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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by blossoming

  1. blossoming
    Ladies: you know when yu were a size that you didn't feel confortable and your man would look at all the small wasteline women with big bottoms right....Now since you have lost the weight have you notice that for some of our men (Not All, because some can appreciate when their woman is looking good) have this look of jealousy because now you are that smaller wasteline with a behind...And instead of them taking compliments for having a beautiful looking woman...They wanna hang around you with attitudes....Now That Is What I Called Sad.. Have a good day Everyone...Now I'm gonna wash my car for excercise...:tt2:
  2. blossoming
    Ladies let me tell you , my biggest fan is a 6'2 230lbs chocolate hunk. He works-out a the same gym I go to. He told me he was so imspired by my story and he admires my enthusiam. He also told me he was my biggest fan and it is his gain if no one admire my beauty. Ladies it's been such a long time since a man has every spoken to me like that. It definaly makes me work-out harder and watch my diet. NOTHING LIKE A LITTLE INSPERATION. :D
  3. blossoming
    Well, my birthday was 2/28/11 and let me tel ya, Of course I had to have some cake and ice-cream and whatever else. I can say I've gain 6lbs in a week (187). But I'm not going to let that discourage me. I'm back to my gain plan. I couldn't let that day go by without celebrating. I can reframe from cake from my children's and anybody else birthday except my own. That''s the day GOD brought me into this world. So my size 14's are tight but not to worry, I am definately working out it.... GOOD LUCK EVERYONE, I KNOW I CAN USE.
  4. blossoming
  5. blossoming
    Okay, time to get off the merry go round and pull this weight-loss into high gear....My anniversary date is 3/25/11. My goal is to be a size 12... I'm still in a size 16...(Because I have been sidetracking a lot)...Time to get back to basics....PROTEIN.! PROTEIN.! AND MORE PROTEIN.! HA!HA! (You'll know what I'm talking about)... Beef-up my workout regiment and keep all negative things from building within me because I am an emotional eater... I WILL MAKE MY ANNIVERSARY GOALS.... WHO'S WITH ME.....!! MEET YOUR GOAL....."YOU CAN DO IT" .....
  6. blossoming
    You know you must be doing something right when you go into a gym to workout at my size (16) and as my favorite singing group "Klymaxx" says :tt1:"The Men All Pause"......:tt1:But don't get me wrong I love to be admired (what woman don't) but I first focus on my workout regiment and after I'm done I take a minute to admire all of my admirers. HA!HA!... I haven't felt this good in so long. I'm listeining to my band moreso. When I'm full I don't push it. Find something to do to take your mind off of foods. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK LBP...WE ALL NEED THE INSIRPATION. IT'S NOT EASY BUT IT CAN BE ACCOMPLISH.:frown::w00t::ohmy::w00t:
  7. blossoming
    I can wear a size 6 underears (actually is a size 8-10 in clothes). Sometimes I still can't believe it. I can't rap this thing in my mind. I've been a size 24 for so long, now I'm a size 12 and still don't grasp it sometimes.
  8. blossoming
    Having posted in a while I'm now down to 180lbs. (YEAHHHHHHHHH). But I have other things going on in my life that is trying to put me back at 247....(I won't let it). I know I needed to come back here and speak how I'm feeling so that all my hard work won't go down in vein. Please pray for me because I definately need it right now. I will be leaving my so call fiance in 3 months which I know that will be a healthy begininng. I'm still continuing to try to make my goal weight of a size 12 on my anniversary date of 3/25/11 but f not it will be in april (size 14 now). I will still be ok.
    Until next time stay strong an positive.
  9. blossoming
    :tt1:I did it. I'm in those sexy size 16W jeans. Looking like a hot momma....(Go Charmaine, it's your birthday, Go Charmaine it's your birthday) ......Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
    Now my second short term goal is to be in a size 14 at the end of November....... Good luck lbp(lapbandpeople)!:smile2::smile::smile2::smile2::tt1::frown::w00t:
  10. blossoming
    Yesterday was my anniversary. (Went from a size 24 to 14). I went to Victoria Secret and got some body lotion. Tried on a few of there bra's (didn't like the way the fit)---Playtex 18hour fits much better). But definately enjoyed my day. I also went to a health store and got a slice of cholcolate cake. Now I'm ready to work on my final goal, which is to lose 3 more sizes (size 8). I'm going to to be realistic. I will say by the winter I should be in my size 8.
  11. blossoming
    Ladies here is some uplifting feelings that keep me going..here goes......Remember when you were in that sexy size that no on could tell you anything.....Well, close your eyes and image being there again. Now when your open your eyes tell yourself "Self Were Gonna Do It"....Remember the mind is the controller and the body is the follower....I can surely say GOOD-BYE TO THE 200LB MARK......I AM OFFICIALLY 195....YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....A friend of minds says I should get down to a 7/8 because she was saying that was my drop down gorgeous size....I think I'm only going down to a size 9/10 We'll see....I love talking on this blog because I can really express how I'm feeling and I know everyone on here can relate to some extent..... Please continue to suport me...Sometimes my so-called fiance.(Who only works out whenever he wants) Had the nerve to say to me...."I don't go to the gym to loose weight(even though he's 291)..I know you go because it's apart of you not me...I say your so rightttttttttttt because today I AM LOOSING THIS WEIGHT ONLY FOR MYSELF AND NO ONE ELSE. And this time it will stay off.....LADES LOVE YOU!!! I'M 43 AND FOR THE FIRST TIME. I REALLY, REALLY, LIKE AND LOVE MYSELF....
    GOD BLESS TO ALL MY LBP (LAP-BAND PEOPLE).... :wub::tt1::thumbup::thumbup:
  12. blossoming
    Good lbp(Lapbandpeoples). First I thank my Creator for waking me up and allowing me to see another beautiful day.
    Second,, my workout is coming along pretty good. I went to Bally for a 7-day free pass. (check with your local ballys) and I enjoyed every minute of it. I will be joining a gym the first of the month. I see how fast you can loose weight when you do go to a gym. ( I lost 45lbs by workingout at home) and I lost 4lbs this week just by going to the gym. OMG I am almost fitting those size 16 jeans. As Denise Austin says it "You Can Do It".
  13. blossoming
    Tried on a size 16W jeans...Got them on but couldn't close them...OMG it's looking good....I have another goal, to get into those jeans by Sept 1........Still loosing weight on first fill....(6/21/10).:cool:
  14. blossoming
    :eek::smile:Feeling Good, Feeling Good, I lost 30lbs. I have 20 more to go for one of my first shopping sprees..Which will give me a total weight loss of 50lbs. I finally got it...Lay off on the carbs...I eat carbs maybe twice a week...I eat more protein and also drink it, vitiamin D and fruits and vegetables... Every now and than I'll also eat no sugar ice-cream, or fiber one muffins...(which you make from the box...)....Well they say it's never to late to learn..I even start jumping rope with my daughters.....I am now at 215. I give myself realist goals..Such as by August or maybe sooner you never know...I shuld have lost the 20lbs... Good luck everyone...I hope you find what foods work for you and what excercise program works for you...Because I sure found it.....:thumbup:...I still have 75 more pounds to go...But I am enjyong the ride.
  15. blossoming
    I trained so hard yesterday. I need a break today. Back on my work-out grind tomorrow. It's all worth it. Even though the scale doesn't show a vast weight loss, I can feel it in my clothes and tell I'm loosing a lot of inches. My anniversary date is 3/25/11. I'm not going to make my size 12 jeans marked. I can pull them up halfway past my backside but I can' pull them up all the way, I'm not discouraged because I know it's going to happen soon. It may happen quickly but it will happen. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE, OUR JOURNEY MAY NOT BE EASY BUT IT'S DEFINATELY WORTH IT!
  16. blossoming
    I would never thought of complaining about clothes I can't fit because they are to loose..Ha!Ha!...Sometimes I just wanna cry because now with the lap band done, it's so much easier for me to loose the weight.....Sometimes if I don't workout (aerobics), then I'll speed walk wherever I go for that day and still loose weight.....Lost so far 34 pounds and I'm loving it....Happy Holidays everyone....Do what's best for you during the holidays.....
  17. blossoming
    Watched the Jillian Michaels show last nigt. I took some workout pointers and done them this morning.....Some days it's easier then the next....When you have a husband or boyfriend in your life doing things that distracts your positive energy...I'm still going strong....I want this to bad to give up....Down 35 lbs.:frown:
  18. blossoming
    Good morning how lovely it is..I am in such a good mood.. I went out yesterday and bought me a size 18 jeans thinking I was holding them for Sept..Tried them on last night, OMG, Let me count the waves....Not only do they fit, I have some room..I guess I am under-estimating the lap band progress...Can I say I went from a size 24 to a size 18 in 4 months.....I'm trying to keep my composure (of course I cried last night)....It's a good feeling....Even though every now and then I may stray, Like get a slice of pizza but I make sure I work it out the same day.....GOOD LUCK EVERYONE, AS I ALWAYS SAY IT'S NOT EASY BUT IT CAN GET DONE IF YOU REALLY WANT IT AND BELIVE IN IT..LIKE NOTHNG ELSE IN YOUR LIFE.
  19. blossoming
    It's offical, I'm in a size 12 but I can't close them. Don't know if that counts. I'm going to see my doc today. I need a fill asap. I'm in the Yellow Zone (meaning, I can east more than a cup of food and I can eat every 1/2 hr). I'm holding my own but for how long, don't know....
  20. blossoming
    Today I officaly lost 70 lbs and I'm happy but my band has slip and is very unconfortable and I see my surgeon on Monday. I hope I don't have to get any surgery and to top it all off my birthda is 2/28.
    I will see what he says Monday and keep it in prayer.
  21. blossoming
    Went out over the weekend for my birthday. Let me tell you, had the best time in years. Went down to the casino and played my heart out ,and went to an old club I use to hangout 15 years ago, men were such gentlemens, giving up there seats, buyiing me drinks and food (of course I turned it down), I had my own pinacaolida (I Hope that's how you spell it), and was feeling was feeeling no pain.
    I felt so alive and sexy and ladies, ladies let me tell you.....When I walked in I lie to you not men, were talking to there females and stop and starred and smiled at me. Oh, it felt good, I can imagine what it's going to be like when I get down to my size 8. I'm definately encouraged. Today is officaly my birthday and I feel the same as I did years ago. But I am going to start my day with a workout plan. GOOD LUCK...CONTINUE TO THE HARD FIGHT. WE ALL CAN DO IT.
  22. blossoming
    I've decided to speak with someone regarding food addiction. Even though I am banded I notice something about myself. I still have cravings more so psychologically. I need to get that balanced. I will be going to AA meetings because (FA-Food Addicts) goes by the AA book. I have to get a better hold and control of my mental state. Sometimes it could be the slightest emotion than I wanna eat something for whatever reason. I'll keep you posted.
    But on a brighter note: I was at the gym today and ladies imagine this 6'3, 245 solid. chocolate (R.Kelly look-a-like). and today he tells me his name. Ladies what to do. Will keep you posted. That definately brightened my day.

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