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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by weso631

  1. You can't tell in the pic, but this is a bit swollen. It was more swollen yesterday. You can see the small incision is bruised which is probably normal. The port site looks inflamed, don't you think? I've been running a low grade fever (99.7 - 101.7) ever since being in the hospital. I am now 8 days post-op. Do you think this is infected?
  2. Amber- Good Luck! Sorry to hear that you have had MRSA so many times. This is a first for me, so it has me scared to death...especially since I have a 2 & 3 yr old at home. My Dr. really didn't give me any information on it, so I've been researching it on my own. From what I gather, it looks like once you get it...you will most likely get it again sometime in the future. Hopefully when you have your surgery, they will give you a private room for your recovery. While I was in recovery I had to share a room with a young man who had a ruptured ulcer...I can't help but wonder if the nurses were not using sanitary precautions when checking on him & then me. Stephanie- I hope yours clears up & you're 100% in no time. Mine started as a seroma. They never did drain it. They said that if they opened it, the port could come out. I honestly feel like this has led to the majority of the problems. At one point, I had tissue start coming through the incision. They called it granulation tissue. They cut it off in the office. About a week later the tissue started coming out again...this time they used silver nitrate to burn it off. I had a 4cc fill a few weeks ago, but still do not feel restricted. They said they will be giving me another fill tomorrow if it looks like the Bactrim is working. I have a low grade fever this morning 99.2, so I don't know if that's a sign that it is working or is not. Good luck to you both & thanks for your input. ETA: Oh, I should also mention that most of the time I've had the infection I had no fever & the drainage, which was clearish/ yellowish had no odor. So, I don't think that's always a good indication of whether it's an infection or not, because it was obviously not a sign in my case.
  3. I hope you don't mind me bumping this thread. I just wanted to give an update. It has now been 2 months & 1 day since surgery. The Cipro they gave me previously did not work. They then put me on Clindamycin for almost a month, which was also resistant. I had to insist on a blood culture because for some reason they would not do one previously. I finally just got the results back & I am positive for MRSA! Not only that, but it is a strain that is resistant to Clindamycin. They now have me on Bactrim. I am so frustrated beyond words...
  4. I read on here somewhere to try meat tenderizer in water to get un-stuck. I thought there was no way I would do that, until I ended up stuck on a piece of chicken the other night that I forgot to chew, chew, chew. I got desperate & went for the meat tenderizer & sure enough...it helped it to pass surprisingly. I now carry meat tenderizer with me everywhere I go. :thumbup:
  5. weso631

    Losing weight to fast?

    I was banded on June 2nd too. I'm down 19 lbs as of today. Sounds like it's pretty normal from all the other comments. :frown:
  6. I'm allergic to anything in the penicillin family, so they wrote me a prescription for Ciprofloxacin, generic for Cipro, to be taken twice a day for 7 days.
  7. I just got back from the 9am Dr. appt. They said it does look as if its slightly infected, so I will be starting an antibiotic today & hopefully this will take care of it. They want me to call them asap if it turns fire engine red or splotchy. I really hope it goes away quickly.
  8. Okay, thank you all for your input. It puts my mind at ease. It seems I've been a nervous wreck about everything since the surgery.
  9. There is no drainage or smell. It is warm to the touch though. I just saw the surgeon 2 days ago regarding my intense pain (which was from diaphragm pain). I told him about the fever. He said he's not too concerned unless it gets up to 102. I will be seeing him for my routine follow up tomorrow. I just didn't know how urgent an infection should be considered. You think it should be fine until tomorrow?
  10. weso631

    Stocking up post-op

    My DH has been drinking Crystal Light drink mixes. Also chicken broth & beef broth, SF popsicles, SF Jello & SF pudding as well as tomato Soup. That's about the extent of what he's had though, thus far. (8 days post op). Good Luck!! ETA: oh...can't forget the Protein! He's been drinking whey Protein mix as well as taking Vitamins, etc.
  11. I'm sorry if this has been discussed previously & I've missed it. My DH was banded 6 days ago & he is in excrutiating pain that began yesterday. It is a pain that started in his shoulder & chest & has most recently moved to his lower back. He saw the Dr. today & he said that it was referred pain from his diaphragm. He said he should take some extra strength Tylenol & ride out the pain. My husband is in tears from exhaustion, pain, & probably dehydration & I am at a loss as to what to do. He's saying that he wishes he never had this surgery. I feel so helpless. Has anyone had this & found something that helps you to relax? How long does it usually last?
  12. Well, you were right Nean, here it is...a couple days later & he's still having some pain. Not nearly as bad though, thank goodness. The gas-x didn't do anything for him & the extra strength tylenol is the only thing that has given him a measure of relief. Do you know if this will eventually go away altogether? Or, will it always come & go?
  13. Thanks, you guys are great! I just got back from Rite-Aid & picked up some of those gas-x strips. I hope it works!!
  14. Thanks for the advice! Im definitely going to try to get him up to walk a bit more. Poor guy...he's so exhausted. So is the pain from the diaphragm the same as gas? I'm really clueless when it comes to this stuff. We actually went to the ER last night because of the pain. I called the pharmacist to ask what kind of gas reliever he could take & they told me I had to talk to the Dr. I then called the Dr. who told us to go to the ER so that they could rule out blood clots, etc. All the results came back fine, thank goodness. They sent us home & told us to pick up some infant gas drops (didn't help)& make sure to follow up with his regular Dr. today.
  15. weso631

    Any June Bandsters???

    Yes Mine is tomorrow and a nervous mess. Cant think straight. Surgery is at 730 am can't wait till its over and be a new me!!!
  16. My husband just got off the phone with the Dr. They are prescribing him Levaquin to take for the next 7 days and they believe he should still be able to have the surgery! :smile2: They will check him beforehand to make sure the congestion is gone & that he doesnt have a fever. The anesthesiologist will have the final say.
  17. My husband's surgery date is 1 week from today, June 2nd. He has just developed a sinus infection. Does anyone know what happens if you're sick? Do you think the surgery will be rescheduled if he's still sick by then? Has anyone been on antibiotics during surgery?
  18. Hello everyone! My husband is about to be banded on June 2nd and he's beginning his pre-op Atkins diet tomorrow. He's extremely nervous about this whole process. I've been trying to convince him to join this forum because there is such a wealth of information & support here. I created this acct. for him in hopes that he will jump in soon. My question for all of you....as a spouse, what is the best way I can support him in this journey? Is there anything I can do to help with the transition? What would you like your spouse/ significant other to know or understand? Anything I can tell him to calm his nerves? I appreciate any advice or input you can give. :thumbup:
  19. weso631

    Support System

    That's great that you're both doing this together! I bet that helps a lot. Very good point about noticing the small accomplishments. We have a 2 & 3 yr old, so it's habit to constantly be praising them...so I just need to extend that same attitude towards my husband. :thumbup: I will let him know that there is another guy on here around his age...that may help. I've been on birth boards, etc...so I think he has it in his mind that these forums are for women. lol

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