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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dikotomy

  1. Dikotomy

    Port Infection And Lap Band Removal

    Hi Jenn - it's been a while since I've been on these boards, but I wondered how you were doing and if you decided to have the band reinstalled. It's such a tough call, I know.
  2. Dikotomy

    Port Infection And Lap Band Removal

    Congrats on your impressive weight loss, Green Eyez! I can't say that I personally experienced any of the symptoms that you're talking about, but hopefully another member can share some insight. Everyone seems to have different quirky experiences with these darn things. My infected port was removed in July and reinstalled in October. The July removal and recovery wasn't pleasant, and I was unsure about having a new one put in after what I went through, but I finally seem to be back on track. Finally feeling restriction and the weight is coming off -- slowly, only about a pound or two per week -- but my appetite is definitely reduced. It seems like I went through hell and back to get here, but I can finally say that I can recommend this procedure, EVEN with the infection. Good luck to you!!
  3. Dikotomy

    Port Infection And Lap Band Removal

    Good luck on Friday, Jenn! I have faith that your reinstallation of the port will be a quick and uncomplicated procedure, as mine was. I felt almost normal on day two, once the anesthesia after effects had worn off, and my energy level was back on day 3! I had planned to take 5 days off work but honestly, 3 would have sufficed. After the hell I went through with the open wound, this feels like a miracle! Only bad news is that my appetite is back to normal too. Sigh. Keep us posted on your progress!
  4. Dikotomy

    Port Infection And Lap Band Removal

    Hi, Just a quick update -- after debating long and hard about what to do, and talking to my surgeon and family, I decided to have the port reinstalled. My weight was creeping upwards and I was within 10 pounds of my starting weight one year ago, so clearly I need help. I asked the surgeon about alternate WLS and he said I wasn't a candidate for gastric bypass because the band had scarred my stomach. Yesterday the new port was reinstalled and it was, to be honest, a piece of cake (no pun intended!) I went under general anesthesia but the surgery was short in duration, he said, and I was allowed to go home same day. Today I am on Roxicet but the pain is manageable and my energy level is good. I sincerely hope this turns out to have been the right decision! Thanks for your input and support, everyone. Diana
  5. Dikotomy

    Port site infection

    Hi, I just had my port removed after an infection, but mine came ONE YEAR after surgery! It was very serious and out of the blue The infection was limited to the port site, so they disconnected it from the band and left the band around my stomach (for later reattachment to the port, if I want to). I really hope yours resolves okay! Good luck!
  6. Dikotomy

    Port Infection And Lap Band Removal

    I have a similar tale of woe and am really conflicted about whether or not to abandon my lap band at this point. Three weeks ago I experienced, one year post surgery and completely out of the blue, pain at my port site. It worsened over the course of a few days, and after an initial misdiagnosis by the NP of a "muscle pull", I was run through a battery of tests at the hospital (including a CAT scan) and a major infection was revealed at the port site. Long story short, I had emergency surgery that very night, and remained in the hospital for four days on heavy doses of morphine and percocet. I was released on day 5 with an open wound, and now have a wound vac which I am told I'll have for another couple of weeks. As others have said, the recovery after this surgery is MUCH worse, pain-wise. I am restricted by this wound-vac and my energy level is still suffering, not to mention the ongoing wound pain. My surgeon was at a loss as to where this infection came from, even saying that it might have been present at the time my band was put in one year ago (!) and only now presented itself. The surgeon says I can have a new port reinserted (and attached to the band, which he left in place, partially filled) in a couple of months. This terrifies me. I might have died if this infection had gone another day or so, and no medical professional is able to tell me with any certainty how or why this infection developed. I would live in fear that it would reoccur. Plus, the band was a minimal success for me anyway. I was struggling to find proper restriction (at 10 cc in an 11 cc band when the infection happened) and had only lost about 30 pounds in the year it was in. I really don't know what to do, but am in no hurry to get the port put back in after this recent surgical bout. My body needs a rest. Any thoughts/words of wisdom? I hate to give up on this, but I'm pretty freaked out by by this latest turn of events. Thanks!
  7. Hi Everyone - I'm having trouble with the order in which I'm supposed to eat my foods. I'm four weeks post-op and am eating 3 regular meals now, with no problems. Even bread (uh-oh) is going down fine with no sticking. My dietician says my meals must be eaten in the following sequence, to ensure I stay full: 1. Protein 2. veggies 3. fruit 4. bread products (if necessary, they'd prefer you limit this) So, does that mean a sandwich is permanently off-limits? For instance, today I was in an airport and ordered the only thing that seemed diet-friendly: a grilled chicken snack wrap at McD's. I removed the chicken and ate that separately, then had some fruit, and then picked at the tortilla (which was by that point cold and not so tasty). All I really wanted to do was take a bite out of the snack-wrap, chicken & tortilla together! I hate this "dividing up" of the food into categories!! Does anyone else struggle with this? I should add my first fill isn't for a couple of weeks, and I have no restriction yet. Maybe that's the issue.... Thanks for any advice!
  8. Dikotomy

    Protein first -- always?

    Coming from such a successful group of "losers," I really appreciate your sound advice! I was starting to obsess about the order in which I ate foods, which seemed crazy to me also. So today, rebel that I am, I had some ricotta on a piece of wheat toast with blueberries on top. And you know what? It was delicious and felt a lot more "normal" to me. And since we're all aiming for sensible long-term eating, the more normal, the better. Thanks guys!!
  9. YEAH Llyra! I feel so empowered reading your comments. YOU ROCK!!
  10. Hi Missy - I only had my surgery 3 weeks ago so am not yet at that point, but a number of years ago I lost 100 pounds on my own (regained it all, of course) and remember going from a D to a B cup. I was actually delighted because I hated having large boobs, and I did have to buy all new bras (but at least they were the cute lacy type, instead of body armor LOL). My advice is to treat yourself and go to a specialty store where they can fit you, such as a Lady Grace. You'll pay more for the bras but at least you'll get one that fits and feels right. You're worth it! Good luck!
  11. Dikotomy

    Any July Bandsters??

    One cup of regular in the a.m. for me too, but I'm doing my best to wean off it. Frankly, with skim milk it just ain't the same...!
  12. Dikotomy


    So great to get out of the "20s", isn't it?! GOOD FOR YOU!! Thanks for sharing your success! :rolleyes2: (Wellfleet is awesome too!)
  13. Dikotomy

    Not Losing

    Hey, you're not alone, don't worry!! :w00t: I lost 8 pounds the first week after surgery, and then nothing during the second week. I'm 2 weeks post-op right now. Like you, I'm completely baffled...and wondering if my body is going into "starvation mode" because all I'm having is liquids and mushies (where your metabolism slows down because your body thinks you're starving to death!) Trying really hard to stay away from the scale, though, because it's messing with my mind. I think I'm going to toss it up in the attic or something and try to only weigh once a month. If you read these boards, many people have struggled with this and say that you have to focus on the long-term results. My doc says 1-2 pounds per week is the expected loss going forward, but jeez, I lost more than this when I was eating 1800 calories a day of real food!! Grrrrrr. But I feel your pain!! :rolleyes2:
  14. Dikotomy

    I am still Obese!!!!

    Before surgery my doc said a "good weight" for me would be 125 pounds. I openly laughed...the skinniest I've been since high school is 145 pounds when I was 35 y.o., and I was SO painfully thin at that weight, ribs showing, it wasn't a good look. So, as I inch toward that 145 number again, we'll see...but 125?! C'mon, doctor!
  15. Mine is on my left side, under my ribcage. But before I had surgery, the NP asked me which side I preferred! I asked if the surgeon had any preference, and she said "it depends on which side he's standing on"! I didn't care, but if you do, make sure they know which is the best side for you :bolt: Good luck!!!
  16. Dikotomy

    Any July Bandsters??

    I was banded one week ago today, and so far, so GOOD! The first 24 hours were undoubtedly the worst, as I was uncomfortable in the hospital bed and was pumped so full of IV fluids that I was peeing every 2 hours (requiring nurse assistance through the night). Couldn't wait to go home, which I did the next day. Gas: the gas pains kicked in a day after surgery, settled in my shoulders and neck for a couple of days, but are gone now. Gas-X did help. Pain: I only took the Roxicet 3 or 4 times, but the incision pain wasn't bad at all, only the large port incision. The worst pain I had to deal with was my caffeine-withdrawal headaches, which were almost migraine level with nausea. I called the doctor and they cleared me to take Excedrin or have one cup of coffee a day, which took care of that. Energy: Back to almost normal level, one week later. I've been walking the dog daily, building up to longer walks. It's really helped and I haven't needed to nap like I always did pre-surgery. I'm an afternoon napper from way back! Diet: All docs seem to be different, but I just finished one week of protein shakes, broth and jello. Today I move up to cream soups and yogurt. I had my first taste of tomato soup today at lunch and it was sublime. Seriously! Hunger: Not hungry at all for the first 3 days, then it came back with a vengeance. I just kept drinking water and having a SF popsicle if I was really suffering. No way I'm eating and wrecking this healing process. GOOD LUCK to all new bandsters, and welcome to the club!!:biggrin:
  17. Dikotomy

    Any July Bandsters??

    65 pounds is an amazing loss in so short a time!!! Good for you!!! (and I think a small reward is in order, most definitely!) :cool::thumbup:
  18. Dikotomy

    Any July Bandsters??

    How nice to wake up this morning 2 days post-op and start to feel more "normal"! I took the dog for a short walk, and was able to get down a few more oz. of the protein shakes. Funny how on my pre-op diet I devoured these things like they were the most delicious liquids on earth, now I can barely get them down! Okay, question for all you coffee addicts: Anyone had to deal with caffeine withdrawal headaches? How have you managed? I'm taking Roxicet for the incision pain but even that isn't conquering my caffeine headache. YIKES! I'm on clear liquids and that doesn't include coffee or tea, they say. Any suggestions? :cool: I should have fully tapered off caffeine in the weeks prior to surgery, and I did cut back to 1 cup a day, but I guess that wasn't enough. Thanks, and happy weekend all!
  19. Dikotomy

    Any July Bandsters??

    LOL you're so right. Force of habit, I guess :cool:
  20. Dikotomy

    Any July Bandsters??

    Hi Tigermom, So glad to hear it gets better soon! I had my surgery yesterday and got home this afternoon. Still feeling pretty lousy...weak and shaky, hungry (?!), bad caffeine-withdrawal. The incision pain isn't too bad, luckily. You're fortunate your doctor lets you eat soft foods so soon; I'm on clear liquids for another 6 days. I weighed myself first thing when getting home and, surprise, have gained 10 pounds in one day!! But I checked online and apparently it's the IV fluids they pumped me full of 24/7. Did the same happen to any other bandsters? I know this was the right thing -- it was the ONLY thing I could do -- but I'm feeling kind of sorry for myself right now. I guess that'll pass though, huh? :wink2: Can't wait for this post-op phase to pass so I can get on with my life again! Good luck to us both as we begin this journey!:cool:
  21. Dikotomy

    Tomorrow is the BIG day!!!

    YAY!! Good luck to you, Nancy! I'm from MA also and having my surgery on Thursday of this week at Lahey. I hope I'm as excited as you in a couple of days, but my nerves are getting the better of me right now! Keep us posted :thumbup:
  22. Dikotomy

    Any July Bandsters??

    My surgery date is now a little more than two weeks away (July 15!!) and I haven't been told to start a pre-op liquid diet yet. I have an appt. with the doctor's office on July 1, so I'm wondering if that's when they'll tell me to start it. For you folks with upcoming surgeries in the next couple of weeks, can you tell me: 1. Were you told you HAD to be on a pre-op liquid diet? 2. What does the diet consist of? HMR? protein shakes? I'm confused Thanks, guys!
  23. Dikotomy

    Any July Bandsters??

    Hey, all you July bandsters out there....I'm scheduled for surgery on July 15 and have some vacation "issues". 10 days BEFORE surgery, I will be away at the beach with my kids for a week, and 2 weeks AFTER surgery I am flying down to NC to spend a week with the rest of my family. I am already worrying about what I can/can't eat during this time. Also if flying so soon after surgery is a good idea. Anyone have any thoughts/suggestions? Thanks all
  24. Hi Lisa, that's my surgery date also! I found out one week ago that I've been approved by insurance. On Monday I meet with the surgeon and I have lost the 12 pounds they required (actually a little more) but now I'm freaking out about not being able to eat my favorite things ever again, so I've been stuffing my face with chocolate etc. these past few days. Great, huh?

  25. Happy to meet you, Lisa! we have a lot in common (besides our BMI :) ) where are you in the process?

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