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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 1shauna1

  1. 1shauna1

    Stugglers Do You Regret ?

    I was told about 1000-1200 cals a day....so each doctor is different, I suppose. I consider myself a struggler. I had thought I would be at goal by now for sure (losing 80 lbs in 18 months? No problem with the band!). However, I am only down 35. And it is mostly my own fault (although I keep getting too tight and needing de-fills which doesn't help but I'm definitely guilty of not eating what I'm supposed to all the time). However, I know I'd be even heavier than when I started, if I didn't get this. So I'm grateful for that. Just wish it wasn't such a struggle!
  2. Don't be depressed. It is still possible to not lose or even gain with the band (I haven't really lost much in the last year; I went up again but am now heading downward). As you say, your weight is down, and that's what I look at. I know that since moving out on my own in Jan 2011, I would have gained back what I had lost, plus more if I didn't have this band. So, even if it's slower than others, our weight is going down and we have to remember that!
  3. 1shauna1

    Too Tight; Miserable; Not Losing

    Glad you're feeling relief! Often you only need a couple points of a cc removed to be able to eat properly. That's what I'm hoping for tomorrow. This morning I got stuck on juice!
  4. 1shauna1

    Was It Worth It?

    Is this worth it....yes because I know if I didn't get the surgery I'd weigh more than I did when I started. But like some others, I guess my expectations were off. I thought I'd be to goal by now after 1.5 years....I'm only down 35 and have struggled with fills/de-fills. Don't let your doctor say how many fills you will need. Everyone is all over the place with the amount they have in their bands (and even the size of their bands). Only you can judge what is the right amount. Good luck!
  5. 1shauna1

    Over Eating After An Unfill

    I'm surprised she took it all out. So, now you have nothing in your band again? My clinic has a stupid system for this too. Now they are only allowed to give fills of .5cc or 1cc (maybe more than one, but I've never been able to tolerate that much more). I'm nervous because I'm having a de-fill Thursday and I'm afraid they'll take out the .5 they put in (I'd be back to 4.5). Really sucks....previously they would decrease you by points, which was good. I'm going to beg/demand to have them only take out .25.....hopefully!!
  6. You probably still don't have too much restriction, which is why you're feeling hungry. Your next fill might be better. I'd be careful with eating right after the next one, though....it will become easier to get stuck the more fills you have. I've also been told solid protein is better than liquid....however sometimes I need the liquid because I'm too tight to eat solids. As for your weight, you've lost 20 lbs in a month, so I'd say you're above the track! This will probably slow down though as you go along.
  7. 1shauna1

    So Far So Good !!!

    I wasn't told I couldn't have regular coffee. However, you have to be careful of dehydration with too much caffeine, so make sure to keep up your water.
  8. 1shauna1

    How Often Do You Weigh Yourself?

    I do it every few days, before showering.....standing in my kitchen nekkid.
  9. 1shauna1

    Cracker Question...

    I usually find crunchy things like crackers or crisps are good. You could use melba rounds or ryvita too. Toast I can do sometimes, but usually only later in the day. Doughy breads are out, and so are wraps (bye, Subway! ) I too love pickles, but have problems sometimes.
  10. 1shauna1

    So Unhappy :(

    Don't worry about comparing your fill to other people's. I'm at 5 cc in a 10 and am too tight. But hopefully your fill helped you out!
  11. 1shauna1

    Too Tight; Miserable; Not Losing

    And I have 5 in a 10, and am going for a de-fill on Thursday. It's not fun, I feel your pain (this will be my third time).
  12. 1shauna1

    Dating And Self Disclosure

    Good question and I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you! Sadly, I haven't been on a date since being banded, but have often thought about what to do in that situation. Maybe for the next date you could plan something that doesn't involve eating? Some sort of sport or activity?
  13. 1shauna1

    So Far So Good !!!

    Good for you! I find it hard to wait to drink if I want a coffee, always best after a meal!
  14. 1shauna1

    Trip To The Er - Not Fun!

    It will be hard; we got the band to help with our will power. Now you have to use all of yours because you don't have a fill. I would eat right, take care.....and don't beat yourself up if you do gain a couple of pounds. You need to heal after that trauma (sounds awful BTW, so sorry!!). You'll be back on track soon enough!
  15. 1shauna1

    3 Days To Go!

    You're almost there! Liquids will be better after your surgery because for the first few days you probably won't have any real interest in eating anyways. Good luck!
  16. 1shauna1

    Howdo You Measure Your Food?

    Honestly, I don't measure (at this point, because I'm wayyy too tight and can't really eat). But previously I measure any food to about a cup. That is the amount I was told to eat.
  17. 1shauna1

    Skinny Bucket List

    I just want to finally be happy with my body; I feel it is pretty much the one thing holding me back. I always put off doing things/traveling because "I'll do it when I lose more weight". Same with shopping. But once I get to goal, at least physically I won't have anything holding me back! I'll hopefully have retrained my mind by then to stop holding me back too!!
  18. I don't know.....turns out I had one that I didn't know I had (apparently pretty common in overweight people) and they fixed it in the surgery. Since then I haven't had any heartburn, etc.
  19. 1shauna1

    Can Not Sleep On My Left Side. Can You?

    Yes, sometimes it seems my port is irritated on the left. Also, with waistbands of pants/skirts; sometimes I need to readjust things.
  20. 1shauna1


    Yes, it does. Keep up with your fluids!
  21. Ug....haven't been hardly able to eat at all today...Thursday's defill can't come soon enough at this point!

  22. 1shauna1

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I'm on MFP as well; same user name!
  23. 1shauna1

    Consuming My Thoughts!

    Especially when you're first starting out, for sure it's on your mind. YOu have to change your way of eating, and if you forget and do something like take a big bite, wow you will know it and feel it! So don't worry, as you go along you'll get more used to your new way of eating and it won't be such a big deal, I think!
  24. 1shauna1

    Lean Cuisines???

    I think they're good, and portion controlled. I like a hot lunch so I pretty much take a different one every day. And if I have to leave a bit, I don't feel guilty (there's always different ones on sale so I stock up).
  25. I think you have done great. I'm 1.5 years out and haven't hit 50 lbs yet! Don't compare yourself to everyone else because it can make you discouraged....but I think you're right on track! Congrats!

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