! I am so thrilled with my progress so far I just had to share! I started my journey at 317 pounds and 5'5 tall. I'm only 23.... and classified as morbidly obese. SCARY! To date I've lost 65 pounds =) I haven't taken any recent body shots lately. I normally do them in 25 increments... However here is some pictures from when I lost 50 pounds! Amazing difference! I have a blog... I update a lot! www.mamamonner.blogspot.com if anyone wants to check it out. pretty soon I'll be venturing out to a VLOG!<3 Good luck on your journey

    My Update....

    thank you
  22. Chicken NUggets! New belly HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES them. I only ate 2 the other day and felt MISERABLE! Which of course made me mad at myself because I knew they weren't the best choice to start with. But, I was out and wanted something NEW. NO THANK YOU!

    I hate people who talk nothing but BS

    I'm sorry you're dealing with this. But good for you for speaking up! And, I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to speak up!!
  24. lately people have been using the word SKINNY to describe me... Hmm, this is a FIRST! I'm HARDLY skinny but HEY I'll take it!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
