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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KathyM

  1. KathyM


    It's weird how different bodies do with weight loss. I read some people who have not had any problems with sagging skin and then others who do. My boobs already have ADD when I am laying down they are all looking in different directions lol. I am hoping to not have a horrific stomach flap hanging down when I am done and try to think that having "the girls" lifted or a tummy tuck as my reward for getting healthy again.....we will see if I will be able to afford it.
  2. I bought a book called Before @ After, Living and Eating Well After Wight-Loss Surgery by Susan Maria Leach. I found it on the Bariatric Eating website. She had the RNY procedure (gastric bypass) and writes about her journey. In it she talks about the pain in the left side after surgery and what she writes is that "it is through the openings on the left side that most of the laparoscopic action takes place. These are the holes that the larger instruments are manipulated through, so there is more injury to your tissue in this area. It is normal for these sites to cause some discomfort for a few weeks." I know that doesn't do anything to take the discomfort away, but it helps to understand why you have the pain and that it is transitional. BTW - The book is really good, even though she has the bypass instead of the sleeve, the feelings of dealing with food, fears and body changes are the same and it was interesting to read hers. Kathy
  3. KathyM

    OK, I'm scared

    haha Globetrotter that is funny. I am alone as well, my boys are home from college this summer and they are already complaining that I don't keep any food in the house - Wait until the first time they come home after school starts again! :w00t:
  4. ok, I was chatting with Oregondaisy last night about trying to find a Protein supplement that I could stand. I did find a Liquid Protein at GNC and she pointed out to me that I needed to make sure the supplements had whey protein in them and not some other kind of protein. I don't know if this is any good or not, but this is what I found...... Healthy Shot Double Protein 2.5 oz Peach flavor Protein - 24g Calories - 100 Total fat - 0g Carbs - 1g It does contain Water, hydrolyzed whey protein and hydrolyzed collagen, amino acids, citric acid, vit c, flavoring among other things. Is this good or bad? I know the whey protein is what I am supposed to be looking for, but what is bad about the collagen? I am confused. Would appreciate any input - not opinions please, I need facts. It's confusing enough to sort out without having to figure out if the person who is writing it knows what they are talking about or not. Thanks
  5. Hang in there sista! It's gotta get better, just think where you will be in a very short time!!!! Kathy
  6. KathyM

    What's up my sleeve?

    Want - I am getting sleeved by Dr Almanza July 15th - cant wait!!!! I would love to hear all about your experience when you get back!! Kathy
  7. Brooklyn - Welcome to the site! Glad you are here. I am going to be sleeved on the 15th of July and it have found a wealth of information on this site. I had similar concerns about eating after the surgery. I actually started a thread under the food & Nutrition category that is titled "Will I ever eat a normal meal again?" Go read that thread, there are lots of replies from people who helped put me at ease. I have also found with myself, that when I start getting these nagging little fears like what will I eat, and what if the Protein shakes are yucky, things like that - I have to force myself to take a deep breath and then ask myself if it would really not be worth it to have a healthy body with out all the aches and pains and health problems because I was worried about what I would eat. I don't know, but it seems to help me keep things in perspective that way. I genuinely believe that for me.......and also for you..... this surgery will change your life and you will never look back. Best of luck! Kathy
  8. KathyM

    July Surgeries

    Yaaaay Mike! Welcome to our journey!!!!!!
  9. KathyM

    Will I ever eat a reular meal again?

    Thanks for all the input - funny how in the time leading up to your surgery you are an emotional yo-yo......excited, scared, happy, worried, hopeful, obsessing...but never doubting. I love reading all the posts and seeing the pics from everyone, it is so inspiring. Christy thanks, I am going to check out your "stuff." lol Kathy
  10. KathyM

    July Surgeries

    m.jeancha- I know what you mean about the Protein shakes, I have never been a fan of slim-fast or cambridge or any of those diet shakes, I think it is a texture thing for me. I also know how necessary it is to get that protein in, so I am going to have to figure out some way to make it work. I was in Bed, Bath and Beyond one day and was looking at the Magic Bullet. It is a small blender that looks like it would do a good job of whipping up these shakes, plus the container you blend it in has a handle on it and you can just unscrew it from the base and drink out of that, I think I am going to buy one and experiment a little with the shakes before my surgery
  11. KathyM

    July Surgeries

    Amy - I work at the hospital in Newton - almost considered doing some PRN work at Salina. I am so happy to find someone so close! There is another girl I met on here from Emporia. I think it is great that you and your hubby can do this together, that should make it so much easier. I have only told a few of my friends that I am doing this because everyone is as you said so opinionated, and I really don't want to put up with the freaking out about going to Mexico thing. I have thought about this long and hard, and I know that this is right for me. If my insurance would pay for it, I would have it done in the states, but it won't. I want to be healthy again, and I want my life back and I am going to do this. At this point, I have to surround myself with positive people, not people who will create doubt or panic. I am going to go to Dr. Almanza in Tijuana - I have scoured this forum and have read good and bad things about people's experiences with him. I have met my patient coordinator and I am pleased with her, she answers all my questions and has been great. I am a nurse and I am not stupid, I know that there are risks with every surgery. I also know the risks of long term obesity and am beginning to suffer some of those already. I am trying to prepare myself, will keep my eyes open, be an advocate for myself, ask questions, whatever it takes. It is really hard to sort out the people who are just wanting something to badmouth and those who have something real to say. I have found people who have used him, and have private messaged them to find out what their experiences were like and it hasn't made me change my mind. OK, lol off my soapbox now. We should try to find a time to meet before our surgeries - it would be great to have someone close by to bounce things off of as we go through all of the upcoming changes in our lives. If you are interested in meeting, send me a message telling me how to get ahold of you and we will work it out. If this rain doesn't stop, I might have to come by boat lol, but I would love to come up and meet you both.
  12. KathyM

    July Surgeries

    Hi Amy and Sunshine! Glad you are here. Ally - I just looked at your ticker - 17 days!!!!! Wow you must be going crazy by now lol Amy - we only live about an hour away from each other - would love to meet you some time. Is your husband going along with you for support, or is he getting sleeved as well? Kathy
  13. I ran across this in another thread so I went to look at it - gives you ideas & tips for all phases of postop eating, plus things you can order. I really liked it and hope some find it helpful. www.bariatriceating.com Kathy
  14. I really liked the sample pages they had for suggestions for the different stages of eating - clear liquids, full liquids, soft foods etc. They also advertised a book on there about eating after weightloss surgery. I went on Amazon.com and ordered it, I will post if it is any good when I get it.
  15. KathyM

    Will I ever eat a reular meal again?

    Thanks everyone - you are all so supportive and full of good advice. And Seaview I know just what you mean about not having any energy. I feel like such a slug - drag myself home from work and its all I can do to stay awake till bedtime. I have a friend who had good results with the lapband and she says that she was amazed at how much energy she had when the weight started coming off - I am really looking forward to that. I don't know if this is true or not, but I was talking with a nurse practitioner about obesity one time and she told me that for every 1 pound of weight you lose, it takes 4 pounds of pressure off your body - so if you lose 50lbs, that takes 200lbs of stress off your body - if it is true, no wonder everyone feels so tired all the time when they are overweight.
  16. KathyM

    my last day of being PRE-OP!

    Globetrotter I am so excited for you and can't wait to hear all about your experience!!
  17. KathyM

    Will I ever eat a reular meal again?

    Thanks Jane and Tiffykins - that helps alot. Now.....can either one of you speed up time so July 15th can hurry up and get here?? :scared0: This waiting is killing me!!! I so hope I can be a disciplined as you have - I am so ready to get my life back!!!!!
  18. ok i feel silly now, is this not the place to ask that question?
  19. KathyM

    Will I ever eat a reular meal again?

    Have you drank any alcohol since your surgery?
  20. KathyM

    Will I ever eat a reular meal again?

    Thanks Tiffy, that does help. I am so looking forward to not being so food obsessed. In the beginning when you weren't still doing liquids, did you ever feel shaky or were you just not hungry at all?
  21. Has anyone used Dr. Almanzo Reyes in Mexico? I am scheduled to be sleeved with him on July 15th. Thanks Kathy
  22. KathyM

    What are you looking forward to?

    I am so taking a vow to make absolutely sure that when I do lose this weight, I will NEVER treat an overweight person the way I have been treated. It hurts waaaaay too much.
  23. KathyM

    July Surgeries

    Welcome July Bride! What an exciting time you have ahead of you!!!! I'm glad you are here!
  24. KathyM

    July Surgeries

    I just looked at the bariatriceating.com website. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! I bookmarked it as a favorite as I know I will be going there alot for ideas.
  25. KathyM

    What are you looking forward to?

    I am going to burn all of my "granny panties" and only wear sexy undergarments hehe. Ok, i might keep one pair of granny panties just to see if I can pull them up over my head when I reach goal - and then I will burn them!:001_tt2:

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