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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 1shauna1

  1. I feel like my latest fill might be too tight....it's hard to eat. But I'm gonna wait it out....just hope I don't get too tight when flying on the 15th!

  2. 1shauna1

    Pant Sizes

    I'm 5'10". When I started I weighed 263 and was squeezing into 16/18s, depending which store. Now I'm still in 16s, but they're loose (I'm 227 right now). I will be super happy at a 12 or 14, in ANY store!
  3. 1shauna1


    Superluli - you want to make sure you get your protein though....it's very important for us!
  4. 1shauna1

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I'm also on MFP....please add me bandsters! You are right, it's not always easy to talk about banding on those boards, would be nice to have support from others in the same situation! I'm 1shauna1 same as here.
  5. Look at your other protein sources - dairy, eggs, red meat, pork, fish, shellfish, legumes! You don't have to live on chicken!
  6. 1shauna1

    Thinking About It...

    Yes, you will be forced to stop. And if you don't, it will come back up. I'm sure you have seen how small your new pouch is.... I believe continual overeating could stretch it out as well, hence negating any positive effects of the band. Go and see what they say for you....you wouldn't want to waste your time and money if it's just going to be ruined.
  7. 1shauna1

    Thinking About It...

    I was a binge eater. I could eat a whole large pizza and some wings in one sitting. I think I'm still a binge eater, however I eat so much less. I still have issues between my head hunger and actual hunger. The thing is, you won't physically be ABLE to eat large amounts of food. That's part of the band. Also, certain foods may be more difficult as well (I was told I could eat anything I want, just smaller quantities; however I've found certain foods like doughy breads give me big problems).
  8. 1shauna1

    Off Topic: Please Vote For My Dog In Photo Contest :)

    What a cutie! I might just have to create a page for my dog...she might be able to give yours a run for her money...
  9. 1shauna1

    Goal Weight

    My goal weight is 174. I'm 5'10" and that will put me into the normal BMI range. I haven't been there since I was about 19....it will be extremely thrilling to get there! However, I would probably be quite happy under 200 lbs, 185-190. But 174 is where I really want to get to!
  10. Exactly, sounds like you are eating the right amounts (or maybe a bit less). The fill may just help you stay feeling full longer.
  11. 1shauna1

    Port In Wrong Place For Me

    Mine is on the left, just under my ribs. Depending how I sit or lay down, I can irritate it sometimes. Just have to adjust my position to help. I can feel it easily, hoping it won't be too noticeable when I'm thinner.
  12. 1shauna1

    Gummy Calcium

    I can't do gummies anymore! I have the Caltrate Soft Chews. They come in three flavours. You only need one per day and they are 14 calories. They taste good too!
  13. 1shauna1

    What Do I Do With All These Feelings?!

    I have felt many of the emotions you mentioned. I remember what it was like being slim, and how at the time I worried about my weight (stupidly)....I know that I most likely won't get back there (can I get my 18 year old body back at 40 after being overweight most of those 22 years? I dunno). I have told my friends and they are incredibly supportive but I do hesitate to mention it to people at work (I started my job after being banded so none of them know I had a surgery or anything)....not sure of their reactions....but do I really care? I did this for myself and my future, no one else. I know the people who support me and am very grateful for them. But I worry about negative reactions too. I too remember all the times my ex made remarks about my weight (he was a jerk in other ways, but I still remember him saying he didn't want to date someone with bigger arms than him....maybe that is HIS issue!). Just remember you did this for you and your family! It will be worth it!
  14. 1shauna1


    I have issues with chicken (white meat especially) and steak. Some people just can't tolerate certain foods after banding even though we are "supposed" to be able to eat anything.
  15. I had a hernia repair also....I don't know if it makes recovery longer, but that would make sense....you're now recovering from 2 things instead of one. Take it easy at work and don't lift heavy objects.
  16. 1shauna1

    Nervous About 2Nd Fill

    Hopefully it was just a one time issue. I've never had an issue with it (but I don't have a problem with needles also)....she just sticks it in then injects it. Were you standing up or laying down? Maybe try the other position. Hope you don't have an issue!
  17. For me it doesn't feel like choking. But I can feel it sitting there, and there is pressure. Sometimes that pressure builds and I know it has to come out. Other times the pressure eases and I know it's passing.
  18. I have had two unfills in the past 1.5 years. I've also had fills after them. I don't know why sometimes it gets too tight and other times it seems like there's no restriction. Live with this level for a couple of weeks and if you're too loose, then go back for a small fill. I'm also like Jennifer, my levels have been all over the place. I can't eat solids in the mornings anymore really; even some liquids give me issues. But then I still have evenings where I can eat twice as much as I'm supposed to so....who knows, I blame my fickle band!! (not me!! )
  19. 1shauna1

    Im So Full

    And I'm sorry rae; I hope that comment didn't come off as harsh or flippant. As you are new to this these are important things to think about. But I would think it would take a lot more than eating a couple of eggs to stretch a pouch. Deep breaths.....you are doing good!
  20. 1shauna1

    Do You Sometimes Feel Like A Fraud?

    This makes me sad, you are not a failure. I have told my friends and family....I have been banded 1.5 years and I'm down 32 lbs only. So....maybe they are thinking I am a failure too because I should have lost more. But everyone has their struggles....the good thing is you know what you have done (bad habits creeping back in) and what you should do (eating right; maybe you need a fill?). Don't feel like a failure, get back on that horse and win this race again!
  21. 1shauna1

    Im So Full

    Geez, I wish everyone would not freak out about stretching their pouch! You are fine. That is what restriction is. If you ate too fast you would know it. I wish I could eat eggs, they seem to give me difficulty but I keep trying...
  22. As xavier said! The more restriction you get, the more you have to watch how you eat. Even take smaller bites (like cut meats to the size of a blueberry). And it's not really "throwing up" like you do when you're sick. If you notice what comes up it's just the food, and usually some slime which is saliva. You could try the papaya enzyme pills to help if you get stuck, find them in the vitamin section.
  23. If you never felt restriction from your fills perhaps there is an issue with your band? Maybe a leak? I would go see your doctor, tell them what you have told us. Don't give up!
  24. 1shauna1

    Lap Band and Hcg?

    If you don't want different, unsolicited opinions, you probably shouldn't post on an open message board. JMHO.
  25. 1shauna1

    Techie Question - Need Help

    Okay, my ticker is from my fitness pal also. When you go in, go to "your profile". Then you should see your profile and it will also show your ticker. Underneath that ticker there should be a link "add to your site". click it. Then there should be two options, BBCode or HTML. You want the BB Code (it says for forum signatures, which is what this is). Yes, make sure your code has this first line: And this part also: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
