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Posts posted by much2sweet

  1. Hi Tiffany,

    I too am looking forward to reuniting with the person I used to be. I just got banded last Thursday, and so far so good. The pre-op diet is a little tough, but just hang in there because it will be over before you know it. Good luck and congratulations :)

    hi my name is tiffany, today is the first day of the 2 week diet before surgery.. i am 34 years and 233 lbs. i miss the days i loved myself, and i miss the days i felt good! i worked out 50 mins while i watched the tv show "heavy" if they can do it i can! im feeling mostly excited but also scard to fail. i really dont know anyone that has had the band so im excited to chat with someone that is going through this to! hope to hear from you!


  2. Thanks for taking the time to go into such detail :) I am scheduled for this Thursday the 20th, and this really helps me to know what to expect.

    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Christina, I live on the Eastern Shore in a small town. I am 24 years old, and recently graduated from nursing school. I got married in June 2010 in Las Vegas woohooo to my son's father. Our son is 3 years old and we also have a 9 and 16 year old boy. I got banded on Jan. 13th by Dr. Alan Zarif (great doc!). I am 4 days post-op and starting to feel like a normal person again. Here's a little bit of my journey so far....

    Day 1: Surgery

    6a-Prep for surgery. They put a gown on me that hooks up to a warmer that blows warm air into the gown. I couldn't help but laugh as I blew up like a balloon.

    7a- Anesthesiologists are starting to talk to me about risks (lalalala, i'm not listening), then comes the "forget you ever saw me" pre-surgery sadate you make u happy drug in the I.V. Ok, kisses to husband before I forget he kissed me.

    9 something- Waking up from surgery in O.R. not a happy camper! I instantly panic and try to fight off my tubes and mask and the poor staff..........i'm sure they've had worse right? Well, I "calm" down to a mere endless sobbing. More relax meds, so fuzzy I have no idea whats going on.

    10-Time to go home. Still have no idea whats going on really. Somebody helped me get dressed (thanks). In a wheelchair out to car, bumpy ride ouch! Fading in and out on hour drive home. Get home and start crying again because I have to walk into the house, I think anesthesia just makes me cry period, plus i'm super afraid of blood clots.

    The rest of the day I sleep on and off, sipping on water/ Protein shake/ and chicken broth, walk around to avoid clots and cry.

    That night I have "baby gut" must get up about every 4 hours to sip on something because if I get hungry it hurts so bad!

    Day 2-

    Shoulder pains from the gas they inflated me with has subsided. I'm no longer taking anti-nausea medication. I'm soooo HUNGRY!!! My abdomen is too sore to get out of bed so I send husband for pain meds and a glass of Water to keep the hunger away.

    Feeling better after pain med so get out of bed......slowly......to get a Protein shake and some Flinestone Vitamins. Yum

    Soon a retreat back to bed.

    3 year old comes to visit me. He's used to jumping on my gut to say hello. I pull of my shirt as he's ready to pounce and show him mommy's boo-boos. Now he's very gentle and gives me the softest kiss on my leg. Sweet boy. Mommy sleeps now

    sleep and sip all day. Walking to kitchen myself to keep clots at bay. I finally take the ted stockings off, what a relief.

    Another night of baby gut.

    Day 3

    Get up at 6:30a and go get a Protein Shake. Hubby and son are sleeping in my bed. They look comfortable, i'm jealous.

    9a, my energy is spent again so as everyone else gets up, i go to sleep.

    Soreness is starting to get better. I'm no longer on pain meds now.

    I sleep a little less, but still spend a lot of time vegging out in my bed.

    I'm getting really bored now, so I cook dinner for my family. mmmm it looks good, i'm having italian ice and chicken broth.....

    Only get up once during the night, "baby gut" is getting better.

    Day 4

    Soreness is so much better. I can move without whimpering. But the pressure! I have gas in me from head to toe. Feels like I can hardley breath. Ugh

    Sippin on protein shake, taking Vitamin, walking around, hoping to work up a good....toot.

    In bed still today, but making husband bring me laundry to fold while i'm resting.

    I make dinner again. I'm such a good cook. Chicken alfredo, side salad, and fresh fruit with whip cream. YUM. I'm having broth and popsicles...again.

    WOOOOHOOOO I poo-ed. First time since surgery. No more pressure. Life is good. I'm gonna make it after all.

    I sleep through the night, bye-bye baby gut.

    Day 5- I feel good enough to be out of bed all day, and write this lovely account of my journey thus far for you all. I hope you enjoyed:)

    Jan 13th- 254lbs

    Jan 17th-247lbs

  3. I just want you to know that you are not alone. I think for me, it comes from the many years of yo-yo weight loss. I discussed this with my nutritionist during one of my visits. She said it is common to feel this way, but I must change my "will I" to "I WILL". She said to also be sure to acknowledge even the smallest weight loss as a success, and don't give up even when I slip up.

    As far as people who I have told...Not too many. My husband and daughter, my parents and brother, and 3 very close friends. I find people are offten quick to critisize, in order to make themselves feel better. I realize the band is a tool. It will not drag my butt to the gym, or choose the veggies over the french fries for me. That will be my job. I just don't want to do all the work of loosing the weight, just to hear someone say "Well I would be skinny too, if I had surgery". This is my battle, and I refuse to give anyone the ability to knock me down for my success. This is why I only told the people whome I know genuinely care about my happiness and health, before their own vanity.

    Good luck with your journey, and remeber we WILL be successful :rolleyes: .

    I am getting nervous about the surgery Monday... I wonder if it is going to be worth it, if I am going to be able to maintain this new diet lifestyle and if it is going to be the tool I need to be successful. Anyone else having the same thoughts? I have been on the diet for 5 days... doing alright, although I a few too many calories today. Also, have you told people (friends? family? coworkers?) I have told a few close family members but I havent really told anyone else - not really sure how to tell them...

  4. Sorry it's taken me so long to post, i've just been trying to get things in order for my family before my surgery. I am from New Mexico and am having my surgery on the 20th. I am happy to report, that as the days go by, the pre-op diet has been getting a little more barable. I think it's because I have found some Protein shakes that I really like (no chalky after taste). I purchased them at the Vitamin Shoppe, by the singles for now, so I could taste the different flavors. The brand is Pure Protein and they come in soda type cans. There are 5 flavors (strawberry cream, chocolate, banana cream, vanilla cream, and Cookies -n- cream) They have 35 grams of protein. Just be aware that they range from 1 to 4 grams of carbs. They are pretty easy to get down :) .

    I wish you luck on on your surgery, and know that there are skinnier and healthier days ahead of us!

    I was on the Bariatric Advantage choc. Protein Shakes 3x day and 1-2 protein control bars daily - all stuff from the dr. office. it is all horrible. but i have to do it. i am on day 9 of 2 wk. pre op diet. i do allow myself 1 sugar free popsicle and 1 sugar free small Jello pack. i am starving too! when do you get banded and where are you from? i am from penna. and i get banded on 1/17. good luck to you and stay focused - you will be successful!

  5. I am on day 5 of my 14 day pre-op diet (the first 3 days were the hardest so far). It consist of 1 Protein Shake for breakfast, 1 for lunch, and 1 serving of any Soup I want that does not have cream in it. Needless to say I am STARVING! I decided to make my own Soups so I could monitor the calories and carbs better. This allows me to make alterations to have a larger portion of soup, and still stay within the quidlines. I have also become something of a Protein shake Connoisseur. I have tried 4 different brands and flavors so far and just picked up 5 more tonight, to try out through the week. I really wish I had taste tested them before the pre-op began. I think because I have an empty stomach most of the time,I am more sensetive to the tase and it hits pretty hard in my stomach

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
