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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by zeniada

  1. doing my pre-op diet of low carb/high protein and i have not lost any weight!!! i know that the pre-op is to shrink the liver but still i have been reading of others who are doing the same diet as me and have lost weight. Is there something wrong with me??? will this happen when i have the band as well and am following the correct diet? Why does it seem like i am destined to be fat the rest of my life.....
  2. Hello all who are getting banded on Aug 26th... i hope we can all come here to lend support and encouragement i know i will be needing it especially going through the pre-op diet hope to talk to more 26'ers soon...
  3. I have been feeling this way for a week or so now and i know its all because i'm focusing on the negative. another member told me: "people who are happy do not keep posting. How many times can they start a thread saying the band is wonderful, it's the best thing I have ever done etc etc. You would soon get bored. Most people that are banded and successful do not spend time on these groups. they go off and happilly live their lives. So you have to remember that you will see what seems like a high proportion of problems." and that's how i look at it....
  4. zeniada

    Normal to be nervous??

    My Band Date is the 26th as well and yes i am getting nervous... but mainly nervous if the band will really help me lose weight.. Good Luck!
  5. zeniada

    Maintaining BMI Presurgery

    Wow that is kinda harsh don't you think??? i was just answering off of my experiance the profanity was not nessary.
  6. zeniada

    August People

    WOW GOOD JOB...keep up the good work!
  7. Hello everyone... i just need to vent a little...I am a slave to the scale....and i haven't even been banded yet! i have started my pre-op diet and was expecting this miraculous weight loss (even though the diet is to shrink my liver not lose weight) and i am so bummed out that i don't see the scale moving. It is making me second guess getting surgery cuz if i cant lose wight on my own how will i be able to with the band..some one please tell me that weight loss is possible with the band (even though i know it is i have read and seen results from others) i guess i just need encouragement Thanks, Zen
  8. zeniada

    Cant walk away....

    Good luck tomorrow i cant wait till my surgery date!!
  9. Come to think of it i could drink more water then i do....and your right i shouldnt compare myself to others force of habit i suppose.
  10. Hello Sooz thanks for the beautiful comment by your granddaughter that really brightend my day :}

  11. not banded yet but my docs plan is 30 days post op then i can start real food again :cursing: that's a long time....
  12. zeniada

    Bandsters with Blackberry!!

    OK I gotta ask what's the deal with the Blackberry and the whole pin thingy??? i got an iphone so i dont know what your all talking about he he...
  13. Lets see if i can answer all those questions...I am following an atkins diet but am incorporating protein shakes into it to prevent leg cramps and hunger pangs. I only weigh myself 1 time per week or i would go crazy and i have been on this diet for 14 days now... i dont mind not losing i just hope that my liver is shrinking and that after band i will see a loss.
  14. I am self pay and will be going to Mexico to get my band done since my Insurance doesnt cover the Lap Band...my PCP referred me to a surgeon that does RNY and my insurance will cover but i DONT want the RNY that's why i am going to Mexico... My question is should i tell my PCP? since the surgery is not even covered under my insurance? do you think it will cause problems with it in the future? i know that what ever i get done that is not covered by my insurance, wont be covered if there are problems... I really want/need this surgery i am too over weight to continue like this but don't want to jeopardize my insurance coverage.. I know a lot of you will say "call your Ins" but i was just wondering if anyone has gone through this before i do...
  15. I am an avid believer that you can never be over informed but i am sad to say that when it comes to the topic of the Lab Band i am sadly mistaken. I have been "educating" myself with all the pros/cons of the lap band and and actually starting to scare myself out of this surgery. I really need to lose weight but when i read things like how people have the band for 18 mos and dont lose anything it makes me think could i be that person come next year. Maybe i am "over educating" myself on the negative aspects? It is wonderful to read about the people who have lost 100+ lbs but it seems that there is more horror stories then good ones. Should i just stop reading these posts, cover my eyes and just get the lap band?? What do you vets think?? Thanks Zen
  16. zeniada

    Banded Aug 11, 2010

    i say flow with it..just make sure your getting your fluids in so you dont dehydrate...
  17. this is day 13 for me of pre-op diet and have not lost a thing :{ well the purpose is not to lose so much as to shrink the liver i hope it is shrinking.... little bummed that i havent lost i am following my low carb/high protein diet but i guess my body just doesnt wanna give up so easy, hope it's not like this when i have my band...
  18. I'm going to Mexico on Aug 26th and no i'm not nervous about it either. I did a lot of research on my Doctor and the hospital that I'll be at i am nervous about the surgery in general but not about going to Mexico. I mean what makes Mexico much different then any other forgein county?? i dont hear bad things about Austrailia or where ever other people have got their surgeries done so what ever i'm going to Mexico and am gonna do just fine...
  19. that's not very supportive of him he could have at least ate it at Carl's Jr or some where away from you...My husband has been very supportive and doesnt bring food like that home so i wont be tempted to cheat if he does go to CJ's he gets me a low carb burger at least he he.
  20. zeniada

    Maintaining BMI Presurgery

    Not to be a downer but if your INS requires a BMI of 40+ and you drop down, then more and likely you will be disqualified for the surgery, but dont let that get you down my ins doesnt even cover the lap band and i have to pay out of pocket for it...Good luck
  21. zeniada

    Freaking out

    LUV LUV LUV Isopure...strawberries and cream, cookies and cream are delish i have the chocolate and unflavored on order...But i havent lost any weight the past 12 days that's ok just hope my liver is shrinking.
  22. Where did you get the bracelet if i may ask i never heard of that either good idea...
  23. On day 11 of my pre op diet and i feel like ka ka warmed over!!! grouchy, crabby, wanna eat everything is sight! i thought it was supposed to get better after day 5... well it did but today and yesterday are crappy. is this normal???
  24. i plan on wearing a cotton dress also and if i can no bra cuz all of mine are underwire, flip flops cuz really do i wanna bend down to tie shoes i dont think so...
  25. zeniada

    Eating like a horse

    Hey "off2mexico" are you going to mexico for your surgery? i am... i'm so excited! Aug 26th cant come soon enough for me!

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