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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by armygirl

  1. wow you look so nice miss. witch wish was like that. ive lost 69 pounds all ready. ive walking on my tread mill for 30 mins ever evening. ihope hear from ya soon

  2. good job miss. name is mindy. ive had lost 70 pounds and iam finally down to 399 iam so happy for my self and i was like wow am finally out the damn 401 now. ya for me. you have done great. job. take,care hope hear from ya. if you have face book u can addme under lady_bug_29_2005@yahoo.com hope hear from ya soon.

  3. wow youlook so nice.miss. i hope will get ther e someday. ive los 69 pound s and it has been year for me on may 22/09. iam doinggood. i hope hear from ya.

  4. hello nameis mindy ive have lost 70 pounds all ready at 399. ive had my sugery on 5/22/09/ i am so glad ive have it. hope hear from ya soon.

  5. i like your dogs and cat thay are all cute. and very neat and cute as ever. ive got three girls dogs and hamster and pet rat.

  6. wow you look so great my frined.

  7. hello miss. can you tell me how ican upload pic tures of me on my profiel ive beentrying fingure it out i cant. it makes me mad. cause want to put up pictures o f me. i hope hear from ya soon.,

  8. hello kim. ive had the lapband sugery on may 22/09 ive done so well and it has been year for me and iam much smaller then before. i dint think could do this but i did. and ive lost 69 pounds i hadmy sugery at norton hospital in kentucky. i hope you do this. i just with that ive would done this sooner cause iam feeling somuch batter. now i walk on my tread mill ever eveing for 35 mins . that is great for me, !well good luck wish ya the best of luck. dont let any one tell you can t do it cause you can. just like the rest of of us!! i hope hear from ya soon. nice day godbless ya

  9. wow you look so great on you r weight lose ! congrats.

  10. well think you are very pretty young lady. i had the lapband ive lost 69 pounds and still trying lose more. i have pic s of me when i was hevey and thay make me sick iknow how you feel hon. i hope we can be friends. if you ever need someone talk to holla at me i,ll aswer ya soon. ! it has been year for me on may 22 /09 ! i walk 30 mins ever evening on my tread mill.

  11. thanks for what you said about me. i hope hear from you soon. husband was in the army but he got out last year and but iam army sister thou my brother is in >iraq he will be home soon. i can t wait see him and his wife and kids.. look at my new pic ture i just put up other day. take,care write back soon. my frined. i hope you will add me on face book.com huge for both of us.

  12. wow you look so nice . great job. i hope we can be friends . do you have face book. you can add me if you like, miss under lady_bug_29_2005@yahoo.com

  13. you look so nice miss. nam e is mindy ive have lost 70 pounds all ready and iam down to 399 . i just fianlly got out the 401 i was so excited that i got out that number . ya, i hope hear from ya soon. if you have face book.com you can addme as frined there under lady_bug_29_2005@yahoo.com

  14. wow you very nice miss. nameis mindy ive had my lapband sugery on may 22 /09 it has been year for me and ive lost 70 pounds all ready and iam down to 399 now and finally out the 401 i was excited about leaving the number ya. if you need any thing just hollat me i,ll help you threw stuff. if you have face book.com you can addme under lady_bug_29_2005@yahoo.com

  15. name is mindy just had the lapband sugery on may22. it will be year thismay 22 .sometime get frustrated casue dint lose or gain. ression ive have never had my fill was becasue in dec ive lost 70 . may doc said why fill it when she doing good. then when came back from my vaction i was at stand still. that made me so mad i cryied becaue dint want it filled at all. .i still feel amdoing great cause i eat alot batter then be fore. i hope hear from ya soon. please write me back soon. thanks.,

  16. wow you look so great and very pretty. ive had themay22/09! it has been year for me and ive have lost 69 pounds. do you have any extra adivse ya can gave me to help . if so write back soon.! i hope hea from ya soon.

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