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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lashonda23

  1. I have lost a total of 60lbs since I began my journey 6 months ago..but lately I have been having a very hard time losing any weight since my third fill...so i have not lost any weight since march...i have gained and went back down but no lost of weight...i am pretty sure that i am letting food get the best of me so right now i am on a mini vac from my normal life trying to get myself back on losing the weight needed to be successful at my goals. but 60.lbs is a nice start.

  2. Thanks...I am now starting to realize that the band is truly doing it's job..I was thinking it all came back up due to the fact that it was too tight but I think it's just that I have always been able to eat and drink at the same time and even not have to chew 100 times...now this is forcing me to slow down, chew and not drink during my meals...I feel full long and I am really like that I feel this way even if I am a lil on the sick side..


  4. You guys are doing great! WOOHOO us!

    Lashonda, I too want to get to 195 or so...sometimes it seems like it's so far away. My goal is no more double chin by my birthday, April 7. I don't know if I can do it!

    you can for sure do it....I think my face fat was the first to go....and a lot of my stomach....I can now see my mother regions which I could not before.We can def...do it...I see that we have both lost the same amount...can't wait to get into the 200 zone...haven't been under 300 lbs since I was 14 so that's going to be nice. I am praying to be able to get into a 20 by the 1st of june....

  5. I am here too...I had surgery nov 9th, 2010. I was doing really good when I first got my lap-band because I was so motivate and ready to let the weight drop. After the new year however...I just started back with all most of my old habits...so just recently i decided to started this no sugar at all diet with my aunt and see how it works...I am very happy with what I have done so far...I started at 403 in June...at the beginning of pre op diet for surgery I was 394 and at surgery date I was 377 and today I weigh 343 so I have lost 60 lbs which is wonderful but I can't wait to get to 195...plus my doc took me completely off my high blood pressure meds...

    some ways I have helped myself is I have decided

    * No snacking

    *journal everyday

    * Exercise atleast 30 mins a day even if it's just walking

    * and treat myself to something new...

    I got to go shopping and my friend had to tell me that's too big for you girl....and this was at a store where before I had surgery I had not brought anything from in years...and it's a plus size store...so it shows me just how far I have gotten and just how far I still have to go...I am praying that I get to my 100lb weight lost goal by the beginning of june...


  6. so I was banded on the 19th and tomorrow will be 3 weeks out. Although I get full easier i have noticed that i have zero restriction. Which I guess is normal since my band is 11cc's and it is all the way open. However I thought that i would still only be able to eat a little bit. So far I have been able to eat the same amount I was before the surgery, but I do limit myself so that i don't gain any weight. Im having some issues getting in all of the Protein but i only get about 5-10 grams away from the goal on some days. The sucky part is my first fill wont be untill january 4th. I wish they would move it up but they told me I have to wait 6 weeks :( I just really want to feel some restriction so I can lose more.

    I know your so ready for a fill I was and am the same way. but gurl fills hurt. I am about to be 5 weeks post op and you can have fills after 4 weeks with my place...but I went in to get a fill last week and now i have second thoughts about what I have done cause...I am bruised severely and I couldn't even get the fill...Have to go back this wenesday to get it. However it's no rush as long as you keep in mind that you can't eat everything you see just because you can.

  7. You had surgery 2 weeks ago. Didn't your doctor tell you that your body is healing the first 6 weeks or so? Right now you are on the restricted diet while the swelling goes down and to build scar tissue around the lap band. You probably haven't had a fill so why would you feel full? If you really wanted to you could probably eat a whole pizza b/c there probably isn't anything in your band. Take it easy and heal first and then get a few fills before you wonder if your band is working.

    I want to say that this is not true, every doctor does the band differently. I had surgery on the 9th of nov. and I am doing mushies and some solids, but I do get full and pretty fast might i say. I have 10cc band and I have 3 cc Fluid in there right now on DEC 9th I will get another 1 cc. I get full fast and sometime depending on what I eat I am full for 4-6 hours. I also am losing weight at a nice speed and it works just find. People we just need to have faith in the choice that we have made to change our life. It will work just let it.

  8. Thanksgiving was wonderful for me...i am 17 days post op and I eat food just long as it's healthy and I chew it to make it mushy...which takes forever...lol...I also count calories and don't do liquid calories unless i had less then 800 calories a day...but since thanksgiving I have been meeting a 1000-1200 calories...which is cool cause I be full for 4-5 hours after a meal. I also Have lost weight nice amount of weight. the first week post op when I was doing just shakes and not even getting 800 calories I lost 3 lbs.... two days later I was down another pound, then 3 days out of no where i lost 3 more lbs and not since then i have lost 9 more lbs which means that by my first fill which is dec 9th cause my doc says 4 weeks is fine for a fill...I will probably be down 30 lbs...which is my goal and I am half way there already only 14 more pounds to go...plus I started exercising today which was wonderful......yesterday I brought my first pair of 24's since i was 17....amazing and when i started I wore 30's-32's....yay!!!!!!!!!!

    Praying that everyone gets to enjoy their journey and lose as much as they wished for!!!

    God bless

  9. I have screwed up royally and need some encouragement to get back on track. I was banded Fri, Nov 5. I am now 9 days post op and I am already starting to eat everything in sight. The first 2 days I could not eat anything. I barely drank Water. By day 3, I was starving. I am supposed to be on a pureed diet on weeks 1/2, soft foods weeks 3/4 & regular foods by week 5. Well it all started on day 3 post op. I got hungry and ended up eating some KFC mashed potatoes and gravy. It hit the spot. Next morning I ended up eating one scrambled egg and I ate some more mashed potatoes with pureed chili. Was hungry not too long after I ate it. On day 7 I went to Super salad and ate lettuce, ham, cheese and egg drenched in low cal ranch and a slice of cantaloupe. All this while taking little sips of Water. I felt like my stomach was about to burst but I was satisfied. Yesterday I was aout and about with my daughter all day and I had a baked potatoe and chili from wendy's for lunch and some flounder with mashed potatoes from red lobster. This morning I ate a ham, fat free cheddar cheese omelet. I had lost 10 lbs since surgery day and I gained 5 right back just this weekend. I don't know what to do. I am constantly hungry and I don't know what to do! I am not even supposed to be eating regular food yet!!! While I am happy that my stomach has tolerated all this food this short after surgery, I am concerned with not allowing my stomach enough time to heal and the feeling of being hungry all the time is very unnerving. Any advice?

    I feel you, today i was just tasting things to see if I could chew and next thing I know is I decide myself to swith from 5 shakes a day to 3 a day and one can a Soup....so mad at myself...but the day is over and we can only started again 2morrow...I am going to follow the nutritionist plan to the tee...I know if i follow it I will not slip...just have to stay away from my triggers..i do not want this band to become useless before i even hit milestones. I want to know I made the right decision and I can do this. You can do this too!

  10. I am actually just rewarding myself for having surgery and the idea of losing weight. I was banded on Nov 9th, so I hope that by my B-day i can fit my first goal dress which I brought 2 years ago when I lost a lot of weight but still needed to lose about 20 more pounds for it to look good on me. I am currently a size 32 and my first goal dress is a 26. Then in February me and the girls are taking a vacation, we still have yet to figure out where but Vegas sounds sweet. Then again in July I will go on Vacation to a family reunion and get to show off the new me, my family has never seen a smaller me so that will be a reward in itself. After that I will be starting grad school so little rewards will have to wait until after I finish. So hopefully by May of 2012 I will be down to my goal weight which is 200 lbs and If I am a sista is going forreal clothes shopping...Total new closet and makeover....No tummy tuck....afraid....or breast lifts...or anything that hurts....This lapband was the only hurt I wanted to experience.

    Starting weight: 403

    Current weight: Unknown

    Surgery weight: 377

    Goal weight: 200

    December 23rd goal weight: 340

  11. Am I missing something, I hear people talking about being hungry. I just don't ever feel that way. It's like I have to force myself to eat which is like...woooo buddy, but I have to take down 5 Protein Shakes and I have only been able to get threw maybe 3 yesterday and I have to split them up and take 4ozs every so many hours. I guess you can call it luck but I haven't felt hungry, I have wanted to eat chili juice....but not really eat, also I have wanted to cook for people but not eat the food. I guess it's all the pain from my incisions that might keep me from not knowing that I am hungry.

  12. Hi!

    Please- don't drive! I had to sign a form saying I would not drive. The pain medicine we're taking, including what we had during/after surgery, would make driving a DUI.

    I had luck with propping myself with giant pillows from the couch, all the way down my back. I get about 3.5 hours of sleep in and then wake up due to the pain.

    I think the best thing to do is take the maximum amount of pain meds allowed, and just move slowly and gently.

    I think we will feel a lot of improvement in the next few days. We have the best excuse ever to be lazy and not do anything- let's all take it :)

    Yes ma'am...I am trying not to drive but I am a single mother and My son will be home soon and I want to be as mobile as possible when he get's home. However I haven't tooken any pain meds since 7:00 am and it's now 8:44 pm that makes me happy. I am trying to not be on it really due to the fact that I need to drive and that i need to get other things done next week sean will be home and regardless of how I feel that 2 year old is going to be making me do whatever it is that he needs. but until then I will def...try to stay off the road and get better fast...Thanks hun.

  13. so today I have been able to get down plenty of Water a lil broth and some Protein Drinks. I have not made my quote of 5 Protein Shakes a day but I have manage to get down atleast 1 full one so hopefully by tonight I can get down atleast 2 more down. I also just decided that I would go for a drive, I really needed to go run some errands so I drove 2 days after surgery. I know it's not the best idea but I have to get things done and can not wait around for people to do things for me. Anyone else driving right after surgery? I am also up and moving about a lot, I have been trying to keep the gas off my stomach and keep myself moving so that I could stay off the pain meds. I am doing good with going a long time without any so I am happy about that. However nights are still my hardest, I hate having to go to sleep, it's painful to lay down in the bed and painful once I wake up. Hopefully this will get better, I use a lot of pillows but no amount of propping is changing the way I feel when I lay down. It makes me hate laying down. Anyone else hate laying down?:rolleyes2:

  14. I am now banded....which was and will be a wonderful experience....I am in a lot of pain here and there but as of this moment I am able to just relax a little more. The pain after surgery was terrible...I had a c-section and thought that getting banded would be a piece of cake but it's not and pain does seem to wake me up and I haven't been getting in as much fluids as I am supposed to while I am home. I am trying but moving and sleeping seems to be the only things I really want to do. I have taken a bath...because my body never fits all the way in the tub so I knew my incisions would not get wet...it was a great feeling..it took some of the extra pressure off my legs....I also am trying to get down some new broths I bought and only use my pain meds...when the pain is not tolerable anymore.

    Good luck to those who have been banded and to those soon to be banded.

    Starting weight: 403

    Surgery weight:377

    Current Weight: ????

    Goal Weight 195

    "My life made a different path on Nov 9th 2010 when I was Banded.":thumbup:

  15. I am going to have my surgery tomorrow. I don't know the time yet, need to call the hospital in about 2 hrs. I am pretty nervous right now but oh well ... it's gonna be alright! Right?! :thumbup:

    Yea it will be cool...I am so ready....can't wait at all....Everyone keeps asking if I am nervous because I am not...I just can't wait...very anxious!!!!:)

  16. Tomorrow is my day....I go to hospital at 5:00 am and then i will be banded at 7:30 am and this is the best thing that I could have ever done. I am so happy I made this decision.....can wait to post after surgery...YAY!!!

    :blushing:Starting Weight: 403.00

    Seminar: 6/9/2010

    Pysch Visit: 7/14/2010

    Consultation: 9/13/2010

    Nutrition appt: 10/4/10


    Current weight at Pre-Admissions: 392.00

    :thumbup:Weight day of surgery: ????

    My Goal: 195....Can't wait to meet my goal!!!!:)

  17. Has anyone been turned away for cheating just a little on their pre-op diet. I have cheated like 5 days out of the 14 that I am on my diet but nothing to intense just like a chicken nugget here or there and a can a Soup but nothing intense I am on day 11 of my pre op diet and has lost 15 lbs so far. I only have 4 more days left but I am afraid that because I had just small slip ups my surgeon might turn me away.

  18. Its good to read about ppl that are going through the same situation as I am....Its also good to read about ppl that have gotten the surgery and the ones that have gotten the surgery and talking about it the same day!! My surgery date is on November the 9th and I have to be at the hospital at 6:30a.m.....I'm excited about it and I'm scared and nervous at the same time!! I spoke with my surgeon today and and he told me that he wass going to take care of me...he has been in Laproscpic for 15 years...I have to trust his and I do trust him!! I'm ready to get it over with so I can begin to discover the new me!!!:frown:

    I am having it nov 9th too...I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am and will be banded about 7:30 am

    YAY for US

  19. :)

    I will be banded 11-9!! Scared :sad:

    Don't be afraid Hun...I will also be banded on Nov. 9th at Hurleys In flint Mi. It will be the best change I have ever made. So far I have lost 11 lbs on my liquid diet and since Sept. 30th I am down 13 Lbs, so I can't wait to see how much more I can use my new tool to lose so much more weight and be a healthier me.You too will be a healthier and live a fuller life after your surgery. Goodluck and don't be afraid to save me as a friend.:hi:

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