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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KathleenZ

  1. My doc and nurses were VERY adamant about the soda thing. They went so far as to say if you aren't ready to give up soda and alcohol, don't have the surgery. You may not have the right restriction and that is why you aren't suffering the consequences right now. Consider this: You have allowed someone to cut into your body, had a foreign object inserted to help you lose weight. Either you or an insurance company paid a heck of a lot of money for this proceedure, and your surgeon and the nurses who are taking care of you are spending valuable time to help you. Why are you not following the rules? Do you REALLY want to lose weight or is this just a whim? Of course, this is your body, and you can do whatever you wish, but it took so much effort to get to this point, why throw it all away? It is a life changing event. You need to change your life. I say this to myself as well who, while I haven't had any soda since Aug of 2009, I enjoy ice cream more often than I should. You may suffer complications if you don't follow the directions. This is your life!!! This is your body!!! This is serious!!! Do your best. It's only soda...it isn't good for you, doesn't give you any nutrition, costs money you don't really need to spend, etc. The same goes for alcohol. Is soda and alcohol more important than your life? That may be a choice you need to make. Again, not judging...I have my areas that need constant attention and am always learning the hard way -- they mean it when they say don't drink after eating!!!! Best of luck to you! Get some good support people around you to help you make positive choices.
  2. If you are worried or just want to be safe, try dabbing it with white vinegar several times a day. When I had my 1st child by c-section, the nurse told me to dab my incision with white vinegar several times a day and it would heal just fine. I did and didn't have any trouble. Good luck!
  3. It's a relief to know I'm not the only one having issues. I'm feeling a better today -- not quite so angry about the whole thing and have decided to be grateful I'm not gaining weight. I bought a new book yesterday about rebooting your bodies own fat buring ability. It discusses how our bodies various organs and systems can get thrown off by how we have treated them in the past. Speaking only for myself, years of poor food choices and at times little or no exercise could not have helped! Anyway, I'm going to try and see what else is INSIDE me that needs to be fixed and how to fix it. Not more surgery, but reboot my liver, check my body chemistry to make sure my hormone levels are where they should be etc. And OKIE I would be happy to be an email support buddie! I need one too!
  4. Thanks for your encouraging words. I've been to see my surgeon numerous times...been to 3 different nutritionists over the past 2-3 years, REALLY don't want to hear the 'muscle weighs more than fat' argument. I've been fat for nearly 20 years and have tried more things than I care to recall, been to more drs, tried various pills, shots, done more 'programs': high carb, low carb, food combos, a bunch of exercise, light on the exercise, actually gained weight on weight watchers -- yes I followed the plan! All I get is 'watch what you eat and exercise.' Well DUH! Anyway, don't want to be a downer, but just get frustrated when it seems like everyone around you is doing great, and you aren't. I don't expect 10 lbs a week, but 1-2 would be spiffy. Onward and upward. No where to go but forward!
  5. Congratulations on being down 4 sizes AND your mother being shocked by your appearance! It's always good to leave your mother speechless! I remember years ago when I was weightlifting and working out alike a maniac I got down to 147 (I'm 5'10") and my mom complained I was too thin! Now, when I was over 300, she complains that I'm too fat! Of course, she was right on both occasions, but it just would be nice to be loved and accepted for who you are instead of what you look like! Especially from your family. Keep up the good work! I'm impressed by you and your dedication!
  6. I know exactly how you feel, I'm 8 months out, have 9cc's in an 11cc band (yes I'm still hungry) and have only lost about 25 lbs since the surgery. My surgeon said that the surgery is generally most successful for people in whom their appetite is decreased after surgery. I'm not one of those, yet no help was offered to diminish the appetite. Very frustrating. Yes, I'm exercising, and at times I've tried a 750-1000 diet to get things moving, no no avail. I too throw up often, but it's more because of the air trapped in the upper pouch. Once I toss my Cookies, I burp and feel better. So, in addition to diet and exercise, I'm back on the diet pill merry go round. It's the only thing that seems to get the scale moving down. I'm not gaining weight, for which I'm grateful, and I did lose weight when I was on a 500 cal a day diet, but I got woosey after about 3 days and couldn't function. Try different food combinations, less carbs, more Protein. See if that helps. I know how you feel and it's awful to know that you have gone to the extreme of having your body cut open and it still isn't helping. What to do next?

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