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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 1shauna1

  1. 1shauna1

    3Rd Fill 5Cc

    I think the more fluid you have, the less they put in because they don't want you to be overfilled. You never know, that half cc could be the one that puts you in the perfect place!
  2. Hey there! I don't have PCOS but can maybe speak to other things you've asked about.... Drinking a shake will not keep you full with the band as liquids go through fairly easily. However, solid foods such as Proteins will keep you full for longer and you will only be able to eat 1/2 to one cup at a time. Because the band creates a small "second stomach" atop your stomach, you can only eat so much. Then it slowly makes its way down into your stomach. In fact, you will probably be told to avoid liquid calories and only go for solid proteins, veggies then some carbs (or some docs say no carbs). So, you eat less and are full longer.
  3. I think as long as you aren't having any issues with getting stuck, and are not feeling any pain, you're probably okay. Just try to take it easy when you can. Some doctors seem to have very long post-op plans....if that's what your doc told you then I'm sure he's used that plan for years and has great success with it.
  4. Ya, I just stand up and bend over a bit in a public toilet. Or if it's a private bathroom I use the sink (which I usually do at home). Sorry you got a toilet facial!!
  5. 1shauna1

    Just A Question

    I can usually do thin breads toasted (anything like crackers or crisp breads are usually okay). I really like the new small Dempsters bagels; they are 100 calories and when toasted get really crisp. Rarely I can eat a soft bread like sourdough, and I know I can only have a couple of bites.
  6. I generally stick with coffee with cream and splenda in the mornings. Solids, I have to wait a couple of hours. Mandagay- if you drink then lie down right away, the water is probably still in your pouch. I have that issue too. If I take a couple of small sips I'm okay but I definitely can't chug it.
  7. 1shauna1

    Pizza And Wings

    I can eat pizza if it's thin crust and well done. If it's doughy I'm in for trouble. I have problems with wings too, usually the skin. I guess it depends on the size of the wing, as to how much meat's on it.
  8. 1shauna1

    Oldie Back To The Group

    Wow, awesome results! Congratulations!
  9. I had little demerol tablets, could take every four hours. I think I only used them the first couple of days; they made me feel quite weird!
  10. 1shauna1


    It could be because you're eating and then going to bed soon after....do you have trouble eating during the rest of the day? If not, then you're probably not too tight. If so, then yes you may be.
  11. 1shauna1


    I think she was joking about only drinking alcohol! lol. And depending what type of alcohol you're drinking, yes it could but 4 shots is about 400 calories. You just have to be smart about it!
  12. My large site is where my port was, and if I bend the wrong way or lay on it sometimes, I feel a twinge. I'm sure all is okay, it's just healing still!
  13. 1shauna1


    I really wouldn't worry about one glass. I drink frequently and aside from sometimes feeling the effects sooner, no problem. Keep an eye on the calories though; as stated they're empty but you can work it into your calories for the day.
  14. 1shauna1

    New Band- Slippage

    I hope this one is better for you!
  15. Waiting for the Mad Men premier tonight!

  16. 1shauna1

    Help I'm Out Of Control!

    I agree, you probably need another fill. Until you are starting to feel restriction, this whole thing can be pretty rough.
  17. 1shauna1

    Just Out If Surgery!

    I went home a few hours after surgery. Didn't really move much the first day though. Slept a lot. Was moving around the next day though.
  18. 1shauna1

    Just Out If Surgery!

    Congrats! I hope the pain is not too bad for you; it seems to vary with every person. I didn't find it too bad; I believe day 2 and 3 were the worst but I didn't even need to take all of the painkillers I was given. Just don't lift anything heavy for the first while, but DO get up and walk about (it helps with the gas pains).
  19. 1shauna1

    Where Is Ur Port Located?

    Mine is on the left, just below my ribcage. I also had a hernia repaired but I thought it was at the top of my stomach (could be wrong on that though). I think different docs have different positions they like to use.
  20. 1shauna1

    I Didn't Want Anyone To Know!!!

    Mega - glad to see her response. I had hoped you wouldn't run in to any troubles with this. It is hard if people are judgmental, but as with this lady, you might be surprised. I have told my family and friends, and they all seem very supportive (except my dad gets angry at the doctor for all the troubles I have had with fills, etc. He hates to see me suffering! lol). Of course, behind my back it could be different but I like to think they really are supportive and want the best for me. And most of all, you are doing this for yourself (and your family). So, as long as you are okay with it, then try not to worry about what others may say. Every jerk can have an opinion!
  21. 1shauna1

    Looks Like I Have A Bulge Where My Port Is?

    I can feel my port but still can't see it really. I don't know why it would appear more noticeable after a fill unless it's a bit swollen from the needle stick? Because the liquid would go down the tube into the band. I believe the port would actually be more noticeable as you lose weight, since there is less fat on top. I don't know if there's a way to minimize it or not!
  22. No, it's not bad. They really do help! If it's a chemical imbalance in your brain, then the meds help. I was on two for several months and finally started feeling like myself. But know that you are not alone here....I sometimes feel like a failure too in that I thought I'd be to my goal now but only down 37 lbs. Everyone knows I've had this surgery and I'm sure they're wondering why I haven't lost more (although I guess they have enough tact to not mention it). This losing weight is really the hardest thing and the longest thing I've ever tried to do.
  23. 1shauna1

    This Really Suxxx

    That sucks! So what will happen next? Do they put it back in later or do you have to look into another WLS?
  24. 1shauna1

    Gluttony Party Scheduled

    Enjoy your "last meal", lol. You will be able to eat at Olive Garden again, just very differently from how you can now. And yes, a lot of us have issues with bread so enjoy those breadsticks! Don't know how much you'll lose on the pre-op, depends how much you're starting at I guess. I didn't really have to do a pre-op diet.
  25. I'm sorry you're struggling so much....but don't think of it as failure. You obviously know what you're doing is not helping things. And depression is a b***h; you end up treating yourself so badly. You need to talk to someone or maybe get some antidepressants (they helped me so much a few years ago). You won't end up alone....once you start valuing yourself others will too. I hope you get the help you need.

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